Only males worked while women were housewives (worked in the house)

t-thanks feminism

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This is why we're doomed to live under this system until the planet dies.

why not both?

is clear that porky benefits from feminism, but capitalism would be nicer if those changes didn't happen.

Women have worked trough the whole of history despite what you`re claiming(albeit mostly in education and service based industries). Social reforms that followed the first world war only expanded their field of employment to industrial sectors.

women were always part of the workforce, but weren't fully integrated and didn't have the education to work in more "skilled" professions
The integration of women into the workforce was necessary and unavoidable for capitalism.
If your capitalist country bars women from the workforce, the cost of labor power doubles and you cannot compete with other capitalist countries.
Socdem policies to push up wages DO NOT WORK, unless productivity goes up in equal/greater measure (so the rate of profit is equal/greater)
wrong, you just increased the cost of labor power and doomed your capitalist country to being non-competetive

Why can't leftypol into having wives and kids and got men and women be together in actual marriage?

Serious question. When did communism become about destroying the family unit that has existed since pretty much the beginning of every civilization? Sure some women were whores and they worked side jobs from time to time but most women were just expected to make babies, cook, tend to their children/husbands.

You have this backwards, the falling economy of the late 20th century encouraged women to work.

Further, there is a hint of petite-bourgeois hear, lower class people never had the luxury of one worker households.

Furthermore, the notion of housewifery is only as old as the steam engine unless you were an aristocrat (in which case you didn't take care of the house either), *everyone* use to work in the past.

It's always been that way? Engels wrote giant hate parades about the nuclear family.

Karl Marx himself was very much against the family structure and marriage.

sounds to me like you haven't actually read Marx at all

Those societies also had women controlling their households finances. I would prefer to control my own income and not be made responsible for securing food on the table of my (potential)significant other.

Literally Holla Forums-tier

Nah, nuclear family is a meme spawned about 200 years ago

Are any of you ever going to get married and have kids or are you just gonna larp on the internet about Karl Marx and porky?

Engels, The principles of Communism:
What will be the influence of communist society on the family?
It will transform the relations between the sexes into a purely private matter which concerns only the persons involved and into which society has no occasion to intervene. It can do this since it does away with private property and educates children on a communal basis, and in this way removes the two bases of traditional marriage – the dependence rooted in private property, of the women on the man, and of the children on the parents.
And here is the answer to the outcry of the highly moral philistines against the “community of women”. Community of women is a condition which belongs entirely to bourgeois society and which today finds its complete expression in prostitution. But prostitution is based on private property and falls with it.
Thus, communist society, instead of introducing community of women, in fact abolishes it.

Families will exist under Communism, but it won't be compelled by material needs, it will be a meaningful choice (I think most people would still choose it). Women aren't dependent on husbands for food, or because their families arranged it as a business deal, they will live together because they love eachother etc
And as we have demonstrated in this thread (>>1497163) the heightened exploitation necessary for capitalism is the cause of the atomization of people, not a plot by us marxists

individuals choosing to come together and form families would be a much more fullfilling and beautiful act of love under communism than the shallow business arrangement it is under capitalism

Considering that my father was married 4 times in his life I doubt that I want to march trough the same financial hell that he did.

Also marriage in its current form is fucking insane and economically crippling. Don`t even mention children considering what happens to the most of them post-divorce.

Are you going to put your penis in a woman - claim her as your own and make her beg until she agrees that she loves your dick.

Who fucking cares. Just get married have kids and find a place you can larp about autism and communism. You can buy tons of land in a small town easily for 10,000 bucks and build your own house and have your wife worship your dick and call you karl marx. Why the fuck aren't you doing this?

Then outlaw divorce. Sure some people suffer under this but as a result of doing this people learn to pick better when going to marry someone and the culture as a whole improves.

I'm a tranny, so no, no kids from me

Outlawing divorce and romantic ideals of love are not compatible.

Your penis still works. Go fucking put it in some bi girl and knock her up as she sucks on your man titties.

The nuclear family is pretty new, actually.

Romantic ideals of love don't involve divorce to begin with. Societies that allow divorce allow divorce lawyers which gives porky a means of reaching into his workers pocket and diverting him of his own assets.

This allows over time for welfare states for whores who are dependent on the government for food and other necessities to pop up and also lowers morale throughout a country since at any point porky can convince your wife to become a whore for the government and divorce you of your hard earned assets.

Then don't get married four times? Saatanan sosiaalidemokraatit.

People have had families for thousands of years. Indians, chinese, japanese, european, mediterranean, middle east. etc. Marriage was an instution in all of these. People realized early on that letting everyone fuck one another was an easy way to catch a disease and was unclean.

If I want to fuck and never settle down, I want to live in a society that allows be too. Most people when educated do it safely anyway.
This generation has less sex partners then previous generations btw.
If people want to do the family shit, awesome. I think most people would anyway without needing you to force them

wrong. Also, just because it was a common trend doesn't mean we need legal institutions to force people into it.

I don't care what you want. You want welfare and yet you don't care about ensuring that your civilizations exists. You want someone to take care of you when you are older but you don't want to take care of someone when they are young and weak. Why should society concern itself with people like you?

Good classcuck

They only started promoting feminism when the sole-breadwinner model was beginning to be unviable

This actually makes sense. But marriage can't be forced on people by the state tbh.

My penis may work, but it has no stuff any more.

In rare occasions we can make functional sperm, but its rare. I have heard storied of transwomen having unprotected sex for decades on a regular basis before they actually managed to get someone pregnant.

As much as i hate feminism is right, feminism has nothing to do with this

Let's see, the things OP talked about was during a time before socialism fucked everything up by making war between the sexes and ruining the value of money by printing it nonchalantly causing insane levels of inflation. Capitalism is not the problem. Leftism/Socialism/Liberalism (Government) is.

sources on this or is entirely made up?

Take a look at who's financing all these leftist groups? Follow the money. Leftists are tools of powerful people. Nothing more. That is all.

Sup Cenk


lurk moar Holla Forums

Stop talking about women.

Stop posting inane idpol.

That would actually be an improvement.
Until recently kids were raised by the television, now they are raised by the internet Holla Forums

It's good that things got noticeably worse and now women know how shitty capitalism is, because that means we're closer to the end.

I just came to this thread

You can't see the forest from the trees

I'll get my check from soros any day now

This is Holla Forums tier garbage. Women entering the workforce happened during WW2 and its effect on wages was only to depress them for no or low education level professions - it had in fact a positive effect on higher education levels, market-wise. The real devil is neoliberalism.

The nature of capital makes a larger workforce inevitable. There is and always has been an army reserve of labor, but you don't notice it until you need it. This is not because of feminism.

Millions of women doing jobs men don't doesn't lower the wages for jobs men do. Increasing the workforce of, say, waitresses and teachers does not lower the wages for roughnecks and plumbers.

Full retard.

Double retard.

Kylläkin puoluekortissani lukee vasemmistoliitto.

See, this is why you guys are retards. BLM is the practical result of leftism. But go ahead and spout some more theory. Surely the next time will be different, right? Idiots.

this would be pretty sick tbh

This should be good.

BLM is the result of postmodernism, which is the unholy demon child of American neoliberal capitalism. They just "feel" leftist to you because your entire worldview is about your feelings.

BLM is rightwing ethnonationalism, doesn't change because it's for an "oppressed group". Fuck liberals, beat them with crowbars.


how about you fuck off and let women make their own decisions?

BLM only turned into that after liberals like Shillary Clitoris and George Soros got a hold of it
The regressive left refers to idpollers who attack people over stupid stuff like "manspreading is rape!" while being apologetic for Muslim brutality like FGM and honor killings because they're an "oppressed group".

We'd like to see an end to police killings of black people as well, but not because they're killing blacks, because they're killing people.

Try again, though.

want to try anyway?

Why is that when people come onto Leftypol to bitch about their misled knowledge on the Marxist stance on family, people either lead them on or we literally wait until that user asks us "why"

user. The answer is: no. We're not against "family". We advocate abolishing the Nuclear/"Bourgeois" Family, which is actually a recent social phenomenon, and encouraging the restoration of the Extended Family - the actual traditional family structure. Under a Socialist/Communist system, there wouldn't be anything inherently wrong or discouraging of individually moving to another location and starting a family, but ultimately the Nuclear family isolates families (or your kin if you would like me to use Holla Forums lingo) into small cells. Other than that, we are against the fact that the current Capitalist system has influenced common culture to actively look down upon people who stay with their extended families for social security and familial mutual aid.