Who is the best GF, Holla Forums ?

who is the best GF, Holla Forums ?


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Too smart to be with a progressive
Too straight to be with an alt right
Too free to be with a conservative
Too lazy to be with a communist
Too poor to be with a libertarian

Right in the mood to become the sexual slave of a sexy sadistic egoist bitch~.



Alt right is actually the most heterosexual and egoism the most homosexual. As the ancient Romans already knew, it's only gay if you're the bottom bitch.

excellent thread comrade


Yui best girl

lost it

you're just mad there's no organic centralist domme option.

Egoist gf.

So, like this pretty much?

i couldnt tell if i wanted to give alt right fake cat ears to emphasize that its a male, or just make them a real faggot cat

i also couldnt think of what to do about commies ears so she gets a fancy tail too

Fuck Fash cuck.

you just made all of them perfect smh

Egoist easily, I can't pass up femdom

my nigga

So hard to find a girl with my religious and political beliefs.
I don't even understand why most Christians are right wing consider our religion is based on some working class hippie who fed everyone and trashed a marketplace.

most christians i know are pretty liberal, the extreme christians are right wing, but most of the regular ones are liberals

Femdom is the future get used to it

this tbh

everyone who is not into femdom is a cuck

Is Chairman Yang the ultimate GF?

Less that all Christians are right wing and more that commie Christians are rare.