Is Soylent the food of communism?
this is one of the worst products of capitalism I've seen in years and the vegan I work with won't shut the fuck up about how great it is
Is Soylent the food of communism?
What's wrong with it user? Seems alright to me
making diy soylent is a pretty decent lifestyle choice imo
No, pulled pork is.
Do you work too much to have time to cook or chew, you fucking slob?
Its for exhausted techies that don't have the energy to cook up some pasta or some shit.
Pretty sure a batch of this shit recently hospitalized a whole bunch of people aswell.
Eating isn't easy. We're here to make things a little less complicated.
If I ever hear this word IRL I will break the nose of whatever faggot says it.
Cooking is a joy. Flavours are a joy. Feeding and having people enjoy your food is a joy. My labour is a joy and soylent is disgusting removal from all of that. I will smash your empty veggiecuck head with a fucking sledgehammer for being such an immense faggot as to think soylent is anything but a capitalist push to give the prole more time to commit to more exploitable labour before theyre replaced with automations
the idea of a nutrient liquid for the sake of efficiency over actual cooking of 'real' food seems like some technocratic fascist shit that you'd see in 1984 or something.
I tried it for a bit, can't stand it anymore. Now I prepare smoothies, taste better and there is more variety. Can only recommend against Soylent and any of its forms.
There are other dumb products like this. Mealsquares, Zeal and Ambronite.
Joylent is just the name for another brand, not my cute nickname. And I agree with you, but I'm too lazy too cook is all. It's also healthy I guess.
how can you be so fucking lazy, that eating a clif bar is too much work
Always been interested in it because it is generally cheaper(when you make it yourself), healthier, and easier to make than regular food. Also because it is cyb as fuck. Decided not to because I do actually enjoy eating regular food. Maybe will do it if my budget becomes real tight.
I can't cook for shit and I'm the slowest chewer I know. Products like this aren't bad and I welcome when we get to the point of having meals in a pill.
do you really think you're a leftist?
Eating healthy is expensive + takes up time + is difficult to do accurately.
I can't be arsed to eat a decent breakfast and lunch if I have to actually make it. Soylent is a great filler for stuff like that, but it also is nice to have a "real" meal now and then.
If you hate buying from them so much, just use a DIY recipe. Cheap as fuck. Foodfags b mad
Fuck this meme. I'm going to assume you had shitty pulled pork, which is when the meat is pulled ridiculously thin strands and it's like eating hair.
Fun fact: If you aren't vegan you are no komrade of mine.
No, communal/cafeteria vegan meals are communist.
Liberals pls go
Me too comfam
just dropped into the thread to say keep posting that picture m8
Any successful venture that sources it's income from the general population through voluntary transactions are a success of capitalism.
Execute yourself pls
Can you imagine being a foodcuck. I mean, of all the joys of the world, all the passions all the arts, yours in fucking food. Embarassing.
No but Soylent Green is.
Not an argument. Thanks for convincing me vegans are irredeemably spooked moralfags that should be bullied and sissified to be used for the enjoyment of hypercarnivorous übermenschen.
Anorexia is a dangerous mental illness to have. Please get help.
What has become of us, lying flaccid in our hoards of time-saving devices built by innumerable hours of the work of men like us, our mutual condition the cause of our haste, that we for the first time in two-hundred-thousand years of human progression cannot find the hour of the day or the will in our heart to cook and eat correctly? Your choice of meal and our shared condition are the products of a degenerate society.
You'll be missing out on the hundreds of compounds, phytochemicals and antioxidants that fight diseases and cancers only found in whole foods. Soylent is nothing more than a supplement drink that would do more harm than good:
Unrelated, but also worth a read if you're nutritionally spooked by porky:
Good food is born of struggle, creativity, ingenuity, and communal sharing.
Get the fuck off my fucking board you goddamn animal, one of the things that separates man from beast is our ability to create cuisine and meals with a staggering array of ingredients no matter where we find ourselves.
6/10, I fell for it even though I saw it coming.
In general Silicon valley tends to look at dehumanizing and destructive effects of capitalism on humanity and says "Fuck yes! We need more of this!"
i think people should have access to cooking and communally cooked food and stuff, but let's not go far into the weird cultish social collectivism where we arbitrarily impose shit on people based on some romantic notions of food. some people have trouble eating or their needs/wants fit foods like soylent and whatever better alternatives spring up in the future. workers work more hours because of economic conditions not the emergence of random personal life timesavers
Don't listen to the plebs, they probably haven't been exposed to good, quality, home-cooked food. Honestly that's a tragic fucking thought, and it's a common occurrence under capitalism. Fuck, now I'm angry about this.
Someone please put western society out of it's misery with nuclear weapons.
Jesus, that Debord quote is essentialist trash lel
I actually have an issue forgetting to chew my food well and I'm afraid I may develop digestion problems from failing to do so. Trying to do better. I also think homemade soylent might be a good option for one or two meals a only soylent because I do like real food.
Haha what the fuck.
No. Buying solely organic food is cheaper than a diet of soylent. Sure it might take more time to prepare, but that's why you cook in bulk and for the whole family, or your roommates.
This stuff is just dehumanizing. If we're not working so we can enjoy life (or working because we enjoy it), than what are we doing? You might as well just pop an IV and shackle yourself to your bed, working from home the rest of your life.
And yet. Every time I think Debord was just being a hysterical edgelord, he's proven right yet again.
What the fuck. I'm saying you should do all that shit. Don't strawman you stupid faggot. Also depends where you live whther it is cheaper. I specifically mentioned homemade soylent too which is fucktons cheaper where I live. I'm not suggesting we replace our whole diet with soylent, but for me it would be a good option when I either don't want or don't have the time to prepare a regular meal. I still want to eat real food you massive faggot. kys nigger
t. Porky
What fucking kind of company unironically calls its line of edible goods "Soylent"…?
Might as well brand your air-freshening sprays as "Housewitz" or something.
He didn't even say he was a vegan, what the fuck is wrong with you. I'm not either and eat meat every now and then but the complexes some meat eaters have over their decision to eat meat even if it comes at the cost of pain to conscious, living beings are ten thousand times worse than any vegan preaching could ever be. Kill yourself famalam.
But user, it calls itself that ironically. Soylent was founded when being ironic was the hippest thing you could be.
I feel like we're ebbing closer to a cyberpunk dystopia, only the aesthetics are fucking shit while all the bad parts don't have their usual crutches that make the plot flow.
Cyanide Soylent please.
christ that image is giving me flashbacks to cwc's cum-tubs.
Maybe being aware of the pain I'm causing to conscious, living beings by eating meat is why I need the complex in the fist place.
If you think about it, meat-eaters who don't need a complex to justify themselves are even more cruel. If you don't need to do complicated mental gymnastics to distract yourself from the amount of unimaginable suffering you're causing with your eating habits then you're a literal psychopath.
If anyone's going to kill themselves it should be you, you sadistic fuck.
it's pure lifestylism
See, while I buy the ethical precepts of Veganism I've never liked the "if you don't buy it, they'll stop making it" argument. It only applies in aggregate. "Voting with your wallet" under capitalism is a gigantic meme. We overproduce food to a ridiculous degree. Eschewing it still has some pseudo-moral value, but the practical impact is at best limited. The main hope for actually killing less animals would seem to be the ethical minefield of laboratory meat.
Then again I've never considered it practical anyway because the "list of things I'll eat" could fit on a sticky note and if you take animal products off it could probably fit in a sentence. (Err… bread, potato, yoghurt maybe… fries…sugar?)
There's absolutely nothing wrong with eating animals raised ethically. Humans provide them a comfortable, pleasant life, and a quick, usually painless death, while the only cost is a shorter life, but time is pretty insignificant to an animal anyway. That's a significantly better deal than what they'd get in the wild. Of course, this is assuming they're raised ethically, which most aren't; battery houses or caged cattle is horrific and isn't worth the meat being a bit cheaper.
Enjoy being a fatass
I've actually lost about 18 kilos since the end of Fall and am currently around 68 but thanks anyway.
I like the idea, but in it's current realization its cost and avaliability makes it not useful for the common man.
You people are just being reactionary again, as in "everything new is an evil plot by porkies to fuck us". As an accelerationist I welcome the idea of the new food of the future.
If you don't like the commercial product you may check various recepies of DIY soylent, which is the real shit.
No because the means of production are not owned by the workers, like 99% of the market, when will you understand?
t. spooked moralfag
Ive never seen it before but it sounds usefull tbh.
do people really not have the time to chew food
like nigga microwave a burger jesus
If I had the choice between a diet of microwaved burgers and relatively tasteless but 100% healthy milkshakes, I would choose the latter.
I think he means this.
I'm actually interested in making some of this stuff. I have an eating disorder and have basically no nutrition in my diet. I figure if I can choke down a glass a day it will add some much needed nutrition to my diet. I don't know, this just seems a lot more nice than eating to me.
I lived on it for a week.
It's not bad.
I kind of enjoyed it and it's actually better than my regular college diet.
W a t e r
Tea all kinds
Whole Milk
vegen shit like soy, rice, and almond milk
choco shit
is that a guy? source
Al capitalist firms secure their profits through the theft of the value created by their employees' labour.
How is that movie not the first thing that people think of when they hear "soylent?"
>Robert Rhinehart, the 25-year-old co-founder and chief executive of the firm selling the drink, hit upon the idea when he found himself spending too much time and money searching for nutritious meals while he was working on a wireless-tech start-up in San Francisco.
STEM-fag trying to make everyone a robot in order to increase productivity. San-Fransisco must be destroyed.
Alcohol is the enemy of the working class.
Because you don't do it yourself with a full shoulder in a pressure cooker.
What's with the pulled pork meme?
Like hell. It's my best friend right now.
My nigger. Drinking cognac here.
Shut it slut, we all need booze.
Yeah I don't understand what the big deal about this is. I've actually looked into it a few times (but never bothered to buy) for dieting reasons. If I don't watch myself I'll eat 4 meals a fucking day + snacks and this would be a good way to get nutrition + reduce my caloric intake. I mean if this was being shilled as a food replacement and in the future no one ever ate anymore, I could see this as distopian, but no one on the site does it say you should drink/eat nothing but this 24/7. I don't even give a fuck about the vegan/vegetarian aspect, I just wanna not become a fucking fatass but don't have the time to spend 3 hours as the fucking gym.
why the FUCK is it called soylent? do they really think that's cute and funny?
this is pathetic
Skim Milk
Pop (soda, for you barbarians)
Artifical faking froot joozsh.
That's exactly what it is, though.
You can buy a crate of one month's worth, and it is intended to fulfill all your nutritional needs if you consume it five times a day. That is a food replacement.