This is what nationalists and traditionfags actually believe
Other urls found in this thread:
overprotective fathers have got to be among the saddest fucks in existence, only second to their spoiled brat that they raised.
People like this are just angry that they don't get to fuck their daughters
the "I definitely don't want to fuck my daughter" starter pack
Hoho, man, that can be pretty nasty
Seriously though, gf dads fucking suck.
Sage for shit thread.
Yes so evil compared to…
Man, no one gives a shit about how much of a faggot you are that your criticism of Islam is their position on homosexuality.
I guarantee you the sort of dipshit who wears a shirt like in OP would flip the fuck out if his daughter was "corrupted" by feminist cultural marxist lesbianisms.
I'll be laughing when the American bombs come flying :)
Yes because your dad being angry at you is the same as him honor killing you
Totally not gay
Holla Forums, you stink, meaning we know it's you. We know you don't give a shit about sexism or homophobia, so stop with the hypocrisy. Go back crying to your Holla Forumsintelpro central or something. Faggot.
this is what feminists actually believe
I'm a social democrat.
What makes dads like this so insecure? Do they think all men are violent savages who will beat and rape their daughters whenever they get the oppurtunity? Are they projecting their own past behaviour unto others?
The "I want my daughter disown me and take pictures of me, leak my address to people, and run from home and life as fast as possible, who won't show up at your funeral" starter pack
Really isn't.
← Look at her, you make her sad.
I cannot fathom how Holla Forums thinks that this is useful propaganda
keep on spreading it, you'll surely convince anyone who is not a young male teenager
This is what getting banned looks like
Rosa killers not welcome here either.
Even if that were true, it still makes you having to go out.
Why would you waste dubs on that, Hoochie?
I waste dubs like money
So long as commies complain about tradition, whine about family, screech about the rest of society actually wanting to get things done (M-muh protestant work ethic, I don't NEED to contribute to society DAAAD, I have paintings I made with poop), so long as Holla Forums sees culture, history, nation and people as a roadblock to be done away with, another sacrifice to be made on the altar to summon your magical endstate society, to my dying breath I will fight you.
are you aware of the subject
You're the one who brought up social democracy as a shield, as if people would think you more reasonable because you're a Rosa killer, not a Holla Forumsyp.
The pot and the kettle have never been more equated than they are at this moment in this post
I read that in a 11yo voice and it just makes me laugh, Holla Forums.
Also this.
Avant garde lifestyles would be freely pursued, but the reality of your psychotic butthurt is that tradition and culture would thrive in communism, unimpeded by the violent demands of capital.
No one on Holla Forums has ever given a shit about tradition. Ever. They're mostly self-hating weebs and furries.
it's funny because it's true, it's useful because it shows that feminism is just a massive case of cognitive dissonance
Yes, criticizing conservatives.
Maaaan you suck so much at pretending I feel bad for you.
Soo leftypol is now autistic screeching at pol bait?
Can we go full brocialism and ban every discussion that isnt economics nowl
there are sex positive feminists and there are sex negative Holla Forumsyps. The world is a diverse interesting place full of losers who think they're comedians on the internet with acts ala Seinfeld
You took My Steven Seagal
impressive teleportation
I am trying desperately to stop my society from becoming a cultural wasteland devoid of history, like that of modern China. There is a reason the Chinese government is trying desperately to preserve what scraps of it they can.
Oh no!!! Not your poop paintings!
To. My. Dying. Breath.
A bold-faced lie. Almost everyone here would relish in the destruction of my culture. Holla Forums loves to sing praises to Twitter that the feminist utopia, free from family or oppressive "permanent monogamous relationships" would be destroyed when muh revolushon comes.
The topic is Rosa Luxemberg being killed by socdems
Property is theft
What have I said that's Holla Forums in anyway?
The funniest thing is, the day literal comissar Jamal is at your doorstep, you will just piss yourself.
Uh, what? Are you actually autistic? I mean for real, not in the meme sense.
was talking about
Deceleration of poop paintings being #rare
Can I ask how many times frog posters have drawn that dumb comic frog boy shitting his pants
Did I say he was not?
How are they unrelated? Both are conservative (like the USSR btw) only one is way WAY more extreme
Nothing, Holla Forums, keep trying.
Oh yeah? Without looking at the Wikipedia, can you name two pieces by Bach, a painting by Monet, one by Goya, and translate "on the road to London I have found flowers" into Latin or Greek, and then recite Psalms 3:12?
oh, THAT
ask /r9k/
Wholly a creation of capitalism, fam, which is the source of every bit of degradation of your culture.
What you claim it to be, anyway, while jacking it to interracial cuck porn.
you're Holla Forums pretending to not be Holla Forums to make Holla Forums look good on Holla Forums because you've lost control of your life
/r9k/ Holla Forums loser at home, shut in, same thing
I thought higher of you, fellow Hoochie
What different opinions do you have?
Do you want to stop bringing in people in the country who hate me?
Aaaaaand you've proven you're Holla Forums and I'm right.
aye sister
Imitating trips should be a bannable offense it's more obnoxious than the trip itself
Why not? Most people who live in your country already probably do.
I don't feel the need to prove myself to explicit cultural destructors
And yet you embrace it completely. Your fangs are slathering and you itch for the chance to sow discord (sorry, "alienation") among my people
Well let's start by you.
So do you.
I'm an anti theist
At least they don't think I should be thrown in jail like almost all muslims in the west or otherwise
My fangs
The extent of altright discourse.
he can't name basic elements western culture
meanwhile he probably know the name of every actress related to cuckold pornography and knows the plot of Star Wars country by heart
behold the defender of white culture
Being devoted and pure is sex negative, getting a dick rammed into your throat and bawling your eyes out from the horror is sex positive.
It's like calling being worked until you collapse from pain, exhaustion and humiliation "exercise positive"
I'm going to call this femspeak.
uhm some words are missing, I'll just blame it on Hoochie not knowing English or something
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
Are you a virgin?
I am sadly reminded that most of Holla Forums is just roleplaying.
this thread is 100% content
Do you listen to cum town
Your sexual frustration is showing Holla Forums.
Is that your language game, or is it not?
Satisfaction says little.
Absolutely. After the utter failure communists experienced everywhere west of Poland, 🍀🍀🍀academic🍀🍀🍀 🍀🍀🍀theorists🍀🍀🍀 (yes I AM greenpilled on the hibernians) were eager to blame national unity on the failure of FALC to descend from the heavens and alleviate post scarcity. Thus, sociology was invented, to erode western culture so we would accept communism more readily. Anything
Because everyone will go along with ethnic cleansing for sure, and it won't cause any discord in the society
it isn't me if that's what you're saying
Muslims don't change when they become more educated or move to western countries
just point out facts
My language game is nut up or shut up
Fam, do you know a piece by Mozart yet? Come on, this one is easy.
you fags better join overchan
Then why are you doing a better job at alienating yourself by staying home all day with your mom than going out and getting a degree, and don't answer with "but I'm a postgrad" because nobody actually believes you when you say that and even if you were that doesn't answer my question because you still don't have friends (which you also, should not lie about having)
Now what did he mean by this? ;^)
do you listen to cumtown
shut up bitch. you're fucking annoying
That sounds really gae.
poltards are irrelevant
muslims aren't
Yes, you're pornographic.
My content is safe for work.
Joke not, for it is what they unironically call themselves.
What degenerate band is that?
Holla Forums, you won't convince me you're not Holla Forums.
nothing wrong with wanting women to be conservative socially. i don't like sluts and neither do many other guys. women should not be promiscuous that is fucking disgusting. and im a marxist
So it's okay when you want to interfere with some other culture for the sake of civilizing it, but when someone complains about retardation in western culture and wants to change it it's not.
This thread is bananas tbh
Do it instead of attention whoring.
Elin Krantz
Pippa Bacca
Danielle McLaughlin
Do I need to keep going? you know I can
Holla Forums dialectics is everyone posting with a Hoochie trip.
hey i'm not complaining
Nigger high arts are surface elements of culture at best
I'm unionized and I actually just went out with some journeymen on Friday
It's fucking laundry day nigger, what the fuck am I gonna go out on a sunday for?
My dad: whenever you put on the trip, I'll put on the trip
if muslims actually wanted to make the west better then I wouldn't have a problem with it
Just do it when your mom isn't washing your clothes
if dweebs actually wanted to make the west a better place than I wouldn't have a problem with it
Yet you don't even know them, and that speaks eons of your so called commitment to white culture.
Lmao you shitskins are so jealous of white people it's pathetic
You should all kill yourselves
Name a painting by Velázquez, faggot.
ur a lesbian because no man wants you. pretty sad desu
You're right, I should just start taking estrogen and sacrifice my cock to FALC already
You're jealous of white culture because you're not even aware of it
i really wish all the nazis and feminists would hold hands and jump off a cliff.
That would unironically improve your life probably
Your pornography is indeed safe for work, it is very suitable for it in fact, it reproduces itself incrementally, there must always be more, more positions, more contortions.
I see I'm making friends here
Honestly, no one would lose anything, so go ahead.
So Muslims in Western countries like in the Balkans are some kind of incomprehensible paradox?
Yeah but it's not pornography it's content
insert Serbian meme from 2012
alright which one is the clone i have to shoot
No they are just as disgusting
you do realize that women like you are tuned out by men right? you're used up. it's sad that to get attention from men you have to pretend to hate them and post about it. put on some perfume. put down the bell hooks books and maybe you can get a man to like you. cunt
You're projecting your lack of ability to get a date with a girl onto a girl because your ass stinks and you have erectile dysfunction
Traps aren't gay
But of course, the War on Terror was only motivated by the West's pure good intent, enriched arab culture, helped their economy to grow and totally didn't kill 4 million people or contributed to the further radicalization of the Middle East.
Note how this isn't one of the questions asking what should be done about it. Balkan Muslims have very low support for religion in government–lower than in quite a few other Western nations in fact.
I'm sure all 3 inches will be an impressove sacrifice.
What is up with you polyps and your obsession with feces?
Wasn't this supposed to be a Jewish thing?
Person with a black tank top: Me
The Hoochie Minh touching me in admiration: The one Hoochie Minh I filtered
your whole schtick is projecting you gook. go douche your fishy vagina.
Holy shit, I just muted hoochie and now the thread is half of its previous size
just a daily reminder to mute due to the fact that she hoochie mensch only enters threads to talk shit and bump irresponsibly, sliding other, better threads
You didn't even respond to the fan me
It's just a thing with postmodernism. Poop in a can, potty art, vagina paintings, piss christ, menstrual blood.
Don't ask me, it's some jew meme the arts racket cooked up to sow alienation.
Everybody in the middle east wants you killed, and so does everyone in New York
you dropped your trip, charlie larper
It's a thing about postmodernism you seem focused on.
feminism is cancer. it will be purged from the left.
Yeah. But you keep talking about it.
I don''t see that stuff anywhere in the real world or here.
you're right they should make a hoochie minh trip too
That's not on topic
That wasn't me.
I try to edit my spoiler to correct my grammer and end up looking like a retard when I forget to delete my old sentence.
My point still stands.
You might be able to pin this on low class tradcons but it has nothing to do with nationalism.
All dads want to fuck their daughters, specially hispanic and italian dads
I almost thought about coming up with a decent response to this post, but, holy shit, one of your own actually managed to engender a lower level of discourse than even I. I just don't have the energy for it, it's like this dumb slut sucked all the air right out of this thread
I wish there enough space in the name field for this to be the name portion of my trip.
She wasn't the one to come here autistically screeching like he's some kind of warrior in an epic Fantasy delivering the final battle against Sauron
And yet…
I guess it makes sense now.
We've been arguing with a 3 year old all this time that can't stop soiling his pants.
Would your parents like you more if you were a girl? Purely hypothetical question.
Not really, but
is what projecting retards actually believe~
Speak up for the trad dads
I am not even surprised.
People like that are usually already diddling their daughters.
I've never seen people irl that agree with the pic in the OP, that aren't somehow fucking their daughters.
They are without exception total creeps.
hard to disagree with this one outside of OPs context
Don't rip my girls heart out
Found the pussy.
So you get triggered by a heartfelt display of paternal affection but where are the threads that denounce Muslim fathers for having absolute control of thier daughters?
"You did this to me! I'm the victim here!"
an affront to one is an affront to all
but my immediate family is functional and important to me and dont hurt them
Blondes are all whores. Asians didn't give you a Hillary Clinton or a Donald Trump. It's the uncomfortable truth, the elephant in the room.
now thats some real deal insecurity
Found the blondeson
nah mums a wop
where did the blonde girl hurt you
What was the name of this fallacy again?
Pretty sure this is just some stupid comedy t-shirt sold at Walmart.
I guarantee there are no white fathers like that anymore.
If this shirt was in Arabic or Spanish, it would sell a lot more.
You're just jealous hoochie.
More than anyone else, they annoy me. Tradblondes who have strereotypical expensive well ironed haircuts are fucking terrible human beings I've never met one that isn't a ratfuck
You know just as well as I that rich blondes are fucking stupid offensive human beings with horrible 3 times divorce parents or idiotic 20+ year long marriages that are only for the sludge that getting a divorce might show.
Fucking red heads are better than them.
Look at this blonde
Where did the blonde girl touch you?
bitch please, youre talking about insecure brunettes with platinum dyes
I am perfectly fine with brunettes in entirety. I'm talking rich blonde kids. They suck so fucking much.
pic 1 is plastic
No, she's made of flesh. It's makeup, a spritz bottle, and lighting.
lmao this thread is still going
Right now, at this very second, thousands of white women are having black dicks shoved into their asses.
That is all.
So if i fuck her he will fuck me?
idk, a lot of dads just hate the idea of their daughters getting pregnant. common sentiment with these types is "I wish my daughter was a lesbian."
from Islamic schooling and some laws.
kek great job finding an article that conflicts with most of what you're saying
And doublekek, this article is linked in the bottom: theguardian.com
Holla Forumstard tantrums aside, this might be one of the largest amounts of unwarranted butthurt over something so petty and trivial I've ever had the muh privilege of seeing on this board. Bravo, tripfag.
Stop moving the goalposts.
The trips made this the most cancerous thread of the whole day.
I'm not talking all blondes. I'm talking rich blondes. Like. You know the ones. Fucking especially if they're catholic. I don't know why the stick out to me, but they just instinctively repulse me.
Scarface is basically dead on about these kind of people, except with sister instead of daughter, they're pieces of shit who think because they treated women like trash when they were young, everyone is like that
lol @ all the degenerates who only get the scraps of society, girls with daddy issues because they never had one.
Someday you will want a women with proper values that won't betray you every time the smallest wrong occurs in the relationship.
My girlfriend is blonde don't make me upset Coochie Minh
Middle School is almost over, stop worrying.
Girls that got treated like daddy's little princess are the ones with the real daddy issues, fuck that shit.
what are you gay?
Holla Forums seems to have a real Madonna/whore complex
Who even watches porn where the girl is crying anyway, just more reasons to kill Nazis.
haha middle school? They've been doing this shit for a good 10+ years now. You degenerate fucks are now getting into your mid/late adulthood and still doing the snapchat/social media fucking easy sluts with no self-respect and serious mental issues.
I wish this nigger loving, materialistic, make-up tattet slut phase ever ended. When I was in middle school it was only just beginning, couldn't see it at the time obviously but it's spiraled wayyy out of control.
To the point where if a father has paternal love and cares for the well being of his daughter both physically and emotionally as one should, and used to be standard, he's a daughter fucker?
The shirt is ironic in itself you fucking morons. It's an overstatement and exaggeration and only a proud father would wear it. I've dated a few girls that came from good families with a stable structured environment, the kind of dads who would actually wear a shirt like this once in a while, and none of them actually go out of their way to hassle you or fuck with you, unless you fuck over their daughter, a.k.a. family… You always help your family, especially weak vulnerable females in todays society easily influenced by anything and manipulated. Whether it be a dad, brother, or even mom whooping someones ass or setting them straight if they hurt them or vice versa, the way it's meant to be.
spoiled rich bitches, and regular girls who have real love and respect from their fathers are completely different bro. Stop watching reality TV. We don't live that fucking life obviously, we're all dirt poor, even the ones who think they aren't. We spoil our children with affection not gifts.
So this is what pol and lefty pol do on a sunday night. Pathetic!
From your friends at r/socialism
Don't you have something fun to complain about?
Things that trigger pol to the point of autistic rageposting:
They associate the porn actress with their Stacy bully at school, so it only makes sense that they want to see her suffering.
Now, the guy with us here has a legit mental illness (like around 70% of 8/pol/, and probably a good 20% of 4/pol/). Let's use this retarded thread to analyse the way he structures his thought (he does not) and tranlates them into keystrokes on a Bengalese Surrealism Forum.
Why are you not cutting yourself?
can't tell if meant to say fun or wordfiltered d.egenerate
muslims are savages this is the work of taqqiya
Literally just the muslim version of hiding your autism power level. Except you tards actually do hide your beliefs in public because you know very well no one would like you anymore, and you can't really afford that, can you?
Go put a few slugs through that haunted carousel you call a brain while I slit the throat of your precious values.
I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic.
Take some time off, go outside, go fuck a blonde guy.
I don't care if they think that Britain is a good place or if they feel a strong connection to it
More than half of them believe that homosexuality should be illegal so it isn't an issue of educate
It's because of the religion
Where the fuck did I say that muslims don't feel a connection to Britain or the west you fucking lying shit?
Look Holla Forums, there's a difference between raising your kids and being a creepy reactionary obsessed with your daughter's purity, fatherhood is okay but overbearing conservative, (dare I say it) patriarchy in family relations is bad. As hoochie said you should respect your daughter enough to live her own life unless she's like, on heroin or something.
The Autism level (no this is not wordfiltered) in this thread is so high I can't really tell the difference now famalam
Keep going
Please tell me more about what I want.
Yeah, it's pretty neat coincidence how women who enjoy having sex literally didn't exist at any point in human history before you started 6th grade.
A proud father who apparently goes out of his way to let strangers on the street know about how insecure he is about his ability to raise his daughter well.
tldr; go back to Holla Forums and please refrain from procreating if by some miracle you meet a female with sufficiently low standards or sufficiently high blood alcohol content to give you the opportunity to do so.
Most working class people in the UK think homosexuality is wrong.
I used to date a girl who had an overprotective father. Edgy piece of shit.
Are you gay, user, and that is why you care so much about what Muslims think of you? So much for fighting dagenerassie
Holla Forums is incapable of holding up their end of the bargain. They don't want a traditional wife, they want a mom they can fuck.
So Bangladesh is the California of the Muslim world?
citation needed
I need a Freudposter now.
this is all i have but he's 100% right
Sadly true for most of Holla Forums, however
back in the day we called this a "lynch mob", and nowadays the police tend to frown on street justice
can you blame us? "Zero tolerance" policies make even defending yourself a crime
To be fair, a lot of men and women both want a parent they can fuck.
Yeah I'm still waiting on the poll that finds most working class white people in Britain think homosexuality should be illegal
Yes and I don't feel safe in my country (France) because of people like you.
Do you want me to pull up more?
I care because they will not leave my country and there has been a rise in hate crimes.
defending yourself from what lol? are you one of those people who thinks the streets of europe are basically mad max now?
Mec, t'es pathétique. Vas voir un psychiatre, vas faire un tour dans la rue, respire de l'air frais ou fais quelque chose.
Or you're just not French, which would be sad.
We all kind of want that, but most of us don't transform it into a political movement.
it's a shirt that's been around in some form or another since forever haha
ya'll label the fuck out of anything, and so fast, over absolutely nothing. I'm in Leftypol so it makes sense that logic is thrown out the window in every conversation and point.
Peace faggots. Love Trump, love my country.
Yeah, all this "daddy" shit is just fucking weird
Can you imagine if some dude just started going "Oh yeah mommy, take it"?
He's the one saying I should be out there rescuing fair maidens from evil-doers, not me.
I live in a working class area
I don't want a man that goes out and shoots people, I want a man that knows how to use a gun competently and doesn't sit around on twitter telling people he disagrees with he's going to rape them.
t. hauts-de-seine
t. Seine-Saint-Denis, fag
must be hard being a Holla Forumstard
who do you have to hate more now, muslims or gays?
Women, because they won't stop being whores. I blame weak cucks for letting black males being more masculine than themselves.
t. bitter loser using mgtow to mask his failures
btw already filtered the gook
depends. is she doing it out of necessity for money?
women are whores because they know people like you can't be trusted to provide or protect them, so they go for the men who can
Spoken like a true blue-pilled faggot.
Fuck off
Hey got some yous.
Ah yes you've definitely proven you're someone I can feel safe around, smart enough to make family decisions, and able to provide for my children. I'd love to be in a traditional family but I'm not going to chain myself to a useless man for the sake of ideology.
spoken like a true mgtow
Good goy, don't reproduce! Women are all whores! Focus on… uh… reading? Cooking? Instead?
Sometimes I forget to take my flag off when I cointelpro samefag, too.
>>>Holla Forums
man I just want to motorboat the freckled titties of a green-eyed natural redhead with a hourglass body, is that too much to ask
well that depends, have you ever asked a green-eyed natural redhead with an hourglass body?
those burgers! this is worse than 9/11
Not him, but I've never seen one IRL.
I mean, theres probably a good amount of them in ireland.
And what is your solution, since you're TOTALLY not Holla Forums?
Well there sure as fuck aren't enough of them anywhere else. Methinks it's time for some forced rellocation.
just go to ireland and find a qt and then either bring them back or live there with them.
5: What?
6: See 5.
And finally,
I actually did look into moving to Ireland and starting a new life, but this has gotten more complicated when I found out the damn micks are in the Schengen zone.
dosen't know the surface elements of is culture
I call shenanigans
What is it you want to talk about?
Yeah that sucks, I know what you mean comrade, ireland is one of my choices if I ever wanna ditch burgerland
i don't think so, i don't have barrier -repressed homosexuality for example- that would give me a need to create an act of brutal distance in order to have sex with the woman i love
no, it's precisely the opposite. someone with a madonna-whore complex does only want sex with a filthy slut, who must be called names and humiliated, the sexual experience for him can only be had in an unlovable context
Stop bring them in?
All rough/dom sex is good, no matter which way its going. If you trust someone enough to do that with, it means they belong to you as much as you belong to them.
the desire is inconceivable with the desired self-image, so it must be recast as the opposite of what it actually is.
it's a most insidious form of inauthenticity, such goes the argument that a beating only proves the love between man and wife, in a lesser love it might have caused a break up, but in this instance it only proves it's strength.
the thing here is that such is not about strength or trust, trust doesn't create the complex which is cast as a showcasing of said trust. even if it required complete trust it would still be as much be about trust as it is about the room it takes place in.
not necessarily. all love is perverse at its heart. my desire is to love and be loved. if there was no perversion in that love, it'd be awfully unauthentic. such, that picture to me would be the ideal marriage. as well as several other pictures you puritans would find distasteful.
this is not even equivocal. both parties are perfectly capable of consenting to and enjoying rough, dominating sex.
people have fetishes. most people actually. it's vanilla squares like yourself who are in the minority and acting like a nine year old who just googled "big titties". if anything, you're trying to prove to yourself that you're completely straight by following every step of the path society tells you heterosexual couples in love are supposed to follow.
wow really made me think
This thread certainly took an unexpected turn
I don't know what they have between their legs, but they have at least two hole's I'd like to fuck.
simply stating that you desire the consolation of love and throat fucking someone in a theater of degradation, and that it is consoled, because you desire and say so, does not explain the real complex, it excuses it as allowed within decency, it might even negate it, but it's not the heart of the matter, whether true or not
this is besides the point. all you are saying is that is allowed, that you are still decent, it does not show a fundamental difference in it's (castration) logic.
why not take it further, have those that do it without consent removed another barrier towards becoming one, no longer relying on a contractual notion in their physical interaction? doesn't this prove that they trust each other more fully than those that still rely on consent?
what does society tell me exactly? am i society speaking here -while being it's minority-, is it not the very things you are saying here that are the cliché's of an age in which not just everything is allowed, but required even?
it is another one of those ironies, it's the thing for the normal people while simultaneously being a transgression against the norms of society
I like how you took us criticizing this obviously projecting overprotective tool in your mind means that we are anti family of all things.
It's treating a person as property, which is what lolberts and fash are all about.
I love how Holla Forums immediately singles out this thread over the many other threads we have out right now.
Show's how insecure they are about this issue. Shows how the ultimate way to trigger Holla Forums is to insult their spooky familly values.
ah yes "the real complex". the supposed structure of my perversion that makes it "indecent". your alleged suppressed homosexuality. which for one, implies I regard homosexuality as indecent. I do not. I do not believe it exists. my sexuality is my sexuality, it knows no sacred order of gender. if I find myself so desiring a /cuteboy/ or trap, then so be it, I'll take whatever classifications you throw at me. it matters not, for my desire has no obligation to your psychoanalytic or traditional sensibilities.
It's castration logic, eh? This logic of a lack of power, or this logic of lack? i think you misunderstand the logic at work. for, the logic of power is inherently unstable. where at once perversion can be myself dominating my partner, the logic of the relationship must change constantly for the domination to continue. for example, look through the logic of property. whereas pornography can get away with using existentialist laws of property to get people riled up,(women are inherently subordinate to men, whites are inherently subordinate to men and vise versa) that is not so possible one on one in an authentic relationship, for it must be involved in the particulars of the two individuals. what does it mean to the relationship between me and them if I did nothing to earn my relationship of ownership. no, rather it's a stirnerian logic of property, of being able to defend this property on my own might. what is an ego's property is what they have in the most literal sense of the world, to prove that we have something is to prove we are real in this world. the opposite is also true, to be on the receiving end, and experience that which is being owned, you are affirming that other egos exist, that you are not alone. but even more than simple inversion, the machine that makes up a logic train can be dismantled piece by piece and change constantly as both power changes, and the underlying situations that produce the power change. is power in love perverse. sure, but every human relation is colored by power. imo the most romantic thing possible is a mutual extension of power over one another. you need not pathologize people with your cookie cutter archetypes of psychoanalysis, why should we give the figure of Oedipus power by declaring him to be inside of us? all it does is serve to reduce the beauty and majesty of human being.
Ah, but that does happen all the time, this is exactly the basis of almost all sexual relations. lest waking up a partner with oral sex or making a move to begin with is illegal. the fact is, much of this consent is colored in retro-actively. see zizek
society isn't universal. it could easily be telling you and me two very different things. considering you seem to be from the Holla Forums crowd, Holla Forums makes up a large part of your society. they're probably telling you to have kids, have a traditional relationship with a submissive yet prude wife while maintaining a chivalrous position. also, what kind of delusional fucking world do you live in if you think people are "required" to throat fuck. no one gives a fuck if you literally only do sex in the missionary position. just for the love of god do it because you actually want to. and don't expect people not to get annoyed when you accuse people of only doing what they do in bed to create "brutal distance".
go fuck yourself.
You don't like the radical left and its surrounding philosophy, liberalism and its surrounding philosophy and you're not particularly fond of Christianity either.
When you take away those things, there's not a lot of "Western culture" left.
The Republic of Ireland has opted out of the Schengen zone.
i don't think it's suppressed homosexuality, and to the contrary, you care very much about it's decency, which is why you go out of way your way to present it as transcending, a showing of pure trust.. all the PR talk.. everything but what throat fucking someone and calling her a slut, whore and so on actually is without all the classifications to make it seem as the opposite, a need for sex to be degrading, for her to be a dirty whore.
it's the logic of suffering proving worth and authenticity, such as in the example i mentioned earlier of the people who claim that they have a great relationship because it endures all the beatings, humiliations and fights or in your instance, of degradation proving trust.
the rest of your paragraph repeats itself, i did however found the sentence that sums it's up very revealing
it is a matter of proving your existence, you must degrade because it proves that you exist. "i'm here" you say "i'm here you disgusting whore and i'll make sure you know it!". brutality and ownership are the means of overcoming insignificance, for it signifies your existence. this deep, existential, insecurity is usually seen in wounded people, borderliners and narcissists and the like.
that's quite different from what i mentioned, i mentioned existing abusive relationships, not flirtatious approaches. i agree with it though, the PC thing is not what the PC people actually desire, so they will go to enormous lengths to solve the cognitive dissonance that arises from this, and react with spite whenever some poor sod who honestly believes in it notices that his PC advances don't work with the PC crowd.
when you said society, you didn't simply mean "everything that is ever said", no, you mentioned it as something that gives me a specific path that heterosexual couples in love are supposed to follow, you aren't this society, they are intangible others, lower people, this is why you don't say of your own views that they are what society says.
a command that we must enjoy, that this must be incremental, that there must always be more, is not any less requiring because people don't give a fuck about those who don't. it's like saying that being financially successful is not a social demand because people wouldn't bother to give one look to the poor.
i expect people to get annoyed, it is very bothering to hear that you aren't functioning on the pleasure principle that is the demand people relegate their behavior on to, but instead following a complex. those are not allowed, you must enjoy, which is why you refuse to examine yourself as functioning on anything other than a randomly distributed aspect of the pleasure principle.
no, the irony i mentioned is an example of you doing so
Last bump of this thread so that everyone can see the bullying to Holla Forums. It turned out a pretty good thread overall tbh, even though OP was shit.
how original…
I just want to suck black dick tbh
you're gonna need this flag
To be fair it's hard to read when you're busy fantasizing about getting your boipussy pummeled by a sexually frustrated older man while his daughter in the next room is kept up all night from overhearing your loud, high-pitched moans begging Daddy to cum inside like the filthy slut you are.
So much for the rational right
Yeah it was a typo, I meant "aren't in the Schengen zone".
God damn it micks, don't force me to relocate to Italy! I don't want to live in Africa!
point taken
don't you wish you could help out? i sure do
and you go out of your way to condescend and preach because you're just a good Samaritan, I suppose?
On the contrary, I have no such /specific/ desire. my desire is a rather broad one for perversion, and could just as easily be sated by petplay, bondage, ect with either person being on top. I am only defending throat fucking as a possible source of perversion.
Obviously if it caused more pain and suffering than pleasure in my partner, then I wouldn't do it. that IS a part of trust. a relationship of abuse and beatings is not of trust, but one merely of patience and opportunity cost. trust means knowing that your partner would never want to harm you.
No must. But I can degrade to prove I exist. And indeed, if you assert it the same way every time, eventually it will loose its impact. eventually you'll get to the degrading stuff, which are just as fun as the rest.
The point is, that you can indeed have breeches of so called consent so long as trust remains. an authentic trust whereby both sides know they would not harm the other. after all, why would I want to hurt my property?
but this is exactly what I mean by saying society is not universal. indeed, I'm sure society has had some kind of impact on my own sexuality. but those forces are likely different than the forces being applied to you. and, up until a couple hours ago, I was not a part of the society influencing you, yes.
What a pisspoor analogy. being financially successful is precisely a social demand because society restricts access to material resources to those who aren't! people don't just try to not be poor because "oh my dad wants me to be a lawyer" or some other bullshit.
as for pleasure itself, what the fuck are you doing if you are not doing it for your own pleasure?
as for your childish insistence on yelping "complex" at anything you so deem abnormal, here is all I have to say
t. Gilles Deleuze