Criticism: I don't believe there's a problem with reading Zizek to investigate his philosophy, but it is something else entirely to read Zizek and actually support Zizek as a thinker and communist. This is a man who refers to himself as a "Eurocentrist" (while bashing on immigrants) and actually participated in a counter-revolution. His Marxist credentials are dubious at best, to be quite honest. It is quite reasonable to question anyone who finds Zizek to be an "inspiration" or someone who can be read and taken uncritically.
Criticism: I don't believe there's a problem with reading Zizek to investigate his philosophy...
Nobody can be read and taken uncritically, including Marx. Someone who spends enough time getting deep into theory is going to have plenty of areas they haven't thought about. Such is the depth/breadth tradeoff. Nobody is perfect. Everyone has serious flaws.
But there is litterally nothing wrong with eurocentrism.
Im not even joking.
And a counter-revolution against a degenerated "soviet socialist state" is not wrong.
Sounds nazi as fuck but okay
You can not compare the flaws in Marx's analyses (things like misidentifying an "asiatic mode of production") to the counter-revolutionary, openly reactionary transgressions committed by Zizek. Yes, we must continue the ruthless criticism of everything existing. But part of that means recognizing elements that are opposed to the revolutionary project and isolating them. Zizek is considered a valid and useful part of the Marxist cannon among too many on this forum and the broader left as well. As contradictions sharpen, this must change.
There's a quote about not having heroes because heroes can be bought out, changed, or whatever. The ideas are what you should really be focused on, not the one reciting those ideas. A lot of ideas Zizek recites really makes me take a second look at the world and that's what I like about him, there's a good probability he'll share interesting ideas.
I was thinking more of things like "Lumpenproletariat" or Marx's attitudes toward other races.
Exactly, I like Zizek because he has personally challenged my way of thinking. Same reason I like Noam Chomsky as well. Both of them would be ""allies"" to a revolution.
Opinion discarded; try to be more subtle next time. Zizek is an obnoxious contrarian who would rather everyone sit on their hands and gaze at their navels than actually do anything–there are plenty of reasons to dislike his views without resorting to misrepresenting them.
Now THIS is accelerationism!
Prove it.
not that zizek's dialectical approach is above reproach but OP this is liberal tier…
It honestly just makes sense to have a Eurocentric outlook. I'm not even European but Europe's philosophical tradition is more rigorous and extensive then any where else. The East has something to say about spiritualism and ethics, but Europe's political theory is far more advance.
The same goes for history. This is starting to change but it is undeniable that the West has played the central role in shaping modern history. Also you are equating Zizek rejecting the mainstream naive liberal view of impoverished muslims with bashing immigrants. This whole post reeks of radlib tbh.
Diamat is eurocentric tho
What does "Eurocentric" even refer to?
Marxism has nothing to do with immigration. Nothing. You're not a Marxist, but a cuck. inb4 international communism, the idea isn't that everyone moves to the one place that works (thus breaking it) but that shit should work everywhere.
"every political idea I dont like" since all modern governments and politics are based in europeans political philosophy.
is Zizek nazbol?
But he is a Communist; first by his own admission and second from his own writings.
Yawn. He reffered to himself as such to counterpoise himself to the moronic tankies (You) that bash everything 'from the West'; his point is that we have lost the tradition of Universalism that he places as the tradition stemming from the European Enlightenment and instead have fallen into cultural particularism and relativism (which negates Marxism) and leads to the idpol crap we see today.
Lol the Tankie-Yugo bloc was fully dead by that point; he joined a liberal opposition party because it was the only channel available to him to attack the state.
Well I am here; fire away.
Lol do you even know what that means.
Eurocentrism means limiting study to Europe (and neoEurope, maybe). There's nothing inherently bad about it. Nobody can study everything. What's bad is when all academics become eurocentric, or people who are eurocentric and oblivious/in denial.
Yeah i'm pretty sure 80% of people who complain about eurocentricism are generally going to be mostly fine with ADMITTED eurocentricism.
Zizek is brilliant both as a social critic and a communist. OP is a fag.
faggotry confirmed
back to leftbook with you
Has Zizek actually googled Bookchin?
t. assblasted democrat that has traded in calling every non liberal "racist, xenophobic, homophobic…" for "counter-revolutionary, reactionary"
He googled Althusser instead
sniff and so on
This meme triggers me.
He said countless times that the Syrian war refugees have every reason to come in Europe, because the West has destabilized the region really badly with its interventionism, and we should also stand against the nationalist/isolationist trends, if I understood correctly.
What he said though, is that among those refugees, there will be criminals and shitty people, like in any group of people at large, and that we shouldn't try to hide that fact and any manifestation of that criminality, like they did during the New Year's Eve in Cologne, or in the UK with the Rotherham scandal. He is basically against liberal hypocrisy, and rightfully so.
Again, he was right to do this.
The Eastern bloc ultimately failed because of its strong penchant for authoritarian bureaucratic regimes. A philosopher committed to the Marxist ideal while still being critical of its legacy is one of the best things we could have in the current situation, and we have it.
We need to find something else with a more libertarian bent, not to try to reenact the tankies' wet dream again.
Nah, he just read Hegel, Marx and Lacan. You know, proud inheritors of Enlightenment values like universalism, meliorism and egalitarianism.
Yeah, right, specifying that it was the European culture that gave us egalitarian philosophy, the idea of democracy, Utopian socialisms, communism, and this should be celebrated and defended. This might sound needlessly provocative, but when the right celebrates Europe for >muh white vikings, the left should present (and defend) its Europe too.
This is just false. I won't even ask for your sources, because I've read all his articles on immigration and listened to most of his talk on the subject.
Ech. By the end of the 20th century what was left of the communists movements in Eastern Europe were little more than very authoritarian and inefficient welfare states that already started privatizing, applying for IMF packages and so on. (This is not denying that after the regime changes a lot of these countries were strangled by capital so much worse, but affirming that the dies were already cast.)
Are you from a post-commie country? I doubt it, because your position sounds like what Zizek often refers to as the Western radicals fantasies of countries he wouldn't actually want to live in.
Quite, m8.
I'm not european or white, and have never lived anywhere near these countries.
Zizek is not "eurocentric", he's for universal values in the vein of Hegel, which he then defends as "european" values.
That's a tricky move, but that doesn't have anything to do with what is usually known as european values.
Thank you for saying this.
I am from the eastern bloc and im tired as fuck of american tankies that idealize authoritarian regimes that actually murdered leftist philosophers opposed to them.
This thread is confusing. Isn't zizek a universalist? The point is not to proclaim these "European values" as absolutely unique to mystical white people power but as a result of the material conditions of the enlightenment. I'm a third worlder btw
He wrote a whole piece on this on the subject of Cuba after Castro's death and it triggered western leftists hard. Check it out:
something, something maoism. something something, denunciation isn't criticism.
Thanks. I will give that a read.
Im actually attending a debate on the subject on wednesday so this might be useful when i feel like asking questions.
Lol this is such an accurate depiction of so many american leftists.
Because of shit like climate change there are places people are migrating away from because you literally cannot live there anymore. Are you honestly telling me that you expect people to just live in places that are flooded and considered part of the ocean now or that are so hot it kills all the crops? You cannot just quarantine people away and call people who disagree with you cucks. You're just supporting inevitable war by doing this.
ok faggot im gonna learn you. Zizek's problem is that he misinterprets the reason why many euros are hesitant to criticize immigrants. he claims its because they are actually orientaists who fetishize arab culture and think its childlike and innocent. No, these euros are just hesitant to call their culture greater. Why? Because the same european philosophy that led to enlightenment thinking and rationalism also led to colonialism and capitalist exploitation. is radical islam bad, yes! But so is creating this idea of the rights of man and then saying that browns are not men so we don't have to grant then the same rights and we can engage them in semi slave labor. Zizek fetishizes european philosophy. That and evidence of him being a counterrevolutionary to the highest degree makes me hesitant to support him
cmon billy
which also gave us colonialism, global capitalism, modern race based slavery.
this is my fucking point. if you choose to celebrate euro philosophy without critiquing these parts of it and then point to arab culture and scream incoherently about radical islam you are dumb faggot
But Žižek does criticize capitalism and its problems I dont see you point.
The man is utterly based
C'mon, son.
zizek misrepresents euros who are hesitant to just promote this fear of immigrants. Of course radical islam is bad and we shouldn't just say these arabs are misled by it. However the euros are stuck in a bad cycle. They cannot pretend europen thought is le best because it is partially responsible for the wars of capitalism in the middle east. it is responsible for race based thinking. so they are stuck do they call out bad immigrant behavior or blame it on these issues with capitalism and covert support for radical islam by the americans trying to subvert leftist movements. they can do both but it is tricky. the problem is just that zizek misrepresents their thinking on the issue and barely critiques the racialism of capitalism.
also he was instrumental in having YPA comrades murdered by nationalists in the 80's. Sometimes zizek is right, especially as a culture critic but you should be absolutely skeptical of his marxism. He has nazbol tendencies
Is there any other kind, tho? Eastern? Non-secular. African? Mythical. I get that this is an "eurocentrist projection" of sorts, but without European philosophy there would be no need to distinguish theology/mythology from philosophy proper.
Where did you get the impression that Zizek doesn't oppose (any kind of) slavery?
I think you are mixing up Zizek and Sam Harris
Yo you need to delete that pic and spoiler it in the future; BO doesn't like cartoon depictions of feces apparently. I posted a similar pic and got three week banned for it a month ago.>>1495654
I agree but do you not also see that europe used enlightenment rational to also justify modern slavery, racism and the like?
Where did you get the impression that Zizek doesn't oppose (any kind of) slavery?
I think he would. He just has a penchant for defending nationalist movements. See his thoughts during the balkan wars.
Hello, I'm here to "learn you".
Your problem is that you have never read Zizek and are posturing against him from your superficial understanding that is derived from articles, YouTube videos and maybe a lecture if your the big brained type of crypto-liberal. This is evident from your utter failure to even quote a section from him, anything approaching philosophy. Your talking points are taken verbatim from the faux-radical outrage chambers of reddit and twitter.
Now on to your [asinine] criticism
He claims that sheltered Cosmopolitans that live in gentrified suburbs and cities are disconnected from reality and the ones that call themselves Communists or Anarchists aren't actually in revolutionary praxis but are concerned with gentrifying language and social spaces so they can continue to ignore [the very real] decay of society.
When you neolibs attack someone for raising the truth that mass immigration from people that are desperate enough to take a pittance compared to the domestic Labour market, you do not concern yourselves with the contours of that problem or what it might mean for us i.e to achieve a materialist understanding; you merely reproach the person for 'racist' utterances.
It is classic petite-bourgeois self-flagellating moralism and is obvious to anyone looking from the outside that the language and rubbish notions of intersectionality spawned in Universities and gentrified blocks is just a nomenclature for a cultural elite ingroup that thinks of itself as self aware as opposed to the grubby lumpen.
Zizek doesn't give a fuck about the greatness of euro-culture especially a culture that sees him as a slav that is not part of it; he is concerned with Philosophy that was spawned at a very specific temporal point that just happened to occur in Europe, it has nothing to do with magic white people powers.
You don't know shit about what Zizek thinks of communist praxis
Hes a Marxist, engaging within a discourse that was from a German that spread to EVERY SINGLE INCH of this planet is not fetishism of euro philosophy. This is some DEAD WHITE MAN tier criticism.
What you need, my son, is a holiday in Cambodia.
Are we still unironically spouting some 18th century shit-tier Enlightenment Rationalism? No? Then it doesn't matter.
Point to Zizek's racist, reactionary, imperialist political philosophy if you will please.
Great post
And since you are obviously completely devoid of any understanding of Zizek's contributions toward communist praxis I will link reproduce some:
>Conclusion - The Politics of Terror
I saw this on 4chan /g/ of all places
A lot of Eastern philosophy is simply ignored by the West. Buddhist dialectics has been there centuries before Hegel.
This is getting ridiculous.
Chinese aren't pouring into Australia and Canada en masse because of climate change. Nor are Middle Easterners and Africans pouring into Europe and Mexicans pouring into America due to climate change. These are Bill Maher tier talking points.
That's neat. I made it for a thread on 4chan /sci/ originally. Glad to see it's been around several different boards already
For good reasons. Eastern philosophy did not become decoupled from Eastern religion until after WWI. Anyway, most of it is shit–not necessarily in the content of its ideas (early Buddhism in particular having some very insightful and worthy things to say), but in its general lack of methodology, consistency, and rigor.
nice strawman faggot. my point is that those zizek is so critical of are caught between two matters, that of what they know is the problems with radical islam and conflicts with poor agrarian civilization and their own and the issue that should we exult european philosophy if it is partially responsible for the disgusting matters of capitalism, colonialism, and modern racism.
the other parts of your posts concern big worded non responses. He is a eurocentrist. he of course will point out hes a slav when he critiques germans but when up against arabs or gypsies he will claim his european muh heritage. If you want to exult euro philosophy at least have the nuts to point out its failures, namely colonialism.
if you are unironically praising euro philosophy as liberating for all men and as the polar opposite of radical islam then yes it does matter.
zizek defended neo nazi vigilante groups marching out to exterminate a family of gypsies as some kind of peoples movement. hes got nazbol tendencies. its not about totally dismissing him its about being wary of him.
And Marx was responsible for the Soviet Union, right? This is liberal-tier thinking.
When Zizek says we need a return to enlightenment thinking, he means it, we do need it. Robespierre did nothing wrong.
keep up the strawmanning faggot.
Your entire premise is that since European culture spawned monstrosity that we should ignore all its conclusions.
It's not a strawman. A lot of enlightenment thinkers were proto-socialists and their philosophies have been twisted to justify colonialism, racism etc.
Is Marx responsible for Stalin?
more faggoty strawmanning. My point is we should be wary and critical. we don't need to and shouldn't discard european philosophy or its legacy but we shouldn't see it as perfect. in any case im tired. 150 mgs of seroquel got me fucked up. my last (you)
We don't. European society created capitalism and colonialism. European society created the idea of destroying capitalism. All of these developments are rooted in material forces rather than some special cultural characteristic, which any Marxist will understand. Now fuck off.
And you fallen back onto a sophistical non-premise (we really need to be Skeptical! hmm really shuffles the brain nuggets); Zizek has never called the entire European legacy perfect; how many layers of ideology are you on right now that would allow you to post that with a straight face?
Good night
Also, this idea that capitalism, colonialism, or black slavery stems from philosophy rather than from the material force of production and expansion over time is absurd. Your reality is shaped by material conditions; the idealistic conception of it always comes after the fact.
it don't real because the whyte myn TOOK 'R AGENCY
Please kill yourself that page is utter shit and the quotes are out of context and even then what they state is that lumpen proletarians do lumpen things. I live in eastern europe and it is true that many gypsies steal and such, there is no point in denying it we must just look for the socio-economic reason that make them.
Good post.
Also OP GTFO please nobody likes you.
This is precisely what Zizek and other 'eurocentrist' leftists do. The enlightment ideal is that of shared, common progress of mankind.
Zizek is a communist. How would he ever take European philosophy as 'perfect', when his very political position is defined as being in opposition to a large segment of European philosophy.
In the article they cite he just brings up the villagers, that they were portrayed in the media to be shamed for their racism, but that no solutions were offered to deal with the alleged problems this camp was causing, which is his point, that the liberals weren't actually interested in the affairs of either group, only in hoisting them up to make an example of them to laud their own "anti racism."
The article you link just takes issue with the language and doesn't offer any counter evidence, they just attack Zizek for "repeating the same old gipsy myths" without any evidence that he is wrong. It's entirely fallacious. Black people robbing homes, stealing TVs, whatever, that's a racist stereotype too, but that doesn't mean, if the evidence points to it, that a black man didn't rob or steal or whatever simply because it would be confirming a "racist myth."
I don't think you understand or have even read Zizek.
Gypsies are fucking criminals to their bones, if you ever lived near them you would know the frustration those people felt, but Liberals wouldn't be caught anywhere near living beside these people.
That's not how Gattungswesen works.
not that species-essence is a category worthy of conservation
then maybe you shouldn't be the first to misrepresent them