Why haven't you moved to a socialist country like Cuba?
Are you afraid of letting go of your bourgeois lifestyle?
Why haven't you moved to a socialist country like Cuba?
Are you afraid of letting go of your bourgeois lifestyle?
I mean, I had considered going to Rojava, but I'm making $30 an hour doing tech support while going to school, and having my grandma send me $200 a month, so I figure I would be more useful to the revolution in the future if I finished my studies and wasn't just a scrawny nerd with bad eyesight, and at least could be educated.
there isn't really a system in place under which I'd prefer to live
I want to make good ole 'murican communism!
go 2 rojava faggot
I don't speak Spanish and I'm 19 so it's too late to learn
You mean working my ass off for $15 an hour just so I can pay for school and housing?
I didn't know I owned property all this time.
Stop soiling this flag even more than its already been soiled!
I'll drop everything and book a flight to Sulaymaniyah right now if you cure my depression.
waiting for a time machine so i can go to yugoslavia
I dont speak spanish and I want international revolution and a future for the human race.
Cuz its sucks ballz.That's why.
Because Cuba isn't socialist.
Because that's utopianism.
The point is global revolution as capitalism collapses under the weight of its own contradictions, not making some fruity little island commune which only serves to put the radical, discontented elements of bourgeois society into a self-imposed exile.
Your just a kid
You cease being a "kid" when you're around 16-17, and it's been that way for around 90% of human existence.
I prefer 13-14. 16-17 year old are gross hags.
Lifestylism is retarded and so are you Holla Forums
Rojava will have been crushed by then so it's now or never.
How will we make people co-operate after the revolution, Holla Forums? Who will see that goods are being produced and distributed?
Will the end-result always end up in a bureacratic hellhole?
Every day things look more positive for Rojava actually. Asked me a month ago and I'd have probably agreed but Turkey got out maneuvered pretty damn hard by YPG.
Wrong. The concept of childhood is a recent social development. Before the 17th century, people we nowadays call children were mostly depicted and treated as "little adults".
I'm a soc dem so if I were to move to a country it would be Norway, the best country on earth
the manual labour you will be doing there will cure your first world depression in no time comrade
We need to kill all the cappies here first.
Distributed computing networks. It's not bulletproof but it's the most solid option. As a rule, the less you rely on the human element, the better.
I'll be honest, I have fantasized about that. That being in the field, fighting for a cause I believe in might finally lift this alienation and depression. But I can't know if it will happen, can I? I could just end up there, marching in the middle of a firefight and in dire need of meds.