What the hell do you guys mean when you say liberal
What the hell do you guys mean when you say liberal
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Anything not outside and to the topleft of the top left box is a liberal
Anyone who expresses liberal social views.
What are liberal social views
Classical and progressive liberals, i.e. capitalists.
It's simple! On the political compass, political stances on the green and purple fields are liberal while the ones on the red and blue fields are fascist.
As long as they are not your opinions of course.
Buddy plz. It's the Lazy Fairy liberals that are the real cancer.
Free market cultists are harmless on their own, their pure ideology is merely convenient as a narrative.
Keynes was the bastard that gave capitalism a guide on how to save itself.
If the capitalists actually followed Keynes' advice, people wouldn't be suffering so much. I don't think they are interested in saving themselves. It's not like state socialists won't make use of Keynes' ideas when they come to power.
a political tradition that stresses individualism, liberty from the state in certain areas and capitalism (but the sort of capitalism they like may be more "meritocratic" or "fair" or something along those lines). That's kind of a rough summary
They do the absolute minimum needed to remain afloat. They never cared about Keynes' reformist desire for societal improvement as much as they have exploited his research into how capitalism actually works.
I still have a shred of respect for him, though, if only because he BTFO lolbertards forever.
Who do you think made that chart?
Keynes, Marx and Smith are the big three of left-wing economics.
Most economists could be considered "left wing" for their time if they proposed the replacement of the existing system with something better for society.
In comparison, Austrian "economists" have always been considered right wing because they are known apologists for reactionary movements.
Do I really need to comment?
fuck off Marxist aren't liberals
liberal: if what a person's doing doesn't directly hurt someone else's rights than it's not wrong
aka waged labor is a voluntary contract so it's not a problem.
aka Systemic problems that are voluntary agreements on a micro-scale don't cause huge suffering and misery when extrapolated to the macroscale
propertarians("libertarians") are liberals
I drew you a picture OP.
The math checks out
Can't apologize for something that hasn't been tried. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the whole chart is liberal, we need to think outside the system
Yeah, that picture is wrong.
In all truth this though tbh fam.
I don't know how to describe the idiocy of a leftcom or any self-proclaimed Marxist really boosting the theories of a man who wanted to keep private production for profit as the dominant mode of economic organization in society. This was the man that believed in private capitalism but somehow stumbled upon the astounding theory that private capitalism needed the interference of the state to survive/function more effectively and that its survival was somehow desirable despite all this.
Let's consider the common tropes of leftcoms on this board:
But Keynes was cool bro, so is s/weed/en!
those are all really good
this is autism ( and mostly wrong)
Shoot yourself.
Capitalism is built on inherent contradictions, which can be exploited to keep itself alive. The argument only fails from the perspective of a free market cultist that thinks the world runs on feelings.
So you're advocating accelerationism?
Hardly, I am only saying that the broken glass fallacy is only a fallacy if you assume that the market is always objectively correct.
I don't read broken window fallacy into the cartoon so much as 'why the hell are we trying to save capitalism this way'.
Jesus, that is terrible. 29 does not even make sense.
It's extremely unlike the picture was made by a leftist, most simplistic statements like this are by lolberts.
When Keynes said what he did about building pyramids etc it was being said ironically.
It's based on the 'in case of capitalist crisis' meme so I doubt it's lolberts
Well, no shit, he was himself pro-capitalist.
srsly? This is a lolbert maymay older than anyone on this site.
If it was that obvious Keynes' tongue in cheek comments wouldn't be used to discredit him to this day.
Keynesianism doesn't save capitalism. It reforms it into socialism. You can't just try to salvage an inherently contradictory and exploitative system from its contradictions and exploitation without unraveling it.
Capitalism's fate is either to reform into socialism or break until it reforges into socialism. Accelerationism is not negotiable.
Where's my BANCOR?
Elysium sucked.
What flag am I supposed to use then?
Keynes had it right all along. Muh dialectics is a load of fucking horseshit. Real life doesn't work like that. Accelerationism is the biggest meme of all time.
Do I really need to point out that he's just a shitposter who is using the leftcom flag for trolling purposes? Or are you smart enough to figure that out for yourself?
Hint: leftcoms don't like Keynes
My comrades.
The book flag, because you clearly need to read one.
ignoring the next line is a hell of a drug
This is really bad. Full communism will be in the bottom left. Ya know, a stateless, classless society.
You mean I'm a socdem because I defended Keynes?
Pretty sure it's a reddit meme
I'm not your comrade faggot. I just think the thesis/antithesis idea is bollocks. If you want socialism you need to start small, prove it works and make people want more.
Try explaining how Albania, the USSR, and every other attempt at socialism in the 20th century was not just "State" (i.e. bureaucratic) capitalism.
Anti-fascists of the past and now are focused on simply getting rid of fascists, not transforming society and getting rid of capitalist production relations. They simply wish to uphold bourgeois democracy, not get rid of it.
Unions are specifically designed to be mediators between the working class and the capitalist class, thus being unable to end capitalist relations.
Gee, It's almost like you haven't even tried to read anything by any "left-com". Then again, Hoxha probably wrote a hundred articles proclaiming them as revisionists.
Also that left-com poster is a shitposter who is on the 20th level of autism, I mean, no left-com could seriously believe that capitalism can be reformed into socialism.
Good because that's not actually Hegel, that's a highschool teacher's attempt at explaining Hegel to teenagers.
If you change capitalism so much that it's just capitalism in name but serves the masses rather than the capitalist (except giving them an illusion of power and status and some managerial status) then what is the problem?
It's also Hegel as it's discussed on Holla Forums
Because we're memers.
This thread shows that if you put communism in a box labelled capitalism to appeal to everyone who isn't a lefty Holla Forumstards would reject it.
That's how obtuse they are, even though neoliberalism proved it works when you do it the other way around, as most people are as dumb as fuck and don't care about anything more than what's on the label.
But empirical proof doesn't matter when you have "theory". LOL.
Just because government reforms get undone doesn't mean people accept it. At some point capitalism will have to either change peacefully or violently.
What the fuck are you talking about!?!?!??!?!?
I'm /r/ing ban for stupidity/newfaggotry/illiteracy/trolling or whatever the hell is wrong with you.
smelly dumb tankie scum
Keynes was an interesting one. While most capitalist economists would dismiss Marx as Jewish lies or whatever their equivalent of, Keynes took the contradictions Marx showed and tried to save capitalism from itself.
He even called himself a class-conscious bourgeois (though he was of the academic elite rather than a property owner). I respect him for his intelligence, but his theories essentially amount to 'decelerationism'.
Unless you meant literally this you should definitely be banned
But not "reversism" :^)
Capitalism is terminal. Buying itself some time to flail and try to buy more time doesn't change much.
No I meant neoliberalism as embodied by Bill Clinton, Blair, Schroder, and Obama.
It's a right wing agenda with lefty window dressing to trick idiots with. And it worked. Reagan and Thatcher moved things so far to the right that people have a different political compass.
So you're advocating NazBol?
I did think about where that would logically go.
I recommend reading this (although you're arab so you might not enjoy it too much).
General anti-elitism that's not based on materialist and class analysis has a history of disaster, I'm not going to go full LeftCom and denounce you for opportunism ( although it's definitely opportunism) but while populism can be demonstrably effective, it's very hard to control.
Well I was thinking more of building ovens ostensibly to genocide undesirables with and then turning them into glass furnaces. It is supposed to be an epic troll after all.
But seriously, you want communism in a capitalist box, it generally has more appeal than the Nazi one.
Then when you deliver things people like call it socialism (sounds more appealing than communism), when things go wrong you blame capitalism, and generally mind fuck people into liking socialism.
That's what porky has done with capitalism and it seems to work. They conflate it with freedom and democracy and other nice things and people fall for it.
Even though capitalism is fucked and everyone knows it people stick with it because abandoning it seems like a leap into the abyss.
Thinking it will just collapse and a communist paradise will emerge is ignoring all the indicators that it's more likely to turn into a dystopian hellscape.
Better to accept people's psychological attachment to "capitalism" and take a reformist attitude, and just keep adding more and more socialist ideals as people develop a taste for it and learn that it's in their interest.
You have to accept that most people are REALLY FUCKING DUMB when it comes to socialism and act as if you're working with with mentally disabled children.
everyone with an education and a job and not part of a terrorist organisation is a liberal.