/leftyk/ thread. Today's topic: Ian is literally /ourguy/. Post rare Ians and talk about how we're preparing to defend ourselves from globalist plutocracy.
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where r d proofs billy???
You can still own some guns. Just get a straight pull AR.
Well aside from the ushanka pic he made a video talking shit about alt-righters and racism.
If nothing else it'd give me an edge over most police if I trained how to use it properly
How does a complete outsider get into guns. I think an awkward borderline autistic man going to a gun store or range alone would catch a some suspicion
buttblasted nofuns libcuck detected
Post your cocks comrades
reminder for all Canadians to vote for mad max in the conservative elections
What's his real name again?
maxime bernier
but why
Get a load of this guy.
Post shit that can help me convince anti-gun leftists and liberals of the necessity of private gun ownership
Hide the thread then you faggots.
Sage negated.
i'm a bitch boy: the post
we really need to push leftist gun ownership hard
like it should one of any organizations top issues
uuuhhh I got a pretty big cock budd-eh so no
Post it faggot.
Fuck my life up
Can we have a non-cancerous version of that?
What's my cheapest AR option? I heard buying the parts and putting it together myself would be the cheapest, but I don't have a clue what brands to be buying and where. Any guides?
bumping with some basic info
Middle pic needs to be made a PDF.
They're out of date at this point. Prices have made getting an SKS or Mosin a bad idea according to my friends.
Prices should be reviewed, but my guess is everything else still stands correct.
Excuse shitty quality, really hungover.
Can your cock kill porkies and overthrow the state?
Not an argument
the Nazbol Gang offers free training
hmmm is that an Yugo SKS rifle..?
where is the grenade launcher tho?
It's a 1952 Tula, so it's Russian.
aha… the Russian variants is still cool… not as cool as the Yugo one
Sweet, the only reason I go to 4chan anymore is for /k/. Bumping to show support.
God I fucking hate LARPers
What's wrong with talking about guns?
Tbh the Russian ones are objectively better. The Yugos don't have a chromed bore, making them more susceptible to rust and corrosion. The grenade launchers also add extra weight to the front of the rifle that throws them off balance, and they have gas valves for the launcher that can malfunction and cause the rifle to not cycle properly.
Because he's going to remove all mag limits and make AR-15s non restricted. He'll also likely loosen the rules for restricted weapons and probably legalize AKs.
How hard would it be to modify a semi-auto AK into a full auto one?
Nice rig. I can't wait to get my SKS at some point in the future.
Also what jacket is that, it looks like a familiar make.
Could you give me a link to that?
Good taste. Fuck those "memerifles".
Looks like he took it down. Basically he was making fun of the concept of Nazi masturbation fantasy. He and his buddy basically did a sketch where they heard a Nazi masturbation fantasy was happening and started preparing for it, and then at the end they just said "wait a minute, this isn't a Nazi masturbation fantasy, this is just a bunch of humans fighting". Then they had credits that more or less said "racism is stupid stop being retards".
Kek based word filters.
Rescuing this thread because it triggers liberals.
shoot straight ian
shoot straight Ian
melee weapons & homemade explosives
shit that's a nostalgia hit. I remember when this "illegal" secret book did the rounds on IRC in the 90s and was passed around on floppy at high school and we all felt so edgy for reading it.
no pdf?
That would be this video: full30.com
The guy in your pic didn't kill any cops. Stop perpetuating that myth. The guy was about to get lynched that night because of stupid faggots like you. The guy that did the Dallas shooting is pic related.
lmao, you got a timestamp?
Literal fucking meme tier. It's hilarious to read but it's so full of teenage autism and general misinfo that none of the stuff in it should be followed.
Now, the US Army improvised munitions handbook is the real shit and can easily be found online.
lib pussy detected
i know, i loved it when I was 13-15. we'd whisper about it and pretend the teachers were trying to catch us reading it and we'd be arrested if they saw us passing the disk around. Remembering it now, it's uhhhh, not great.
Yep. It came from the pre-internet research efforts of some 17 year old. Still, it's notable for using the term "cuckold" as a political slur generations before Holla Forums existed
Don't read this, you'll lose your hands. It's hard to operate without hands. Just look on murdercube instead.
How do you saw a Mosin without fucking up the gun? That's what I wanna know.
I have no idea why you'd want to look at this publicly available book.
Man, there's a lot of good shit in here. Someone should definitely make some of this stuff and detonate it in a crowded area or a government building. Propaganda of the deed comrades!
Who wants to join my militia btw?
possible bakto has the right idea. View the images in a permanently offline virtual machine or real machine, as PDFs can have the ability to 'phone home' and collect your IP.
fuk it u no what i mean
What does this mean lol
I think he means a VM or a computer that's never connected to the internet. But fuck, they're PDFs. The FBI already has tabs on everyone here and reading books aren't illegal.
Is this real lol
That dont mean shit. I'm sure that he would talk mad shit about a board of communst larpers.
Good luck with that.
I bet she has chick lean
Sadly owning a T-34/85 is illegal… I think?
It wouldn't be useful anyway. It's literally almost 80 years out of date.
Cheap upper for you Americans in free states. All you need is a lower with a lpk and stock kit. If you're on a budget, this is something you shouldn't pass up.
Bump of interest
Do you guys have any books about how to go from funsize nerd to Micah Johnson?
go to gun store and talk to vendor and just let em know you where raised in a super liberal household is why you are nervous about holding guns. Tell em you are trying to seek the truth about firearms and they will bend over backwards and make you feel comfy and calm…. or they should.
Would be fairly cool though.
Hello and welcome to Holla Forums. It is advised to read the FAQ before posting here.
Kill yourself. Marx says nothing about guns AFTER the revolution or private gun ownership retard. The USSR, Tito's Yugoslavia, Cuba, NK, Vietnam, Maoist China, Hoxha's Albania all had or have draconian gun laws.
How else are you supposed to "smash capitalism" and ensure private business and private property don't otherwise? Only government officials and closely trusted people were allowed to own guns.
This is why Socialist Democrats and all other left wing parties worldwide shill heavily for much more gun control. Hitler greatly loosened gun laws for the the vast majority of German citizens.
Or fucking Venezuela and the rest of socialist Latin America.
And look what happened to him.
Based left wing toothbrush-removal squad from the protest today in Phoenix
Are PS90s bourgeois?
Notice how they didn't put "white people" on that banner
Finally a group of leftists that doesn't look like it just crawled out of bed with noodle arms.
Link to his youtube? seems pretty fucking great.
Bought my cat a nugget.
No, but seriously,
Is a retarded SJW trend that needs to end, and should definitely NOT spread out of tumblr and University into real radical left movements.
Is that Pisspiggraddad and Jason Unrue on the right?
Feel the Berne
But it's true. It's perfectly fine to be left-wing, but pro-gun rights is a right-wing position. Let's look at Switzerland which has the second-laxest gun laws in the developed world, shall we?
In Canada it's left parties that push for gun control as well. Libs, NDP, Green Party, etc all support greater gun control. All pro-gun rights organizations that oppose gun control (NRA, in the US, NFA in Canada, Pro-Tell in Switzerland) are right-wing. Just admit you lean right-wing on gun rights and stop the mental gymnastics. If you don't support stand your ground, or being able to use deadly force to defend myself from violent crime from dindus or robbery, or being able to conceal carry in public etc. You can fuck off.
A bunch of retards who will vote for parties who will undermine gun rights greatly and ensure they can't excercise constitutional rights such as carryiin public. Fucking kek.
No one gives a shit about your feckless reform politics.
lurk moar amerilard
Praying you get herpes for being so dumb
You people have to be literally retarded. Leftists aren't liberals, and there is nothing about firearm/self-defense rights that is inherently right-wing.
Go read a fucking book. Arguing with you shitstains isn't even fun anymore.
The proles won't cease to be worers after the revolution, read his quote again, Holla Forumstard.
Back to >>>Holla Forums
I like how you left out he banned jews from owning guns. Fuck off faggot.
Here we go again.
Has nothing to do with gun rights after your ebin revolution. Or private gun ownership.
History proves that whenever a communist regime succeeds, the new regime implements extremely strict gun laws limiting it only to government officials or people "trustworthy" by the state, in the sense that they won't rebel against the authoritarian regime or undermine rule.
You need to have extremely strict gun laws to stay in power with your ideology. The USSR, North Korea, Vietnam, Tito's Yugoslavia, Cuba, Hoxha's Albania, Mao's China all had draconian gun laws.
So fuck yourself for even pretending that the left is pro-gun when leftist parties worldwide heavily support greater gun control in every country. You pretend to be "pro-gun" until your shitty tyrannical regimes get into power, then it's full gun control time.
Tell me again how revolutionary Catalonia and the Ukrainian free territory banned guns - OH WAIT that never happened lol
it's almost as if your narrative is full of shit
But you dont even know what those are, you fucking idiot.
Which you base off of absolutely nothing. Mandatory reminder that "private property" in left wing politics is a purely economic term, not one related to civil liberties.
The 20th century is in the past. Get over it.
Liberals are not leftist. No, that is not a No True Scotsman, not when literally none of them oppose the capitalist economies in their nations.
I'd also like to point out that a disarmed populace is the norm, not the exception, and that right wing solidarity over gun rights is pretty much a universally American phenomenon. Most yuropoor countries don't even care.
Your shitty tyrannical ideology stays in power because it disarms the general populace you moron. This is true for every communist regime. You will confiscate and greatly limit guns because it's the only way people won't pose a threat to your ideology, and to ensure that private business and private property does not exist by the state maintaining a monopoly on force.
For example why didnt the USSR or Cuba trust its citizens with guns you fucking idiot? Because Stalin and Castro would see uprisings and civilians taking up arms against their regimes.
You are a cretin who cannot see the forest for the trees. Virtually every leftist party in every country is in favor of extremely strict gun laws.
Hitler did disarm the Jews, but Jews made up less than 1% of Germany's population. For the vast majority of German citizens, they saw gun control being greatly LOOSENED.
Guess who passed the extremely restrictive gun laws in Weimar Germany? SOCIALIST DEMOCRATS.
So go FUCK yourself. And fuck the violent niggers you defend.
And yet Reddit fucks are still mad that the white people are in front.
Look at the flag again dumbass, is this a tankie/ML/communist flag? Look again, dumbass.
Yeah and just look what happened to them…
Smelly dumb Holla Forumstard scum
BECAUSE THEY WERE IN CIVIL WAR YOU DIPSHIT. There was NO POINT on grabbing the guns because they were in active conflict and it wasn't a form of stable rule. What a shit example.
Holy fuck, see above. Rojava is in war with ISIS and in active conflict.
Exocept there were no plans to disarm them afterwards, moron.
Very few of us are tankies, i.e. apologists for the dictatorships of the last century. Ideologies like Libertarian Marxism are a thing, and anarchism is a historically left wing tendency.
Liberals are not leftist. They are only "leftist" in relation to the center-right consensus among most Western nations, similar to how the Russian communists had "left" and "right" factions.
Because he wanted certain people to have guns. These laws applied to all Nazi-controlled territories, which meant if "Aryans" were the minority in an area, only a minority of the populace was allowed to be armed. Your argument is fucking retarded, unless you admit that you don't actually mind tyranny as long as it benefits you.
Lurk moar, faggot.
Of course not he's a Holla Forumstard, he'll howl about muh rights as long as its him and he doesn't care about anyone else. Even if daddy hitler himself came back and put him again the wall he'd ask to be fucked in the ass while doing it as long as its for his "race"
And he would, the nazis would have no used for fat unemployed losers. Holla Forums needs to wake up and realize this.
Holy fuck read the Marxist quote again. Marx is referring to guns in the context of a revolution. That the workers should be armed to overthrow capitalism. He says jack shit about gun rights for the general populace or private gun ownership in a context that has nothing to do with overthrowing capitalism.
False. It's the same in Canada and Switzerland. In both of these countries left-wing parties support much greater gun control. In Switzerland all the leftist parties (including the communist one as well as socialist democrats) support much greater gun laws.
In the UK which has very restrictive laws, it's the UKIP and BNP who want to loosen the laws and unban handguns as well as making it easier to get a license.
So when looking at a trend, leftist parties worldwide support gun control the most. You don't have to be pro-abolishing capitalism completely for your beliefs to fall on the left-wing spectrum moron. Socialist Democrats are a left-wing ideology.
Can the mods
and keep the fucking thread on topic?
I dont mind pol discussion, but this is blatant derailment of a thread.
Because he was a German and most of the world doesn't have the gun fetish that america does.
Not saying that's a good or a bad thing but "shall not be infringed" is not a topic of discussion anywhere else.
Sounds more like an Ameriburger that takes pride in intentionally avoiding learning new things or admitting anything he already knows might be wrong, even if only in theory.
Which you base off of absolutely nothing. (inb4 muh history)
In other words, relatively minor adjustments to the status quo? That is what I expected.
So actions matter than words, except when the words are more convenient for an argument. Unsurprising.
If you want to maintain the status quo, but make some slight adjustments to it (i.e. diversity quotas), you are most a centrist. "Socialism" to these parties is just capitalism with welfare.
Fuck yourself retard.
You are a dumbfuck anarchkiddie who supports an ideology that has never managed to succeed in real life, without rapidly collapsing like Catalonia or be limited to extremely small communes with no real power. Marxism cannot come into power without an authoritarian government. Remember what Marx said? To achieve the utopia of a stateless, classless and moneyless system, it has to transition through stages.
To say that anarchism proves that the left is pro-guns and gun control isn't a heavily left-wing trend.(which it is) is mental gymnastics. Rojava and Catalonia didn't grab the guns because they were and are in a civil war, and their rule wasn't stable to allow them to grab guns and implement gun control in the first place.
Looks like YOU didn't read the quote. Who are you to say its only in the context of a revolution? It just says workers shouldnt be disarmed.
nigga plz
All you have to do to be left wing is to want the workers to own the MoP, I'm sorry growing up in the most politically bacwards country in the word has made you into a cmplete retard but its not too late to take your destiny back into your hands and read a fucking book
Succdems are rightwing you idiot, anything slightly to the left of conservative is not enough to make you leftwing. I bet you think liberal is a synonym for socialist too. what a faggot.
He supports your civil rights and you are shitting on him for it?
Just fucking admit that you don't give a shit about authoritarianism, you give a shit about whether your rights are taken and that everyone else can live in concentration camps for all you care.
I'm an insurrectionary egoist anarchist and it works fine for me, sorry if that upset you kiddo.
Catalonia was p cool though. But I bet this is the part where you come to defend nazi germany and how t could have worked if the allies didnt come and fuck it up yeah?
I am not a marxist you dumb shit
Neck yourself
There is NO PROOF of this. You cannot prove me wrong that I fucking bet had they not been in civil war and had stable rule, they would have confiscated guns from "undesirables" and people suspected of wanting to be capitalists.
I fucking guarantee you that somebody living in a modern-day 'anarchist' catalonia said to his comrades working the collective farm "hey I want to be an enterprising entrepreneur so I can live better instead of in poverty!" they would have disarmed him and throw him into the gulag or killed him.
Holy fuck. Are Socialist Democrats liberals? Is the communist party of the US liberals too?
I despise authoritarians you stupid fuck. I'm not a Nazi, but the fact is that for the vast majority of the German populace, gun laws were greatly loosened. You NEVER saw that with Lenin, Stalin and any other USSR leader of communist regime.
For example Hitler made it so that you can buy all the rifles and shotguns with ammo as much as you want without a license needed.
Why didn't the USSR do the same for the vast majority of its citizenz? Or EVERY other communist regime?
You cannot keep dismissing these parties as "liberals". Socialist Democracy is a left-wing ideology no matter how much you don't want it to be.
Again, virtually all leftist parties worldwide support heavy gun control.
Also reminder that the cultural marxist paradise that is sweden never took anyone's guns, while for example Japan muh homogenous honorary aryans did.
pretty sure that's lenin brah.
yes, lol, lurk more.
They are worse than liberal. They are Holla Forums tier retarded. I would post CPUSA cringe, but I refuse to even keep it on my computer.
Your personal projection are not an argument. Try again, faggot.
I got a 10 round SKS. Not the best, but it will put some holes in things and it's reliable as fuck.
Pics nigger.
What nation manufacturing?
Completely irrelevant. Again, Marx is referring to guns to be used to fulfill a political end. He speaks of guns for a revolutionary purpose. The proletariat need to be armed for a revolution. Once the revolution happens and you get a dicatorship of the proleteriat, it's gun grab time.
The point is that far-right regimes had significantly laxer gun laws than far-left regimes. Ask yourself why.
You are a fucking retard. I'm not a Nazi.
The proof is literally empirical and historical evidence. All leftist regimes throughout history have had extremely restrictive gun laws. The best you have to counteract this (revolutionary catalonia and rojava) were and are in civil war and not in stable rule. They have to deal with an active war against enemies before they can even begin to touch the subject of private gun ownership. It's an extremely poor example.
For the last time, Socialist Democrats are a left-wing ideology. Get over it.
Chinese, Norinco. Once again, not the best, but not totally shit.
If thats the case why doesnt it say öh and also once revolution comes be sure to take away the guns from the workers"where is that part of the quote? and where is the part where he says "by the way when I say this I mean we only need guns in the context of a revilution"you're just making shit up
Past experiences can never tell the future objectively. Read Hume. Besides we're not advocating for gun control, at least I am not. Thats all that matters.
They're capitalists who follow keynesianism. But what am I saying, you're a retrd who doesn't eve know who keynes was or his philosophy. You dont even know what capitalism is.
Good shit comr8
I don't think that's accurate though.
You've only mentioned Hitler so far and your claims about the far left are mostly dubious.
Hunting was very strong in the USSR and most of the populace was armed, as is the case in Switzerland and Sweden, and previously Australia.
In urban places where street crime is rampant gun bans happen, in rural places where there's hunting game it doesn't, it has very little to with politics, you're just spewing NRA talking points.
The thing about Cuba is bullshit too from what I've read.
Step one: Establish a dictature of the proletariat
Step two: take the guns of the proletariat. Ensure the dictatorship is still there.
Ho noes, our revolution was betrayed once again!
No you fucking retard. YOU didn't.
Do you notice the context? Marx is saying that the workers should be armed to be able to overthrow capitalism in a revolution. Back during Marx's time, peaceful revolutions DID NOT EXIST. All revolutions were achieved violently.
Marx says jack fucking shit about guns in the context of private ownership that has nothing to do with achieving his shitty ideology.
NO. You fucking idiot. This is not how it works.
The left wing and right wing are both on a spectrum, you can be left wing and not be a communist or right wing and not a fascist. To say that you aren't a leftist because you don't support worker ownership of the MoP would get you laughed at by any political scientist.
Top fucking bait. You have to be trolling.
No he doesn't. As I am pro-private business, pro-private property and pro-gun rights. My stance on gun rights has NOTHING to do with my stance of being in favor of capitalism. I believe everyone should have the right to defend themselves and their property. And I believe in negative liberties. Own all the guns you want, just don't try to infringe on my rights and we are cool.
Ive never seen one that wasn't all beat up from battle use tbh. They aren't half bad looking in good condition.
Every dictatorship of the proletariat resulted from specifically Leninists Revolutions, you don't just start An-Syn and end up with Stalin, that has never once happened.
Youé just making shit up. Point out where he only means it in the contxt of revolution.
Personal ownership, see you ant even get the terms correct. moron.
HOLY SHIT THE IDEOLOGY. You have no idea what you're talking about. Shouldnt have expected anything less from a lib.
Google keynesianism and get back to me.
Oh, I found it.
Hope you haven't left the thread yet.
That's why I specified Norinco. As opposed to the military issue, most Norinco SKSs were made for the civilian market. My dad has a military issue Chinese model that's in really good condition, I wish I had a pic of it.
Quite honestly the history behind the SKS is interesting, but the TK;DR version is that after it was invented they produced millions of them for about 3 or so years before they fully adopted the AK47.
Nice fucking snowflake ideology.
I don't care retard. This has nothing to do with the fact that left wing parties overwhelmingly support gun control.
Fucking bury yourself alive.
I'm using your shitty logic against you retard. There's no way to prove or disprove Revolutionary Catalonia intended to grab guns. Their rule was very short and they dealt with a constant civil war. Private gun rights wasn't even a concern because there was no time to concern yourself when you are fighting a civil war.
Because in again, Marx is referring to the context of workers needing to be armed to overthrow capitalism. During Marx's time all revolutions were achieved with violent means. There wasn't a peaceful revolution.
To cite that quote is disingenuous because it isn't referring to gun rights outside of a very specific context (again marx advocating workers be armed t overthrow capitalism).
When you see a historical and present trend, you can reasonably infer that leftists are extremely pro-gun control. Nothing you can say changes that, and your wailing of them not being true leftists is mindbogglingly stupid.
For fucks sake. You assume that just because somebody isn't in favor of abolishing capitalism completely, they aren't on the left wing spectrum.
By your shitty logic, if I'm not a fascist who is in favor of genocide, then I'm not right-wing.
Immolate yourself alive. I'm going to bed. If you want to keep your gun-rights you vote for right-wing parties and join pro-gun rights advocacy groups lile the NRA in America, and Pro-Tell in Switzerland. Or the NFA in Canada. All of which are right-wing.
Socialism is an extremely authoritarian ideology by its virtue. You cannot abolish private business and private property, and ensure that they stay abolished without a vanguard and a tyrannical state. Thus you must disarm the citizenry to ensure that "reactionaries" cannot violently rebel or people start their own private business for their private profit and not have them shoot back when the state comes to shut it down.
Fuck leftism and its constsnt gun grabbing.
This is the most autistic image I have ever seen.
We in horseshoe theory territory now.
Thanks, reactionary. Knowing I piss you off fills my heart. Also rights are spooks, read Stirner.
lmfao retard.
They arent leftists the reason you think they are is becaue you have no idea what leftis is because you are an illiterate who has probably never read a book in his entire life.
Its an example of leftism that didnt grab guns, otherwise you could claim every single civilization is intending to grab guns and they 'just havent done it yet'you can see why this is bad logic, but I guess you can't because you're retarded.
Again where is this context? You're making shit up to support your flawed argument.
Socialism is not 'giving people free shit and increasing welfare'you autist, succdems are capitalist
bunch of cucks who constantly flip-flop on issues (see when they discouraged carrying guns into bars after Omar Mateen)
Wrong, not all socialists are authoritarians
Except anarchism did this without that
Fuck you rightists
You should actually consider suicide tbh.
And read up on its gun laws.
The laws were extremely strict. You need government permission to own a gun. The permission was only granted after jumping through many hoops and with the state making sure that you weren't an enemy of the state or didn't harbor views that were contradictory to the regime. The NKVD engaged in mass gun confiscation.
No Soviet citizen could walk into a gun shop and buy one. You had to go through a lot of bureaucracy.
Strict gun laws.
Switzerland has a strong right-wing party in power (SVP). It's because the leftist parties are not in rule that gun laws remain very liberal, all the left wing parties supported the 2011 referendum to greatly tighten gun laws while all the right wing parties opposed it. Similarly all the right-wing cantons voted no while the leftist cantons (Geneva and Basel for example) voted yes.
When you look at the recent EU directive to tighten gun laws, ALL the opposition came from right-wing parties. While all the left-wing parties supported it with no opposition from any of their members.
Lmao. Read up on their laws.
Again, extremely restrictive laws.
Holy fuck, it's the quote. Are you so autistic that you are unable to see a cherry-picked quote in the context that it is?
Marx is advocating for the workers to be armed so they can achieve a revolution of overthrowing capitalism. During Marx's time, all revolutions were achieved through the use of guns and other weaponry. There was no such thing as a peaceful revolution.
Marx is not referring to gun ownership out of the context of being used for a socialist revolution. He is silent on private gun ownership on that matter.
No. Private property. As in land for example, or me starting a business to generate profit and hire someone to work my business. To ensure that such attempts or occurances can be crushed easily and maintain that capitalism remains abolished, the state maintains a monopoly on force and disarms the rest of the citizenry to make sure that business owner and the people who work for him don't take up arms and shoot back, when the state drags them off to "reducation camps" for being filthy capitalists.
I'm confused as well. Where did Marx say the proletariat should be disarmed after the revolution?
Because you're a retard who thinks you have to be for abolishing capitalism completely to be on the left-wing spectrum.
Because for fucks sake, the rule of Revolutionary Catalonia was extremely short and they dealt with a civil war during their rule. They couldn't grab guns even if they wanted to because they were ar war with the Nationalists. There was no stable and peaceful period to implement such a policy in the first place.
In the full quote that you guys cherry picked.
Here you fucking go. Marx is talking about arming yourself in context of the upcoming revolution. He refers to guns in a collective, not individual sense. That collective purpose is to to overthrow the government and bourgeoisie.
Now shut the fuck up retard.
I never said that you stupid fuck. I'm saying that you don't have to be for abolishing capitalism comple for your ideology to fall on the left wing spectrum, which social democracy does. And you don't have to be "gas the nigs and jews" to fall on the right wing.
Suggesting =/= advocating for legislation to prohibit it stupid fucking moron. Without the NRA and the right-wing, you wouldn't enjoy the gun rights you have today.
What works in theory does not work in practice. To enforce your ideology you need a ruling power to make sure capitalism does not exist.
Revolutionary Catalonia is a very poor example of anarchism succeeding. Its existence was extremely short before getting crushed utterly by another power and it was in constant civil war.
I never said this, I said the cherry-picked quote that is cited is referring to workers being armed for a revolution to overthrow the capitalist government and bourgeoise.
Marx is completely silent on gun rights and ownership after the revolution. He is not pro-gun rights outside of that specific context in which he said that statement.
Stay butthurt lmao
Here, I de-Holla Forumsed it.
So social democrats hate freedom? We already believe that, actually. You would know this if you weren't too autistic to even acknowledge the possible validity of others' opinions.
So how, exactly, do you plan to prove that they were planning muh gun grabs? Liberal political parties won't cut it.
And if the guns are grabbed, capitalism comes back, you retard. In a communist society, there would be no state to do so.
The NRA was pro-gun control half a century ago and today, all they do is stir controversy to increase gun sales. They have done nothing for civil rights for years and are little more than a safe space for general conservative politics.
This is objectively wrong.
This is pure madness and this is awesome.
Back to reddit.
We're not the sort of LARPers for which black powder weapons would even be briefly appealing.
Will my nations government put me on a blacklist for looking at it?
Yes and so do all the other leftist parties. Hence why leftist parties in every country are for much stricter gun control.
You're dumb. I never said that they were going to grab guns. I said that they couldn't grab guns even if they wanted to because they were in the midst of a civil war. The rule was no stable for them to deal with the issue of gun rights, pro or anti. To cite them as an example that the left isn't overwhelmingly pro-gun grabby is extremely weak.
And in your communist regimes, guns are grabbed so the citizenry cannot form an armed uprising and people cannot start a private business and defend it with force when the state comes to seize your business and throw you in a camp. Every communist regime had draconian gun laws. No exception. Revolutionary Catalonia lasted for a very short time before getting swiftly crushed. During the entirety of their existence they spent it fighting a civil war. This is your example of successful anarchism? lmao.
The NRA was fudd as shit half a century ago, and they only "stir up controversy" when the left want to pass more gun control you idiot. Even Hernie was in favor of an AWB. The NRA defends your rights.
Sorry but it's factually true. This is how socialists overwhelmingly get into powet and maintain their political grip.
You're probably already on a list for browsing this website.
Getting the thread back on topic…
My raifu + 1080 rounds of cheap fashbash. Any other 5.45 comrades?
What have you done to that poor stock?
Paracord wrap. It's a tubular aluminum stock, tends to get hot in summer / cold in winter. Makes for a more comfortable cheekweld.
Oh, it looked like you had painted it pink/black checkers. Got any more?
Before Stalin came along and destroyed everything yes actually. The original constitution of the USSR gave workers the right to bear arms just like the 2nd amendment.
Can anyone provide me a link to Ian's channel?
Unless you live in Eastern Europe you're going to run out of ammo really quickly. If you're in the West you have to go with 7.62 NATO or 5.56.
Isn't America full of ammo of every type?
And I'm sure if he meant that guns would be taken after the revolution that he woulda said it, you're just projecting your own bullshit onto him. Fuck you for being disingenuous.
Guns are personal property
HAHAHAHA and you believe them, what a faggot. Yknow they lobby right?
Every time someone says that history tends to prove them wrong
I grow tired of your faggotry and 'predictions posed as facts' the point is leftists here support guns including me. Go run back and cry to Holla Forums about how your false dichotomy lefty gungrab narrative was shattered faggot, I'll be here holding mai raifu.
Stop responding to Holla Forumstards. I'ts clear that they are deliberately trying to derail threads like this.
I fucking love it when idiots hoard shit loads of guns that they can't possibly use, and have no friends to share with. More for my comrades.
Of course it's not a gun, but I wanted to get this shit for a while. Just look at this beauty.
It's a shashka of Budyonniy
Is it a meme shotgun or should i get it with a Yugo SKS
This is not a mere weapon, this is a work of fucking art
Here is a link btw, It's in Russian, not sure about international delivery, but still.
http ://rukalibr.com/index.php/shop?page=shop.product_details&flypage=baner.tpl&product_id=285&category_id=61
Mad Max is the accelerationists choice.
Just get the SKS, or better yet, get a shotgun that isn't a 12 year old CoD player's idea of an effective weapon. Just get a Rem 870 or Moss 500.
Get the semi-auto version of a Skorpion for cheap and when capitalism collapses, file it down into automatic and use it for moped drive-bys.
We Greek anarchists now.
I don't own any guns though, should I buy an AK and a pistol then if he wins?
Get the AK74, longer range and less kickback at the cost of penetration.
Sounds good, is he going to be legalizing suppressors too?
I didnt like this until I saw the little Marx face. Now I really really want it.
You guys are both wrong. Get a domestic calibre. Fuck get an AR and you can literally loot parts and ammo from porky soldiers.
Listen to cat poster
In the US, SKS is no longer $200. Skip it and get an AR for not much more. Shotguns are also not really combat weapons. They can be used for breaching, though, and you should have them for the guys that are going to do that if you're planning shit like that. Though, if you're planing to have fully-featured rifle platoons, you want to try to get SAWs and MG analogues, or get as close as you can. Those things are really what bring the heat. Remember, that machinegunning is an art and a science.
I remember reading about a guy who lived through the Yugoslav Wars in a besieged city without supplies. He said that he now keeps well a stocked supply cache, and he specifically mentioned how he dislikes AKs severely, but still keeps one because it's so common in that area, ammo and parts are plentiful.
When it comes down to it your choice of rifle should be based on practicality, not what you personally like the best. In North America ARs are the obvious choice. Both the Canadian and U.S. armies use them, the design is reliable, they're light, relatively inexpensive, ammo and parts are plentiful, etc. The only reason I haven't got one is because they are restricted here and I don't want the government breathing down my neck. In a situation like that you should be aiming for something that can at least still use ammo that your enemies will be using, which literally leaves you with .308, 5.56, and 9mm PB. Anything else is a waste of time and money.
Explain, do I build an AR or buy one? What would be some good models to look for? What are some good secondary weapons?
Depends, building can be dirt-cheap, but whole rifles are also cheap right now. Earlier in the thread I linked you to a nice upper by Troy, and that comes with sights. Generally, you should be able to build the lower and buy a complete upper. That requires the least amount of skill building things. However, if you're being diligent and getting together with other socialists, you only need one "armorer", which is what I did for the people I work with. I built some of their rifles and they didn't need to invest in tools. Generally you want several things in your rifle:
1) A 4150 CMV barrel with either chrome lining or melonite. It need not be CHF, so don't worry too much about that.
2) At least 1:8 twist, though I personally prefer 1:7. With this you can shoot heavier ammo, and it holds up well under very cold conditions.
3) MPI parts and proper gas key staking. This is so common, that if you don't see it, it probably isn't worth your time. It's like brown MMs.
4) Rails are optional, but I highly recommend them. The MOE handguards have attachments available too, so don't be afraid to try. This is not really so you can have tacticool angled grips, but so you can mount lights and IR lasers (if you have nods), so that you can do night shit. Failing that, you could always use tritium sights, but you still won't be able to fully identify your target. Don't use lights outside, though.
Generally stick to mil-spec shit. This is the minimum quality you want, but you can deviate. If you do choose to get a melonite barrel, be aware that taking it full-auto is going to decrease its lifespan compared to something that is chrome lined. That didn't use to be an issue, but now we have binary triggers and whatnot. As for brands, I own a BCM, and have owned other more pricey brands. Radical Firearms seems to be a good budget option, but PSA makes great rifle kits too, just don't get their PTAC line.
Citation needed
Do these work well?
That's not what I said you stupid fuck. As I have stated repeatedly, that quote is referring to arms in a specific context which is to establish a uprising and overthrow capitalism. Again, you should read where the quote came from instead of cherry-picking it out of the context it was uttered. Marx is completely silent on private gun ownership out of the context of being used for a revolution. We don't know what his stance was on private gun ownership after le ebin revolution.
I meant private business and other private property (such as land) you idiot. Not guns.
Every leftist regime in history passed extremely strict gun laws and all leftist parties worldwide support extrenely restrictive gun laws. You didn't shatter shit other than go "b-but anarchist catalonia didn't grab the guns so btfo" in which I explained that they couldn't do so either way because they were in the midst of a civil war and lasted an extremely short time. A piss-poor example.
You also say blatantly dumb shit such as socialist democrats being right wing which is false. Accept the fact that all communist regimes had extremely strict gun control and all leftist parties in every country support much more stringent gun laws. Gun rights greatest enemy is the left.
Lenin literally said that the army should be replaced with an armed mass of citizen soldiers. He wanted proles to be armed at all times.
You realize that even if this is true it makes no difference right? If other leftists don't support gun rights then whatever, but WE do.
This is litterally the single greatest thread this board has ever had.
Who will defend us white christian males then?
Now us /brit/fags need an edit so we know which ones are legal :(
Ni🅱️🅱️a you will be lucky to legally carry a spork.
Apply this.
she ran in my state, I can confirm this is very real. saw signs for it all the time in November
What state, and she lost right?
fuggen googs >:DD :DDD
Eh, you need permits and conclusive training. I am pretty sure you have to keep them at guns clubs and open carry is highly illegal (you will get done for having a knife in the UK).
Build a STEN, faggot.
North Carolina, she lost big league
And do 14 years? Yeah thanks no thanks.
Also, to have a firearm's license in the UK, you need to have a "valid reason", so basically you need to be a part of a shooting club as "self defense" is not a valid reason. You could say it is restrictive, but at the same time there have been four mass shootings in the last four decades.
Nope. This only applies to pistols, which are legal under several technicalities. You just need to meet a firearms officer, have no criminal record and be of sound mind to own a firearm.
Sport is a valid reason.
Mass shootings are a non-issue. Notice that in the US they don't seem to care about urban violence that mostly affects the poor. They care because it's violence happening to mostly well-off people in nice places. They're a red herring. I bet people in the UK still have violence in poor neighborhoods and still have killings among the poor. The only thing is that you aren't fighting a drug war over there.
From what I am reading, you need a firearms license for everything that is not a shotgun (for which you need a shotgun licence).
As for sport, yeah it is. I am looking at joining a shooting club when I go to uni (I've always liked WWI-style blot action lee enfields).
Yeah, there is still that violence although the "gangs" (the ones chavs run) can barely get a gun between them: it is almost always knifings in those situations. As for the harder gangs, like the foreign mafias or domestic Layercake style ones, they will get guns regardless so that isn't the point.
I mean having such tight gun laws means that the regular police officers are not allowed to carry guns also, which means the US issue of proles getting shot on the regular doesn't happen because recruit smith can't get trigger happy.
That's also a rare issue, and the effect is that the people are disarmed. Trust me, when things get tough, they'll issue guns to those cops to keep you in line. Gun control should never have been implemented there. As for building a STEN, don't obviously as that was a joke of sorts, but be ready to do it if necessary. What I'm saying is be 80% of the way to almost anything you're going to want that isn't currently legal. Make it plausibly deniable and if shit really does go down, finish the rest because then it won't matter.
However, I have to ask, how many people have you gathered up that can fight or can be made ready to fight?
Yeah, it's all licensed, but the licenses shouldn't be too hard to get for an average person. Note that you can get semi-automatic magazine fed shotguns, which makes this USAS12 legal. If you were to put slugs in it it would be as good as an assault rifle in a built up place like the UK. It's mostly a knee-jerk propaganda law and typical of the Tories to put in and of Labour to refuse to repeal.
Unfortunately I don't think the leftypol favourite - the SKS, qualifies (pretty sure it's semi-auto 7.62). A Nugget or the Lee-Enfield would though.
If you're in the UK, you should focus on long-range precision shooting, I think. You don't lose any functionality from the full military shit, and you don't have to do retarded work-arounds.
So why did the USSR have extremely stringent gun laws then? Also the Bolsheiviks confiscated guns from the peasants.
You don't represent the left though, you are not the trend. You know it in your heart that the only reason you can own guns in Canada is beacuse of the CPC.
You are the pinnacle of autism.
get a job.
It's telling that when a reactionary faggot runs into evidence that counters his world view, he doesn't revise it. Instead, he claims that you're not a "real socialist", or that you don't really exist.
Because immediately after Lenin's death the entire thing went to shit and lost any pretense of being actually socialist.
From the Black Army peasants maybe, who were at war with the Bolshevik government, and were also Anarchists so they're another refutation about "muh leftists hate guns" nonsense.
I don't give two shits what neutered socdems or tankie red fascists do, I support an armed populace and the vast majority of people here do as well, so stop your autistic "let me tell you what your beliefs are" screeching.
No! Let me tell you what you think, otherwise my beliefs don't make sense!
Oh, if you'd knew…
You're probably gay, aren't you? What a waste of good dick.
Post it or shutup.
this has no bearing on anything. It doesnt matter if the people and views typically called the name "left", IE, the democrats, disagree with us, becauuuuse-
We aren't telling you to support for the democrats.
We don't advocate that anyone vote for the democrats.
The "left-right" spectrum shit is an simplified abstraction. The only thing there really is is people with beliefs.
Basically, Holla Forums commie shit is not the fucking neoliberals or proggies but EVEN MORE!! CUZ THEY'RE ==FURTHER== LEFT!
I know you probably heard the word 'spectrum' from the special education ladies and doctors alot, but peoples actual beliefs don't have to fit on a spectrum from one arbitrarily decided bundle of ideas to some other arbitrarily decided bundle of ideas.
Id post a picture of the gun I used to have but tor users cant upload files :^ )
ITT way too many LARPing and cringey pieces of shit from 4shit/k/
Excuse me user but I would like to interject just for one moment. This meme is not for people who are perhaps autistic and annoying, the asperger is a gentle creature who merely enjoys serious discussion with other people online. Please, do not lump us all in with the stupid children as I personally feel we are a net benefit to the sites we join, and our input is seemingly always valued. Have a good day.
Don't see them much on 8ch, how odd.
Come on now lad.
And yet you chose to post a vague post like that. So I guess you're just retarded, then.
I'm mostly referring to the dumb argument above
I'm not on my home computer. sorry I don't have and super epic meme pics to use
Except the very stringent gun laws came after the revolution during Lenin. They became even more stringent under Stalin though.
So fuck off retarded gun grabbing cunt. You cannot prove your claim that the USSR bad lax gun laws during the early years when it wasn't the case. There was never something like a 2A in the USSR for the general populace.
It isn't just democrats in the US you illiterate retard. Almost every leftist party in the world supports stringent gun laws. I coted multiple countries to prove my case here. You can't screech at those parties being "liberals" retard. They fall under the left wing spectrum of politics, such as socialist democrats for example.
Kill yourself.
we aren't telling you to vote for Canada's version of the democrats either.
or for socdem reformists.
the left-right spectrum doesn't real. its a meme just like the compass.
Political scientists disagree. Even disregarding socdems, communist parties worldwide heavily support stricter gun laws. Take a look at the recent EU directive to tighten gun laws. Almost all the opposition was by right wing parties while almost every leftist party including the majority of official communist parties supported it.
Also here's a history of Russian gun laws.
There was widescale gun confiscation right after the revolution, and then in 1922 they allowed ownership of hunting guns only AFTER obtaining the necessary permits and permission to own said guns only. USSR gun laws were always extremely strict. Fuck off retarded anarchkiddie.
historical communist parties are ML red facists, modern communist parties are socdem liberals just edgier.
either way this is comlpetely meaningless. You aren't saying anything.
I don't care about you retards, I'm pointing out that the vast majority of gun control support comes from leftist parties.
Factually wrong. Suicide now for all these mental gymnastics
And this fact will always upset you heftylolians greatly.
And we want those people to fuck themselves.
See , or even Bernie's resistance to Hillary wanting to sue gun manufacturers.
We have much stronger criticism of reformists than background checks.
nigger you cant call something factually wrong and not support it
explain how liberals are leftists
protip you cant, liberals are factually capitalists, and capitalists are factually right wingers
And people here keep telling you that this doesn't affect our support for gun rights. Don't worry, though, we fully support hanging you from the nearest lamp post, so no guns for you.
Did the Holla Forumsyp get lost on his way here? Fucking hell, you right wingers are dumb.
hes been coming for almost a week.
This must be another one of those alternative facts.
Question for comr8s here.
Used to own an extensive amount of funs but had to rid of most to pay bills when things went south awhile ago. Been slowly rebuilding stuff but as a poorfag for the moment I'm divided between finding a sub $400 Type 56 SKS or getting one of those M&P 15's that frequently are under $500 as of late.
Obviously would prefer the AR for its uses, but I've not had any extensive experience with that model other than a few rounds out of it. Are they worth it? I'm also keeping in mind having to buy mags and optics which add cost. If they're not worth I may find some Yugo AK lying around because I like them, not just because I can invoke Tito's wrathful ghost against porkies either.
He just wants class conscious people to be disarmed
What time is it?
M&P 15 has some fucky twist rates and steels, and for that money, you can get a Radical Firearms, or build something. Don't get an SKS. It's cool for collecting, but not really a modern rifle, and before you say aftermarket mag adapters, just know those suck shit and will turn your gun into a jam-o-matic.
Yes, it's the only reasonable rifle for the American socialist, and they're cheap as fuck. Not only that, but now they have binary triggers for them, so you could lay down high volume of fire if you need to GTFO somewhere.
Mags and optics definitely add to the price, but at least you have the option of mags and optics. SKS has no such options and they're not really that cheap anymore.
For the record, the AK is also a fine choice, but they're too expensive right now and aren't really standardized.
meme guns for meme revolutionaries
For the last time, I already gave you an example of hard communist parties in Europe supporting gun control. They are not liberals. Even disregarding that, social democracy falls on the left. It's just much closer to the center than an ancom party. You're like the Muslims who screm "THEY ARENT TRUE MUSLIMS!"
Again you thick fuck. Leftism does not equate to abolishing capitalism in its entirety. This is like saying the only way for someone to be a rightist is to be a fascist. You're beyond retarded.
I already gave you examples of hard left parties in Europe supporting much stricter gun laws. You have no rebuttal here besides "MUH LIBRULS AND RED FASHYCISTS." Blow your head off you cretinous cunt. Disregarding that though, again social democracy falls on the left. It's just closer to the center than an ancom party for instance.
This cesspool is not representative of the left. Almost all gun control support comes from leftist parties worldwide. So stop shitting up /k/ because you are insufferable.
Your point being? We still don't care. Fuck off.
Again, it makes no difference what other leftists did. We are pro gun and you are just screeching like a retard because we violate your preconceived notions.
Also peasants were petty bourgeois, no shit the Bolsheviks tried to take their guns.
Cool, no one is asking you to like the "left", as long as they're on the way of revolution we'll fight them too.
Thanks, I'll be squirreling away my pennies and at very least check out the Radical Firearms AR's. There seems to be a few neat package deals as well that'd help me on getting a full loadout going.
Only probably gonna go AK now if others have a boner for it.
Holla Forums the fuck am I supposed to do about this?
Don't vote and just keep one illegally. Voting only legitimizes bourgeois rule.
Embrace accelerationism and it's no longer a contradiction.
Make sure everyone working with you has the same type of rifle. This, unfortunately, is going to be a collective decision.
SKS has never been banned under Democrats, IDK what you're bitching about.
The lack of voting doesn't seem to ilegitimize it.
SKS is a shit rifle compared to an AR-15. Don't kid yourself, and anyway, we should vote for whoever facilitates revolution. Democrats are still a capitalist party.
4/fit/ sticky is pretty foolproof
Get a Saiga
I don't know. These are his stats. Maybe start playing more baseball.
Vote Libertarian, you're an anarchist goddamnit, why would you anything to do with democrats?
Second, Democrats goal is total gun ban. The SKS is a gun.
Why didn't they do it when they had the majority then?
Dont defend democraps.
This is pretty retarded too tho tbh.
Dems didn't do a lot of things when they had the majority. Plus, their prime goal is selling out to the banks. Notice that they did indeed try to get registration going under the guise of "background checks". Look, I'm not saying Republicans are cool. I'm just staying Democrats aren't your friends, no matter how many bones they throw your way. Their goal is civilian disarmament. In California you can't even buy ammo without a background check. It's ridiculous.
There was a huge amount of push back by both people, small groups, firearms related businesses, and the NRA. Plus in the American system just simple having a majority does not mean you can have unchecked power. The Republican party just because the 'party of no' for the time and just blocked everything that Democrats tried.
Vote for 2A Socialists in the Dem primary.
well its better for no one to have guns anyway, i dont know y u r worried
fucking gunfags go back to Pol
Those don't exist.
Wrong and fuck off.
Holla Forums, we can tell it's you because of the poor sentence structure and lack of capitalization or punctuation.
All you need is a rear sight. Get on this if you can, retards.
I'm not. The reason Dems constantly act like they want to ban guns is to pander to a minority of ideologue voters. They're lying about it, and it's just another one of the fake issues that Republicans and Democrats agree to fight over. They want weapons manufacturers to get good sales just as much as the Republicans do.
What the fuck does this mean? They didn't do any of the things they promised, because they actually don't want to. Period, the end.
So? That's predictable. Either the Dems want the gun ban and they'll do it regardless, or they're actually lying.
Just like Trump didn't want to repeal the ACA. No, the Dems are just incompetent. The reason their little bills didn't get through is because they were blocked by members of their party and basically all of the Republicans. I know, because I watched CSPAN when that shit went down. I was there when they were trying to bring AWB back, and trying to institute the registry. When they were using Sandy Hook as another rallying cry for more gun control. You must be a special sort of retard to think Dems don't want gun control.
You have to go back.
Its not the same thing. I'm talking about real military manuel with combat methods
If you are in the market for a gun and looking st getting anything other than an AR you are doing it wrong. They are cheap as fuck right now and are the ultimate working mans rifle. Light, easy to use and versatile. Pic related cost me 530 from PSA and i got magpul furniture, 4150 nitride barrel, m4 feed ramps and a staked castle nut. Want a nugget too but I spent all my money on firearms that are actually useful and don't want to drop 250 on something which only has sentimental/symbolic value at this point. Commie shit ain't the bargain it used to be
Nice! How do you like the folding stock?
You stock up, man. 5.45 is not expensive. We already saw conventional wisdom tested when the ammo nobody could buy for a while was
And the irony was that many people chose those calibers because they thought they would be most available. That's not put down those rounds, they're all great, but that really shouldn't factor in for most of people. Just maintain a stockpile, the real opportunities for buying or trading for ammo past WROL are very limited.
Could Ian be any more of /ourguy/?
Can we start making commie edits of him like what Holla Forums did with Zyklon Ben?
Don't get the Yugoslavian one, it's not chromed.