All this shitposting has desensitized me.
When Stalin has become such a meme to you that you keep forgetting normal people think of him as one of the most evil...
Capitalist imperialist pigs who deserve the gulag hate uncle Joe. The normies just need some class consciousness.
I'm seeing a lot of stalinist memmys by normalfags btw.
i mean it's because of the filter bubble obv but they're still normalfags.
It's weird talking with normie leftists.
I try to avoid Stalin and other controversial figures when I retweet memes
We'll only be able to truly judge Stalin in a post capitalist world. Can't say I like what I see about him, though.
Too real.
Such is life in Russia
seriously, I'm a narcho but memes like almost make me like him
Everything anyone did to accomplish communism will be retroactively justified in a post-capitalist world.
The ancoms theory is developing…
The dialect is in motion…
The tanky will inherit the earth
I honestly can't tell if the tankies and other assorted authoritarians are serious or not anymore.
Doesn't quite matter, if they ironically execute you or ironically put you in the gulag, the results are the same regardless of whether the political officer comes to your grave saying "IT'S JUST A PRANK, BRAT'" or not…
Why do you narchos cry about ML executions and forced labor so much when the anarchists did the exact same shit to their enemies in Kekalonia?
Last sunday I was eating dinner with my family, my liberal lil bro said I was a contrarian beause I'm an anti capitalist, (he is conformist scum). I said something about how Stalin's has been the subject of a character assassination and everyone at the dinner table laughed. Trying to explain how big an achievement industrialization was in the Soviet union doesn't work. Even my far leftie older brother didn't listen to me, fucking normie :(
what's even going on anymore
I hope there aren't any trots in here.
what the fuck
Everything is relative, Stalin was bad but he was no Churchill.
When I hear the words "30-50 million" I unholster my gun, as is the duty of everyone
Better version.
A board with too many memes is like a river with too much lead.