What would a communalist flag look like
What would a communalist flag look like
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The ussr one but with green instead of red, since bookchin is a fucking tankie
We're coming for those co-ops ancap
I don't even get offended when anarkiddies call communalists statist because they reveal how myopic their politics actually are.
The flag of the KCK, the organisation created by the PKK to implement its ideology of democratic confederalism, has a flag that I think is pretty good. The sunflower has long been a symbol of the ecology movement, and the allusion to the Kurdish symbol of the sun is clear in this flag, so I'm a fan of it. Some other possibilities I think are cool: an acorn, the world tree, a pure green flag (hope that's not ruined by Hamas), or a flag with a more explicit sunflower.
Anarkiddies really should be banned. This is a board for leftist thought and there is no thought involved in anarchism.
Don't associate that fucking shitposter with anarchism. He's the greatest argument for a perma-ban on this board.
Seriously? The majority of the people on this board are ancoms according to a poll.
The majority of this board is retarded, so I don't see your point.
Eh a lot of anarchists are cool. As long as they focus on class war.
I think we focus too much on the authoritarian/libertarian divide. We have the same goal, just different methods.
I'm only a communalist because I like Bookchins analysis of the left, and think the ideology has the most promise. But really i probably have more in common with Marxists than anarchists. I'll support ideology whatever gets us to socialism
A lot of lifestylism seeps into the anarchist community because it inherently appeals to individualism. This is why you get postleft, ancaps, and anprims etc. They're easily the worst posters on this board, at least nazbols are funny.
Ancoms and Ansyns can stay but we need to BTFO the rest of them.
It's a shame he's the most recognisable poster with an anarcho flag.
It's important to remember Bookchin thought ideology should adapt it's to culture and material conditions. This is one of the reason DemConfed exists, as an adaption of communalism to a war-torn Middle East.
For instance, Americans will never accept a red and yellow faux soviet flag. You'd want to incorporate their national identity into the flag like pic related
Which is bullshit from the start because the marxist (and particularly leninist) model for organization is not "authoritarian" nor does it desire to be. Rather, it has it's characteristics (secretive, centralized) because otherwise organizing a revolutionary movement would be impossible in any place where capitalism is both the materially existing economical system, and the dominant ideology.
Bookchin agreed with (to paraphrase them) separating the jewel from the matrix and making it glitter as it once did. So with regards to the united states, this involves appealing to the historical revolutionary traditions of the US (i.e. the New England town meetings, and "libertarianism"). Bookchin, however, militantly rejected nationalism. Furthermore, most Communalists are also anti-national (the antifa tendency that explicitly seeks to negate the nation and nationalism) due to this philosophical opposition to nationalism. We need to appeal to historical traditions that people in the West will resonate with people in the West, but at the same time we need to unrelentingly negate the nation.
What has he actually contributed?
See here: and
When this annil is everyone's idea of what anarchism is and shitposts memes implying Bakunin and Kropotkin supported the free market and "muh voluntary relations", there's a fucking problem. Just ban him. He's not even a leftist.
Did this a while ago.
Uh, no. They were the largest group, but they weren't even close to being the majority.
Unlike Bookchin, you mean? Who rejects class warfare in favor of class collaboration under the name of "the people" and freely admits that class struggle could continue under his system?
That looks insanely bad.
they hate us cus they aint us
Agreed, though I think 90% of it is it's really bad picks for the shades of green and yellow.
Communalism has a program against all forms of institutional domination, including class. It's almost like you've never read him
better, but I think the leaf might be fixed a bit
As much as I disagree with anarchists I deplore your position, not just because it is obvious that anarchism has a long reaching influence in radical thought, but also because silencing based on disagreement will lead us nowhere (except under extreme conditions like in the fervor of revolutionary terror).