Why are Liberals terrible?

Been getting into actual leftism for a while now, and while I think I'm beginning to understand the critique of the liberal worldview, at times it seems beyond me.
What else is there to it besides the notions that liberals focus on small marginalized groups instead of the emancipation of all people and that they don't really care about capitalism destroying the Earth and everyone who inhabits it (only when conservatives do it or whatever)?

Otherwise, liberal hate thread

reminder that although we have these threads every day, and its the same shit every time, they are important because liberals, radical progressives, and and socjus retards whos politics are neither left nor right but a whole new axis of meaningless crap are what the vast majority of people think of as "left" and "leftism," and association with them has divided, defanged and rendered invisible actual leftism much of the time. ignoring these things is fine for our own discussions amongst ourselves but in general they will have to be addressed and rejected.
radicalizing liberals and progressives is worthless if they do not also reject progressivism and liberalism. too many will just regress or be useless for anything but prying us apart and making us look bad.
non-liberals/progressives will not be radicalized without a clear rejection of liberals/progs.
this is more important than annoyance with the repetitive liberal-hate threads.

First, always bear in mind that liberals, no matter what they may claim to be, are capitalists. Their interest in change ends at superficial reform. Socialism is not even a consideration to them beyond the meaningless way in which Bernie Sanders throws the word around.

Secondly, they are philosophical idealists, even though they have no idea what that means. Idealism always prescribes inaction and useless linguistic critique. It is good for nothing but making noise and intellectual masturbation.

I agree they are very important. Honestly the first big step we can take towards socialism or communism right now is to show we are different from liberals in the public eye. If we don't we'll always end up getting mixed with a bunch of ideas we do not support. We should also take care that any libs we radicalize or let join the cause don't ruin everything like occupy wall street.

Because they're complacent craven virtue-signaling lemmings.

This is sheeple tier bullshit man. Mass movement have worked in the past- see the American labor movement.

The proper response to people who are so inundated with ideology that they reject thier self interest isn't to paint these people as genetically incapable of becoming thinking individuals



Only when it seriously threatened the continuity of the system. Since then social security, mass surveillance and an expanded military-industrial complex have made sure that such movements won't just fail to be a threat, but it is now essentially impossible for them to grow within the confines of the system, especially without being co-opted.

The only hope is that the system collapses on itself, or that it is destroyed from within.

Except it's true everywhere. Whether you look at western countries, or Russia, China, Turkey or America. Right now for most people, including those at the very bottom, have very little incentive to embrace radical change.

The only time something changes radically is when the system is either under the threat of collapse, or in the process of collapsing.

Bukharin was an antisemite. Who cares? Their point holds true.


This is well written, but you should hit that shift key more often.


I actually hit the CapsLock key on and off really fast for that.


I thought I was the only one

there is no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism


Does that mean I need to starve to death to be ethical? What if I grow my own food?

You can not act ethically under capitalism.

That's kind of the point

Neoliberalism thrives on complacency. And so long as thing keep trundling along as they are then this thick veil of sludge isn't going to move. This is why a collapse needs to happen.

Not just an economic crisis and a few riots here and there, but a full economic implosion. The kind that kind that can't just be bailed out.

Once a sufficiently heavy event like that happens, people will be angry, desperate, and much more open to our rhetoric.

It doesnt mean its immoral

Just amoral

if you go entirely and completely off the grid and live as a farmers in the wilderness you'll probably be alright.
If you dont subscribe to ol' uncle teddy thats not really an option without fucking your whole life up.
So the point is trying to practice ethical consumption is a fantasy. You cant un-fuck the system, it has to be brought down.