
Other urls found in this thread:



Now you have to take responsibility and nurse me back to health because that got in my eyes

btw pokemon sucks except the gen 3 games

Don't post my images.

H-how do I do that?

dumb homo

i made my awesome pokemon girl folder b4 u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

stop posting a pokemon girl who appears in so many pictures with my pokemon girl!


me having that image has nothing to do w/ u ya big goof i got it myself i didnt even know u posted that pokemon girl until just now


Hugs are #1 priority

btw i came up with a term to describe ban's aesthetic w/ the edgy characters who aren't really that edgy but just like pg-rated edgy such as the team skull people that i learned about who totally fit it and it's "kaleidopunk" cuz like splatoon and the new pokemon guys are all colorful and also they're pg punk

are u calling me a liar boyo? i dont know u

Usually Lillie's the one getting hugraped

pg-punk might be good too if the character's not rly all that 'kaleido-' but that doesnt sound as cool

btw rin and i are actually e-dated and we're in love w/ each other in fact we concocted that fake public battle as a cute joke we're actually laughing in skype rn as i post this

Ban's making shit up again like a desu-tier e-rapist

That's not Ban, that's Sci.

I need coffee.

u see? we're so in love



(we're totally gonna cyber later)

[flirtatious wink]

Sci is a pedophile.

Save me

Save me



I'm gonna be sick

I can't. I'm gay.


yo i thought we were cool tho bbbbro

Well, fuck.

me on the right

i mean left whoops haha lol

Next sci will be praying on my internet boyfriend, subtle

Pls ban him before he seduces my bf

well i guess i could go either way on that one depending



You literally nowhere in that image ever.

watch out kids
pedo sci about

I'm alive

I refuse to believe you managed to break the game, and maintain that there has to be a script in place.

And considering I've made just such a script in SC1, I know it's possible.

basically ban has gr8 taste youtube.com/watch?v=K7ylxg1fYZM youtube.com/watch?v=XXe37XCnn-E
pls send to ban

You were very wrong


N-no, I meant we should...

My boi Guzma has the best theme



Daddy Guzma might be my second favourite character.

c++ is absolute grabage

when u feeding the concept network, and the AI says something that makes sense

omg it's like a child's first steps, it's beautiful ❤️

It's a client script.

I meant a silly little map script that I used to sign the very few maps I made.

oh hey whaddaya know wassup man and what do u think of my name for ur aesthetic three whats

damn thats gay oh well

neru think you could help me make a PHP JSON RPC client for a python script

Y'all stupid if you don't like big boss Guzma!

Ihave never used php before

i have no idea how to make php talk to a python screen and get responses

Guzma is definitely my favourite antagonist in the series.

Team Skull in general was like able to me, even if they were basically the epitome of white trash.

I'm not sure what any of this is.

could you write me a chunk of python that would let a python script running in screen receive and reply to POST requests? I could do the PHP i suppose, it's python i don't know


Yet you still don't even have a skull in your name.


basically i just want to be able to feed this fuckin thing


from the web server rather than command line

okay so i fed a lie to these losers here and they totally at it up it's the lie that i think pokemon sucks but i cant lie to u dude i actually think it's kinda cool and wish i could play the new one dont tell anybody tho

well the first what is wow i had just made a post telling someone to send u a thing and u happened to show up at that very moment the second what is a greeting and the third what is asking if u saw my "kaleidopunk" think for ur aesthetic read all about it here



it can have port 7474 or something

i don't use that fuckin port

nobody does

it's a deadzone

But ear nibbling is hot. vv

I just like edgy girls

Yes this is much better

here you go


oh hello


Thank you for acknowledging me, Daddy.

maybe this Ihave not tried it


internetstuff is not really my thing

oh this looks super, thank you very much



Its what i'm here for.

Is that even a word ?

yea, i made it up just for u!

You best bet your ass that once I get enough headway into saving all this fan art coming out of her, that I'm going to post a bunch of crying things at you.

that's fair, at least your character has art. Who the fuck ever draws gw2?

Thanks I guess


what about hearts?

I think the only people who draw GW2 are the people drawing their own characters, or their friends' characters.

If you can make that out of a skull then I guess its okay,




Now you need to let it post in thread and just be Luka.

i will be seeking grant money from the military to develop luka

wow is this 2013?

The L.U.K.A Project

the ultimate luka simulator in the works

it was my pleasure also i get the sense im bothering u rn but it's cool and my internet is not handling 8ch v well at the moment anyway so im gonna fo and give u some peace all right later my man

bullying luka is not cool

Basically. I usually use this gobble because she looks like one of my characters.
i CAN draw my own gobble like this one but im not very good at gobbles

bullying luka is the only thing luka is good for



r u trying to get me to go off on you


it's getting too confident to be luka


Does anyone else have troubles typing on their phone. I feel like I have this problem because i never leave the house amd have no social life therefore no phone usage

I mean, the more you do it the better you'll get at it, right?

And it's not as if getting good at gobbles won't involve transferable skills.

No, that's still basically right.

Except for the part where it hasn't stopped responding to you because you disagree with it and are right.

That's all luka is good for scoots

FUCK i killed it.

sometimes writing the concept net fucks up and the entire bot just dies.

need a new implementation of the concept network logic, it's the best i've ever seen

Yeah, basically. Compared to thing's I've drawn before I've come a long way.

They make cute posts though!

i'm gonna cute post you into a trash can

Carleigh Elizabeth Uitone


i feel like i'm reading that wrong

Try it. See how far you get. Ree.

Uitone or Vitone, anyway.

Looking good.

It's tempting to ask for a Lillie but I always feel bad asking for commissions without paying for them.

xd that's my name
Well my old last name, but my first name is Carleigh-Elizabeth
i fucked up and realized that AFTER i posted it
I blame you


I want to die. it's vitone

it's okay, erryone here knows my name.

it's nice to know people on first name terms.

hi carleigh, i'm erin. shock horror it was my real name all along lel

oh wait

carleigh-elizabeth sorry, it's double barreled

surely you don't make people address you by that though, like, it's still cool to just call you carleigh or craz or whatevs?

I actually thought it was a V, but the penmanship was enough that I wasn't absolutely sure.

iCarly was a good show tbh

i rly want one of the icarly pearphones

im goiong to okill you

Jenette McCurdy is the exact same age as me.


Oh shit, someone said "IT"

Hah what kinda dude's name is carleigh

don't i just wanna get comfy with you and watch every episode of desperate housewives, there are fucking loads but damn man the drama and suspense

i share the actual political views of Elon Musk

We should all just call Carleigh-Elizabeth Oodles by her name from now on.

erryone by like "which one is the narrator?"

she fucking died man, that was like the start of it all


Fucking scum.

im gonna call her carly cause if i have to type carleigh-elizabeth all the time i'll get carpel tunnel

That was my one, promise.

you call me erin all the time

My bad, Mr. Shekelsteinburgstern.

Carleigh-Elizabeth has a cute princessy ring to it are you a fine maiden that wears dresses everyday?

That is your Inthread name too dingus.
Otherwise it would be that silly WAKAKAKAKAKAKAKKAKAKAKAKAKKANIGGER name. I forget what your original In ThreaD NAME was ..... atleast it doesnt come to mind


Team !kittensORw


you could always just type ooble

scoot actually forgot kittens



you could always just eat a spicy fucking dentist cock

Are you even a Jew or does everyone just call you one?

that's caliente >////

carleigh or eli is fine if you TRULY insist

Just use Google Drive.

i do.

Ah! Yes! Kittens. Meow.
Cat related named people always tend to be reasonable.

Hey! I have snorted alot of memes since then.

don't snort memes kids

he's my favorite jew

i was a kitten in a sea of kittens back then.

I'm just going to have the mental image of you as Denzel Washington in Book of Eli now.

No Jew is a good Jew.


wasn't that guy blind

I don't mind my first name, and at least I never signed with my real last name so we all good I guess.

not E-lie, like, el-ee. Dingus.

Also wow.

Did you git gud yet?

I'm a real Jew. If you knew my real name, it would be plain. Heh.

Definitley. Almost as much as the "RAINBOW...." derivatives.
Fucking Rainbow Swag is the worst.

Guero is very lucky to have a charismatic black man such as yourself as a girlfriend.

I know who you are


This couldn't be more ominous.


"... Oh, am I not supposed to use your name when you are on mic?"

God damn it.

dude it's fine i post my full name all the time, like 4 other boards here have tried to dox me and they all failed miserably

R u a grill

The worst part is I couldn't be fucked in trying to spell it so you're safe from me posting it in thread without butchering it


you know eeet

it's ok i have norton bitch

it's ok scoots..... im going to hug u and lov u and snuggl u


Oh, so we can battle again.

oh, shit, that's like impossible to get rid of


Damn crafty Hebrew/Romanised spelling.

Yay! awooobles!
h e e

Test is obvs the only girl in threads.

Test and her sister are the only confirmed girls from here.
But I have a strong feeling that there are more grills here than we are led to believe.
I mean, luka is OBVIOUSLY a girl.

from now on please call be my real name

R u a grill too? Nice tiddies

That is low tier bait, Scoots.

I'm a real girl. With a penis. And a beard.

Shut the fuck up Brenda

you didn't know that?

I'm also a laird, the honourable lady of glencoe, if you've never heard about my weird titles and certifications and shit

Idooo feel a bit sleepy tbouhy

I tried searching your name for loods but i keep getting this arrogant looking gold dude

Hey, Consuela.

Go nap.

that's actually pretty cool lol
I'm just an irish american mongrel

Whats an honorable productive person like you doing in threads


s00btl3h this is p meta



Tiny Asian Hands

Put them on micro SD cards and hide them in your foreskin then.



do yo do this

I'm Irish and native
my family always tells this made up story about our conception where everyone working on the transcontinental railway had a big disgusting poor people orgy

I have English in there too so it lowers it to average.


I lost my penis in a terrible car accident so I just use my neovagina as a pocket.


The latest any of my family came to America was the 1840s with one of the Prussian prince's settlement groups to Texas.

He's blonde
He is OBVIOUSLY superior to any poster here.
And he can eat a footlong bratwurst in one go with no issue
who could it be?


Neovagina tranny scum.


Don't you ew me, you chinky.

Younha, this Younha?

my doggo



Does anyone have the gif of the one asian eating the fish or whatever and then she looks at the camera and c:

Why do all idols look like they ran into a wall?

Are we posting lewd now?

More of her.
Porn or not, as long as its good.

I just choose whatever randomly from an avatar folder of Gilgamesh and random Fate/Type-Moon girls.

Gotchu, fam.


Thanks bae.

Still Gotchu


W-Was I wrong?




Cat luchador sucks.

this is pretty interesting
you're still a degenerate though

not nearly enough???

It's basically only there to shut down ghost owl.

when we said start shitposting we didn't think you'd actually start shitposting
i'm worried for you, daddy 5.0


There's also a bit of shitskin rain dancing injun in there.


Squash can have THIS package


Same. I'd like to have a DNA test done at some point to determine my exact ancestry cuz my family never kept records
We just have pictures of brown people that our aunts aunt knew and shit. When I ask what tribe our blood belong to my gramps always says "The whothefuckawi tribe" cuz he's a smartass


I've been waiting for a package delivery from squash for years

I have no package for you.

Squash post package.


or at all i bet

What about me? .///.

What show is that?

Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?
the CUTEST ever

I've had genetic testing done for medical reasons and know 80ish% is Germanic (which includes Dutch), then English and an incredibly minor amount of injun. The weirdest part was I have a bunch of genetic markers that are so mathematically improbable to have even one of them, let alone as many as I did. Subsets of subsets of subsets, etc. So that's why they were interested.
It's more "neat" to know rather than actually insightful.

Roze best girl


What about you?

Oh, the one with the girl who looks like Irisu.

Also, the image was in response to your image.

I don't know what you're talking about; these are top-quality posts.


What Zelda even is that?

It's SOOOO good.

Oh, it's the JP cart, that's why.

gimme dat package bbyboi

um, put some clothes on?...

Jap Oracle of Ages.

They're all lovely

Holy fk -///-

I fuck dogs. Not bitches.

You have posted yourself in your panties.
I have only ever posted myself shirtless.

This one fucks horses

panties is clothes you nut

Yeah, it occurred to me that that was one of the JP carts I haven't seen, so I checked after asking.

Irisu wants to peropero the usagi.

Also, she's a lopbunny.


What about that one with your dick

And I'm wearing pants.
Not like I'm taking my clothes off to appeal to any of you people.

I'm using it to try and motivate myself to learn Jap.

Do me.

If you actually thought I posted my dick then that is funny.

lol fuck
Who was that then?!
You fooled loco too

the image didn't show that, i was left to infer what you were wearing on bottom

and it wasn't pants

Fair enough.

Lemmy know how that works out for you.

、., ⌒ 、., ⌒ 、., ⌒ 、., ⌒ 、., ⌒ 、., ⌒ /( =゚ェ゚=)ヽ

Some rando on /hm/.

So the fault lies with you.

Considering like 20 people have seen me naked through PM though....


no he didn't you moron we talked it out in private

fucking imbecile

don't ever mention me again

Good night Rin :3

Yeah talked it out
After he fooled you

hey remember that time you thought he was a millionaire


Imagine me with pants next time.
And a cute dog bf.

Yeah that would've been great

Remember when I tricked Loco into thinking I loved them?

post chanticleer

damn thats rly funny

Post clam.

post math rock

math rock sucks

Post fam

isn't that the point though

hey fam

brave little abacus is kinda mathy listen to that band

oooook I might bed


omg yessss scarlet moffat is queen of the jungle, thank you britain

she is cool as fuck and poor thing clearly has confidence issues so this just the best.

this is too horrible
i enjoy schlock but this is too horrible

wanna hug the little nugget man she looks in complete shock, walking across the bridge laughing and sobbing at the same time

omfg this is british tv at it's absolute finest

we put up with so much ant and dec to get moments like these

aw i think theyre great

you know she is from my area right?

cuddle her for me

Going to get a burger. Want to OW after I get back?

well, i will see lol, it will just be like charlotte from GS again, I went to uni when she used to knock about the towwn



dont get the wrong idea grim. pokemon is terrible.


Alright. I'm back. Just have to eat.

How does this end up looking in thread?

Actually, I don't mind that.

pokemon is fucking great boy

this gen was esp polished


okay i secretly want to play the new one. but thats just because it's new!

am i going to regret that

It's clever.

I think I wanna crop it to the last frame for posting though,

so play it

but i dont have a 3 d s. or is there even a newer thing? i dont know

yeah, new 3ds

New 3DS, and it's more suggested to buy one of those instead, apparently SuMo has some issues on the old hardware, esp with double battles, and battle royale.

ugh well def not gonna play it then. guess im missing out oh well.

Sci won't make it past the first island.
He'll spend too much time jerking off to the kids.

but i could pick the female protagonist and jerk off the whole way through

What did he say? I still have him filtered.

He does raise a valid point

Tell me what it says, but in green text.

i watched that mvie the other day, it was nice

lmao sci is a pedo

I would a Lorax.


neat, that's unusual


No shit he would.
He posted some little girl in thread.

The point was that he could jerk off the whole game, instead of getting stranded on the first island to not have to lose the material.

the no stubs concept is v cool i feel all evasive and cool

My point was he's spend so much time jacking off to her that he wouldn't have time to progress past the intro.

but then i wouldnt get any new outfits!


Sci is a preadtory sexual predator

also we get it YOU play pokemon. ffs


Scoots. Be my Sci eyes. I can't see his posts. What does the pedo say?

How would he get to the short shorts and tank tops if he doesn't pass the intro?
Come on now, he's a bit more tactful than that.

this is really sad

wow look at this fukin cool dude LMAO

He is sick dude.

Festival plaza.
Buy them off someone.

None of us feel any pity for him.
You know that.

What a monster he is.

me tbh

You expected more?

I mean, it'd be way quicker and easier to just, like, get to Ula'ula Island.


there is nothing to feel pity for anymore
at this point you're just bullying him for no reason

you treat him like a literal punching bag, it's sad

from one of them at least

He needs to be banned.

lmao filtering

I was lazy getting there. Once I wanted Zygarde I was more motivated.

And that is my prerogative.

Or euthanized.


Please... Do me a favour... Do it... and I will send tummy pics...

You are a bigger person than I.

I am no Kevorkian.


That's some pretty good Samus art.


Really though.

dont defen me grim it's his attempted put-downs that are really pitiful

I am a connoisseur

How tho

Why can't we all be nice

I wish Grim would defend me.


who in the name of the dickens bellow is lillie again

A desolate wasteland of human conscience.
A repressive community where as people we chose to regress.

From what?

People only pick on you when you sperg out from lack of attention

you just kind of float around in threads these days

nice pink id

not even like that furry you chatted about that time

are they fam or

Wow you're totes not romantic rn

Just give his mother an 83 trimester abortion.

am a grill


Even after everything that goes on in here, you're still giving them the benefit of the doubt.

If you mean the poster, then it's me.


At least I can rest easy knowing Sci won't be able to reproduce.

wait a minute

hold up a second

now just a damn second there

wait just a moment

hold on there

whoah whoah whoah

wait a dang minute

hold right on there


hey you

Off to play OW.

I mean, the girls he'd molest wouldn't even be old enough to conceive.

That's just a bad habit of mine. My friends scold me for it all the time.

idk if it's a good or bad thing anymore


he is going to be so fuckig weird and creepy when he's like 45


dont look at me i do my part

Is that a riot logo on her panties

thankfully once you start to hit middle age depression gets properly gnarly, he will definitely kill himself before or around 45.

How's Erin today?

It isn't inherently bad, I think.

"Oh, Darwin's in thread? Lemme hit that shit up HELL YEAH"

not everything is a league reference fuckass

I came here for Darwin.

It looks just like it though.

who told u i was depressed

Cum for me.
Also get on OW. Play with me and Scoots. I have to wait for him for a few seconds.

super, and rin?

Do not punish yourself like this.

huh, you still get notifications for filtered people in 8k

i need to fix that

It looks just like a graphic flower


Sci will probably spend all of his adult life incarcerated.

How does it look like any of these?

The big ass middle one looks like a fist c'mmon.

Less edgy and more round but yeah.

I have to do things and cannot commit to a game


Kind of snoozing; I think I've been inactive too long today.

I know I should go for a jog or something, but it's really cold out and I'm just like "Nah."

nuh-uh im too scared to break the law i dont even speed in my car plus ive been playing ace attorney so i could def get myself out of it if i represented myself in court

Why does Mega Abomasnow exist?



sci/ui pls go

What things will you do?

nice loli


Round off the knuckles and it kind of matches.
Still looks more like a flower, honestly, but I can see it at least.

i have never posted loli porn ever!

Very secret things.

Who would post loli porn, like, come on, I thought this place was better than that.

Oops, wrong image. Ignore that.


btw i still assert that loli is pronounced like 'lowly' because it comes from lolita and 'lawly' is just wrong


Those are my favorite because they provide monetary compensation.

hehe ur such a goofball rin im glad i picked u to be my bc rebound


Tempted to make a loli folder just to piss off Grim



Just start posting Marie Rose nudes.
He'd hate that, I'm sure.

Ignore that she's 18.

lola/lolita is spanish. the correct pronunciation is loll-ee-ta. you fucking moron.

probably should, i'm bone idle and i'm in terrible health

I pronounce it lah-li like in lollipop
because that's how you say it in english

if you dont have atleast 2 by now then I dont know you

that includes chloe

He got triggered when soto posted them regardless.

That wouldn't really be a loli folder.
Just "pedophilic legal images of a minor".

i also still assert that lolicon is no pedophilia because it represents almost alien-like creatures that cant and dont exist!

i cant im too desperate

im american thanks also explain this nicaraguan band youtube.com/watch?v=vkLJ1REz7NM

o yea? well just look at this nicaraguan band youtube.com/watch?v=vkLJ1REz7NM get the culture right dummy


I don't have anything, my images are in a single chaos folder. Only a couple of lolis all which are sfw and not a single Chloe picture for about 3-4 years now.

it should be "low-lee" if you transliterate it form japanese now that you think of it

try it yourself ロリ

that's nice

ikt, can you halp with a little JS theory? it was something you were figuring out a little while ago

south americans speak the equivalent of ebonics


it would be rori


o yea? well i dont even know what ebonics means. ha!

are you some kind of retard boi


no im secretly a genius-level intellect i choose to hide it

If you pronounce Japanese like a dumbass, sure.

like an egg

waiting to hatch

We're all fucked once Sci gets the Chaos Emeralds.



lol that was a rly good one
i also secretly think ur probably a v cool guy to people who get to know u and wish i could do that but hey what can ya do


which would be faster on an ID selection?
var $;$ = function(s, p){ if(!p) p = document; return p.querySelector(s);}$ = function(s, p){ if(!p) p = document; if(s[0] == '#'){ return p.getElementByID(s.split('#')[1]); }else if(s[0] == '.'){ return p.getElementByClassName(s.split('.')[1]); }else{ return p.querySelector(s); }}

What are you making?

I would assume if you removed the 3rd line and replaced it with Bee Movie memes.

oh hey they got moogs in an SNL sketch






just fiddling with 8k, the selector is like the most used function, so making it faster would make the whole script faster

do not get it all all even

I wanna say something to you but I don't understand most of what you say

Neat, to what end?

And here I thought our humor was shit,

lol heya sweetness, how are you?

How's that?

Do it for daddy.



i don't think everyone has a working distro any more

without modification they stop working when erin.wtf does

so just getting a working copy out i guess


Return of erin.wtf when?

i typod pretty hard and now we are lost

but those are some rockin digits


Wow, squash is a slut.



i've been trying to let it die for months but it's holding on by the monthly dedicated IP fee, the keep managing to get it out of my bank when I don't expect it

it's like a cancer patient stealing medicine

erin.ga will probably do something similar eventually, it's a VPS with much more resources and i have greater freedom

Would you like mine~?

No fucking shit.

That sounds pretty neat. Erin made scripts were pretty elite. As well as the page.


My everything hurts

I want to die

Do it

to run mother fuckin EXECTUABLES fucker

no fam

i'm afraid

na, it's not a nice script

the auto update handling and quote parsing are absolutely terrible, i'd like to re-write it so it has it's own JSON updater rather than readin the native updater on the page 3 x a second



vylee pls response

Okay dokie

shouldn't have boozed so much last night

see, they say pot is actually bad for creativity, but the only time i feel like coding kewl widgets and stuff is when i'm smon;kign

maybe it just works like that for ADHD people or something

m-maybe ADHD is real

I feel like when I wander the wrong way and get lost
So you do other things besides weed

Probably not


Wow, what a faggot.

heh, it's fine here, just talk about whatever with whoever. people don't like it when you just blog shit but i do it anyway, they live with it ^^

yes, i do lots of things :o

you seem suspiciously well versed in faggot identification


Maybe I'll ask my cousins to let me take a hit with them next time I'm over, and we'll see how creative I get, yeah?


I'm immune to normal type moves like that.

okay, what will be your medium or media?

Ching chong motherfuckers

flan pls go and stay go

Ive spent years studying and watching Faggots in their natural environment. I am somewhat of an expert. The FagWatcher

I need me a Komekko folder.

dunno, wasn't doc.querySelector poopy slow?


I'm still learning the basics of coding. If I start smoking, I could be like a mini you

I've absolutely no idea.

I do a bit of everything, usually, so...

takes one to study one

don't be a fucking nerd


it was, but see, i'm wondering if it would be faster than having to run an if() on the first char of the input to find out which getElementBy* to use, then having to split the rest of the input away from the first char

maybe, in a terse $ selector function, using a query selector is just quicker than trying to find the faster function then prepare the input to use it

what language are you learning?

pls not videogames cause when people talk about what they did in video games it is super difficult to care, i think it's just me cause i don't really play them

I got the smug battle style on.

I have the first unlock, whatever it is

aiming for the lefty one

b/c lefty master race

I'm edgy as fuck.

I wanna get my team skull shirt but I think I have to beat the elite 4 first.

split() especially is not a particularly efficent function

i feel like having to call that alone should ruin any edge over a query selector

I honestly don't see myself being able to channel my creativity through a video game.

I put my smug glasses back on just 'cos of it.

if you did JSRF speed runs, i would watch those.

Does it need to load before you click or does it run continuously? You don't need to write super very fast code if it can take a while anyway.

Char comparisons and string operations (array split) should not be expensive anyway, compared to that lookup, but idk how JavaScript works underwater.

What are smug glasses ?

Ban is your butthole still tight or is it all worn out already?

Jet Set Radio Future?

Mirrored Sunglasses.
I can change my trainer class from Spoiled Bitch to Lass and back just by taking them off or putting them back on.



like 1.3 faggos are born every second

i use that selector everywhere, shit like 8k, which if you've used it, you would have noticed preformance could be improved


Mine just looks like a basic bitch with the default hair.

I could beat them but I don't want to use my none ghost pokemon anymore.

Just some Java, and snippets of C#.
Aw, I just remembered I lost my USB and the silly programs I made were there. I wanted to show you one.

iunno what to say then my boy

Nuclear winter when

I need to train

oh fug :/

pastebin or git everything important, stuff like that is so damn annoying

and 36% is like a sweden rate I call bullshit

want a stronk UB that eats everything?

Is this like how LGBT groups report that half the population is really trans but dishonest about it and other made up statistics to try and destigmatize their mental illness?



it's not "are gay", it's "has engaged in homosexual activities"

whether or not that's different is up to your taste in memes

the balls didnt touch so its not gay

Fucking with another guy makes you gay
Its not up for tastes or debate

an errant thread

I actually still haven't played JSR yet...

Mine looks like a rich kid, tbh. With or without the glasses.
The only thing against it is the sludge cap that I have her wearing, but I think it only adds to her image.

Maybe I'm weird.


But Colbs is all balls. They had to have touched.

Anime tiddie
