How the fuck do some people here defend North Korea?
How the fuck do some people here defend North Korea?
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Tankiddies gonna tank
ITT: Useful idiots lapping up all the spoofed CIA propaganda about the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
refute a single thing
Anything goes in the name of anti-imperialism.
I mean yeah they suck ass but I still don't think it would be good for the world if imperialist powers regime changed it
Well I'll be damned.
The entire world hates the DPRK because the prove the viability of an ethnostate composed of high quality people. Even one that is a shithole completely isolated from the world markets is able to build nukes and send satellites into space.
wtf am I reading
It's all a jewish WESTERN conspiracy, comrade.
FTFY, comrade
North Korea is a lot more ethnocentric than it is Communist.
Didn't several people attempt to lynch one of the black ambassadors from Cuba because he was not Korean at one point?
what is the point of you shitposting as a Holla Forumsack
That's holocaust denial level of retarded, boy
Argument from ignorance. Since little is known about it they assume it must be not so bad and it's just propaganda against it.
And how is arguing from Wikipedia factoids and news from sensationalist media (which often replicate S.Korean propaganda sources) not arguing from ignorance? Quit pretending like y'all know shit about North Korea
North korea is nazbol
…Oh my god you've cracked the code.
Oh right, because defending North Korea for being North Korea and defending it from bullshit accusations is totally the same. The gulag is that-a-way, liberal.