How many people have been killed by US imperialism since the Civil War?
How many people have been killed by US imperialism since the Civil War?
At least 12.
None, because markets are efficient. It would be better if they were stateless, though.
Communist planning has killed millions, though. IDFK why you still support that.
We killed some folks.
Nice meme
Lets not go down to shitty rightist "arguments"
No one cares about muh millions dude
Between the Indonesian purges, Contras, Pinochet, war in Iraq and Afghanistan, I calculate at least 69,420,666 deaths.
somewhere between many and lots
Don't respond to the annil!
The truthfulness of this has nothing to do with OP's question, especially since the US has always rejected markets.
I care, and the shell of the middle East and those who continue to suffer care
Direct US Intervention
Korean War - 2.5 million
Vietnam War - 1,291,425 – 4,211,451
Iraq War - 268,000
Civil war resulting from Iraq War - 53,361–72,056 + 14,855 killed
Afghanistan War - 25,500–40,500
CIA sponsored coups
1949 Syrian coup d'état
1949–1953 Albania
1951–56 Tibet
1953 Iranian coup d'état
1954 Guatemalan coup d'état
1956–57 Syria crisis
1960 Congo coup d'état
1961 Cuba, Bay of Pigs Invasion
1961 Dominican Republic
1963 South Vietnamese coup
1964 Bolivian coup d'état
1964 Brazilian coup d'état
1966 Ghana coup d'état
1971 Bolivian coup d'état
1970–73 Chile
1980 Turkish coup d'état
1979–89 Afghanistan, Operation Cyclone
1981–87 Nicaragua, Contras
1996 Iraq coup attempt
2001 Afghanistan
2011 Libyan civil war
2011–present Syria
Proxy wars
Chinese Civil War 1944-1949
Greek Civil War 1944-1949
War in Vietnam (1945–46)
Iran crisis of 1946
First Indochina War 1946–1954
Paraguayan Civil War 1947
Malayan Emergency 1948–1960
Arab–Israeli conflict 1948–present
Mau Mau Uprising 1952–1960
Second Indochina War 1953-1975
First Taiwan Strait Crisis 1954–1955
Algerian War 1954–1962
Second Taiwan Strait Crisis 1958
1958 Lebanon crisis
1959 Tibetan uprising
Central American crisis 1960–1996
Congo Crisis 1960–1965
Portuguese Colonial War 1960-1974
North Yemen Civil War 1962–1970
Dhofar Rebellion 1962–1976
too many to list just check this
Someone should make an spreadsheet out of this.
In the coups it's missing the failed one against Chavez. He was taken hostage for a day or so but his men managed to rescue him. There's even a documentary about it.
American war in vietnam and nearby area: 2.5 million
Korean war: 2.5 million
Postwar Latin american conflicts created by usa: ~6 million
Middle east: idk probably under 1 million
Middle East was a burning shithole long before the US showed up
The most scientific estimate so far is 1.3 million for the war on terror in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. They admit that it could be higher
SJW or Lelninist?
That isn't true
whats with all the neocons and patriotards on this board?
zero, there is no american imperialism. Just jewish imperalism, aka fight around the nations surrounding israel. Also freeing antisemites from their lives, which just means non-jews, like northafrica or middleeast . Let me guess, you think these wars were about muh petrodollars. Btw George Bush after his presidency studies the talmud, to become a rabbi. Wow, Rabbi Bush the white supremacist did everything for the petrodollars.
The USA had a lot of jewish presidents and support to start wars in the 20th century. I can name jewish presidents like Rosenfeld, Rosenfeld, Eisenhauer, Woodrow Wilson, Harding, Bush senior, Johnson. You have to be a burger, to believe these are white faces.
21stcentury Bush, Obama.
Obama one minute google search for his mother Obama the jewlatto is a muslim, my ass.
Credible citations needed