How many people here are formerly Holla Forums (or right wing in some way)?
I used to dick ride people like Richard Spencer, but I realized I didn't agree with much of what he said, and I just took all this trolling to heart.
How many people here are formerly Holla Forums (or right wing in some way)?
I used to dick ride people like Richard Spencer, but I realized I didn't agree with much of what he said, and I just took all this trolling to heart.
At one point I was a nationalist for Vietnam, I mean most Vietnamese people do have a strong anticolonial sentiment. But it always had a more left leaning sentiment.
Shit went downhill on imageboards rather quickly and the discussion of what nationalism actually is hit the shitter as more and more, basically losers who got their feelings hurt in high school flooded.
/n/ was a mistake that should have stayed empty.
Should have closed it for good.
I guess I count too, except I never could fully buy into it being a /new/sman-Holla Forumslack since that would include dickriding Hitler which doesn't work with my nationality too well.
What is your nationality?
I was a liberal before going socdem before going communist.
Nah I was always a communist due to my massive intelligence.
After Holla Forums got Maddow and Hillary to talk about Pepe, it sorta just plateaued and they can only go down from here.
"Hahaha you fucked with the media, that was kinda funny." Even if they do more, its just going to get old.
Not me I'm from Anokchan
I used to be a Assershit
About 6 years ago, I was a full blown neo "Holocaust did not happen, Hitler was a great guy, Germany should've won WWII, Sieg Heil" nazi. Since then I have gone through a lot of the political spectrum from conservative to lolbertarian, to liberal, to socdem, until settling in revolutionary democratic socialism where I've been for slightly above 2 years.
I have been around.
I have 4 anons that i would like report to the KGB
Im super mega smart so ive always been a communist
Haha, you're fun.
Now put yourself against the wall.
Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. A long time.
I was never a Holla Forums type, but I was raised by neoconservative parents and had a brief period of being a shithead who read Goldwater/Friedman.
My political path went:
Conservative > Left Liberal > Social Democracy > Marxist Leninist > Communalist
I've basically had a full tour of the political compass, which is good and bad I guess.
I was a fascist until I picked up a book.
Kind of.
civic nationalist/fascist > jacobin/radical liberal > syndicalist marxist
i went from:
nazi > right libertarian > neocon > trump supporter > bernie supporter socdem > some kind of anarchist > marxism-leninist
I grew up in an extremely conservative (read: Republican South) area, but I thought politics was a joke not to be taken seriously until I found communism. Repeating Republican talking points is just kind of a thing here, so I did it to fit in but never really gave a shit. Does that count?
lolbert > oh so that's what property is > ancom
I through I was a Ancap because I didn't know what communism was other that liberal spooks, and even then I knew capitalism wasn't perfect, or even good.
this but unironically
first was an sjw, then i became a civic nationalist and then i created this acoount on some site trying to pretend to be a commie/tankie and found Holla Forums and well here i am
you've a long way to go yet
Ehh, furthest I got was calling myself a "radical centrist" a while ago. Thank god I excised that trash from my brain.
this is me. Honestly Holla Forums should be nicer to liberals, yes they can be pretty awful, but you have a better chance of converting them than a conservative
Born 1993, was a Holla Forumsack (yes before Holla Forums existed) from around 2007 to 2011. Slowly drifted towards liberal from 2011 to 2012 which was coincidentally around the time the empathic abilities of my brain developed further, got interested in leftist ideology in 2012 and got interested in actual books in 2014 and have developed a leftist world view ever since.
I disagree, the soft-right already considers communism to be a part of their ideology, just as an enemy to be vanquished. If they are willing to listen while you give them a run down on the truth of the matter, give them a few citations to read through, they are often very willing to reconsider their position because they feel personally wronged for their indoctrination. Liberals are very pretentious in general and utterly unwilling to they have ever been wrong about anything.
There was quite embarrassing neo-reactionary monarchist period that I had few years back.
I was until August of last year, mysticism never sat well with me, and Holla Forums's autistic sense of nationalism started making me want to hurl.
Formerly socdem, not I'm YARHAR FIDDLEDEEDEE.
no thanks
The joke is you're now in your embarrassing socdem stage.
Nope. Edgy SocDem to full-on Commie. I had a phase where I kind of dabbled in Fascist ideas, but I just couldn't take them seriously because of how much I've always considered capitalism and the rich elite to be humanity's primary enemy.
Not really. Totalitarianism appealed to me when i was an edgy kid protesting against the status quo, but I was also into scepticism so nationalism didn't really appeal to me. As I became an edgy adult I read Kapital and confirmed my commie politics.
I was never really right wing. I've sort of explored and appreciated libertarianism and nationalism before but not extremely seriously. Against liberal idpol shit since I started hearing it.
basically I always had a sense that my main beefs are capitalism and the government, but wasnt really attracted to democraps and couldnt tolerate progressives.
I browsed Holla Forums and made Holla Forums jokes but never out of actually buying into it.
I'm from Holla Forums too, I leave it because it was too fascist and too capitalist for me, now I'm a socialist but also a civic nationalist.
Stopped regularly browsing Holla Forums after the election. The whole Trump personality cult just put me off, especially the part where he is a holy cow now, and criticism of the administration is either scolded or not tolerated at all.
I also realized that almost no one on Holla Forums is actually serious about tackling underlying issues. They agitate against jewish bankers, but are okay when it's a "white" guy doing it or when they're on Trump's team.
They ridicule China for turning their country into a wasteland, but then cheer on the abolishment of the EPA (Founded by the antisemite Nixon no less) and want to allow corporations to dump heavy metals in to the water supply. (So much for "muh fluorine!")
They think consumerism is degenerate but then drone on and on about economic growth.
And a lot their views are borderline creepy and very similar to what they accuse the jews of. Including wanting to wipe out non-whites with nuclear weapons (Samson option much?). They even unironically want to bomb Iran now because they're "shitskins" and insulted their "God Emperor".
In the words of their leader: Disgusting.
no thanks. id rather have left liberalism than nazbolism to be honest. it just comes down to self preservation. left liberals often have some part of their stupid brains beginning to think about class.