Why do leftists insist that fat people aren't responsible for being fat, it's "genetics" or "mental illness"?
I have no sympathy for communists/anarchists that claim that morbidly obese/obese people have no personal responsibility for shoving in fast food in their mouths, drinking pop, sitting all day, and claiming it's all the fault of corporations.
Why do leftists insist that fat people aren't responsible for being fat, it's "genetics" or "mental illness"?
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Hmm, are as obese people as exist today a common occurrence, or are there social and economic factors that make this a new common phenomenon in contemporary times, you gigantic faggot?
a common occurrence throughout history I mean*
It is their fault that they're fat, but we can't ignore how cheap bad food is getting and how portion sizes keep increasing higher and higher. Throw in the fact that a lot of people are too tired to cook after working all day and you have a recipe for disaster.
tl;dr capitalism made them fat
Capitalism is the reason unhealthy food is so plentiful, because it is much cheaper and easier to pump people full of HFCS than to make something that is better for your health. Humans are not used to such abundance of sugars and oils that were once extremely rarer, so a little overindulgence can easily turn into an addiction, especially if you are a child and don't know better. To quit is obviously possible, but usually painful and discomforting, which can make it very difficult for people who rely on unhealthy food for comfort and relief from their shitty lives, and if you are so fat from overeating that you cannot even physically function, there is probably something seriously wrong with your brain to begin with.
Individuals are ultimately responsible for their own health, but it's quite delusional to pretend to be infallible for lacking obvious vices. It's also pretty retarded how destroying your own body in other ways is treated as a personal choice that should be respected.
Also, mandatory reminder that liberals are not leftists.
I don't know, but I fucking despise fat people. I feel like all fat people need to be forced to diet or otherwise turned away from healthcare. Let them die at 35, they're lazy mentally ill pieces of shit. Even if you eat McDonalds every day you won't get fat unless you overeat, which is what they do.
This loveable liberal mangirl made a good video about this
Zizek should go to the fucking gym and get swole
Never saw a leftist argue that. Maybe you're, again, conflating us with liberals. What you would definitely find with leftists however is us pointing towards how socioeconomic factors heavily enable and sometimes even force people into obesity.
Dude doesn't look like it but he is close to 70 years old. Every last drop of testosterone has already left his bode, by now he is surviving on daily injections of pure communist ideology.
I don't know, but I fucking despise people with glasses. I feel like all people with glasses need to be forced into work camps and turned away from healthcare. Let them die at 25, they're pretentious, physically defective pieces of shit. Even if you have deteriorating vision, your vision will not deteriorate more if you don't wear glasses and use traditional Khmer remedies, which is what they don't do.
The universe is macroscopically deterministic. Nobody has free will, and the only thing that can be blamed for anything is the universe itself.
Now stop looking for people to blame and start looking for solutions. You won't though, because you don't have free will.
This is why most people won't support the far left.
Always looking for whiny excuses to not accept personal responsibility, it's always "you have no free will, external forces are responsible for everything".
So why do people have so much less "personal responsibility" than 50 years ago? Surely there are no broad societal-level forces at work which demand a public response!
Don't get me wrong, diet and exercise are good things, but you can't chalk everything up to free will.
Fat people are gross. Most are just lazy and pathetic
You are literally saying that people who are stupid enough to eat huge amounts of fast food, junk food, don't exercise are somehow not responsible for ending up obese, morbidly obese.
That's fucking stupid.
It's like saying if I never study, yet I blame capitalism for failing university.
How is this any different from endorsing capitalism on the basis that people who do not succeed are inferior because the lack the intelligence to compete? It is their responsibility to deal with the source of their problems, but this doesn't mean they are less than human for having those problems to begin with.
You are allowed to dislike someone without dehumanizing them.
If I may interject, for what purporse are we fetishising 'personal responsibility' as some kind of a societal good or goal? There is no point in fantasies about some kind of an 'ideal' way to reach a goal - not using societal mechanisms, even within capitalism such as a sugar tax etc to cause positive effect in the community is stupid and seeped in ideology over practicality.
This is the equivalent of abstinence-only sex education. You can feel superior to stupid teen mums as much as you like but you'll still have to deal with them in your society. You can of course just remove social services that these people will peruse, to make them suffer for their stupidity, but that's just being spiteful and destructive for ideological reasons.
Your post simply continues the idea that others noted, which is your apparent belief that people have no duty to take responsibility for their own choices and actions, as if everyone is a victim with no agency or choice. Yet I suspect if someone wronged you you'd be less than forgiving, since their actions clearly didn't results from their choices.
I can't think of the last time some lardass ate enough food to magically give someone else a heart attack.
Besides, plenty of people commit crimes due to unchecked mental illnesses. Yes, their behavior is unacceptable, but that doesn't mean they are fully in control of it. People are imperfect organic constructs like every other living thing.
You are basically saying we should make judgments based on personal feelings of resentment and not try to be as objective as possible. Everyone thinks fat people are nasty, including them.
Calvinism would like a word with you faggot
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t. lolbert
Individualism, social atomism, and personal responsibility is the professed theology of liberalism. That's why we hate it.
Fat people are produced by a system.
k lemme write that down
I doubt those are "leftists". Obese people are clearly a metaphor for the senseless hyper-growth of late capitalism. It has nothing to with "genetics" or "mental illness", although some would argue that the cancerous stage of capitalism we're in truly is mental.
We don't. You're attacking a strawman.