What percentage of Holla Forums on both websites are no-gf nazis?
What percentage of Holla Forums on both websites are no-gf nazis?
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Probably like 70%
What percentage of Holla Forums are no-gf gommies?
1 reporting
You misunderstand.
No-gf nazis become nazis and want to genocide all nonwhites because they feel that SJW's and shitskins are preventing them from having a gf.
The better question is, what percentage of *channers are nogf. That is one of the honestly few things that unite us on an unconscious level.
Communism can provide a gf; not, of course, that stupid way through mandated access to women, but through a dialectical process of building a society that enables finding a gf individually.
Poland, a country that was ravaged by revisionist Stalinist Communism AND Capitalism, has large swathes of the population that have rejected the idea that the accumulation of material possessions is the be-all end-all in gaining happiness; they enjoy their culture and religion and history and mutual company and the West can mostly fuck itself with its problems, besides the youth going out to Western Europe to work. They are doing their own things and can live within their means, and where companies will not invest, cooperatives and communes are forming to fill in the void, especially in the poorer areas of the country.
The point is to impart the things that Holla Forums is afraid of piecemeal and carefully avoiding the things that trigger them. They have to come around to realizing the idea that they are in the same boat as the people they claim to hate and that they need to work together to stop their exploitation and realize that they have been the unwitting pawns of capital while fighting against muh niggers and muh refugees, etc, which if they took the time to properly analyze, only serve to hurt themselves and profit capital; since they are only perpetuating the conflict.
Going back to tfwnogf, we and they need to come together, but first they need to shed their ideology and learn to critique it, or else they are only fooling themselves; this means they must learn to self-critique. This means banning retards that shit up boards but honestly engaging people who ask to be "redpilled." That's all, person by person. Their redpilling by us will enable them to engage in honest self-critique and will enable to finally get gfs.
Providing a real critical benefit in the affective sense is as far as we can provide right now. Quality posting is the only thing that can help us, and real "help with gf"-posting could seriously help. that, plus IRL projects and mutual aid among ourselves on this board. That is what is truly attractive about a community; haters will attack us, but the honest ones will finally be tired of the shitting there in Holla Forums and come here for a different perspective. They will stay once they see the quality that they have lacked in Holla Forums.
I've been on imageboards since 2009 and had gfs and random hookups before. I wouldn't call myself an oldfag, but I feel like I'm wholly within the culture. I'm probably an outlier both for people here and normalfags in general because I don't like sex and generally don't find fulfillment in relationships. I'm happiest working to overcome my own shortcomings and just masturbate to porn to keep my mind focused on important shit.
30% edgy rich frat kids
10% hicks
Hick should not be in a leftists vocabulary. Instead use the term "spooked worker" or "classcuck"
Spooked worker would be a better term for it then.
this is probably the best answer to those threads asking how do you show r9k types the light.
You have been fooled.
(insert HWNDU pictures here)
I mean, they're certainly not the majority, but I've met a couple of frat kid type Holla Forumsyps before
Since when is "hick" synonymous with spooked worker. It's like leftists talking shit about rednecks as if rednecks don't have among the most revolutionary potential in the country.
I definitely think Holla Forums is seeing an increase of edgy frat dudes cuz of Trump.
Nothing says frat like casual racism
Hick implies that all southern white's are subhumans
Spooked worker, implies that they have revolutionary potential but are immensely classcucked and need a de-spooking operation.
Frats aren't even really racist, they're bourgeois children who enjoy acting "manly" and being edgy as possible and probably think rape should be legalized.
Vast majority, assuming we are talking about the kind that endorses white supremacy. I was a Holla Forumsack before I turned leftist and I would say in total I knew up to 50 Holla Forumsacks. Vast majority of them was white, male and in their early 20s or late teens and incredibly sexually frustrated.
not all of them, but quite a few of them are in that grey area between "fucking nigs" and "homeless black people do hilarious shit for money"
Why not call Muslims spooked workers too lmao
so have I. That does not mean that people will even know how to talk to women without making them uncomfortable or going reeeee. The point is to both socialize /r9k/ and rehabilitate them psychologically and socially. Once they engage in enough self-critique and realize that their clinging to a toxic ideology is what is blocks them from having a healthy relationship, they will learn to change and stick around here and learn better ideas for living.
Yeah no masturbation fucks me up. I discovered what Lacan talks about surplus-jouissance, and how it destroys the ability for a person to enjoy his work because of how it destroys the drive to escape the Other. To the point that I cannot move out of my house away from my parents, I am constantly stuck masturbating or on porn and getting distracted from building my programming portfolio. Shit sucks, I need to leave somehow.
Dont worry, corbyn will fix it
The frogposting assholes aren't. The intellectuals are, because there's nothing a female hates more than a civilized, non criminal man.
in that case why can't you fuck?
I used to have one. Do I count?