Why are Holla Forums people so pathetic?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because neo-reactionaries have no theory, basing everything on "much tradition"
That's not completely accurate, they claim that Tradition (tm) can be scientifically showed to be optimal
No doubt followed by a dank infograph
That's what Holla Forums always does, they claim to be on the side of facts and truth, but when shown facts and truth not on their side they always scamper and ignore it, call it da joos, or bitch until they get you banned (as seen with modcat).
They are exactly the same as SJW, only even more hypocrite.
How's 8/a/, anyways? still trash?
No shit
jesus christ user
Same as every other hobby board, qq sob sob moan whine
What's the problem?
More crosslinks, schlomo?
It's almost like there's no real discussion going on here and you're just flinging shit at other boards to see what sticks because "muh post count."
Jews and goons please leave, 8ch is not your home.
No surprise, coming from the torture chamber that is Holla Forums.
They deleted all his posts. /a/ has Holla Forums mods too.
Impressive argument there, stormfag.
You had a point until you showed your power level.
It's stupid to try argue on this site anyway, it's mostly a safe space that lets Holla Forumsyps talk about their hobbies without having to coexist with anyone that disagrees with their convictions.
I bet you hate crosslinking cause you're too much of a newfag to figure it out.
An Hero yourself you tremendous faggot.
This, even Tumblr/Twitter/4chan has looser moderation the first two however has a block button so it's less site mods and more the person you're shittalking to not wanting your voice.
It's unfortunate, but /a/ got taken over by Holla Forums so you'd be better off discussing anime on 4chan.
Man all they do is bitch impotently about SJWs all day, every day, in each thread. They spend more time talking about social justice than fucking tumblr.
You know, whenever i see this line. i remember every racist speech ever. "Ya'll niggers don't belong here"
I find it kinda funny that this rhetoric is so deeply embedded in neonazi culture that they don't even understand it.
Another thing, Holla Forums is inherently democratic, if anything you nazis don't belong in a website that focuses on such ideals in its basic format.
This. If someone acts a bit differently he is called out and told to lurk more.
That's the reason they hate reddit so much. Not because they hate their users even more than themselves, but because they are afraid of any opinion that goes against their worldview.
That is really weird because I made that post and the other leftist ones in the thread and I'm not OP. I just discovered this thread, either I made it and somehow don't remember doing so or someone else did and shopped a (YOU) in there, although I have no idea why he'd do that.
Here is the other leftist post I made in the thread later on, it might have been deleted as well. Again, I'm pretty sure I didn't make this thread.
Strangely, the maids only deleted one response to my original post, someone posted a Zizek video on Matrix, Red and Blue pills and how videogames show our true nature somehow, where Zizek shows he has no idea what he is talking about.
In case this was deleted and you are wondering, the words that are spoilered were
kill yourself you permanent faggot
Just fucking stop dude.
I refuse to leave the other boards I visit to the Holla Forumstards.
You have better chances on 4chan than here, where most mods at least actually delete Holla Forums shit.
I've noticed a big bias, lefty stuff is gone fast while the right wing responses usually stay around.
I have been banned before on calling someone out on his racism in a thread that was strongly derailed by Holla Forums, the racist stuff was left undeleted.
It keeps happening
The butthurt is real.
He went all out, like a kindergartener using all the curses he knows at once.
I take pride in being considered a Holla Forums cuck SJW shill nigger progressive.
Another fan!? :3
I have a metric shitton of Undertale artwork, I was talking about how Undertale and Kemono Friends are similar in that thread.
Would you right of white supremacy as a "conspiracy"?
What like the idea that they run the world and are responsible for consumerism and shit? Yes i would.
Also its "write off" not right off.
Aaaaaaaaand that's a ban.
Everything was fine until I told someone to read a book.
Not really, this site is more like anarcho-fascist or something. Everyone is free to create their own board but they rule with absolute power in that board.
Leftism eternally BTFO, how will we ever recover from this intellectual destruction. If only we had considered HUMAN NATURE.
Decentralized Fascist you dork.