Actual ways to end police violence?

There is without a doubt a disproportionate amount of people - no matter if black, white, or anything else - getting shot by the police in America, compared to other nations (for example Germany). What would you do to stop that, if that was your task?

I'm asking for realpolitik-solutions.

Other urls found in this thread:


shoot back

Not realistic. Police force will be always stronger. (Seriously this won't work out.)

Also i actually intended to refer to people who are definitely innocent/unarmed.

Abolish the sta– """Real"""politik? Gun control.

The problem with the "End the State" argument is that it would make no difference for the person who is shot, if he is killed by the state police or some kind of anarchist-volkspolizei.

But you can convince me why the number of killings would decrease without a state, maybe i'm not able to see something here.

End drug prohibition *completely*. That means no arrests, detainment, searches, or imprisonment for any sort of drug crime (that isn't "driving while drug-impaired" or "dosing someone without consent"), at all.

End the Controlled Substances Act and Analogue Act, and all state/local laws that do similar things.

How would that function? Germany also has very strict substance laws.

DUIs should be completely legal


Ok, lets remove realpolitik.
What would you do if were the absolute ruler in the country?

End the police.
Problem solved.

Abolish my country (the nation state) and my position as ruler.

Why would it make a difference?

Google John Brown

Arm your population so they don't need to rely on the state to protect them and execute violent or repeat offenders like we used to do back in the good old days before Marxists took our guns and our right to defend ourselves and started idolizing thugs as heroes.


Oh look its episode #349754 of Holla Forums thinks were liberals, read a book you ignorant nigger.

Any anarchist community militia wouldn't be a police force. They wouldn't have an agenda in supporting the prison-industrial complex, or protecting private property, or be essentially foreigners occupying a community they have no connection to.

We should privatize the police. People who can't afford police protection don't have anything worth stealing anyway.

Do you have a single fact to back this up?

Crimes would happen even in egalitarian societies.

Jesus fucking christ fam, most cops in Europe don't even carry guns, sure, Brazil and the Kongo probably have more murderous police.

Not if they were both socially cohesive and egalitarian, a lack of either results in crime.

Step one is fire literally the entire country's police force and blacklist them from future work.

Take away the guns, all of them, from everyone. In b4 liberal, it's literally the most efficient action you could undertake.

I'd love to see that happen followed by BLM arming themselves and marching down the streets. Wonder if right-wing cucks would still cry for the right to arm yourself.

America is infested with nigger gangs and just youtube "I didnt do nuffin" to get a sense of what cops have to deal with daily.

Limp wristed nu-male liberals guilted by their college profs and MSM. And blacks who shoot sideways and overweight pink haired women lesbians. Literally no threat.

Isn't chomsky anti gun control?

Stop being baboons and get a job instead of scamming dem programs and thinking you're gonna get rich by selling nickle bags of heroin.

Just nuke Amerifats. It would solve so many fucking problems.

The only good nigger is a dead one;'^)

If you only want to make a living, selling drugs is pretty damn sufficient, assuming you aren't arrested and/or killed.

As long as you aren't selling it to kids or retards, it's no less ethical than working for Porky (or "the joo" as you probably call him).

The only problem with that is you can't really do anything long term with whatever you bring in.
You can't bank it, because banks report that shit past a certain amount, and since you aren't paying taxes on it, the government has multiple avenues to arrest you over.
Seriously, Al Capone never did a single day of jail time for being a gangster or murdering people, they got him for tax evasion.
And if you can't prove unequivocally where your income comes from, the government can take every single thing you own and auction it off because you paid for it through illegal means.

Sooner or later, the feds will catch up with you.

Feds can't do shit when I practice COUNTER-ECONOMICS YO

I talking cash-transactions, under-the-table, craigslist shit. I'd like the IRS to do shit when I don't even have an official residence because I have a private agreement with the landlord and I'm driving around in a BMW that I bought for craigslist.

Seriously though, doing stuff like that is possible. Find the right people (which shouldn't be too hard because everyone like cash) and you never have to interact in the white market again. Now, if you're talking about having millions in cash, then at that point you just get someone to professionally launder it for you.

try it faggot, some gun owners might shoot back :^>

Reminds me: What have you done today to kill white people, Holla Forums?


Lmao it's literally like in the mallninja thread:

read this book, I dont like the fuckin huras but this is a solid and it goes much deeper than the title implies; he actually has some good ideas and understands what is truly wrong with not only the "electronic plantation" and the PIC, but he also accurately diagnoses a large contingent of the..chaotic male contingent if you will, he dubs them "urmenschen" which is oddly fitting and he does it constructively for the most part

the book is even kinda entertaining and while not negating the race side of things it provides a much more coherent analysis than you will generally get from the copwatch, nevermind the BLM crowd

anybody that runs the risk of coming into contact with LEO on the regular should definitely fucking read it, some of this is common sense but some of it can be a fucking life saver


shut up you cocksucker, sure you see some nasty shit as a cop but its not that fucking dangerous you sheltered yuppie faggot, you dont get an award and a handy nigger, its yer fucking job, its literally more dangerous to be a roofer, and you dont get the fucking benefits/ gang allegiance you get as a cop

cops are being inadequately trained and getting their dick sucked WAY too much, you need more training to be a fucking hair stylist than you need to be a certified LEO, nevermind what they have done to SWAT, its a fucking travesty

please fucking offf yourself

No one is seeding; do you have the book? Mind uploading it here or maybe hosting it on