Literally what are my options?
Voting doesn't work
Other urls found in this thread:
unironically, accelerationism
That doesn't work either.
Follow the noble enlightened path of Bordiga
Take your pick.
if that isn't good enough for you, literal posadism
This, unironically. You can't force a revolution when the conditions aren't ready. Do what you can to get people educated and organized, but don't stress out about it.
The conditions will never be ready. At this rate the bourgeoisie's power is too great. Give them long enough and they can quell any dissent with the push of a button.
The main thing standing in our way is NeoLibs. When a big enough crisis comes, their power will slip and we can insert our rhetoric. in the mean time, keep educating and agitating
Well firstly you must realize several things.
First, communism and socialism have been so heavily demonized in the eyes of the western working class, that they will never again back such ideologies.
Secondly, even if we assume that the workers would care to back communism or socialism - old organizational techniques simply do not work anymore.
If you really do care about getting rid of the horrors of capitalism, regardless of the cost.
Please follow my instructions below:
1) Abandon leftism
2) Start an explicitly Totalitarianism, Stratocratic group.
3) Build up a core membership of emotionally/socially dependent zealots.
4) Provide your membership an all-consuming ideology/world view.
5) Use your core membership to proselytize your ideology and grow the ranks of your organization.
6) Gain control of important figures within society (celebrities, senior military figures etc).
7) Provide paramilitary training to your membership/Establish a parallel government.
8) Over-throw the government.
9) Establish your new order and destroy capitalism/liquidate porky.
I have a prepared reading list if you would like further information.
The first step, is to google bookchin
Nihilist Communism fam
So exactly what Trump is doing then?
That has to be a joke.
Trump is not a Stratocrat or Totalitarian.
He is also most assuredly not interested in overthrowing capitalism and liquidating porky.
To the public he isn't and no, you can't be entirely certain given your statement that the person responsible for establishing the parallel government must be duplicitous.
Start a coop
Not sure if you're familiar with militaries but they can be a bit stuck up at times and I'd rather they were off doing the jobs they were trained to do than trying to run a government tbqh.
Is this supposed to be a political movement or some orgiastic suicide cult?
you forgot
Is this satire?
lol have you been paying attention?
You seem to be making the common mistake of confusing a Stratocracy with a simple military dictatorship.
Society and the military are the same entity in a true Stratocracy.
Most people would be doing the jobs they were trained for.
Simply within a military hierarchy.
All mass movements are built around a core of zealots.
Read Eric Hoffer.
Regardless, the more dependent any given person is upon your ideology the better.
Hello Mussolini. This is literally fascism. We've spent so long listening to liberals screech about "ZOMG Bush/Trump/Putin/[insert strongman] is literally hitlar reborn guis!" that we can't recognize the original idea being pushed under the name of "technocracy".
You have the wrong attitude. The things you listed work, but not everywhere.
Bannon tho.
Revolutionists breed Cynics.
Cynics breed Romantics.
Romantics breed Revolutionists.
basically, wait for Lenin
That's easier said than done.
How do I get access to nukes to begin with?
How about stop trying to find out the one solution to all problems and just being reasonable and active on your local political life? Government aided healtcare is a good idea, lead to quite succesful examples in first world countries, albeit a socialist measure, it doesn't ´´turn children into faggots, destroy moral values and kills capitalism´´. Capitalist´s economic incentives to small and mid-tier entrepeneurs and companies had been quite successful in japan, and their industry and GDP hasn't collapsed at all. Nordics pay quite some high taxes and they're not particularily poor, exploited by the government or in such low living conditions.
Just be eclectic, take what works, fuck fearmongers and propaganda. Just don´t be a tool or an idiot.
I used to be a romantic ten years ago.
They will work if we can get more people to google murray
Same. Now im ready to burn shit.
The reason why military and government are typically separate is because they are meant to deal with radically different situations. Armed forces are and should be top-down hierarchies because orders need to be given and followed as quickly as possible in dangerous, life or death situations.
Ideally, a military exists to defend an area from other militaries. Training, recruiting, weapon/equipment manufacturing and maintenance, ration distribution, living quarter assignment, and all other logistical issues handled by the head honchos amount to having healthy, well-trained, well-equipped soldiers who are able to mobilize as quickly as possible to respond to potential threats. (Assuming you're not an imperialist bully)
But government is a little more complicated. First off, the scope is much wider. The generals of the armed forces don't need to deal with the economy, foreign affairs, education, infrastructure, etc. Issues like these impact the society as a whole, and so they should be open to wider discussion.
Deciding for example, what stance should be taken on a foreign policy issue is something that definitely needs time, input, and careful deliberation before making a final decision. Though autocracy would make radical changes able to be enacted more quickly, the narrow scope of the decision making body leaves too much room for unconsidered evidence, unforeseen consequences, and general sloppiness, especially with issues with society-wide impact. Having a strict military-esque hierarchy seems like an unnecessary restriction that would seriously harm the efficiency of an administration's decision-making.
True, but intentionally building "an all-consuming ideology/world view" that locks people into a strict, cookie-cutter conceptual framework is a bad way to construct a theory that is meant to adapt to fit the circumstances and find the most practical way forward. A militant isn't necessarily someone who stamps out all dissenting opinions, but someone who has found a Truth, and becomes unwavering in their loyalty to that Truth once they fully realize it for what it is. Read Alain Badiou.
Unless "dependent" means unwilling or unable to criticize or build upon said ideology.
You stroking your ego doing those things doesn't mean it's working to defeat capitalism.
U just need a plan
Are you suggesting that the administration of a nation does not hold a 'life and death' level of importance?
That orders outside of direct combat situations should not be followed as quickly as possible?
But that is the beauty of an efficient military hierarchy.
It would be trivial to add something like an 'Industrial Production Corp'.
Why exactly?
The general public are by-and-large not experts on things like foreign policy.
Why should they have any amount of sway over, or even knowledge of things that they could scarcely understand.
They should just be content in the knowledge that people that are experts on such topics are left to handle them.
This may just be from my background in Syndicalism.
But I would picture any such important decisions being presented to council (comprised of the head of each corp/branch), they would ultimately debate and decide upon such things.
You yourself said that such a system would be able to enact changes quickly.
Just imagine the speed at which problems could be identified and corrected.
The speed at which new events could be responded to.
As long as it is ordered correctly.
I fail to see any drawbacks.
Failing anything else, it would have to be better then what we have now.
I think that allowing certain people to make additions to an ideology is a good thing.
Something to be encouraged even.
I do fail to see upside to people being able to criticize it however.
Much like how waves over time turn even the mightiest of boulders into sand.
So to would allowing criticism weaken the given ideology over time and eventually allow for its replacement.
The best propaganda: Tell people to google murray bookchin.
Join the YPG, defend Rojava. Or adopt this flag
just follow pic related.
Go to your library, a bookstore, amazon or libgen, and find books about the Second International, the Wobblies, The Bolsheviks, the Nation of Islam, the Black Panthers, any guerrilla group you can think of, and study their structure and organization.
All those things you've said work if they're not an end in themselves, but a strategic movement by people belonging to a larger, centralized, efficient organization. Our task is to build this organization.
How come the masses seem to be immune to this chart?
Join the military and become a general so some portion of the military is guaranteed to betray Porky when the time comes.
I would love for you to answer that.
I see very few things that could go wrong.
Bookchin's idea for accomplishing change is absolute trash tier though. In a place where people legitimately hate the state, the state won't let you get away with establishing the dual power structure he proposed, as was demonstrated in Turkey. A place like Norway or whatever might led you do so, but only because the state is totally secure: its citizens are far too content to ever dream of acting against the state.
I'm saying the execution of every decision doesn't need to be treated as if the very existence of the nation is at stake
That's my point. The military doesn't have any responsibilities that aren't somehow related to defense.
No country on earth has any excuse to have a general population so pants-on-head retarded to the point where they can't even be trusted to know what their country's relationship with its neighbors are like.
How do you distinguish between these two? To add a piece of insight to an idea, you first have to point out the way that the idea is lacking and can be improved. Does that not count as criticism?
The prevailing ideology isn't going to be magically replaced unless there is an equally drastic change the the mode of production and material conditions. The prevailing ideology will ultimately favor the status quo, unless there's a massive economic collapse somehow.
Being open to criticism and changing with the times is something that should be encouraged. Otherwise you're just dismissing any and all ideas that could potentially help society improve and progress.
Read theory. Share ideas with people. Spreading theory (i.e exposing the inherent contradictions of capitalism) will make people mpre aware of how the system works and why reform fails. When the collapse comes, we'll be in a better position to fight off fascists.
What causes revolutions? If you mean national revolutions, that can be protests, foreign interference, hysteria, disease, a bad harvest, a single death, or a meme. The options you listed are sufficient for national revolutions.
Transnational revolutions, class revolutions, come about by different means. These revolutions happen when the function of the ruling class is rendered obsolete. For instance, the printing press rendered the papacy system obsolete, giving rise to lords, but they were rendered obsolete by the steam engine, and the industrial revolution elevated porky and commies. From a technocratic perspective, commies and porkies are not very different, as both rely on a money system based on managing scarce resources, and both struggle with artificial scarcity. The next technologically inspired global revolution will not yield any system we've seen in the last century.
If we are shit people at that time, we will build a shitty world. The work we do now will color and inform the next revolution, so do that.
This is what drove me to madness though. I kept asking "why?" like a child and digging up data. Eventually it lead me to the point of total hopelessness.
The welfare system is too punitive
We can't afford it
Because too many people are unemployed
Because they're lazy (I punch this guy in the nose) Because we've got a labor surplus
Because of outsourcing, the abandoning of full employment as a policy goal, whatever. Too many people, not enough work
Because capital can move freely between countries and Keynesian policy fell apart
Because Breton Woods fell apart and the blame for resulting difficulties in the decade (like oil-price induced stagflation) went on Keynesian policy, leading to the Thatcher/Reagan memes and an unemployment level that still isn't back to
Camatte was right
isn't this exactly what is already happening? the west implodes at this very moment. why are we not capitalizing on this? we have masses of scared left liberals. we need to pull them to our side, convince them, that - if they want all their fancy civil society stuff in the future - they must support us and transcend capitalism as a whole. they see all their ideals of an open, just, slightly equalized society break down before their eyes. we must insert historical analysis, showing them how this result was inevitable under the capitalist logic and that there is no turning back to nostalgic social democratic policies of the new deal.
don't wait for the big, big crisis. it's already here. act on it.
You know, I was actually wondering something: How does trade work under technocracy in one country?
If my economy is denominated in non-transferable energy credits and the rest of the world is using the price system, how do you convert?
accelerationism will simply lead to fascism. there is no magic class consciousness epiphany if the system collapses. thinking otherwise is just mythical marxism.
The fuck is this even supposed to mean, it does work, it's a matter on how and for what purpose you utilize it.
If your standpoint is "just doing it to get communism right after" of course it "doesn't work".
Was zur verfickten Hölle ist das für ein Name? Lmao
The bourgeoisie will never have enough power to quell everyone. When they finally push is too far, they'll find themselves powerless to stop us.
Quoting from one of the greatest movies in existence, "Thälmann - Führer seiner Klasse" a social democrat on the nazi issue:
"Hitler will have to comply to the rules of the game, otherwise he wont hold on for even just one day."
Daily reminder: Accelerationism doesn't work by itself.
Accelerationism merely produces objective conditions for a revolution, it is the job of the vanguard to raise class consciousness and prepare the subjective conditions for revolution, without which accelerationism will produce nothing.
Propagate pro communist information, even if you don't call it communism or socialism or whatever.
Do everything you can to raise class consciousness and teach libs about the inherent flaws and brutality of capitalism.
I think that's the point left accelerationists make, that we have to acceleratee shit to make conditions for a revolution and a future society, but we need to actually cash in or it or we going to just be screwed by this new form of capitalism.
For example I'm ready to both support acceleration and when the time comes I'll try to help with what I can.
For now I can just sit on my comfy chair and feel superior though.
Just as a response to people straw-manning leftcoms.. Leftcoms DO agitate and DO organize. What they reject is opportunism. It's not that they are against doing anything. They just reject strategies that have coninuously failed. Their experience of what works is born out of the class struggle. A class struggle older and more varied than most. They are based on experiences dating before the Russian Revolution. Leftcoms are the constantly self-critical leftists. They aren't a large faction, but their members have and currently are active in all sorts of movements. It's sad the organizations themselves have been reduced to simply theorizing, but that doesn't diminish the actual work leftcoms actually do. Their stubborn rejection of half-hearted virtue signalling and their ability to attack any bs organization has garnered a great deal of hate, but they're the only group of tendencies constantly critical of others as well as themselves. They're the future of communist theory whether they themselves lead the revolution or not. Memes aside they're the generally the only group with a real understanding of Marxism that has evolved since the failed 20th century revolutions.
das ist meiner. hallo genosse!
I agree. Chicken coops are better than real coupes and you get fresh eggs everyday. They also make wonderful pets XD
The left has already lost. Just look out for yourself whether you will live in neo liberalism, a socdem state, or even fascist state. Suppose this sucks if your brown or gay but there will probably be some country you can flee too if your educated enough.
Did you answered to me by mistake? I cannot see how your post answers to mine in any way.
Anyway, to your "digging un data" I would like to answer to you the one detail I found interesting: Most of the developed world has lots and lots of parties in order to have different ideologies and perspectives, this aspect of the US politics is quite regresive and, as healthcare, susceptible to policy comparision. And so, had you been already involved in your local politics? Because just expecting people to hand you solutions is… quite naive to say the least.
you adopt the only redeeming thing about nihilists and just carry on with whatever
If you think accelerationism makes any sense at all, you should support universal basic income.
I took your post as basically getting active and involved with reformism at the local level (such as joining a party and campaigning to drive policy change.), the majority of the post is just developing on the example. Each level of "why" builds up more misery, because even though you started with a simple issue - I mean, we could go even further and say I just wanted to know why the welfare system was so cruel locally.
Digging into how the global economic and political system works to figure out how to best do this (because intuitively I knew all mainstream sources of opinion were doing it wrong.) essentially reveals that in the big picture, there's nothing to be gained. Sure, maybe you can stop the local hospital being closed - but systematically, you're never going to push beyond a certain point because the entire world is quite literally against you.
Even where you have a relatively diverse political system, or new parties arising, none of them legitimately challenge the status quo. An interesting case study is the Scottish Nationalist Party. In one way, it poses a big threat to the status quo by breaking up a G7 member state, so their reception has been quite hostile. On the other, despite being vaguely better than the other major Scottish parties, they're still firmly in neoliberal social-democrat territory. They have to be to get anywhere. And the fact they're about the leftiest credible option on offer in Scotland (Labour party were right of them until they lost all credibility in 2016 and the Greens are idealists who'd burn the end goal of independence - on paper advocated to get away from the neoliberal UK and adopt the Scandinavian model - to virtue signal in the present.)
I mean even if we got someone elected on a manifesto promising single payer in the USA, which would be a major thing (and actually perhaps possible - US politics seems a little more volatile than most underneath the surface now that Trump is in, while UK politics seems more stagnant than ever.) you'd still have the entire current insurance system, and through their connections the financial markets to deal with, and the corrupt congress. America is a bit insulated from market-threats because the dollar is the de-facto reserve currency, but it's not invincible. You could just end up with a re-run of the Hillarycare debacle. (Because again: people are stupid and evil.) and come out the worse for it.
If you wanted a model of how neoliberalism works today, just assume that it's evil and will ruin every attempt you make to improve things. It's arch-neoliberal Milton Friedman's favourite kind of model: One with unreasonable assumptions but very accurate results. It's the root reason why America, Scotland, etc, will never be Sweden even though we can see the Swedish model works.
this but only half-ironically
nothing wrong with them
But the system can't sustain itself.
Market forces will inherently destroy the environment, and porky and prole will both fall asleep in the eternal twilight of earth.
what work is, ter-r-o-…-m
gotta try and see results
Why? That's literally the only shot capitalism has at surviving.
Move to Canada and join an Indian tribe.
Live the based anarchist lifestyle.
Take it from a man that spent his life doing stuff in this field.
Too bad all nazis wabt to do is reform the system to conform to their spooks while it operates the same way.
Well if you find no values in spooks, then it is so.
Pleasantly surprised tbqh.
Is this because of leftcom presence and shitposting on the board causing people to finally read Bordiga and Dauvé or is it the temporal result of material conditions precipitating themselves to dialectically incubate the belief that activism, class collaborationism, opportunism, bourgeois reformism and parliamentarism are all dead ends that are worthless courses of action for proper revolutionary aims?
its hard to win a rigged game by playing by the rules.
We have to nurture the seed of communism, for it is very weak and planted in hostile environs, deprived of water and sunshine.
Our jobs for now is to smooth the path for the revolution. We may not actually witness the fruit of our labour. Too many aut-rights opposing us and liberals claiming to be us poisoned any real chances.
But the richer are still getting rich and the only riches the poor have is their alarmingly increasing numbers. So I estimate 2080 to be the breaking point.
No its because this is an imageboard, people dont do things here.
is this a joke? he's the best thing to happen to capital in a while, he does exactly as he's told & he'll de-regulate everything.
If things are that bad, people are gonna start an heroing and taking pigs with them.
Join the Action Front
Lmao the lemmings perfectly describe that Slovenian wanker Zizek
Hahaha this for sure, fam. But really in the meantime, while we "do nothing" and wait for the result of accelerationism, I think as a whole we should live within the means of a more leftist lifestyle.
Short of homelessness, there is no way to live outside of a capitalist framework in the US. Visavi, our dilemma as leftists.
I think we have to try and live with better spending tactics. I'm not talking about "Buying farm grown" liberal shit. I'm talking about buying from other countries, pushing money out of the economy of our oppressors, spending your money elsewhere and encouraging others to do so. Buy cheap shit you need from china.
Is part of accelerationism the destruction of the middle class here in america? Why not contribute to this? Help heighten the contradictions with your power as a consumer. Collectively, I think this can do some actual change.
Theres no ethical consumption under capitalism, but we can try and hit them where it matters. Money is the only true power this day and age.
Just a thought.
Its the only way
That's actually pretty good analysis imo, even if it is coming from someone who is my enemy.
Tell me friend, what are you doing over here on Holla Forums giving us advice? What interest do you have in posting here?
It's shocking only if you never touch books, or even abbreviated youtube videos about said books.
But you posted limecat, so you're forgiven.
you guys have similar goals
I love how self-rightously ego-stroking cliché this is and how it fails to go in depth about the only relevant part, how to properly attack the system.
It's funny because this one works well for both maoists and platformists.
those are some mighty fine digits. you gotta understand that the greatest government of all time was a military dictatorship
those arent "goals" dummy
He literally wrote two books about that.
I told ya'll not to discuss terrorism and subversion on your Taiwanese independence basket weaving board
The Turner Diaries is a guide for people in a nonsensical alternate universe that bitter schizophrenics think they live in.
The two books deal with radically different situations. Both are very detailed. Turner Diaries deals with more tyrannical and apocalyptic scenario while The Hunter is set in a more casual environment.
Pierce was a literal rocket scientist and his descriptions of chemistry and electronics are on the level. He is usually called the leninist of the extreme right and there is certainly some truth to that statement. His biggest mistake was giving communism more time than it had though.
The internal contradictions of capitalism that Marx described and the trends he predicted still hold truer than ever. He underestimated the extent to which capital and ideology are able to adapt and displace its problems temporarily, but it's still just delaying the inevitable. There are limits to what you can commodify, or how much surplus value you can exploit, or how much you can you can squeeze out at the cost of destabilizing the global climate at an unprecedented rate. Eventually the system won't be able to cope anymore.
The question is, between the planet and capitalism, what will break first?
wrong, and activism, protesting, and study groups work too, just not in America right now.
your only real "career" path is to go internationalist and start working with groups in Greece, Syria, The Indian subcontinent.