How are the kids not going to be Nazis? This is objectively fucking cool, the aesthetic is impressive, the music is well chosen. That's Hollywood injecting Hitler cocksucking for you, and it's something I have been noticing lately. Every fucking time there is a movie with nazis, there is some cool-ass looking scene with tons of soldiers and red flags all around the place, with the added spicy tastes of forbidenness of the Swastika. It's metal. Whenever I see one of these videos, I find myself unconsciously more sympathetic to Nazism. Then I remember it's fucking Nazis, but still, I can definitely portray what a steady stream of such material would do to a young, apolitical mind.
On the other hand, when was the last time you saw a Hollywood movie with good Commie aesthetics? Or anything in pop culture for that matter. The only example I can come up with right now is Red Alert.
We need to counter that. We need aesthetics. We need to be metal. Shit like pic related isn't aesthetic at all, it just sucks and makes us look bad.
ITT: we rework our marketing strategies
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why don't these people come out of the woodworks in real life? I'd like to crack their skulls
I think we can safely say that Holla Forums's going to take this movie and use it for their own ideology despite the movie and book being clearly against it
Because nazis have never been and will never be a threat to capital, they they can be deified in the media (also contributing to the liberal tendency to reject any form of collective action, discipline or mass politics).
Whereas communists need to be vilified in every way possible, principally in the aesthetic realm to reinforce us as forever grey and dull.
The narrative is almost always presented as "if the nazis would've won it would've been pretty great" but never as "if the commies would've won it would've been pretty great".
That's a common theme for them. See: pic related
The movie had a clear anti racist message but if you're in a certain mindset I can see how one would be inspired by the pre-reformed mc, him standing up to the niggers and speaking his mind about Latino cockroach filth and whatnot
leftists can't into the sublime
Which is why we have zizek invited to speak on mass media, universities being filled with marxists that aren't obstructed one bit, while nazi's are allowed none of this.
You have understood nothing of what have been said, right? Of course, you're the controlled opposition, so whatever.
I understand the need to position nazi's as being less taboo than communism.
sure OP
Why are you strawmanning? Did your mom tell you to take out the garbage, hence making you more bitter today?
This should be good
If you weren't an intellectually dishonest chuckefuck, you'd compare heavily authoritarian far-left with heavily authoritarian far-right rather than comparing one type of extremely authoritarian nationalism with everything ranging from anarcho-communism to Stalin.
Marx is taught, so are many other marxists, there are no bans on marxism whatsoever, while there are diversity chiefs that ban anything that even hints of conservatism. The SJW's are even more patently illiberal than the orthodox marxists (with the only difference between them methodology)
Good that you post a pic of Adorno, a man who believed capitalism controlled anything and everything and used it all as means of oppression, except ofcourse one little village in gaul his university department and publisher, which for some mysterious reason was allowed to expose the secrets of the capitalist order and call for it's overthrowing.
Unlike you, we don't believe the world is ruled by a conspiracy, so your rambling on Adorno (who you obviously do not understand) is retarded.
Man. Did you even read the fucking FAQ? Every one of you low-I.Q. niggers make me want to nuke mankind even more
I don't think that's really true because while I've seen Nazis with better aesthetics than commies in movies they never ever really get a positive message about Nazism though there are movies that have Nazi characters that are presented as 3d human beings I think it's more that the aesthetic is just inherently appealing and was made by the party to be appealing and also to compete with the aesthetics of other groups. The reason why that is is I think it has to do with more what people associate places like the Soviet Union with. They associate the Soviet Union more with things like the rural countryside and famine as well with gulags not as much with the large marches and the giant damn near theatrical speeches Hitler gave on stage with large flags draped around him. There's a lot more one can use look wise with a big city such as Berlin than one can do with a wheat field.
Capital controls everything and the far-right is actually a tool of capital, so why would capital suppress his own tool more in it's media and education system than the entire spectrum of marxism and anarchism?
Is he playing 4d chess?
Can you reformat your post, this time with periods, please?
The Soviet Union had Moscow or Leningrad, with large, clean squares, where the leaders of the party watched large marches of the red army, with flags everywhere.
The Third Reich had shitty, dirty rural towns where nothing interesting happened besides corruption.
In the end, both countries had a lot in common. Now, what does Hollywood show about them?
That's exactly what Adorno believed, he's a marxist Alex Jones, On Popular Music is really a more refined version of the Justin Bieber rant.
SJW: trans bathrooms now!
marxist: no, no, no we need class revolution first!
SJW: why does your revolution have to come before mine?
As we can see in this typical conversation, there is no difference in goals, but of means to get there, discussions between SJW's and marxists are nearly always about methodology.
You have never witnessed a discussion between SJW's and Marxists, you talk out of your ass, and oh god do I lose my temper, with you tards, I waste my time telling shit to literal 12 year olds.
I actually did, most times ending in the banning of the marxists that are less SJW by those who are more SJW.
Like that r/socialism debate, shit was hilarious.
SJW: preserve my spooks!
Nazi: no, no, no we need to preserve white spooks first!
SJW: why do your spooks have to come before mine?
Reminder that all idpol is cancer.
*By literal FBI agents who are not Marxists.
I don't see any strong repercussions towards people with national conservative worldview, in fact them seem to be managing just fine.
No, they never say such things, there's no overlap of people or sharing of goals between SJW's and nazi's.
SJW's and communists however both want fully-automated-luxury-communism without race, gender, culture.. a world of total individuals who are at the same time complete blobs.
and they call me an anti-semiteā¦
That's for several reasons mostly however it's because it's liberal porkies vs conservative porkies. So yes there are Marxists and anarchists academia, but most people in academia are liberals. The thing is however you can't just go around and censor everybody anti status quo so instead of going on a McCarthyist witch hunt you let the radicals speak because it's going to look bad if you decide and you may actually cause much more unrest if you start doing things like that. The conservatives don't want people to fall for anything slightly left of them, but the thing is is that they don't use academia they use other means to push their agenda. The conservatives use Fox News, Breitbart, radio talk shows, and other places to push their agenda. Conservatives have a much more abrasive and less subtle way to how liberals gain control. A conservative is more likely to jump for things such as throwing people out who disagree with them.
You see porkies are not extremely united they all have different ideas with the only similarities being their class and because of that they all have the common goal of preserving capitalism. So this is what I mean by liberal porkies vs conservative because they are both about preserving capitalism, but they have different ideas on how. Liberals support reforming capitalism and social issues instead of just letting everything go because it makes more people less likely to rebel, but this does have a disadvantage and that is that there maybe some amount of the profit of the bourgeoisie that is cut into, but for several bourgeoisie that is a good trade off because it preserves their position of power.
So we should go all tankie?
Is your 'totally radical individualist, definitely not lifestylism' an indispensable part of your snowflake libertarian socialism?
They should have made skinhead Norton uglier
What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
Why did LeftComs make and spread this meme if Bordiga clearly states that Communists should be active in educating the population in their "subversive doctrine" and organizing a political line for others to follow, and believed that the activity of the party is a component in the resurgence of class struggle? I get that he opposed activism for activism's sake and all that nonsense, but LeftComs here are a parody of themselves who display exactly this "passivity characteristic of those who would renounce their responsibility for accomplishing the tasks which are their own" which Bordiga denounces.
None of this explanation solves the fundamental problem of the total conspiracy, in which lack of evidence becomes just another facet of the conspiracy.
This can be applied to anything and everything. I could say communists control everything, and that the only reason they haven't implemented communism yet is because that would make their control too obvious.
There are almost no leftcoms here. 99% shitposters and nobook fags that just use the flag.
use some clips from this movie. very badass red army soldier scenes. you have to skip ahead a fair bit.
I genuinely cannot fathom how much propaganda you have to consume to think that shit is good in any way.
Behind all the empty rhetoric, this is your real grievance
I think these are legit shills.