I personally don't agree with lots of her statements but I think her leadership is the best thing which could happen to the party. On the one hand because her tactic might collect some voters on the right, but more importantly: She makes Die Linke a no-go for SJWs and the ideology is slowly soaking to Germany atm. (The process is driven by the transatlantic-bridge infiltrated media) Instead SJWs are atm mass-joining (triggered by Trump) into the Green Party which is already neoliberal since the late 90s. Plus the Greens are atm falling bottomless in the polls.
William Adams
So jacobin is an anti german zionist pro interventionist shill tab? The only difference between that and nazis is the reverse race favoring.
However, Wagenknecht is a disgusting socdem. Fuck her (non-sexually).
Jace Gutierrez
Instead SJWs are atm mass-joining (triggered by Trump) into the Green Party
Thanks for reminding me to read that wooswoos article about her Holla Forums dropped here too.
Austin Rogers
read the fucking article you illiterate cunt
Angel Evans
Give me a tl;dr and i'll consider looking into it, don't feel like reading neolib propaganda when i could be shitposting instead.
Julian Rodriguez
Wagenknecht is demsoc and former Stalin tankie. Also: I don't read Jakobin regularly but the article was quite okay.
pls link the article.
Cooper Davis
Charismatic, hard-hitting in debates - debunking neolib dogma is something she does with ease. Past the old guard, she's the most charismatic leading figure of the entire German left at the federal level and maybe even of German politics in general because most major politicians here are either dry-and-bitter manager types (sup Schäuble) or mild-mannered, schmoozing, boring politically correct drones barely differentiated by their pet issues (muh car exports, muh Bavaria, muh Organic Tofu, muh Autobahn toll) who always end up supporting the same neolib agenda. Also, as OP said, she really spooks the idpol/faux-left crowd into ruining the other """left""" parties.
So yeah, as far as parliamentary democracy and parties go, she's good.
Ryder Myers
Maybe it's her plan to destroy Greens with SJWs. :D
Benjamin Hughes
Wagenknecht is an undercover tankie. She joined the Communist Party (SED) even as East Germany was collapsing.
Leo Bailey
Not so much a plan as a way to survive the ideological onslaught, and it's not an easy matter. Die Linke has several feminist/queer subgroups (which is fine), but the pictures I've seen of them show a lot of dyed flashy hair, which isn't a good sign.
In a tangentially-related matter, the German Greens are pretty much dying by themselves, SJWs or not. Most of their leadership are greenwashing neolibs and their idealists pander to a fast-shrinking upper middle class.
Ryder Williams
I was kidding. So you really think she fears bourgeois-degeneration of the party and isn't just fishing for AfD voters?
Bentley Wilson
Robert Perry
Speaking outside the allowed politically-correct discourse is not necessarily pandering to the AfD types, as there are more than two sides to any issue. There is for instance a valid left-wing critique of immigration. And yes, I'd be worried about the idpol diversion/fragmentation attempts if I were in Die Linke.
Sebastian Wright
Is that a lookalike or was Petry actually a Linke who suddenly went MUH DEUTSCHLAND?
Evan Wilson
She's the least retarded German, and btfos idpol trash
Joseph Martinez
The average AfD voter is a lolberg with patriotic characteristics.
The electoral base of the AfD which is economically left (the KenFM crowd) is a minority.
Henry Morales
Interesting that an article about Wagenknecht's alleged appeal to xenophobic rhetoric doesn't have a single quote by her. It's also interesting that the article doesn't tell anything about Wagenknecht's shift in economic arguments (muh small business, referring positively to liberal economists, though the conclusions are a bit different), which isn't new at all, but happened years ago.
>In a specifically German configuration, right-wing populism has successfully exploited not only economic fears in the wake of globalization but also the long-standing European distrust of American imperialism. This potent combination creates a narrative in which the fight against those “up there” — the capitalists, politicians, European Union bureaucrats, and American hawks — transforms into hatred for and violence against the most vulnerable groups available: refugees and immigrants. AfD isn't anti-NATO at all. The only parties with an anti-NATO stance are Die Linke and small socialist and communist groups like the MLPD. The author suggests here that being against NATO means you beat up refugees. WTF
And the people who are against this shitty treatment of immigrants are supposed to be the racist populists. Interesting, no? This shows that being for immigration and helping the immigrants that are already here are two different questions.
When I read the rest I was surprised the article actually was not a silly anti-German piece and got much better.