Last thread died. Just made pic related as a response to "muh helicopters XDDDD".
It's referencing the attempted assassination where the FPMR blew up Pinochet's car.
Last thread died. Just made pic related as a response to "muh helicopters XDDDD".
It's referencing the attempted assassination where the FPMR blew up Pinochet's car.
Other urls found in this thread:
fresh of the press
I hate these drawings
Well, I tried
I made this and posted it on the discord a while back. Idk if it's any good tho, nobody said anything about it :/
It's dumb and reductionist. Please stop the compass map meme. It lacks nuance.
It's pretty good. The first 2 ones are top tier.
That's the point, friend. It's a political compass based on the arguments that people from each ideology use to dismiss other ideologies when they haven't actually understood the ideology they're critiquing.
Lmao someone should make a centrist one that says "Ummmm, maybe the truth is actually somewhere in the middle"
Hello shitposting marxhead
Actually a very good chart, although seeing as most people are liberals or socdems, I'm not sure where they would fall on this. It describes the true believers of each quadrant well, though. I definitely sympathize with the libertarian left one - death to capitalism, with the state or without!
For the "libertarian right" quadrant, you should also probably blot out the authoritarian right block with "does not exist because Libertarianism is an inherently right-wing ideology". Remember, they see Hitler as being as far left as Mao and Stalin and are cognitively dissonant about Pinochet.
The original erasing of quadrants came from a lolberg edit that did exactly that.
he wanted to be original here. (also /liberty/ has been pretty triggered that we started using the Right- prefix to refer to them)
There is only one true libertarianism! It is red and black! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Lmao, I deviated a bit from your suggestion, but I think this still has tankie-angering potential.
Is this good fam?
I labeled the centrism chart for the sake of clarity
fuck stalin fuck gommies fuck em all
Found the kulak
no i came here because this thread is um…ugh..trending in 'Quality threads'
i came here for quality
And what do you know about quality
someone do photoshop magic on the glasses reflection
Artifact it a bit and slap Nazbol over this one
Fun fact on the topic of car bombings Franco's proposed successor Luis Carrero Blanco, was killed by a car bomb planted by the ETA.
These are old things I made, but I haven't been in the memey mood lately.
Someone did something similar to that already.
They dug a hole under the road where used to drive to church, told the landlord they were sculptors. ETA stole 60kg of explosives from an army storage. Blew up the car so hard it flew over a house into a nerby courtyard.
This guy appearently was very powerful and vital for the function of government
really makes you think
Found this. It's hilarious
could anyone with actual image editing skills put PJW's face on one of those fallout NV think tanks?
I've made these two
Who was Viktor?
Post the two original pics and I'll give it a try.
this picture is probably better
any pic of paul joseph twatson will do really, but it's better if he has his eyes wide open
the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine (RIAU) under Nestor Makhno
i make fun of disappointing moments to ease the pain
whos the hwndu chick?
seems about right
Facists ruined the city and communists kill them and claim the city and rebuild it so seems about right
Seriously though, do leftists even have any good memes? I have yet to see one, come on leftists, show us your best meme.
rly gets the noggin joggin
whether or not you agree, the right has recently made some of the best quality and far-reaching memes of all fucking time. What does the left have? Some cringy pig that is essentially a reskinned merchant?
translation: edgy teenagers will parrot anything
it's old soviet propaganda, newfriend
Ah yes """quality"""
How does it feel to be fucking autistic??
Stop refusing to take your meds
Still haven't seen any good memes yet, could it be that you don't have any?
Is that the best one you have? We have fucking hundreds of those. That's old news.
Here's sum phresh OC from the Tube of You
i want Holla Forums to leave
Go take your meds you autist, you are mentally ill
This is an adult speaking, you should follow what your doctor told you before you start hurting yourself autist
Not new, but I have to reply to these with pic related
not enough jpeg artifacts
Straight off the griddle. Be careful cause it's still sizzlin'
the right didn't make Pepe or Wojak
So breaking news: memes are based on rehashing old content.
Holla Forums is just full of newfags, I see them occasionally saying "I'm a 2013 oldfag!" and it's pretty cute how newfaggy that is.
Fresh off the presses.
2/10, apply yourself.
Waste of quads.
quads of truth
This whole 'Hitler I mean Daddy Stalin did nothing' thing wrong is getting old.
I think it still has meme value.
Stalin did lots of things wrong, killing the kulaks was not one of them
This. Kulaks deserved it.
I fucking love this.
Nothing personnel, squaddo
In honour of our recent ancap general.
thats from the battle of berlin when papa joe fucked schnitler in the ass
Tried finding the exploitable thread but it seems to have vanished. Anyway, here's this along with source.
Absolute rubbish.
Where's the Nazbol Gang logo?
People like this are on the verge of making political correctness hip again.
His stuff gets posted a lot as reaction images and he's made a few that crop up quite a bit, but as always with anyone that contributes to Holla Forums he's making less than $10 on Patreon.
Why do all these successful entrepreneurs let their fellow white males struggle despite offering a service voluntarily?
here's a fresh webm
Checked and kekked
OC bump
drew a lil garbage Bookchin, critique
Cute, but i don't see in what context i could post it.
Looks great, actually. Kind of cute
Where is his moustache?
Can't unsee, fuck you!
All the people who have busts for avis are guaranteed 12 and under.
Bordiga did NOTHING wrong and the lawn chairs deserved it.
i cant belive you've done this
I cri evry tiem
somebody send this to Victims of Communism, they must see this incredible new evidence
It's the "I Punched Richard Spencer" user.
I have yet another vaguely-semi-leftist piece, but I'm not gonna record it right now. Just lyrics. It's "Racist Against Rich People."
Richard Branson is a bitch
He sucked my dick and then got rich
You think it's a coincidence?
His mouth is full of jizzum squids.
People keep mispronouncing 'Koch,'
They're named after what goes in their butts,
Kidney stones - no joy to pass,
But the Koch Bros. were born from their daddy's ass.
Commander-in-Chief; sadly never weened
Still lives off his father's tiny peen
Marissa Mayer, could have been
Something besides a piece of shit.
All rich are born without a clue,
Kill them all's what we should do.
We can all hi-five when we are done,
The porks are dead, the humans won.
I liked that line
Were are the rest of the pics of this guy?
The only good meme Holla Forums has is Spooks and even then that was stolen from /lit/. EVERY /letypol/ meme is stolen from normal Holla Forums and as a result you have people making communist Vaporwave and anime memes just to fit in. They don't even like these things, good job letting literal nazis define your memes, /leftypoz/.
You're right, it's not my best work.
Vaporwave was anti-capitalist in the first place, you mong. It's a satire of consumer culture.
Vaporwave started out leftist and satirical of consumerism. If anything, laborwave is just adding Soviet-era music and music put through vaporwave techniques to something already mocking capitalism. It's still much more appropriate than fashwave ever fucking will be(funny that you forgot that was a thing).
Complaining about memes coming from other places is stupid anyway, just look at the politicization of Pepe or how early 4chan culture was shit stolen from SA and Futaba Channel/2channel.
That's the most fucking stupid reasoning, but sadly correct at least for Macintosh Plus
Edited the original awhile back.
better version
Holla Forums has literally ripped off everything from /r9k/ and /n/
You have autism, get it checked
As usual marxshits grasp at straws
Glad your whole movement was tainted as a failure for centuries to come
Refitting the memes.
I made a thing.
back to the top
/r/ the same picture with pinochet and reagan
A union of socialist republics?
is dank meme, no?
I wish the visible bit of the license plate had some interpretation
Here you go, la.
Kek, only let down is it's a VW and not a lada.
idk why its gone, but here it is reuploaded
wait what
Probably just some glitching from the site being down.
A flag for mutualism
you turned him into stimulator
why organize or read when you can edit books into cartoon witch's hands?
LOL 69
Fun fact: To this day some Chilean Pinochetists actually fucking believe the Virgen del Carmen saved his life that day, because a rocket shattered the glass in a way that vaguely resembled an image of her.
Rightists are fucking retards
I'm starting to wonder if this isn't my strong point.
Sup fags. I marked all the posts that have some slight potential.
I've never seen a "vaporwave" artist sell a cassette for for more than $20 from their bandcamp. It might be $1000 on discogs, but those are price gougers
i like it
He gets the resources to run his operation through voluntary exchange, not by hanging kulaks.
shit vid I made
O man Operation Albania was fun as fuck.
Made these when 4/pol/ was trying to raid /r/place
if its a failed assination attempt its no good, i can see it now
The Ego & It's Own
ask and ye shall recieve, user
Thank you very much homie.
when reminding those libs who theyre up against and what comes of those who say ¨assad must go.¨
and some for the butthurt turkroaches
69 is pretty mutualist
what do you think lads?
bretty good
but I'd add at the end >I told you about democracy bro
here you go fam
wow I just read that whole comic and want to fucking kill myself
Actually, Operación Albania was the state-sponsored murder of 12 FPMR militants, one year after the attempt on Pinochet:
One name the FPMR's action received while in it's planning process was Operación Siglo XX (Operation 20th Century):
For ww3 memeing….
Enjoy comrades…….
Reminder that Pinochet was an an abject failure.
That's not a hairstyle tho
Facebook-tier memes are supposed to be shit.
Thanks comrade.
Here is my start of Capital: Volume Meme
and yeah I fucked up, a commodity is a use-value.
I told you about bourgeois democracy so people don't get confused.
Kek, this has such a level of forced it loops right back round to being funny.
Black twitter + leftypol axis when?
Someone here attempted to put Das Kapital into Spürdo comic once. Shame it never went past the three first sentences.
this needs to be done like, right the fuck now
how should such an effort be undertaken? as of right now, black twitter is a pretty ripe base to begin a countermovement to Holla Forums, as it's a place where there is quite a bit of discontent with the current system as a whole, which can easily be spun into an anti-capitalist base. plus, this could help deal with the notion that we're a bunch of brocialists who don't care about minorities.
sorry for sounding like an autist, i just think we need to raise the profile of anti-capitalist thought right now when tensions are high
There already is a manga on it. You just have to spurdofy it.
Too many words
Reading is hard for righties
maybe it's because they read at a middle school level