When will Holla Forums realize that Capitalism is the problem in the video games industry, but not Ess Jay Wee?
With free software, they can seize the means of coding and actually fix a fucking shitty games.
When will Holla Forums realize that Capitalism is the problem in the video games industry, but not Ess Jay Wee?
With free software, they can seize the means of coding and actually fix a fucking shitty games.
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Because Holla Forums is a Holla Forums colony.
That is, populated almost entirely with reactionary retards who blame everything on TEH EBIL JOOZ
They're kids and adult with the mentality of kids.
Hate to be condescending, but it's true.
They're going to grasp the concepts by regurgitation but not blame the right problems/causes and see the broader picture of it.
This, basically. They're too mentally immature for any great degree of critical thought.
I dunno OP. Wouldn't that mean having to read books and learn useful skills first?
Socialism would honestly be pretty bad for video games and the entertainment industries as a whole. We would see a hell of a lot less content and funding for them across the board. I for one don't think this is a bad thing but the neckbeards at Holla Forums probably won't like it. Maybe once full communism sets in but by then I don't think people would even bother with vidya nearly as much.
So they oppose socialism because it will urge them to leave their basements? :^)
The only reason video games exist today is to sell then multiplayer without it lasting for microtransactions, and pre-order, and the $60 price tag.
Most people are being less and less able to afford this, or they don't but end up with it anyways. And of course, the people who can afford all of this easily, for teenagers etc, are just really being pandered to on either political aisle for a long time now, ever increasing.
Video games are entirely limited by that. There's never going to be a way video games get out of this, the "indie" scene is going to fall out just like everything else did.
To say that video games cannot improve in socialism is to say that you can fix an entire industry by capitalism itself. You cannot. It's just like any other media product today.
I thought the idea would be that these things have more funding under socialism, not less?
Most adults on Holla Forums I would be surprised passed high school above a 3.5, with having barely read any of the material and just bullshitted through most of it, and the other larger portion are kids who are in the process.
I don't know why it's up to debate, why you want to argue Holla Forums is an intelligent board to have open political discussion where you can back and forth about problems about the industry.
honestly pretty much. These people often also say they would rather kick out the browns and blacks then elect even a socdem so don't expect them to be storming the capital.
I would expect a boom in indie games but things like the triple A games, Hollywood, and television would decrease massively. And it probably would be good for us, we are over saturated in entertainment.
That's exactly why modding communities form OP, and the whole paid mods incident with Valve underscores what you have said.
Back when doritogate happened there could have been a chance, but then Holla Forums came pushing the DA SJEWS and KALRTURAL MARXISM angle constantly for years until we get what we have now.
I found far more threads about some female animator or some SJW shit on the game that about how the gameplay or animations are trash.
This, pretty much.
Entertainment and the arts are hindered under capitalism by both the cost of entry into those fields (expenses occurred to get an education in programming, 3D modeling, etc and the barrier of nepotism of friends of friends getting all the work) and the profit motive. You have an artificial scarcity of those who are able to make video games, at least games beyond small scale indie titles, and the limitations of this product needing to turn a profit. That crushes creativity, so you get annual editions of the same Call of Duty game reskinned every year because those are creatively cheap to produce and are proven to sell.
Under socialism, the barrier of entry is lifted - anyone who wants to go into game design can. With a division of labor and the abolishment of private property, people will work less and have more free time to create. The same people who work on dev teams can come together to create without the limitations of market appeal or release deadlines.
Games, and entertainment as a whole, would be more rich in creativity under socialism than they ever could under capitalism.
Funnily enough, listening to Jim Sterling shit on EA was what started me on the road of Communism.
"WTF, they're ruining the thing I like for profit!?"
Sadly, the shitheads at v got spooked by GG and are worried about feminists censoring their vagina bones
Please tell me you don't pronounce it like this
lol you are a certified faggot
Androidanon here.
I don't know what's shittier your bait or your case for free software.
With free software you know what else is free? You, of a living wage, because you don't get paid you doofoos.
Open software is for learning a trade, nothing else, nothing more. Sometimes a serious project pops out of it and when it does it usually becomes a business that sells something else besides software.
Grow up and get a job.
There used to be a perfect understanding on Holla Forums that the more a product had to be sold to people, the less likely it was to actually be enjoyable for the people who really gave a shit about games. It was only after GG that the stance got shifted to actually AAA games are great inherently and indie games inherently suck my taint
Because Holla Forumsirgins are the kind of person that uses "learn basic economics" as an argument without even understanding supply and demand.
No matter how extremely fucking obvious it is that a game isn't worth paying for, they do it anyway so they can whine about it.
I'm going to talk about employment as I post on Holla Forums
I'm going to tripfag as I talk about what other people post on Holla Forums
Mate, this is just sad and the irony is practically dripping from the walls for most of your posts. At least you get banned for posting inflammatory and empty threads on other boards- Holla Forums is the definition of a consensus cracking operation with no direction and no energy of its own. Parasites.
Yeah I am
jesus christ how horrifying
maybe stop being retarded, dumb gamer.
Who gives a shit about shitting on image boards you over sensitive loser
On a scale that goes from Stirner himself to the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, how spooked is this faggot?
>>>Holla Forums12178623
This was a pretty common talking point on 4/v/ around 2011-2012 when I lurked there, mostly popping around piracy threads.
So do you actually have logic for why your particular off-brand of conflict-promoting "-ism" (that you're so cleverly encouraged to tout with a flag, btw) is actually better for games, or are you just here to play Marx and feel morally superior to the rest of us for ill-defined reasons?
That damn Frank Furtschool and his Karltural Marxism making the animations in my video game bad, not the developer hiring the cheapest animators.
Rightist are very simple people, they don't want to face the reality that Capitalism has fucked them in all aspects of life.
Also Holla Forums is Far-Right as fuck, ironic seeing that most video games are Leftist.
Yeah, I read it, and it's predicated on the same argument that most of these philosophies are. "If we had a magical, perfectly equal society, this wouldn't be a problem."
The question is- how do you GET THERE? How do you deal with the consequences of forcing a system that runs counter to current thought, even natural consequence? You put the cart before the horse and then act smug about it.
Sitting here waxing poetic about how the future would be so-much-better if things were done one way doesn't make it so- it's a criticism, not a plan, not a proof.
holy shit lol
Come on now tripfag. I don't expect much, but that's low-tier even for one of your kind.
Play less video games and read more books, my dude.
I swear, I'm trying not to go all "nod an argubent" on you fags, but you're making it really hard.
Why are you talking to me
Because you're shitposting in public, fuckboi.
There are lots of leftist thought on how to build communism. You have to be more specific when you ask HOW because you will get different answers from marxists, anarchists, communalists, etc.
Mate, all I'm asking is for somebody, ANYBODY, in this thread to back their opinion up from their own perspective without relying on the tired and true pseudo-intellectualism of insulting your opponent's intelligence or suggesting they're not well-read enough to automatically presume your opinion is correct. (Without even knowing what that opinion is, for one matter.)
Imagine how sad you must be to be an adult insulted on Holla Forums's behalf like you're not even a teenager more
You don't have to do this, look at yourself
We don't really need to DO anything, capitalism is inherently flawed in a way that it will bring about its own demise. Check out the sticky for reading material to find out why.
I mean, that's nice wishful thinking and all, but even if it's true that doesn't answer the question- not to mention we're just circling back to "you're not well-read enough to GET it."
C'mon, even back on 2015 the general consensus was that greed was fucking the AAA industry and that the SJW shit was on the indie level (even EA mainly used social justice as a shield) and that it wasn't all a jewish plot (hard to call Gaben or Nintendo jewish, as much as Holla Forums would like)
Do you expect to know how the world works off the bat lol
Nobody is going to hold your fucking hand through college calculus either
You really aren't well read enough to get it though. I could spoonfeed you but do you realize how much reading I would need to summarize and still fail at covering it all? It's better just to go to the source.
I'm sorry. Are we supposed boil down hundreds of years of leftist thought into an easily consumable single 8ch post for your gaming addled brain? There is no quick time event for understanding theory.
The funny part here is that I have read Marx, I've read Caudwell, I've read Stirner (because you faggots insist his dribble is worth considering) hell I've even read Gorter.
I'm not asking you to write a fucking book. I'm asking you to back your opinions up with anything other than "you're too stupid to understand my next-level thinking."
As soon as neo-liberals realize they're not leftists.
Because capitalism is constantly provoking things like this.
Mind you this is not uncommon on the vidya industry, or any industry for that matter.
Or how intelectual property and all the fuckloads of shit that brings can only exist under capitalism (as if, it didn't even fucking exist until very recently)
Even something as soft as Market Socialism would mitigate all the shit capitalism brings to vidya or any other industry so much is not even funny.
Still focused on criticizing capitalism rather than espousing why a socialist/communist/whatever-ist form is better for vidya, but thank you for stepping out of the echo chamber to actually present an argument.
I'll have a look.
I just joined this thread, but what exactly are you asking for? A description on how capitalism corrupts production of media or a description on how the process of media production would look like in a socialist/communist society?
It isn't. In the 90s Capitalism was just as alive in the industry and the players got what they wanted. If anything now it's less Capitalism and more of a cult using the companies under their control to shove propaganda down the player throat, even if that costs the companies many sales.
Problem is getting that to sell is impossible. People will not pay when they can get the same for free, look how much the DF guys made and compare that to any shitty game with a fraction of the playerbase. DF isn't free software, but the distribution model is free (as in beer, not in freedom).
According to the premise (and even that is questionable in this empty-headed reactionary excuse for a thread) capitalism is inherently bad for games production, but whatever flavor of socialism would be superior.
I'm trying to understand why (without motivation for profit,) that this could be true. So far we've seen plenty of reasons put forward as to why capitalism bad, but few, if any, as to why socialism is better or how we'd get there. It's not a zero sum game, so I think it's fair to ask that.
Much easier to criticize the system in place than to form an opinion on the future.
I'm also curious as to how an expensive industry like game production could maintain itself when even maintenance of public utilities is difficult to encourage without personal gain, but that's sadly arguable in the realm of "no true socialism" to pull examples from.
And you're riding in on your high horse from where, exactly?
I dunno where you've been, but Holla Forums has been a flaming pit for months now. At least it's not Holla Forums, I guess.
I calls 'em fags on any board where they're fags. Do you disagree that this sort of thing does your viewpoint a disservice?
Nope, it's not my viewpoint. I don't give a shit, I'm just noting how awful Holla Forums is.
For starters, the shitpile that is intellectual property, with all the bullcrap it brings, wouldn't exist.
Also, without the board of investors asking for exponential profits on a ever-decreasing rate of profit many of the shit that happens, like DLC/Season passes, games being made constantly for the lowest common denominator or paid online wouldn't happen.
You don't even need to go full toothbrush, even under market socialism things should improve.
Every criticism of video games attributed to capitalism in this thread would be gone in socialism, that's the whole point of how it would be better. You're full of shit saying you've read what you claim in . Try doing some research into why the great depression happened and how we recovered, same with the 2008 recession. These events are inevitable in capitalism and you can only blame it on everything but capitalism so many times before it becomes undeniable that capitalism is the root issue.
t. never read capital
I can agree there, but that seems to be predicated on changing human nature. If there's no reason to produce games other than for the pleasure of producing them, isn't the result no different than our current unpaid indie developers?
I'd accept the point that they certainly have more passion, but their resources are quite finite. In a truly socialist system I'd question whether that form of entertainment would be considered important enough to provide it the same resources AAA get today.
Okay then user, you have fun shouting at the wall. We can't have a discussion like this.
Forgot to take off my shitposting flag
You mentioned earlier you read some leftist books, if this is a topic of interest to you, you might be interested in Adorno: en.wikipedia.org
The communist alternative to the capitalist development that is described in this book can simply be understood as the negation of the negative influence that capital has on the production of art: With the absence of commodification and mass production of media, "true" art can be produced, that is the supposed "true" psychological needs of us humans such as freedom, creativity and happiness can not only be addressed by but also expressed through art. Organization would happen depending on the sort of social organization that would be present in socialist (and later communist) society, there is no outlined plan for such, not only would it be different depending on cultural and historical circumstances (just like no capitalist society is the same), but it is also nearly unpredictable. It can be generally outlined though in that the creators of art (or here, video games) would do so free from monetary constraints (no budget that forces them to release unfinished games), would work together on a democratic basis (no bosses who enforce parts of the game based on company interests, such as microtransactions or leaders of departments who got there due to nepotism) and so on.
It is almost impossible to form a precise understanding on how a communist society would like, it's as unimaginable to us today as capitalist society of today would be to a peasant in the 15th century. General imaginations exist though, as early as formulated by Marx, for example in his Kritik am Goethar Programm.
A socialist/communist society would no longer be organized around capital, which means this whole premise falls flat on its face. Production of video games would happen due to public demand, not due to the incentive of capital in the form of financing.
(Thank you, I'll have to consider his argument.)
It may seem juvenile, but abolishing capital is essentially redefining "value" to where it's predicated on subjective interpretation. Now I'm not saying something's monetary value is truly static, just that it's essentially common consensus in a working capitalist system.
That value, worth, or capital isn't being removed, it's just being redefined. Time- effort- amount of manpower- these things would shift based on popular consensus regarding a game until you essentially have pure capitalism with a form of intangible currency.
It begs the question of who dictates it- who interprets the will of the masses and makes those "business decisions" (which, while not the right word in our theoretical society is certainly the proper concept) in a world of purely altruistic cooperation.
I suppose what I'm suggesting is that communist, socialist and more modern leftist thought generally makes the same presumptions about human nature that the right does, only on the opposite end. To that point I'd argue that an inability to properly allocate resources and conflict over them was endemic long before we had a system of true currency.
No, they wouldn't get 200 million for marketing purposes.
Not to say the current bloated budgets and blockbuster model have done horrible things to the games industry.
DLC and Season Passes, killing the AA market, killing new ideas because you can't risk anymore, yearly releases, rehashes, the forced march to 3D killing so many devs back on the nineties is not even funny, all of it done because investors want their dividendies.
Not that big budgets are even that important, compare Serious Sam 3 to any AAA blockbuster, for example, or any bethesda game for what their fans do for free.
I can't argue against that, but in the same vein these titles would be receiving a similarly disproportionate amount of effort in our theoretical society, rather than a disproportionate amount of money to translate (hopefully) into effort.
People would be just as foolish- they'd consume poorly made media for badly justified reasons, and in the end you have a different form of inequality. I'd argue a form more obfuscated and beneficial to corruption than even the disgusting cronie system we have in place.
(Because we can look to history and see, again, that unjustified public opinion and praise is a resource just as intoxicating and corrupting as money)
Yes, correctly observed, and while we on the left virtually all recognize the flaws of the capitalist system, most of the sectarianism you encounter is due to ideological differences in how society and the revolution towards it should initially be organized in its transformation to communism precisely because this redefinition of value is something that is not objective or if it is, not easily discernable.
Can you go into detail here?
"Leftist" thought seems predicated on the idea that humanity is inherently altruistic thanks to our tribal nature, and that economic factors (resources, whatever the need of the moment is) drive us further apart and into competition.
Permit me an intentional fallacy in saying the "right," (as if they're two sides of the same coin, or even in direct competition) holds that we're inherently competitive and that this system is a result of those factors. From a purely historical standpoint I'm inclined to rest in the latter camp. Does that explain my viewpoint better?
You have to keep in mind that socialist or communist society necessitates that society previously went through a stage of capitalist development that laid the industrial foundations for a society in which an abundance of products and commodities is present. The effort can be directed towards the production of arts & media "disproportionately" because there is no need anymore for millions of peasants or factory workers. And yes, this is part of why virtually every socialist revolution so far has failed – the biggest example being the USSR; where to Lenin's credit he at least admitted they were a state capitalist society that first needed to progress through capitalism in order to move into a transitional period towards socialism.
Well, we've reached something of a splitting point here. I can agree with your idea in theory, and frankly even hope for it in reality, but I feel like the notion that we're even capable of transitioning into that stage as a species is optimistic at best.
On the contrary, Marxism can be understood as anti-humanism. It negates the idea that humanity has inherent (positive) values that flourish given the right environment of liberty and so on and instead develops the theory that our reality is largely shaped by our material reality. Marxism is a materialist ideology at heart.
However, leftist theory does not end with Marxism of course and nowadays with the discoveries and theories of psychology and in particular psychoanalysis we do have philosophers who take such a thing as "human nature" (although never to be understood as something uniform that cannot be shaped) into account, I want to point to Critical Theory who took aspects of Freudian psychology into account and developed interesting analysis of "human nature" in regards to en.wikipedia.org
Being the Marxist I am I would say that this transition is inevitable anyways, although we might very well not see it in our lifetimes. I can see capitalism quenching another one or two hundred years in there. It's pervertedly good at reinventing itself.
By the time capitalism fully obsoletes itself, most people will be dead and the bourgs will live in their own secluded self-sufficient utopia.
Once the liberals get purged form major gaming companies. Once we get a call of duty German campaign. Once Bioware gets its SJW problem fixed.
Touche, but I'd say that (speaking strictly of Marxism,) you can hardly have a society dependent on true, selfless cooperation while simultaneously holding that people need to be forced to cooperate. Since they'd have no obligation or desire to do so without inherent altruism, I'd argue that the premise begs the conclusion; regardless of the ideal, for that matter.
I must confess that from a cursory glance of that wiki-page that the work seems like an attempt to vilify the opposition than to make any real psychological point- especially when it's based on Freud's opinions of formative psych.
You do realize that CoD is literally neoconservative propaganda, right?
All politics in games are inherent to the desired narratives of the status quo. Just telling people to be unbiased won't accomplish much.
It will bring end to social liberals and their cultural hegemony.
Yeah and that's why anarchists are fucking stupid. Pic related.
I'm not sure about the English translation, but in the original German one it is not as much as an attack of Hollywood, but rather a critique (in the original sense). Adorno had indeed a deep admiration for Hollywood and in simple terms wanted to show them how it's done right.
imagine posting on Holla Forums proudly and being over 26 years old
And I just saw this Hbomb video on it: youtube.com
Do you really think some other political clique won't take their place?
This is what Holla Forums actually wants, since they're Holla Forums now. They like the idea of all media being biased, they just don't like the bias it currently has.
Why 26, Hoochie? Did you still post on Holla Forums when you were 25?
where the fuck am I?
Alright, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Cheers user.
I've been wondering that myself.
The horror of enjoying escapism in capitalism! Truly these people must be punished!
It would be preferable to the over representation of sexual minorities. Markets should be at the whim of the consumers and not under the control of social liberals.
I'm 22 and I can proudly say I never posted on Holla Forums. I have my chastity belt against one of the worst boards sealed tightly. The key is locked inside my vagina, sealing it from the inside
Holla Forums doesn't allow embeds to discourage farming views for shitty youtube channels.
The gubmint take muh vidja dead or alive censored cuz the ess jay roos are attacking my liberty tio buy $500 plastic piece s of shit!
Yes, people would still play and even prefer shitty games, but that wouldn't be as bad as it is right now.
Gaming under communism would be something like the modding community is now, while you have your Brutal Dooms and your Skywinds, Project MSX and OpenMW still exist, and the creators surely don't get any power from it, hell, BD's creator is banned from almost every Doom community for being a gigantic douche.
You realize this is ideology?
Poverty is just ideology. It doesn't exist, but I'm going to be in it once my mom dies and stops stuffing my irresponsible face with cheap food while she goes out every day to work.
It'll probably still be ideology when I'm becoming a trap and ramming a double dildo in front of a bunch of wealthy investment bankers with another dude in the same position just to live in the year 2043
Is Holla Forums bait always this fucking stupid?
Everyday until Holla Forums accepts it
What's stupid about you being on the street? You're still not understanding poverty or the position you're in
You fell for it, you tell me.
Don't listen to this loser, I'm everyone's mom, he doesn't understand
Not sure how to tell you this, but… any political belief system is ideology.
Me: Black wife beater
You: Touching me by touching the wrong person
Newflash, dipshit: it has been at the whim of consumers the whole time. BioWare keeps making these shitty fucking games because people keep buying them. It would stop almost instantly as soon as people didn't pony up. Consensus of opinion does not magically draw in capital to accumulate and reinvest, sales and profits do, and there are obvious financial benefits to pandering to people that will openly defend anything as long as it sides with their beliefs. Even now there are people complaining about "harassment" in response to the well-reasoned backlash against ME:A, because they perceive all criticism of the game as a rejection of their ideology. That they rarely play video games themselves is actually a benefit, because they will likely never realize how low quality of a product it really is.
Besides, the acknowledgement of different sexualities isn't even inherently liberal. When was the last time Fallout: New Vegas was called Cultural Marxist propaganda?
People do not want better video games, they honestly get more pleasure out of whining about them.
I'm pretty sure that's the joke. Why are you sperging out at ideology, then? Isn't it justifying the communist base you're in right now?
Hey everyone, say hi to Holla Forums again.
Some people on the internet are wrong.
Hey loser
I rest my case about this being a consensus crack- fuck off and talk about socialism instead of being Holla Forums-lite you damn goons.
ok let me joke back
never heard Holla Forums lite call anyone Holla Forums lite before until now
thanks mate, see something new every day
He is right though.
Capitalism giveth, capitalism taketh away… with more.
Who needs video games when you have new government mandated cum town to look forward to?
Hello people who don't read!
Pointing out how the system works is not endorsing or justifying it.
Yeah the triple A video game industry is working like well oiled machine that's bleeding cum and blood
I kow he's right, it's a truism. It's kinda like that pic of the guy saying "behold the peasants who dare rebel against the very lord who selflessly lets them work his fields"
these fucking retards
>>>Holla Forums12178675
Oh come on, being an anarchist doesn't mean I refuse the existence of base/superstructure
hahahaha fucking nerds
It doesn't need to be efficient at all if people keep buying their crappy products regardless. If a game sells well, capitalism considers it good, regardless of what anyone personally thinks.
I know, I felt like it was a truism in itself to point out how most of Holla Forums (and by proxy Holla Forums) are burgers that think capitalism = freedums.
I love your blood and cum ea but could you consider:
Letting activision and everyone else shit down my throat
I'll defend you on the internet until you're 97 just shit down my throat
I love the video game industry except when its against my social interests of stealing my mom's credit card to buy steam sale games she reprimands me but I don't care lol
I don't even know whether you agree or disagree with me. Fucking anfem poster.
What are you trying to achieve with this horrid shitposting?
I'm basically saying you eat will eat up corporate shit and needlessly defend corporate interests for as long as you're alive and breathing.
You're pointing out the problem and not the solution, you're saying people enjoy eating shit.
Well I see you right now, so you didn't need to explain it to me.
please turn down the edge, children browse this board
I'm going to try making a webm of that Hbomb video, since he basically explains that giving shareholders and CEOs who's main purpose is to gain a profit with inevitably lead to something that will screw over general consumers. It's the worst kind of problem, since the people making them have no interest in fixing it.
This is one of the main problems with a system of production for productions sake. Oversaturated markets. Ethical consumption handles this problem too slowly and temporarily. Co-op it all I say.
Doubtful. Maybe wo/manchildren.
Shilling my european political power on leftypol, showing off my neckbeard, and generally shitting up the place worse than me.
How is telling adults to stop stealing their mom's credit card an edgy position, is it political to say that your mom doesn't deserve that
Or should we argue whether or not your mom deserves to have her credit card stolen to buy games via steam, over and over, because she's too permissive of your lifestyle
stealing credit cards is part of growing up
what's missing is the heavy assbeating that results from that to teach kids that they shouldn't do it, or at least shouldn't get caught doing it :^)
How do you not get caught doing it when it shows up on your hypothetical mom's transactions that a steam game was bought for $60
social engineering of the finest aka lie out your ass without breaking a sweat
it's like you've never been a kid, jesus
I didn't perfect the art of wasting my academic time stealing my mom's credit card
My parents actually did what most people here needed to have done, a good ass beating.
you're saying that learning life lessons is wasted time, eh
I'm not surprised whatsoever
Just because we hate them doesn't mean we have to say it out loud. They can be tools, but we have to act friendly if we want to subvert their board.
How much autism do you have if you are still invested in some Internet fight from 2 years ago?
I'm not saying you deny it, I'm saying you don't understand it and its implications.
evry tiem
Everything I've heard indicates that Toady is content with the donations he receives. If he wasn't, he could easily go back to a more lucrative, salaried position. If I remember correctly he has a PhD in mathematics, that leaves a lot of doors open.
He could also massively increase his income via merchandising. He's never bothered to. It's almost as if he has non-monetary motivation for what he does.
Wow it sounds like gamers need a safe space.
That IS the problem, they do enjoy eating shit. It's called consumerism.
Once made a dubs thread got dubs and never posted again.
Who here /quitvidya/?
Quitting videogames has been the best thing I've done in the last 5 years.
You know that you can sell free software ?
What's with Hoochie always shitposting in threads about video games?
The USSR had to steal tetris, homo.
Sure the people who do that shit purely for money or social status might start to drift away but the people who truly love and appreciate video games as a medium and/or hobby will stay, and that is probably the best thing that could happen to video games. The idea that people will just magically stop pursing hobbies that are interesting to them and all sit in a corner and jerk each other off all day about their society is kind of silly, people who are attracted to video games will be attracted to video games irregardless of what society they happen to be living in.
Definteley avoided Holla Forums, but I'm not a ""hard core gamer"".
I think you'll find that any board that discusses media, be it Holla Forums or Holla Forums tends to attract the most cancer, that being of course Holla Forums, who objectively have the bigger numbers.
Main problem is people not filtering.
I didn't quit vidya so much as had it quit from me. Fucking anhedonia is taking everything I have.
[citation needed]
The modding community is literally socialistic. They make everything for free. So this meme that socialism means the death of an entire medium needs to die
Go back to blaming the problems with the games industry on young hipsters with opinions you don't like instead of the underlying logic of the system that holds the games industry in thrall, the logic of capital, which insatiably demands ever greater profits at the expense of everything else.
I'm sure all the rise in prominence es-jay-dubyoos in vidya has nothing to do with capital interests in broadening the demographic as a way of continuing to increase profits.
I haven't quit video games, but I've damn near quit Holla Forums.
That place was already an off-topic chatroom in fucking 2007.
Also 8/v/ is just rejects from 4/v/ and 4/pol/ so it's somehow worse.
Except I remember gaming in that era, and that wasn't at all the whole truth. The reality was that most games that came out back then, either as a matter of sheer bad design or failure to adapt to ongoing technological changes, were trash. Not just "this game is a bit buggy and feels mediocre," I mean bad enough that more often than not you'd be left in a situation where you barely got any playtime out of a game before tossing it aside as a waste of time and money. For as many fond memories I had from the games back then, looking back on my game and console collection sitting back in my parents basement not that long ago, most of the games in there I either didn't remember at all or specifically remembered being bad. This notion that the 90s were this infallible golden era of videogaming is nostalgia at its peak: we've merely curated our memories of those times to preserve those moments that we or the (dare I say) subculture designated as "classic."
You seem to have a lot of baggage here, so let me help you unpack that a bit. This notion that the current gaming industry is the result of some grand conspiracy to push a vague "degenerate" political agenda is ludicrous. The current video game market is and always has been simply the logical result of capitalism itself.
Why are so many games coming out today in that grey area between mediocre and bad? Because video games are for profit first and foremost. If the company in question can make a sale while putting minimum effort into actually creating a game, they will do so; quality only matters in so far as it secures sales, and even then that quality is capped based on the returns from sales balanced with the investment to produce that quality.
Why are so many AAA games high budget garbage that are often highly repetitive, derivative, and seem to have few design elements that actually stand out? Because it was determined that high budget games with massive marketing campaigns that were designed to have the broadest possible appeal bring in the best net profits. Does that mean the game will be good? Hell no; the budget is usually poorly allocated, the marketing is usually lies, and the design around "broad appeal" generally means that the devs try and shove as many design elements into their game as possible without considerations as to how they work together or how polished those elements are. Even after all that though, games built on this strategy still sell by the truckloads, thus the practice continues.
Why are so many publishers greedy kikes that will fuck over the gamers? Because as long as they can continue profiting after doing so (which they do), they have no objective ethical responsibility under the capitalist system to do anything different. On top of that, as is also often the case under capitalism, production consolidates over time and monopolies form, meaning that a refusal to buy from what is in hindsight only a few select publishers might mean that you are shutting yourself off from 80% or so of the games coming out at a given time. They can get away with so much because they know they still have things you want. It is in the big publishers' collective interest to make bad business practices standard through the industry so that little in the way of meaningful competition against those practices will have any headway.
Why do "SJW" messages and such get pumped into games so often? …well they're usually not by the standards of anyone that isn't Holla Forums, but for those instances where it does actually happen: publicity. Between the unironic SJW dickheads mastrubating to whatever shallow gesture this or that dev threw to them and Holla Forums types autistically screaming in retaliation, the devs in question enjoy massive amounts of free publicity. At the end of the day, the gains that they usually get from such publicity stunts outweighs the people they alienate in the process, so the practice continues.
It's all just good business to them.
There are means of monetizing free software under capitalism, but the implication of free software in OP's context was I believe more in reference to a situation where production in the society at large is not meant for exchange/profit (ie socialism).
Which has more to do with the fact that to make it truly free software would necessitate that other people be able to alter the source code, which uniquely would be detrimental to Toady's involvement in the project. Toady's policy of gross overdevelopment and borderline unreadable code for anyone that isn't him makes it where, to make it free software and a platform for anyone to develop, it would require entirely shifting the core development strategy as well as rewriting/restructuring just about everything as part of the accomidations. This might be fine mind you, but ultimately Toady still does the job of developing DF best, and alterations to that can be done so freely through modding.
Also as pointed out, Toady basically has himself set up where the donations are just enough for him to continue the project undisturbed. He could have likely sold out to this or that bidder, invested more into merchandising, or just abandoned ship to do something else if he was looking to make big money. He hasn't though, because the project that is DF isn't nor has it ever been about profit; the donations are simply a means of surviving in the meantime.
Not really. In spite of many Japanese video game companies being part of larger corporations, game companies throughout the rest of the world were very much up-and-coming independent businesses made by people who, well, liked to play video games, but as time went on companies profited, merged with other companies, etc. until eventually it got where we are today: not many video game companies left but what IS left are part of even bigger companies, like Japan. You need to look no further than a list of all of the video game companies that have come and gone
The problem with your statement here is that you seem to assume that Capitalism has a monolithic sway on all industries. It does, but not quite in the way you think it is. Capitalism as a whole could be "decaying" but it could still give off the illusion that it works because we get success stories whenever new industries are created (i.e. radio, film, and TV industries) but ultimately these new industries always lead to their logical conclusions under Capitalism: simplified division of an industry by several, or even a single monopolizing corporation that appear to be broken up into smaller companies to give off the facade that an industry is still healthy in competition
Shit well sort of beat me to it
Capitalism is killing video games, but SJWs are giving them ideological cover in the process. As are Holla Forumsyps, to be fair, but geez even they can't churn out Kotaku/Polygon levels of industry apologia.
Literally the only reason "games journalism" even exists is to be paid advertising and a corporate mouthpiece, that's how it's always been.
This is true, but you don't need to preface "journalism" with "games". :^)
It was the paid modding crap Valve pulled that got me into communism and Holla Forums in general.
Gay Ben turned from benevolent cappie with a human face into exploitative shit sometime around when TF2 got hats.
It'd be pretty stupid to expect otherwise, you don't start getting greedy before you have any influence, and as it is, Steam is the de facto standard service for computer gaming. Valve was probably amazed when TF2 hats became so profitable, so they shifted their business model to accommodate them, so now the game is ancient with numerous unfixed problems and a steady flow of new cosmetics. Even Dota 2 is similar aside from getting ported to Source 2, and this is a game where an unfixed bug can cost a professional team thousands of dollars.
Capitalism ruins everything eventually. Hope is delusional.
What fucks me up about these permavirgins is that they spend their time talking shit on EA and Ubisoft for being greedy and releasing subpar products, but when a game that was obviously underbudgeted and the time put into it was less than previously thought is released, they jump on the tinfoil hat express and blame "tumblrinas" from the studio rather than the publisher.
It was obvious that Mass Effect Andromeda came out the way it did because EA knows it already has a massive fanbase and can make a quick buck regardless of the popularity.
There is nothing ruining videogames, it's just a really young industry, the "culture war" is a meme and people will simply self-segregate in digital media as they have in every other media industry as times go on.
>Intellectual property is a socialist plot.
I don't know what to think of this.
It's clearly sarcasm. Holla Forums is probably already a communist board which pretends to be Holla Forumsyps for fun, and you autists are here mocking them.
Pretty accurate pic.
I hope you're not this delusional.
What are donations?
Hope under capitalism, that is.
I didn't expect otherwise, just find it surprising how abrupt the turn was. Gabe used to be almost worshipped by pc gamers for being "one of us" and for letting Valve operate so freely like a pseudo-cooperative.
he's an ameriburger that thinks socialism is when the gubbermint does anything
What I like best is when Holla Forums heaps endless praise on a game that's mediocre at best because it has fanservice.
Mass Effect: Andromeda is a really good game tbqh with you famalams
According to Valve they aren't even planning on making any video games indefinitely currently.
And Half Life was "the worst mistake I've ever made in my life"
Gabe got so old and rich he just decided fuck it
Self Described Neoliberals already don't consider themselves leftists, you don't even know what that term means, its not the "PC police" or whatever the fuck.
or when they heap endless praise on a game that's blatantly bad because it made someone on tumblr uncomfortable
As cliche as it sounds, the old school video game industry staff which consisted of mostly legit aspies, and reclusive outcasts retired or entered other tech fields(John Carmack for example). The modern video game staff that has replaced the old vanguard are full of wannabe auteur indie/hollywood film rejects(David Cage, Naughty Dog, etc.) and naive programmers trying to live their dream by toeing the line to avoid any conflict with their bosses(publishers). SJWs are nothing more than HR shills for the AAA publishers that tell the plebs(consumers) what to buy and to avoid.
It still fucks with me Gabe called Half Life "the worst mistake I've ever made in my life" publicly lol
It's not like that profit is going to be impacted anymore, it was just swept under the rug
The Half Life series is legitimately dogshit though. Half Life 1 was the exact moment that video games starting turning to shit. It's the original hallway shooter. It took plenty of good ideas and shoved them into the worst structure possible.
Funny thing is that even Running With Scissors made fun of it for being lel2edgy4you in their Postal 2 DLC, and the company that made this game stated that they were trying to make a statement about political correctness and claimed that their critics were all "social justice warriors". Quoted as in, they used the actual phrase and acronym, a lot.
Try SEGA and Nintendo pushing for CD along with gigantic executives as competition then you have a bigger idea of the grander picture than just the bullshit Holla Forums farts out its mouth
Half Life is just a fun little mod compared
It doesn't mean shit and didn't mean shit
You have no clue how anything got this way. Half Life had fuckall.
Video games need to be censored. They're creating Nazis!
Agreed. Pic Related.
No that's just white parents who never laid a hand on their kids
Wrong. For Communism to succeed we need to make sure no video games get in the hands of anyone younger than 21. They're violent, they promote lumpen-activities like overeating, alcoholism, and drug-use, they objectify both men and women, and they're designed for Bourgeoisie swine to take money back from the proletariats who slaved for it.
Nice try lad but you weren't hit enough by your mother.
I'm being serious though, video games create more lumpenproles than any other form of media in the modern day. Jack Thompson was right for all of the wrong reasons.
hey man fuck you
Half Life was what demonstrated that people would eat up corridor shooters with scripted set pieces, which came to dominate video games over the next several years and which we still are stuck in to a degree. The games that followed in Half Life's footsteps are what turned video games from a niche hobby into a multi-billion-dollar industry. Before that capitalism took its toll, but it wasn't until AAA games started making ridiculous amounts of money that the effects came into full swing. All of that happened because of the formula that Half Life introduced - easy to make, easy to play, easy to beat - it's the most simplistic template from which to make games that take advantage of new technology without having to do any thinking about design.
How am I wrong?
Does anyone here actually like video games?
I mean, I still think they're neat. I don't really see "SJW" influence in games outside of really obnoxious shit (like Gearbox's "ATTENTION SOLDIERS, FEMINISM IS AWESOME". Like that made me cringe and felt pandering).
I wouldn't even really worry about the medium in a communist society. In a society where the average worker would have much more time available to them without having to work 40+ hours a week to survive, combined with the major reason behind closed source code being dismissed and the progression of tools that make game development easier, I think they're here to stay.
What was:
Wrong again Bob
That was everything from the fucking 3DO to the Laser Disc to executives at Sega and Nintendo going to "war" as with Microsoft and Apple.
Gigantic corporations, again, did all the shit
It wasn't because some random fucking mod got good sales lol you're fucking moronic
Even before they started shilling for Disc Nintendo basically became the monopoly after Atari, where Atari left an open niche free of monopoly beginning to settle, Nintendo swooped in, fucked it all up, and destroyed everything by forcing everyone to obey the law of gigantic fucking Atari clones.
Video games are mostly shit for that reason, they never learned, and it is sad shit we'll never get another fucking landfill in the desert full of crying fucking adults with diapers from Holla Forums.
I don't think you realize how linear Half Life is.
No, it's because one game found the equivalent of the fountain of youth and then other games copied it. Halo and Call of Duty Modern Warfare onward used the same basic formula
i'd probably get lynched for saying so but i doubt the majority of Holla Forums has ever liked games
they just have literally nothing better do and the constant mental stimulation keeps them distracted from their lives
Doom and Quake are not corridor shooters.
I'm not an Holla Forums regular but it really doesn't seem like it.
Kinda sucks because Holla Forums was really growing on me. Oh well.
It doens't matter, so was Goldeneye
Again, you are wrong!
It was never one small dev team's fault. You don't know the direction the entertainment industry was headed with the invention of disc.
They went to war, companies erected legal walls and lawsuits, Nintendo even fucking allied with Sony to make the Playstation (yeah, the Nintendo Playstation, try saying that) to compete with the Sega CD before it fucked up and Sony went their own way, creating another gigantic fucking giant Atari clone
Which lead to Apple fucking up where Microsoft researched heavily.
And from Sony, came the Xbox. And Microsoft, EA, everything, was possible from there.
Everything leads back to Nintendo fucking everything up.
I'm saying half life is a wet fart in comparison to the rest of the 90's that made corridor shooters possible
I still like games. I dont play them as much as I used to but I still like them.
lol just because predatory activity happened doesn't mean the whole form is shit. you could implicate every other art form with that logic
actually, outside of big budget mainstream shit, video games have gotten better since publishers can't act as gatekeepers anymore. i mean you can put out a cool little game on itch.io… but you'll still be a starving artist, same as the other art forms
Not really. It's even worse than film in how dumbed down cheap it is.
I like video games. I'd like to make them someday. For sure a communist society would benefit games. We'd have a bunch of mid-size studios and people would have all kinds of time to work on passion projects. Video games would also probably be a lot more varied, exploring different mechanical systems. There would be all kinds of room for video games to model things like economics, ecology, whatever.
I like them, I just really don't have the time anymore or the money. Back when I was still in high school I used to play in midlevel TF2 tournaments through UGC and ESEA. Now I just play Hearthstone, Overwatch, or sometimes if I have time and money I throw my money at WoW again
Of course the most popular content is shit, it has to appeal to the lowest common denominator. It doesn't mean niche games and films can't be good.
Honestly nothing is more entertaining than the history of how video games got so shit
Video game giants have been dumb as fuck making gigantic mistakes with enormous long standing consequences since fucking Pong. Nobody likes to touch the uncomfortable elephant in the room, but it was always a large form of creativity blossiming to be subject to gigantic corporations who do not know at all how to handle it, ruin it, mass sell it, fuck up, and create niches for other corporations to form to fuck everyone's day.
I could blame Atari but
At the end of the day it's all Nintendo's fault.
Don't want to grow up.
I'm a Marx Iz Us Kid.
I know the history of video games. You don't have to rehash that shit. Fighting over format is shitty but the industry eventually settles on some kind of standard and people adapt to it. What shapes the market most is the commodity itself, the video game, its content. That's where the important part of consumption happens (hours spent playing) and where the overwhelming majority of labor goes. Forcing a game to fit a format, producing the copies, distributing them, etc. is a small portion of the process. And its variability is even smaller. The area where costs can be the most controlled is in development. The point of corridor shooters is to minimize the work done because a linear game has a much smaller possibility space than an open one. It also turns a game into a glorified movie.
Honestly as i grew older i see them more as simple entertainment than a hobby. Just like with any entertainment itself, there's still good modern video games in a sea of shit.
marx would have a field day with this analogy
Star wars guy (sry i forgot his name) always said he would rather have worked in the soviet union than usa because you had much more creative freedom as a filmmaker. And that is under state capitalism. Under socialism, entertainment industry would flourish because it wouldnt need to be paid for.
Video games have had problems forever, but they didn't get fully run into the ground until Half Life started the corridor shooter trend.
wew lad you do know these are video games we're talking about right?
No, fighting over format wasn't just shitty, it made everything possible. These decisions don't exist in a vacuum.
A small legal snafu with Sony literally created the PlayStation, the Xbox, everything Nintendo has done, and the death of Sega as a legitimate "opponent" if you will, as Apple.
In Capitalism small things have gigantic large scale consequences from gigantic large scale mistakes, and Nintendo has always made gigantic large scale mistakes with consequences that shaped the world to what we have currently, whether it meant it to by blind accident or not.
It is still more responsible than some devs wanting to make some simple Quake mod that blew up on the PC market
You are enormously overselling the success of Half Life in comparison to the gigantic mega decisions of Nintendo
"Half Life made corridor shooters not the endless Doom Clones it was working off"
film is shit because michael bay
music is shit because riff raff
fine arts are shit because george bush dog paintings
theater is shit because of hamilton
video games are shit because i've only been exposed to the game equivalent of those Now That's What I call music compilations in the 90s
awesome logic
ME:A is fucking garbage because the only thing Bioware were ever good at was character-focused dialogue and banter then fired everyone good at writing it. Their animation has always been bad. Visuals always been 'passing'. Narratives always generic. Combat is extremely dull.
It was their ONE strength.
Now all their even remotely competent writers left so they have nothing. You know it to be true.
Those people tend to like modern AAA games though.
One of the things that annoys me the most about gamers is their appeal to graphics to attest to a game's quality. While, yes, I agree that poor animation and inconsistent frame rates can hold a game back, gamers seem to think that they can objectively call a game good or bad because of muh frame rate or muh resolution. It's probably because they're autistic and cannot come up with a reasoned argument for why a game is good that isn't "objective."
What you are talking about amounts to corporate identity. Publishers trade IPs and developers all the time. Under capitalism whatever is profitable is going to get made regardless of who's in charge. I'm talking about the shape of the actual product, which is what players care about.
Yeah, but only grand strategy games give me enjoyment these days and occasionally rtses like COH2 and SC2.
funny cause the latest game to receive heaps of praise from gamers runs at sub-1080p resolution and 30fps with constant slowdown.
George Lucas? I think this is right to some degree. CIA screens literally every script coming out of Hollywood. Of course Stalin practically killed all the creativity of Soviet film, but it rebounded fairly well afterwards. Some of my favorite movies are Soviet.
But I did. The falling rate of profit ruins everything eventually. Well I mean… I used to be Holla Forums. But then I realized 8/v/'s owner was the exact same Holla Forumstard piece of shit that Moot was and I got sick of slogging through off-topic crap in the catalog to find video game discussion. Oh well.
Is the reason we can never sustain a decent fucking video game community on image boards perhaps related to capitalism too?
I've actually gotten back into games, while it seems like a lot of people have dropped out. I was really into games up until the first few years of the 360/PS3 era. I'm back into it now and really enjoying myself. There are some stupid things, like paid online for consoles, exclusivity, DLC, etc., that I don't like, but overall the games are better than when I dropped out.
I liked moot. Actually met him once. He's a nice guy that I think cared a lot about 4chan, but was ultimately a terribly incompetent admin.
He didn't care much about 4/v/, that's for sure
You are objectively wrong. ME: A is fun to play.
who would?
not me thats for sure.
4/v/ was complete shit though.
He's a Holla Forumstard shithead who endorsed Holla Forums as Holla Forums2.0 when he got tired of Holla Forums itself around 2010 or so. And then of course he turned into a chickenshit and started moderating legitimately on-topic discussion forcing people to leave. Something 8/v/'s owner/volunteers do too, though on different types of subjects.
Your taste is objectively shit. Neck yourself.
thanks for the laffs xD
anyone who enjoyed it back in its early years
not that you would remember, thats for sure
2007, but otherwise spot on.
He got tired of all the big hobby boards ages ago. He grew up. Holla Forums was shit years before all the stupid board culture or gamergay shit. I think he was wrong with how he handled thing, but I also think he had the best intentions in mind.
Well, yeah, after Scientology. But 2010 or 2011 is when Holla Forums got really fucking intolerable for a while, and every time Moot would come in and post with his trip it was always to encourage the Holla Forums crap.
Yes that's exactly what I said. Great job.
We're hitting peak contrarianism.
I'm still a bit salty about Starcraft 2.
They couldn't just tell a shitty story, no, they had to go Full Lucas and tell a story so shit, it actually makes the original material look worse. And by copying the plot to Warcraft 3 at that.
Lol what a gay jobless faggot
Where can I talk about video game modding and development with other leftists
Very relevant article for this thread. I wish more people were aware of it.
Not aided at all by the conspicuous amounts of idpol. Of course the industry is corrupt as shit and has pandered to the lowest common denominator for decades but because most of the people that play and review (and make, for that matter; many of the older devs who either didn't care about politics or purposefully kept politics away from their work have either left the industry or fallen into line and there are always fresh-faced degree mill graduates desperate to start working off their student debt) video games have political opinions somewhere between "apolitical" to "stereotypical tumblr bulldyke" games have basically adopted idpol as marketing and a buffer against criticism because people who adopt idpol are literally addicted to the high that they get from virtue signaling. Probably the most notorious example of this is Gone Homo which is a non-game walking simulator that can be "beaten" in less than a minute (and 100%'ed in less than half an hour) but became the greatest thing since sliced bread because the "narrative" twist was that it was about lesbians. If that's your thing then great but it's basically an extremely short and extremely linear western VN and as such it shouldn't even be considered a video game, much less held up as some sort of industry milestone.
Yeah, nah. That particular nugget of shit started rolling downhill with TES: Arena and System Shock (or even Ultima Underworld if you want to go back even farther) and everything after just followed the trend.
I like games but pretty much the only contemporary ones I buy are Nintendo because when I buy Mario Kart or Super Mario [Whatever] I know exactly what I'm getting. I play older games, pirate or emulate others and occasionally play a new AAA game but Nintendo is probably the only company that gets my shekels even semi-regularly.
at the discord
Idpol is caused by capitalism, not the other way around. Game devs using it as a barrier to discussion are using it as it is intended, as a tool to maintain capitalism.
Also, identity politics in favor of whites/Europeans is still identity politics. It doesn't mean "whatever tumblr says".
But what about us non-Redditors?
The article raises a lot of good points, but it's also pretty funny in retrospect.
Gorge Lucas sounds like a western tankie.
There are numerous differences between the industry in the 90s and the industry now, all of which are due to the monopolizing tendency of capitalism. You went fun numerous smaller, independent studios to increasingly larger conglomerates under the thumb of publishers like EA and Activision. Just take id for example. You went from that, a studio outfit of nerds dedicated to creating their vision to what we have now, board room directed, checklist punching fare meant to appeal to profitable demographics, whatever they might be. Even superstars like Kojima aren't immune to the relentless needs of capital, despite every single game he's made being a hit. If you look at other media the trends are the same, where productive has shifted from smaller more numerous productions into huge "media events," from Reservoir Dogs and Terminator to Avengers and Star Wars, Doom and Deus Ex to Call of Duty Modern Whatever and Mass Effect. There's a reason these products cost hundreds of millions of dollars now.
As wages continue to shrink, and the total amount of captureable capital in the market diminishes, forcing sharper competition on the market, paring away all but the largest and most profitable. If you were alive in the 90s you should remember that it was a time of experimentation in gaming, and that even some of the most legendary games had serious problems that modern publishers would be hard pressed to tolerate today, because experimentation is dangerous, and no one wants to be at the helm of a three hundred million dollar experimental flop, not when it's more cost effective to make a thousand dollar phone app that makes just as much money.
The problem is capitalism and it always has been.
Been working on a Dune roguelike, but I may rework it into a more generic space game. Still a roguelike so it won't be anything like a AAA or infinity engine game.
Sorry user, but developing games requires some kind of identity and thus a discord or IRC may be a necessary evil. As much as I love the imageboard format there are some things it isn't conducive for.
[citation needed]
I want to. I think it's a medium with real potential for greatness. As a kid, games like Civilization and Age of Empires were gateways to learning about ancient history and culture. Games are also a good medium for teaching other skills aside from hand-eye coordination, like strategy, or management and organizational skills. I think in the right environment games could be both entertaining and enlightening.
I still play games, but I can't remember the last time I really felt electrified by a game. There are still some I enjoy, Paradox titles, that kind of thing, but aside from that I get serious feelings of, been-there, done-that.
I actually think this is the case. A lot of people there simply keep on their old childhood habits, including playing videogames, without any thought behind it.
"Holla Forums hates videogames" is an immortal meme for a reason; you could hardly make such a claim in /a/ or /mu/ but in Holla Forums it sticks.
Emily Rogers is a gigantic nintendo fangirl.
Shame she went from making good articles to spreading shitty rumors on twitter, like that you can play as female link on BOTW.
Not as big of a fall as Sean Malstrom, though.
Holla Forums here. You can keep your tripfags and pipedream theories written by homosexual Frenchmen. We don't want them and we know you keep trying to shill them on our board. Go suck chodemonkey's dick some more.
I am so fucking intimidated by gore I saw when I was twelve
Maybe not you, but some other fag. I know what you losers look like from the Discord screencaps. If anyone actually decided to post gore en masse you wouldn't be able to handle it.
Look at where we are. Stop buying video games, stop pirating video games, go to college, make your parent's happy.
This really made me think
Wow. Shocking. You really showed us.
Also, nobody worth a shit actually goes on any of the fucking fake "Discord" chats than utterly naive crossies, the most you're going to get is IRC
what does me being a tripfag have to do with discord lol
when you previously noticed this board has, and has had, tripfags
Everyone should be forced to be a filterable tripfag tbh
What happened to Malstrom? He's pretty on point about Nintendo's sick fetish for 3D.
What did he mean by this
He only plays single player games if you get my meaning
If I ever do work for vidoegames, you might see a communalist kinda-alt-history adventure.
I just want Communism in Civilization and other 4X games to reflect actual communism, instead of being Monarchy+. It should be Democracy+ if anything.
Am I dreaming or did one of the older Civs had both socialism and communism? Might have been another franchise, for that matter.
Friendly reminder that this thread has been screencapped and will be brought up every single time one of you "people" will rear his ugly jewish head on any every non-goon board on this site t. Holla Forums
Have you taken the brown pill yet, mateys?
it's a tough pill to swallow! The brown pill was founded in 1999 by Sir Reginald Brownpill, who presents and narrates the attached video.
Forget red and blue pills, brown pills are the way of the future.
Video related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!
Swallow the brown pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin Holla Forums maymays, this one is the readl deal.
Have you taken the brown pill yet, mateys?
it's a tough pill to swallow! The brown pill was founded in 1999 by Sir Reginald Brownpill, who presents and narrates the attached video.
Forget red and blue pills, brown pills are the way of the future.
Video related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!
Swallow the brown pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin Holla Forums maymays, this one is the readl deal.
Have you taken the brown pill yet, mateys?
it's a tough pill to swallow! The brown pill was founded in 1999 by Sir Reginald Brownpill, who presents and narrates the attached video.
Forget red and blue pills, brown pills are the way of the future.
Video related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!
Swallow the brown pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin Holla Forums maymays, this one is the readl deal.
Have you taken the brown pill yet, mateys?
it's a tough pill to swallow! The brown pill was founded in 1999 by Sir Reginald Brownpill, who presents and narrates the attached video.
Forget red and blue pills, brown pills are the way of the future.
Video related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!
Swallow the brown pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin Holla Forums maymays, this one is the readl deal.
Have you taken the brown pill yet, mateys?
it's a tough pill to swallow! The brown pill was founded in 1999 by Sir Reginald Brownpill, who presents and narrates the attached video.
Forget red and blue pills, brown pills are the way of the future.
Video related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!
Swallow the brown pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin Holla Forums maymays, this one is the readl deal.
Have you taken the brown pill yet, mateys?
it's a tough pill to swallow! The brown pill was founded in 1999 by Sir Reginald Brownpill, who presents and narrates the attached video.
Forget red and blue pills, brown pills are the way of the future.
Video related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!
Swallow the brown pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin Holla Forums maymays, this one is the readl deal.
Well at least we finally have a clue to go off of where the brownpill spammer hails from.
Oh it's honestly not a problem because shit like this solves itself when they go bankrupt through losing all their investors, via attacking on advertising and whatnot, but it can't be solved because SJWs populate it.
SJWs, you see, are horribly corrupt whinos who bully their way into industries and lengthen the time it takes for it to naturally crash and create niches by getting government money and communist institutions involved (see Anita Sarkeesian as a good and obvious example), which turns the companies into glorified propagandist centers for communism and leftism.
Now of course you'll blame Capitalism for all this as a root cause, but it's exact opposite Communism and indeed any other system lengthens the amount of time companies can stay afloat while doing anti-money making actions like DLC and such because the company itself no longer answers to money (which would be depleted, but rather to a "cause" with backers funding it with no worry to money, cost or any sort of goal related to money (which is the main goal of a pure capitalist CEO or Exec) Because they're not interested in making money, they're interested in pushing a cause.
a big part of the game industry as it is is no longer about money due to SJWs, it's about control over media.
I thought this was obvious to you?
Unless you want to go on some speil about how money exchange is a bad thing and how big brother should have full control over your wallet, while spreading what you make to those who do not work, do not contribute and indeed do not even help others.
But enough about that, let's talk about the game industry economy. As a Holla Forums man myself (it IS my main interest and expert subject unlike you clowns who focus on political religions for the sake of worship instead of how they impact the world) I know a couple of things about the industry.
It's a common expression in the general mob fanbase to say "Why don't you want my money insert company here" to the point that most people have realized that they do not in fact want your money.
Localization companies are prime SJW centers due to SJW leftist ideals not matching up with Japanese or Asian ideals, which are the main games translated. What better way to prevent access to other opinions and information and instead insert your own by going to a localization company (these aren't translation companies, this is a marketing job where jokes in japanese that wouldn't translate are altered to better fit English or whatever the local language is, which has expanded into the entire goddamned scripts of games, and the original developers have usually no knowledge of the changes which means they effectivley control information control)
Now why would people be angry at that? Especially since the writing suffered and people always compare because fans actually look at the source material and aren't stupid.
You fucks shoved shit down our throat and we would not have it.
Ah, but i'm getting off topic. On the money side of things, Most of what companies like EA and the like are simply bad decisions, and easily protested against by simply attacking their advertisments, their tertiary companies, and simply complaining and boycotting. And they do bend to these practices because their main interest is MONEY.
But companies like Bioware cannot be argued with because they propagandize for a "cause", with no interest in money. Indeed Bioware's going to be cut off from EA simply due to low sales.
And that's why capitalism works. And that's why you had this thread, complaining about capitalism.
Because your propaganda companies and your shitty, shitty, SHITTY games are even being recognized by NORMALFAGS of all people as fucking goddamned horrible.
People are tired of your shit, and it isn't because of your enemies, it's because you're all horrible people.
And we're laughing at you.
Tfw Miia is a Socialist in the Monster Musume cannon.
take your pills
what does this have to do with anything? Yeah, that's terrible. And? You can't tell people what to do. Fuck off.
They won't because Holla Forums is cucked beyond belief and has shit taste. You may as well ask when liberals who like capeshit movies will realize it's capitalism fucking up the film industry.
This is why most of Holla Forums is shit.
go kill yourself for odin
Exhibit A for why I barely post on Holla Forums anymore. Go LARP somewhere else, you type like a teenager.
You're fucking retarded.
You should come back to Holla Forums. There's a growing Holla Forums presence there, hypocrites that they are.
not an argument but hey what did I expect from this place
it's not sjws you leftist retard it's cultural marxism that is ruining video games get your facts straight
also you guys are just mad that gamergate set back communism for decades but we have seen the light and you will never be able to make us see otherwise
continue sucking that kike cock with a vengeance /fakepol/,
love Holla Forums
what is contended without reason can be refuted without it
How does most of America not forget to fucking breathe Jesus Christ
How's your third world country treating you?
He's implying that he doesn't live in America, friendo.
not that you have made a case for the post to be unreasonable.
You have committed Ad Hominem twice and act like you have won
kys fam.
But user, America is a third-world country.
America will be the birthplace of the communist revolution. Mark my words you fucking cowards.
That doesn't contradict what we said tho. Nor are we complaining.
yfw Hitler also said America would be the next wellspring of anti-Jewish sentiment and Not Socialism.
mfw both are becoming true.
So what you're saying is
Communism will win
Europe is getting taken over by dumbfuck xenophobes with brexit and le penis. America is gonna save you fags again.
Yeah, they just keep fucking up all the way to the bank.
End of FY 2013 net revenue (millions)
End of FY 2014
>Nearly 200 million hours of Dragon Age: Inquisition have been played life-to-date.
Monthly active users for EA's mobile titles averaged more than 165 million in Q4.
End of FY 2015
End of FY 2016
But user, only third world countries can have communist revolutions. You're proving them right.
Make every capitalist politician an honest man like Budd.
It's funny that gamergate needs to shoehorn itself into Holla Forums like that, it's almost as if they're fucking irrelevant.
The BO is also a major cuck for allowing it.
(someone posted a screencap from Checkers lmao)
I live in America dumbass
Yeah, curse those damn gamergaters, setting back our evil plans by sending strongly worded letters and getting into virtual slapfights with attention whores on twitter.
Oh, the data for 2016 is in:
How's your third world country treating you?
liberal left: mad about bioshock
bullheaded, stupid, ignorant right: mad about mass effect
respectable communist: mad about metal gear pachinko
How's YOUR third world country treating
Hey now. Everyone's mad about pachinko. Especially Konami, since Japan just legalized gambling again, making their loophole-exploiting pachinko machines worthless.
What are you stupid? This kind man asked you how the third was treating you, answer honestly
My country can at least provide clean drinking water to all of its citizens.
Or do you just like it with that heavy metal flavor?
Proving my point here
( )
Terrible I hate it
Konami is accelerationist.
I thought SJWs were the armed branch of Cultural Marxism…?
This just in: socialist theory and practice finally annihilated by Twitter-addicted 15 year-olds with anime avatars.
I sure hope this is satire.
When the revolution does happen Biodrones will be the first ones up against the wall
Free software isn't in any way marxist, just like free flow of information/text.
Valvedrones will be the first, no cutting.
Obligatory: youtube.com
What about Bethesda?
He supports unionizing the industry and improving working conditions.
I find this shit hilarious.
If Capitalism is to blame for this, wtf I'm Capitalist now.
Nigger GamerGate is what eventually led me to see that Capitalism has grown to be literally fucking cancer and there's absolutely no way to unfuck the system because this is Capitalism's logical progression. The only way to save fucking video games to bring it to that "glorious past known as 'the 90s'", full of shareware and experimental game mechanics, we'd actually need fucking Communism. See
Bethesda can go as long as id is spared.
If you think about it, Gamergate was a little bit like the red Scare, in terms of strwmanning people mostly.
I still have trouble believing that there are people who are leftists because they want to play video games in peace
Jim Sterling's right up there with Hbomberguy in terms of borderline /ourguy/, not that half his audience picks up on it.
Well tbh analyzing my life in hindsight it would've led up to this point in some way. Ever since I was a kid I'd always feel disgusted when we would buy groceries in bulk and spend so much money, which went into a sort of slightly deeper resentment of consumerism. GamerGate simply tipped me over the edge because I admittedly was among the people who reacted to the SJWs but I also didn't buy any of the right-wing bullshit that was being peddled by what was the followers of the GG pundits at the time.
I love games. Granted, most of them are shit these days so I don't play as often, but there's always Dwarf Fortress.
The only people I've ever seen censor videogames were conservatives fam.
Blue haired people moaning at you for sexism isn't censorship, and private companies addressing their complaints isn't either.
once the developers don't have to rely on massive conglomerates to get their work done ideological pandering will be meaningless.
Sterling says literally whatever he thinks will give him the most clicks. He is a certified cocksucker.
mate you can pick at the pieces you want to talk about but if you dismiss the whole thing because You Don't Like It is a logical fallacy.
Seriously is this the level of discourse you are capable of? You really are changing minds in here. not
aren't you confusing what people do (cronyism, corruption, nepotism et al) with a system of economics?
The only real argument that you fuckers don't like is that at least for a while Capitalism works while Communism is a shitshow from day one.
Thinking that there's a perfect system that humans can't fuck up is a bit naive.
how doesn't capitalism necessitate expansion?
you clearly do not want to learn about different views and are spouting the same thought terminating cliches we've heard a trillion times.
Turns out there's more to Capitalism than voluntary exchange, just like there was more to feudalism than the divine right of kings.
opinions are not fallacies you double nigger
Shareholders, and CEO's are an integral part of modern capitalism, not a cronyism. Unless you want nothing but small business trading with each other with no monopolization, which is closer to mercantilism with a dash of utopism since for some reason a company won't out perform another, by outproducing them with automation of course
Communism is just what happened with full automation and replicators, a stateless, classless, currencyless society. Of course we don't have the technology to do it yet, so the better choice for now is giving workers the control of means of production. Co-ops are a good step.
Pay no attention to the contradiction of production for the sake of production though, or it's side-affects like planned obsolescence. It's all dudes just buying and selling things to make a profit and private property is the stuff in your house. Surely.
His whole Breath of the Wild shit was so transparent.
implying nintendrones aren't actually that delusional in general
You have never read a book lol
Just another day on the left.
Just another day on the right
I'm not on the right and capitalism isn't great, but you're being incredibly disingenuous by painting it as an issue of demand. The SJWs who scream about panty shots DON'T FUCKING BUY OR PLAY GAMES. They want to alter a product they have nothing to do with for no other reason than that they don't like it.
And the forces of Capitalism are making the companies comply with their demands because even though they're not playing the games, the games have caught their attention, thus giving the companies an ultimately vain hope of increasing their consumer base if they comply
I'm aware of the economic forces incentivizing censorship. The SJWs are still cunts though. No leftist should ever defend them.
And we don't. That one Tankie user may have but Tankies are memes so make what you will of them
We realize SJWs are a cancer as well. Welcome to leftypol.
Already been here for too damn long. You should try posting this stuff in the GG thread instead of here.
lol holy shit like clockwork.
Where are my real world result nigger?? No fucking book is worth shit without some sort of results.
Why should I read your pie in the sky wank material if it has no actual material worth?
Sorry but thats my line.
You're aware you're replying to Holla Forums right.
I have no issue with that, its when these business start twisting governments for their own ends which frankly I think pisses us all off.
I await to be surprised. While scarcity exists communism probably won't.
Well i always though Keynesian economics to be hackery anyway.
how can you tell? Is this horseshoe theory in action?
pol is now triggerred
You can't have capitalism without that; for all of the claims that leftism is utopian, this sure seems like a fantastical assumption, unless you are an advocate of absolute monarchy or other authoritarian forms of government–which free-market capitalist ideologues frequently were, like Hayek and von Mises.
Duh. That's kind of our goal. Practical post-scarcity anyway, not some Star Trek bullshit, though technological advancement is currently a major aspect of it.
Keynesian economics sound like bullshit if you take all free market capitalist assumptions at face value, we could consider capitalism to be inherently flawed. Keynes simply exploited these contradictions to save capitalism from itself, and as much as it triggers lolberts to consider, he was pretty much proven correct by the New Deal.
Opposition to Keynes' ideas since the growth of neoliberalism has been almost exclusively ideological in politics, not practical.
Well for one, you could look at basic fucking data. Life improved dramatically under the Soviet project, even if they did not accomplish communism. The same goes for Cuba, where they went from a country where literacy was not common to an incredibly high literacy rate, a high standard of medical care, and have effectively eliminated homelessness (meanwhile empty homes outnumber the American homeless population 6:1).
You could also start by reading even the most basic of theory or to lift your head out of your ass to look at reality and realize that capitalism isn't corrupted by "cronyism," but is working just as intended.
Maybe take break from the video games for second and educate yourself. That is if your gaming addled brain already isn't devolved to a state of mush.
It's a bit naive to think these people are ever benign honestly.
Meant to say 'happens' no 'happened' also.
While it still exists in the same bourgeoisie ideology as Austrian economics, they can at least sort of see the contradictions and try to cover them up with welfare goodies. Austrians just let the logic of it out and be exposed, and in turn the damage it causes is accelerated, causing people to be more open so socialism, as in the worker ownership kind.
You keep thinking we like the state, and meanwhile we'll be starting co-ops.
you act like a egotistical redditor faggot
t. asshurt nintendo shill
Has anyone that says capitalism is in fact crony capitalism ever indicated a time in which it wasn't so, where they had their "pure" capitalism?
This is why you shouldn't get your education from video game.
A postcapitalist society will not be able to make the same games, but it will make games.
Free software can be a highly profitable venture, that produces fantastic results, though not actually the same results as proprietary methods.
The only reason it doesn't work in games is that games have modding. This attracts much of the would-be contributors of the open source world to a closed source project because the closed source project has more players. If the closed source option dies, people will flock to open games (and the modders themselves will be much better off since there won't be bullshit laws allowing the owner to forbid monetization or to demand 80% of the revenue).
why do people defend this fat cunt like he's their friend or something? Are people really that stupid? I'm begining to believe the posadism meme because I'm starting to think the only way for humanity to survive is for the normalfags to wipe themselves out with their intense corpo-worshipping faggotry.
Needs one more panel for the paid mods bullshit.
Where is that shit comes from? It's like saying there was no movies in USSR.
In reality average citizen of USSR visited movie theatres more often than his sprudo comrade per capita.
Also Stalin planned 6-hour working day by XXI century so communists should have more time for hobbies too.
He convinced an entire generation of PC gamers that cancerous DRM is acceptable if you dress it up in a bunch of bells and whistles.
It's the power of meme magic. Make something funny about a person no matter how evil they are and they'll become likable.
Not just that but people will go out of their way to redefine DRM just to make Steam seem more acceptable. Instead of being digital restrictions management, DRM is somehow every other form copy protection under the sun now. Need an x86 processor to play a game? That's DRM. Need a Wii to play that game? That's DRM. Need Windows to play a game? That's DRM. Need to breath oxygen while playing? That's DRM.
You don't even own the game to begin with, it's a rental no matter how you get it. Steam is pretty shit by its own merit, but it's pretty much the only reason PC gayman is still a mainstream thing.
I have the program right on my fucking computer here. I own it.
They're ignorant, not necesarily stupid. Like most people, they haven't read anything and they're spooked against socialism like most americans.
Fuck, they're the easiest target for being radicalized.