Guys literally what the fuck do people mean when they say "brocialist" it literally means fucking nothing and when they try to explain it they describe totally the opposte of what the people they accuse of being brocialists are
Guys literally what the fuck do people mean when they say "brocialist" it literally means fucking nothing and when they...
It means a person who pretends to be a socialist while not being a feminist.
a leftist who doesn't care about idpol
Oh yea right I forgot things that have nothing to do with socialism are very important to it how could I have forgotten I must have momentarily used my fucking brain for once
Generally it's a quip used by hip and trendy left-liberals who fancy themselves revolutionary to to call out people who are emphasizing class just a little too much (actual socialists, basically).
That said, while identity politics is a cancer on the left, a lot of the really vulgar class essentialism on the left goes so far as to say incredibly retarded shit you'd hear coming out of the mouth of an MRA. In this way the use of the word might be warranted if it weren't for the fact that "brocialist" is a retarded new age Tumblr-tier term. Still, the ones who actually fit this description are so far are incredibly far and few and the smallest critique of postcolonial assumptions will brand you a brocialist.
Lastly there's also people who are now consciously wearing the term "ironically" and to mock the stupidity of the term, but that's also retarded.
Any mention of class marks you as a brocialist.
I'd say a leftist who is against idpol fits better. I don't think that anyone would accuse you of brocialism if you just don't care as long as you don't pick up the cliche Sargon rhetoric about social justice.
Or maybe you could read Engels? Socialism is feminist.
you'd be right to be a feminist back in engels time. nowadays, there's almost difference between the oppression of men and women in western capitalism besides political theatre.
So it is, but modern liberal feminism has lost all contact with the material struggle of old school feminism in favor of spazzing out about "microaggressions" and all that tumblr nonsense. Uphold the equality of men and women with the utmost relentlessness, but do not give in to liberal nonsense which seeks to divide the working class and struggle for breadcrumbs rather than the liberation of all humanity.
tankies which are against trap waifus
>i-i mean that kind of feminism
This is why you are called a brocialist you fucking retard.
It's another idpol SJW made up word akin to "manspreading" or "mansplaining" which is used by sectarians to describe all other leftists who don't agree on their views about idpol.
third wave feminism is almost as woman hateric as reactionary chauvinism.
who /manarchist/ here?
"The 1960s also saw the emergence of yet another form of nationalism on the Left: increasingly ethnically chauvinistic groups began to appear that ultimately inverted Euro-American claims of the alleged superiority of the white race into an equally reactionary claim to the superiority of nonwhites. Embracing the particularism into which racial politics had degenerated instead of the potential universalism of a humanitas, the New Left placed blacks, colonial peoples, and even totalitarian colonial nations on the top of its theoretical pyramid, endowing them with a commanding or “hegemonic” position in relation to whites, Euro-Americans, and bourgeois-democratic nations. In the 1970s, this particularistic strategy was adopted by certain feminists, who began to extol the “superiority” of women over men, indeed to affirm an allegedly female mystical “power” and an allegedly female irrationalism over the secular rationality and scientific inquiry that were presumably the domain of all males. The term “white male” became a patently derogatory expression that was applied ecumenically to all Euro-American men, irrespective of whether they themselves were exploited and dominated by ruling classes and hierarchies." - Bookchin
"Brocialist" is often just an epithet thrown at anyone who doesn't kow tow to the identitarian line, and "check" their muh privilege. That's not to say that there aren't socialists who are woman haters and generally terrible people, but identity politicians have made the term "brocialist" virtually meaningless.
manarchists > brocialists tbh
don't even get me started on those nazbrols tho
"only into socialism because it makes life better for straight white men which is the only group they care about."
Why would people on this board not be feminists? Socialists are for the emancipation of women (I don't think I've ever seen people here advocating for sexist bullshit the way Holla Forums does). If we let go of a term like feminism, because the term has been appropriated by liberals/idpol socialists, it might never return to it's old status as a socialist idea. Are we going to stop calling ourselves 'socialists', because most people think of Bernie Sanders instead of Karl Marx when they hear that word? The argument could be made that we no longer live in a patriarchal society in the west, but that doesn't mean that you don't have to be a feminist. The third world still deals with issues such as polygamy, honor killings and FGM. I feel like people might get the wrong idea about /us/ (and our emphasis on class, rather than identity) if we don't call ourselves feminists. Letting feminism get bastardized even more by identitarian faggots for the sake of not wanting to be associated with these same faggots is fucking retarded, imo. Especially since I quite often see people post things like .
It means prioritizing class struggle over idpol
I don't want to be associated with liberal feminists in the english speaking world. that's that. thee SJW meme is real and I don't want to touch that cancer with a 334 foot long pole.
Now if only we could find out why the jocks called you a faggot in high school
equality is inherent to socialism, not the other way around.
The use of "feminism" can be highly misleading because context is important.
By the absolute strictest definition, anyone who supports equal treatment of women in politics, economics and culture is a feminist. However, in most contexts, feminism refers to specific political movements that people often disagree with in spite of technically adhering to said definition.
This is a common example of the mind games liberals play to get people to accept their ideology: if you don't agree with my liberal reformist bullshit way of approaching societal issues, you must not believe they exist at all. For that matter, most liberals and radfems have a different concept of oppression than the old left, being more concerned with hurtful words than alienation and wage slavery. Women being formally mistreated compared to men has direct implications for how capitalism warps cultural norms and standards to its own ends. Only the ruling class is liberated enough to be so overly concerned with saying anything they don't like is sexist. Most of them are concerned only with furthering their own ends among the bourgeois.
It's a derogatory term for people who want to address the source of problems rather than the symptoms. Used by people who benefit from the status quo.