Intellectually Consistent Liberal Youtube Channels

I lean more libertarian nowadays but I'm always trying to expose myself to new points of view. Who would you recommend?

Other urls found in this thread:

We're not liberals tho

Then whatever the fuck you are. Show me someone who you think makes solid arguments.

We have a Lefty Youtuber Chart thread up right now you can go look at.

Which sticky?

Read Marx

I'll just post it for you

I especially reccomend Marxist Media :^)
because he is me and I am he


That said this is quite a lot, maybe someone give a reccomendation? I haven't seen most of these channels.

How about Badmouse's ancap/com island video?

it wasn't that great a video.

Alright I'll check your stuff out

It's all vidja games analysis so far, not really 'arguments' per se. If you want arguments, maybe try Xexizy.

Eh, it was supposed to be a message to ancaps anyway so I thought it was apropos



OP, its worth noting that a lot of these sources are entertainment based, they aren't something to form your concept of leftist thought. For that you'll have to follow and read theory.

Although, for entry level entertainment, I'd recommend Chapo Trap House. Their show doesn't get into theory much at all, but it is really entertaining and they offer some insight into leftist views, particularly demsoc.

Try this debate with him


The one he did with the Distru "oh ho ho-ld on man" tionist wasn't to bad tbh

Certainly, his live debate skills need some work… but when he has a chance to structure his argument properly in his own time in a scripted video he can be pretty compelling. It's hard to keep up with the nazi gish gallop when you're live, especially when you bring non-marxists to be on your side (dunno what he was thinking with that one).

Okay I'm watching this Xexizy video "Socialism has never worked?" and specifically the part about France Albert-Rene.

So you guys are cool with white guys running African countries as dictators so long as they do a good job?

I wouldn't call dictatorship in general ideal but it's certainly a lesser evil when compared with democratically elected African leaders who were just pawns of international interests that used them to exploit the country worse than ever happened under colonialism. But then we also have the example of Sankara as to how Africa can have black-led democratic socialism (until the west killed him).

Erm never mind, he wasn't democratic either. But hey he did a good job anyhow :^) I was thinking of Allende.

Why would you get learn political theory from fucking youtube, read a book. I'm a commie and even I've read Hayek and Friedman. I even tried to read Atlas Shrugged but it was genuinely terrible.

People like mollymeme are genuinely pretty stupid and actually contradict real libertarian theory. Similarly watching leftist youtubers is never going to substitute for reading theory.

Let's be real, most people will not sit down and read 20 books to understand politics, we need to meet ordinary people where they are, and videos are in.

I'm not looking for theory I'm looking for commentary on current events

Wait Sankara, the guy from Burkina Faso? The "torture and kill political opponents" guy?

Chomsky is a good start.

Oh cmon, compared to any of Burkina Faso's previous regimes or the following one he was practically Gandhi. You have to take things as a whole. I'm not a torture fan but a few isolated incidents of that is certainly better than mass starvation, poverty and exploitation.

This. In order to defend the project, you will have to oust counterrevolutionaries from time to time.


Srsly wrong podcast


I know we complained about Badmouse, but I really do love these two videos of his:

I feel like they are amazing crash courses to socialism, and for the later anarchism.

Maybe they are not the most intellectually rigorous, but they are great for someone who thinks we are liberals.

this one is pretty good.
(reminder that BadMouse is a former AnCap)