Help me fill this out.
I'm defining imperialism specifically as Western capitalist hegemony. Russia has imperial ambitions, but it's an opponent of the dominant imperialist hegemon.
Help me fill this out.
I'm defining imperialism specifically as Western capitalist hegemony. Russia has imperial ambitions, but it's an opponent of the dominant imperialist hegemon.
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this meme needs to die
Weeeeeeew lad.
Also tertiary capitalist countries like Canada and Australia shouldn't be considered imperialist. They are basically just accessories to US imperialism. I would argue that the legitimately imperialist (as in they engage in imperialism independently of other imperialist powers) country list would include…
What did he mean by this?
Fixed your map btw
So pre-capitalist empires weren't empires? Moron.
Explain how Australia and Canada aren't imperialist? They have international corporations, participated in joint military operations, etc
By that logic basically every country except for the deep periphery is imperialist. In a globalized world every corporation is international. I'm talking about countries that intervene politically or militarily in other countries for the purposes of securing their economic or strategic interests. Canada and Australia never do this independently, only in conjunction with stronger countries like the the U.S. or Britain.
*laughing smiley*
Imperialism refers to a country's position within the capitalist network, not just whether or not they tell other countries what to do
Hello Tankie Twitter
You probably watch RT too.
Lenin is rolling in his grave right now, fuck off to Reddit your liberal faggot
French imperialists competed for dominance with the 'dominant imperialist hegemon' of Britain, I suppose that makes them anti-imperialist as well?
Russia is less Imperialist than america
How is that incorrect?
They oppose the western imperialistic paradigm
what the fuck
Israel is thinner than the line, and I had to include Palestine in white.
t. Hillary Clinton
Scotland? Catalonia? Basque Country?
Anyways, anti-imperialism is great. Because Islamic fascism is liberation and non-white nationalism is totally compatible with internationalism.
what a shit caricature. literally all anti-imperialist "tankies," are against the FSA and ISIS.
Marxist Leninism was a mistake
lol yeah
Not to mention those who support the Antisemites of the Hamas because of muh national liberation.
>""anti-imperialists"" are against the Hezbollah see above
Fuck. Off. To. Reddit.
All nations are imperialist.
They fucking better.
The way to deal with Middle East is to look the other way. South Africa belongs to the Boers.
By this definition, wouldn't this also make China anti-imperialist?
Will tankies support the Anglo-American alliance against Chinese imperialism when China starts trying to become a hegemonic power, which they will do?
basically a fluke tbh
no other MLs do this
China opposes Western imperialism while also being complicit in it by powering Western economies
where do i sign up
the US isn't imperialist, they're just fighting russian imperialism
do you see how retarded that sounds?
You'll have better luck supporting non-western imperialists and the likes of ISIS for "challenging the us hegemony" on r/socialism than here. Fucking trotskist tier shit
Russia was Communists and sheeeit, that makes Russian imperialism ok
Counter-imperialism against the hegemon is inherently anti-imperialist.
actually fuck it ill do a whole map
Mountain pajeet detected.
Tankies are closet reactionaries who like Soviet aesthetics
That's what Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Four-Worldist with Nepalese characteristics say fam don't blame me
Explain Egypt
Hungarian revolutionaries don't exactly have a bonafide reputation either.
How in the fuck
What about it?
Here, have a relic from a long forgotten place.
Scotland is no more a victim of imperialism than Newcastle or Birmingham.
The mean I.Q. of humanity is about 90. Most populations have dominated, exploited or exterminated a less intelligent population at some point in history.
Neo-colonialism has very little to do with imperialism.
Mandatory reminder that Richard Lynn pulled his numbers partially out of his ass
Most things that communists(M-Ls in particular) consider imperialism are merely neo-colonialism.
not tenable, even under the most lenient of inclusion criteria.
performance of Africans on the Raven's tests suggested that the
average I.Q. of Africans in terms of western norms on the Raven's
is approximately 78 (UK norms) or 80 (US norms).
than do westerners.
Your source criticizes Lynn's methods but still concedes that Africans are retarded subhumans.
82 is well above borderline mental functioning, and the average intelligence of people in the third world is increasing pretty rapidly. It's probably rather close to what average scores would be like in Europe a century ago.
Oh, hi, Holla Forums!
No, it's just you, Holla Forums.
Explain why Nigerians, especially from certain tribes and language groups, do better in Autism Level tests and academics than whites. This also applies to second-generation immigrants. This article even references your beloved Lynn:
Not to mention that poverty on itself can lower persons Autism Level by 13 points.
Really fired my neurons. Kekolonia probably didn't have a state either.