How did these people come to this conclusion?
Race mixing is communism!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
literally everything they don't like is communism.
Jewish communists with help from the USSR backed the civil rights and desegregation movements. Incontrovertible fact.
Jewish communists to this day encourage irrelevant shiting (except for the chosenites in Israel).
Haven't you read the Manifesto?
And the entire second half of Lenin's State and Revolution is all about why mulattos objectively make the best vanguards for proletarian revolution.
Segregation/Jim Criw was the ultimate "whataboutism" for the soviet union and a serious problem for the USA's diplomatic efforts to fight communism in the global south. It was not remotely in the USSR's interests for the USA to desegregate.
also lol at Venja Garnizón labeling porky in the corner that as capitalism in case people didn't figure it out
I am pretty sure the pics are fake….
I'm pretty sure anyone looking to fake picks wouldn't go with something that dumb because it'd be TOO unbelievable.
Is porky the modern word, for goy? The non-jews aka the cattle?
porky is a meme capitalist from this one russian propoganda poster. It has literally nothing to do with zionism conspiracies
going with Holla Forums logic, communism means 'forcing everyone to be equal xd', it's why they like to make allegories about how communism means amputating the legs of tall people. By that retarded logic, white people and brown people sticking their peepees in eachother and making light brown people is communism because eventually everyone will be light brown.
It's completely retarded ofcourse, but that's how the mind of a Holla Forumsack works
Pretty sure they're real. Common sentiment among the most retarded reactionaries here in Alabama.
especially when its obvious that, given the demographic numbers, irrelevant shiting would eliminate the non whites, not the whites.
Holla Forumsacks should be in favour of it, not against it if they wanted an all-white country.
or is this the fake???
Pretty sure bi-sexuality is gomunist tho
They're real. They were taken in Arkansas during a 1959 protest opposing school integration.
Do i get a reward?
Your entire argument is based off of
All those points could be used for Asian countries not allowing irrelevant shiting or any country if you remove Autism Level. I find your assumption offensive.
makes you think
Wait there is a filter for I Q?
Israel's relationship with Russia deteriorated over time as powerful rich Jews abandoned ship and started claiming anti Semitism. They didn't like Stalin and resented their golems for turning on them and for being consistent with their ideology.
Rightists still wonder why they are kissless virgins.
Because communist Russia directly promoted irrelevant shiting?
This is a fact tho, long before Communism even existed, Russia has over 100 races and cultures.
You ever think that just maybe the Soviet Union exploited American racism to appear "civil" on the international stage?
It works as a rather effect get out of jail free card when questioned on soviet atrocities
Because the American Communist movement strongly supported racial equality and viewed southern blacks as a potentially revolutionary force.
It really makes you think, doesn't it?
Yes, there is a filter to make fun of people who try to use intelligence scores as an excuse to not have to form political opinions. Also, we are not liberals, faggot.
Must be sad to be you.
IQ exists, it's just built on a house of cards.
You can be literally brain damaged and score high in Autism Level.
t. Psychology Major
I do believe in I Q and g factor. What I don't believe is that it's some kind of magic number that indicates one's right to exist.
Good that means the test is good at testing a very specific function of the brain.
Opinion disregarded.
When does it get good?
Read about the Doctors' plot famalamalam
That entire article claiming Stalin was an anti Semite uses his anti Zionist stance as proof.