America is already socialist but it's only for white people
Is this a good take?
Vid related.
you best be trolling
Not surprising. Higher diversity leads to lower support for welfare. The different ethnic/racial/religious groups all perceive others as leeches.
Fucking christ.
Social welfare doesn't work in low trust societies, so yes, it's right, muh racism is not going to go away because we are not in it together and the 'minorities' have made it abundantly clear to white people they are not interested in it, so idpol is back.
socialism is when the workers and the bosses work together.
I'm sure it's a result of minority choices, and not the product of them living in utter shit conditions. The US has obvious racial tensions, and that's why Trump is the perfect candidate. He's going to be the mass disillusionment with the system for poor to middleclass whites (hopefully).
Yeah, it seems like the author of the article is upset that blue collar workers organized to increase their wages instead of advocating for higher corporate taxes and government social spending.
Are you trying to bait us, Holla Forums? We're not fucking liberals, get it in your head already.
As opposed to actually addressing the problem.
Diversity also means atomizing the workforce, the porkies are well aware that while some may mingle, there's a substantial desire for settling into ethnic enclaves.
Hence why recent immigrants from Congo or Honduras working in shitty meat packing plants very far from the cities and other centers are much less likely to complain about their conditions or go on strike, especially when the porky is dangling a green card and a flimsy promise of a promotion in front of them.
Diversity is sensible, but snobby politicians vastly underestimate the still inherent tribalistic nature of man,
The choice has been made, just like police shootings, solidarity has been shunned for the 'it's our turn now, sit down Whitey' line of activism.
If solidarity was even a fucking issue, killings of non black people by police would be valued as highly and questioned with as much vigour, if indeed the problem to be addressed was police shooting innocent people.
But it isn't, the message is loud and clear, and white people now a minority in the coming years, are going to play their own games.
It might be true but they do need to source a lot of that shit.
Not sure i agree overall but i share the idea that people aren't in fact really voting against their own interests.
Bill Maher won't like this
Wrong, blacks in the US on average view police violence to be wrong against minorities whereas it's the opposite for whites. The war on drugs was a declaration of war against the ghettos in America (who are predominantly black).
Who gives a shit who views what, Whites are the majority of wrongful police fatalities.
And white people don't think the police target them
Doesn't this just make perfectly clear what narratives Forbes wants us to subscribe to?
In what way? I'm genuinely asking. People keep saying this, but it just sounds like liberal gobbledy-gook. I'm not saying 14/88 kill em' all, I'm just saying why diversity be any more desirable than non-diversity? It should be meaningless.
It is meaningless.
jfc what in the name of ideology sage
No, it's just like saying corporate socialism. Non autistic people get the point being made/
reddit go home
shocking I tell you
Is having never read a book in your life, but being incredibly confident in your bullshit a prerequisite for getting a media job? Holy shit.
I told you we should have killed whitey
this. everyone knows real socialism is when the government gulags your family because you formed a trade union.
This tbh. Crackers are scared of the cultural marxist agenda to kill all white people.
Do people sell fake mayonnaise?
Is it really necessary to put the "real mayonnaise" on these bottles?
Probably so it's not confused with Miracle Whip (an odd type of sauce that looks like mayonnaise)
Karltural Marx strikes again
I came reading that, I fucking loathe pigs.
All American demographics are declining except for Mexican immigrants in the southwest, and they stay firmly there to be closer to their relatives. For that matter, if I said the aut-right represents what whites really think, I'd be rightfully told to go back to tumblr, but somehow it makes sense to assume that BLM is perfectly representative of blacks?
socialism isnt welfare you fucking nerd
Socialism requires cooperation, only whites have the self-discipline to cooperate.