Why are liberals and far-rightists so against books? Do they not know Ayn Rand and Hitler wrote books?
Why are liberals and far-rightists so against books? Do they not know Ayn Rand and Hitler wrote books?
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Do you not know that books are oppressive?
Both ideologies are built of off emotions honestly.
Liberals and the far right?
I agree
You don't need Jewish authors propagating their 200-miles-an-hour rationalizing in their books if you just, you know, use common sense and see what's actually happening in the world around you.
You've never read anything by Kropotkin, have you? Here, have a bread book.
This is why i keep saying americans must be killed. They're literally behind everything that's wrong with the world right now. Use you common sense brah. The americans just want you to think it's the jews.
Kill them all, regardless of gender, race or political belives. It's a "nation" of 308 million barbarians.
YouTube is the medium of choice for the alt right. Paul Joseph Watson and Molyneux are like their Marx and Lenin.
Don't compare those those idiots to Marx and Engels ever again
It's because nobody really reads much anymore with the exception of maybe things that are popular and usually unthoughtful because the book industry basically doesn't publish anything that could possibly risk not making a profit. Read the book in the picture it is quite eye opening to what happened which I think that Holla Forums can partially guess, but if you want to know more then I suggest reading it. It's also a good book to redpill normies because while it is not explicatively leftist though you can see the authors socialist point of view creep in a little here and there it really shows how capitalism works without being explicatively anti capitalist and socialist.
Idiots is definitely something they aren't. They're making big bucks by saying some generic shit every now and then.
Only on capitalism such unproductive people are allowed to have some sort of celebrity status :D
The far right is based off emotions. Left-liberals are also emotional and think everyone can just get along. Center-liberals, though, think they're right. We're talking John McCain Republicans through to Jim Webb Democrats.
Do you have the pdf or i must deal with the business of books? ? :^)
Yeah that's what I thought when I was thirteen too
Turns out economics is slightly tougher than that though
I just ordered $80 worth of books (4), that I'm gonna be reading over the course of the next month or so.
Because they already think they know you're wrong due to BASIC ECONOMICS
Liberals because they haven't googled bookchin, and far-rightists because they are irrational and anti-intellectual a lot of the time
This is a good article about liberals and this issue for real though:
Burger here. user isn't wrong. Don't save me, just pour one out on the street corner after.
The internet redpilled me hard on Americans. When I was a teenage boy I thought the US was a nice place and all that. Now I believe WW3 with the US getting nuked to shreds and its population forcefully reeducated would be the best thing that could happen to the world.
Most people in general wont want to read a book about an ideology they already arent into or about any ideology. I have trouble getting anyone to watch a documentary or even 15 minute videos.
do you really think that's just them? a bunch of people here never read anything.
reading is hard, shitposting and strawmanning on the internet is easy
Modern education really does everything in its power to discourage enjoying books or reading in general.
I mean sure open nazis serve in certain parliaments and Far Right politicans and ideas are doing pretty well but yea I mean keep telling yourself lies I guess
i hope your continent of smoking, wine slurping assholes gets genocided and you and your family get killed you fucking eurotrash
Stay classy Holla Forums
Leftists read books - Rightists burn them.
America was a mistake
this is leftypol not The_Donald, take your xenophobic shit elsewhere brocialist
/r/socialism pls go
The Left is just as bad as liberals and far-rightists on this front.
It's all the same shit, you all read the exact same narrow selection of books that reinforce your prior assumptions and beliefs
Please, tell us what the correct ideology is.
I have a better one.
The first paragraph of part three from chapter 2 still gives me chills
That's a kindergardener's level of self-awareness.
Hurr durr read books said the jobless college student or pasty ass NEET. I work 50 hrs a week when I come home I'm too tired to read fucking economic books. I come home, go to the gym , have a shower, watch a show then sleep.
Most of you are arrogant cunts too. You actually think a plumber has time to read your drivel? Your idealogy is just mental masturbation at the end of the day. At least right wingers and liberals can apply their views instead of just spending hours upon hours of reading bs theory.
Holla Forumstards are post-modernists in denial
Not having time to read because of the very tool capitalism uses to prevent organization (long hours and little pay among the prole) isn't the same as being strictly against theory. This is about how liberals and far-rightists take issue with theory on its own.
Hitler's Mein Kampf isn't so much a "book" as it is the plain text version of what his own personal human dictaphone Rudolf Hess recorded while both were in prison.
user, our beef isn't with hard workers who don't have time to read (its our task to radicalize people like you; if we can't we'll just keep losing) but with people who try to argue about politics or political thinkers without knowing a damn thing about it.
That said I think the whole "read a book" meme is a bit exaggerated; theory's valuable but material conditions are ultimately what produces revolutions, and you don't need to be well-versed on the merits of Marx vs. Bakunin to struggle against the bourgeoisie.
Shitposting takes zero effort and energy. You try working 10 hrs a day in a labor intensive job THEN coming home and reading some BS marxist theory. No thank you. I'd rather enjoy myself and chill out.
You wouldn't know this because most of you are students who have never had real full time jobs..
So suck my dick you arrogant faggot. Muh books. Good look telling low Autism Level Jamal and Cleutus who can barely read a comic book let alone Marx.
Leftist idealogy is for ""intellectuals"""/academics. It's mental masturbation. It's all it ever was.
I work 40 hours a week and manage to read at least 2 books, lazy excuses are for leftists, not for right-wing cucks.
What happened to reading being a leisure activity?
typical black and hick name, you sound pretty spooked, Holla Forums
Good for you. For most people this would require serious effort. Especially if they have children and a wife/gf.
There is no time for reading books especially theory books for most working people it's not possible. So it just goes to show how arrogant and out-of-touch the lefty shithead is when he says 'lol jus read books like me !' When he is a student or probably works a day a week max.
Read a book, nigga.
t. blue collar worker
Who says it isn't. I spend 2 hours or so every day in the evening.
Stop falling for porkys tricks and thinking that you have to have a family. you don't need a family. Use a condom.
The guy in this thread whose probably from Holla Forums is insinuating that reading is a purely boring educational activity
Lol um ok
If we lived in a socialist society you would probably have the time to educate yourself :^)
if your french is not that bad
This is proof that the right never ever reads books. Fucking capped.
their books are here
if i had to read just one bookchin book what should i read?
The Next Revolution is a good introductory book. Social Ecology and Communalism is good too. So is The Murray Bookchin Reader.
not as much as your dad not pulling out in time though
It's easy to apply their views because the system is based around them you fucking moron
You got a pdf of any of the introductory stuff?
i fuk u mather