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I won't do that.

im not trying to stop u


no fucking way it's already December...

it's got me fucked up

23 days till my birthday

it'll be a month shes been gone soon..

there he is

what are you getting me


they say it gets faster with age


i've heard once you hit 20 it's all a blur

save me

Kurisumasu is the shit tho

A seifuku lmao

Blood chan ruined my highschool days
I hope they get hit by a bus or killed by a pack of niggers


how big is ur bikko folder

you're right

If it weren't Bloodchan, someone else would ruin your youth.

Be thankful it isn't someone worse.

not bikko enough.

how old will you by then?

Maybe Santa will finally bring me some rope this year


its already gotten p fast

Can't see it that way man
life would have been much better if blood chan hadn't interfered and I probably would have had a chance of getting back in a stable mindset years faster than it took me to


god damn

oh i missed this
quit acting like a whiny bitch u freak
also i love u bard

hell yea dude

kill me

I know, I know.
I see a unstable mindset as 'Something to rebuild', to restrengthen your cause

Brings me back man

I see it more as 'ruin your credibilitty and alienate everybody you may have called friend while constantly being ridiculed by everyone around you'

bard i sent you a super secret message on discord

whn ur're like "i need to make more tea before i make another joint" but then you find you still have tea


needs more rare bikkos


id offer a folder swap but i think u might just have a bunch of ugly rare bikkos totally not worth my exquisite rare bikkos

excuse I

may your next year be more filled with stuff. apparently the more dynamic memories you have, the longer chunks of time seem. like when you were a kid, every experience was dynamic. keep doing more stuff. reading more stuff. never become a chronic toker or drinker. /rant

How can some insignificant virtual gore fan ruin you so much?

Then again, I'd say being young and impressionable, I don't blame you

I had a few stuff ruined by online gimps.
You're stronk boy now, don't let it get to you.


Don't talk shit about my bikkos.

that makes a lot of sense actually

i always am venturing into new things so hopefully that helps

also i dont do either of those besides light drinking so should be fine there too


highschool wasnt the greatest
I didnt have alot of friendsand my brother got sent to rehab so I was on my own for alot of the time
I used to post from like 5 p.m to like 5 a.m daily
and the people in the threads then were fucking dicks
I took a small break because I think my computer broke and then when I came back all those newer people like grim and them had come in and all the old dudes who I had posted with were fading out so I didnt have much positive bias going for me
all the popular and liked posters disliked me
I would have probably left or something but alice let me go to alice chat and so I pretty much quit these threads for a good long while
then alice let in mgd and blood chan and so i came back here and just kinda adapted
dont remember how I got back to neutral status
still man not fucking fun when the whole thread and then some are having at you


it makes fucking sense because it's true. but it's one thing to know the general rules to frame your life by, and another to live your life by them. pretty much everything is easier than moderation and healthy self-awareness. but that's what works in the long term according to science, but not your brain. your brain is dumb and doesn't really concern itself with events a ways away. /rant

au revoir.

I think most people here like you now at least.

I care about you bard


if only people liked me as much as bard ;~;

how can you dislike bard idgi

bard is soo liked... im jelly

posting shit like that is a contributing factor

not too shabby
i dont really remember that much about what happened then but there was some crazy shit lol

Thank you erin and her dog :3

The thread loves you

I love you

erins dog loves you

Luke loves you

yea sry i dont actually know

ye its flatterig but embarassing
it's appreciated I love this community like my family even if i hate alot of the people here : /



I listed everyone I hate in the thread a few nights ago.

Wanna see it ?



DO i ???!??

Don't know what more to say.
I don't have many friends either, so this place would have to do, Solitary is Depressions' greatest friend.

I know how it is, when your shitty little hole is now filled with more shitty people, it feels like you ain't got other place to go.

Yeah, sorry for thinking that such a problem was a 'small issue', only just realized posting was what you had at the time.

How is thing going on now with you?

Get more friends then, there are always enough people to get behind your sweetness.


"and I turn the six upside down, it's a nine now" - Drake

I hate

Lenko, Boo, Lexi, Mana/flan, Goggles, Dustyny, Desertpony, Anonthony, Manaka, Spoliers, Freckles, Gilgamesh, Wallace.

I'm sure i'm missing some other cunts.

it's k.

all Bikkos are good Bikkos.





I don't think you're smart enough to understand.

try harder

Wow, Kafka is awesome.
Didn't know how baller he was.

omg fs drake

oh and Dad/Kermit

no i am pleased by this result

You should treat me better.

Shit's fucking great now man, it's fucking amazing

Everyone I got hooked on is gone and not being public property constantly doing that flirting bs in front of me so I havent really been pissed off in quite a while.
I have a best friend I get to see just about every day or 2, and all the snakes I had in my friends group have reveealed themselves to me
I've got like 4 or 5 people in my friends group now that I would trust with my life and keep company with at least on a weekly basis. Small but efficient. My v brother had a kid and we drifted apart after rehab so thats kind of lame. I still see him every now and then but it's a little awkward.

The people who have stuck with me through all the bullshit in this place and the one before I have added up on facebook
or at least a few of them

I got to experiment with great and also terrible drugs and decided to voluntarily give up most drugs
I really just vape weed now dont even smoke. I don't really have much flashbacks and my mind feels about how it felt before it all, the paranoia and constnt anxiety rarely even poke their head up in the past few months. Don't deal with depression as often and all.

People from this community have been overlly and incomprehensibly generous to me. I've gotten a few games, a bass guitar and a fucking mac computer
graduted highschool early and have a steady job
havent moved out but me and my best friend have some plans to.

I have my qualms and thers still things that bother me but compared to the troubles then and how hopefless that shit felt it's gravy
this is probably the easiest portion of my life. I have a sleep schedule I'm happy with and I can afford to have things I like, and to help support my family

Thanks for asking scanner I've been wanting to get that out forever but nobody really ever much cared.
are things better for you now than they were then?

You should be less stupid.

I hate kermit more than anybody else
Probably the worst character of anybody i have ever met in my entire life

It doesn't work that way.

i don't mean to butt it but that was lovely to read, i'm glad you're doing okay now.

thanks for reading
it seems pretty small i guess but to me it's the whole world ya know?

What about you erin, I know you've definately had your share of troubles of the years
whats up with you?

I've only seen him a few times but his logic is retarded.

I was just a prank

Back to square 1, just after I got over my drug binge that time and I feel a little bit perturbed over that, but I found I can enjoy my horror now.

Working in the toystore after jumping from job to job.

Still have my booze and videogames to keep me company.

I think I'm MILES much more wiser as I was once.

Got myself a new therapist, good news, I don't have anxiety; bad news is I'm considerate to have depression now.

I believe I'm onto something when I can get drunk and stream videogames as a sort of 'Ultra Hobby'.

Everyone who has been a total dick to me or wronged me is either suffering or gotten into worse situations, which I savor in my bitterness.

Otherwise, life is great, as awkward as it is.

as a manipulative person, it's easy to recognize manipulation esp when it's so blatant

All I need is something to focus on, keep my house tidy, find out how to move out to a better house and get things sorted; otherwise, everything is good.

Are you calling me manipulative ?

Love ya scan man
and personally i think depression is easier to cope with than anxiety but thats just me yknow

Jobs are the backbone of a good life I feel my dude and Im glad you got on one for now
i remember you always having some trouble there

ugh... w/e

peoples lives are interesting man, i mean we mostly see each other like every day so it's nice to be able to invest in each others lives and stuff.

too much to recount

but right now is lovely, i'm sitting with my dog on the sofa and we're both having nice things, she's having big dog bone biscuit things, and im having tea and hash joints, and everything is nice.

no, me
I don't really know you

Oh, and I came to terms with how my degree is worthless and I wasted 4 years of my life.

Now it is just like err... 'a foundation of my magnum opus' rather than a totally bad thing... if I can just figure out what I can work towards to.

dropped out myself here :/
at least you stuck it through to the end
It's not worhtless, that's quite an achievement
Might not help now but you have the rest of your life it may come in handy
and even if not, it's a testament, a medal to what you accomplished
that's 4 years of work, mman

Yeah, it really is.
It isn't so much as 'fight or flight' anymore but rather a more deep, dark, contemplative funk that befuddles your thoughts rather than your routine and body.

I like to think every moment, bad or good, will accumulate into my great collection of ill-fitting knowledge that will one day manifest in some sort of physical media.

In what way are you manipulative?

If you don't beleive that I am, then I'm doing a good job at it

You haven't manipulated me in any way.

bard stop being edgy

It was the silly bullshit I went through that I value, not the studies themselves.

How to edit 30 hours of footage in 3 days straight under stress in 10 hour shifts.

How to further understand companies and videogames and how they sell

I forgot about the great eras of film, forgot information about directors and that and thematic elements but maybe that isn't important; not what I focus on about the nature of what I like and what I'd like to write about.

Being bulky is a great counter for edginess.

thats right
I've never really known you or interacted iwtht you too much actually

cant say I was trying to hide anything
i'm not a bad person and Its not like thats all I do
Its just been a visible trait of me in the past few years if I'm being honest

that's right, I ahave always pictured college or uni as more of an experience than as a class but i idnt stay with it to long :p

and this is why i am not edgy

Example, if one where to say

It is better to send a funny webm, and discuss that 'Being worthless is a good thing, imagine the stress you have to go to maintaining and accruing worth that you have no love for?' in a humorous way.

Witness the grognik, the antithesis of being an edgelord.


It is one of those characteristics that can go so fucking wrong most of the time, but can actually be pulled off and be cool.

Being edgy is hard, man, no one ever understands. lol

I'm an animal

Whoops, what I was about to say is there are many different paths that can either hinder or strengthen you.

Glad you found out early that it wasn't for you.

I mean, shit, people argue that joining the army is an experience; and as much as I love guns... FUCK EXERCISE

certainly an interesting one


glad youre not in the army, I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO ENJOY YOUR PRESCENCE
also you might die and thats pretty sad

Have you ever seen a wild beast that you were sure wouldn't bite ?

Could you imagine though?

I'd be such a terrible soldier.
However, I would love doing being an army equivalent of being a janitor; and doing stock checks and stuff.

i used to catch snakes and i've caught a bunny rabbit before
But you need to hodl the mright or they will bite you
Asid from that Im only ever around domesticated animals
Cows are pretty cool dudes

Like, I'd get to whack camel spiders with a broom, pick up gun shells in dangerous deserts, do a bit of night watch and unblock the nastiest of toilets.


I'll bite you if you don't hold me right.


Right, time to get back home, get booze and get cigs and get drunk and stream.

See you guys soon.

see ya scn mate


Watch your back.

don't, Im fragile

nnnnnaah ive seen some really god awful bikkos

so quit whining all the time

It will only hurt for a second.

I'm very sensitive...



I'm gonna sleep now

Don't miss me

*waits for replies*

sleep well, banpettu


ayy bard

hai qt wat is uppu?

just chilling and stuff
procrastinating doing the things i need to

I am playing a ww 1 shooty :3
what are you procrastuanating? :o

the assignment ive got on compilers thats due in at 2pm tomorrow





Aaaaand my internet connection hit the data cap again.







tfw no pet cyan

shes the cutest things ive seeeen i my entire life

she's pretty adorable yeah

I need my nipples sucked:stuck_out_tongue:
:raised_hands: booty rubbed :raised_hands:
:kissing_closed_eyes: neck kissed :kiss:
and p:sweat_drops: ssy ate :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

lol there was hash stuck to the bottom of my watch and my wrist has a stain from absorbing the wholesome cannabis goodness

my no mans sky game case has a hash stain in it from storing my stash in there

be careful with that fam~

so much luck based

you ever do dabs orin?


dabs take all the fun out of it

wat r dabs

They are like concentrat thc goo
They are kind of similiar to hash

like with sticky black or honey oil


yeah! They are usually supposed to be more amber colour but most dabs i get are thicker
like shatter wax if you know what that is

more sticky

I agree, dabs make weed not fun anymoore

you will get sick of them after a while

Britishers are a savage and primal people

we have that, but we donut say "do dabs" or call stuff dabs. we just call that stuff by name, liek honey oil, honey glass, etc. and we smoke it

I dont do them too much I am happier vaping
but my best friend loves them

only smoke it? Dont put it on a superheated nail?

i think my VPS is liek DDoS or something

no sites loading, no SSH access, it won't even let me reboot it from the host's website

oh, hotknife. we use a butter knife and the cooker, lol

some of them are respectful tho.

dabs is relatively new. uses a rig to heat the hash/glass. uber potent.

thats groovy as fuck

Have I missed anything?

oh. i am too oldskool :x

i love the limeys

nig rig a dab rig
hotbox a lunchbox
action league now


is Scoots full Britbong or part something else?


tfw coughing
tfw blamed of dabbing

please dabs are gewwwd. i still like bubble hash better though, it's cleaner.


i wanna eat it

pls gib ;~;

i like weed more but hash is cheaper.

weed is more sociable



ooookk bedtim

and now i made a menu item for that

roll it up light it up smoke it up inhale exhale





don't ignore me you fucking twat

Rachel Maddow and sobriety.
Maddow is over and still sober.



nothing. sobriety is just as good as intoxication.

Sleep beats them both.

true. will be sleepy in X hours. just a matter of waiting. only to be sober and awake again to wait to be asleep again to awake again to wait to be asleep again

Sleep is like flirting with death.
An open relationship with it really.

Who has discord?
I'm going to do a Sunless Sea stream now and recording.
Who wants in?

sleep feels amazing...


I don't understand Sunless Sea enough to enjoy playing it. Let alone watch it.

Especially when you have vivid dreams.

those are sick

#ï½°{;Uï½¢rè‹… > !RapeErinmI

You fancy having a chat whilst I play it?
Make this an Holla Forums discord for the day?

Have them often?

I just woke up, so I'll have to pass for now. Maybe if a few others join. I am bad at one on one.

unless you have a different game you have in mind, like death road to canada or something.

Is cool.
I'm trying to find my sweet spot in recording and streaming and stuff.

If I could recall what I used I would say to use it, but it's been ages.

recently, and here and there, usually if I nap during the day. they tend to be adventure themed. but I can't recall a single one of them :3

I can generally recall chunks of mine. I sleep in bursts though so it is all disconnected.

I think I'm just record by myself, is this a good idea? Whilst drunk?

I want someone beside me.

you don't sleep like a normal person? ie. night to morning for 5+ hours?

do nut. enjoy vidya. enjoy music.

Not really. I have sleep issues.

Well, I shut down the brakes and gonna play more dota. See you in a bit.

exercise helps baka


I'm still kind of shaking from the controller vibrating.

i'm happy for you :)

That fish is bigger, and heavier in game, than I am in real life.


More like reel life, ammirite? :^)


My arms and torso still feel like they're shaking against the controller.

That's enough fishing for one day..

I dunno. Depends on if there's another boss fish to catch.

whats a boss fish

The fishing equivalent of a boss monster?

I dunno, I thought that was obvious.

When is new thread?
Can I make a new one?

Dag, you wanna join on mic again?
I'm streaming.

Was the movie version of this any good?

I read the manga, and I can't possibly imagine it condensing well into a movie.

Idk I haven't seen it sadly

I say that having loved the manga. It was just that it was 60 some chapters and there was a lot of character development that had to happen.

Aren't you one of those nerds that watches everything?

If it was available I would've seen it

Oh, it's hard to get ahold of?

Fair enough.

Very ;;
I think there's only been screenings in Japan, first time I'll probably see it is a UK screening later this month

If it's half as good as the manga it will make you cry.

Nice I love that ^^


hibike yuri undertones euphonium

Does ikt stand for or mean anything?

Bad pun on Dutch grammar rules when I was 12 on a guestbook of a classmates .tk website.


Your old name was superior.

What was it?

You would call a port-a-potty a fine eating establishment.

Wasn't it Rainbow Swag or something equally horrifying?


Rainbow Swag.

I mean, it was nothing to be proud of, but I prefer it over ikt.

Yeh that's after Emily and ikt tho

Heck my first was GrandMaster_T or something my cousins came up with for me.

What a horrifying name.

It's still my go-to email though.

Why did you choose it?

I don't know. I would have stopped me.

Heck I had a Rainbow Dash wallpaper unironically.

I have an emily wallpaper unironically.


Sometimes I can't tell if it's dead or just people I filter posting.

You're adorable.

I unironically rock an Initial D wallpaper now.

I wish you were dead

why does this keep happening

It's dead

I watched the Chinese movie of that a few years ago when someone streamed it. The experience was ghastly.


I like this one-finger selfie trend.

That was the worst thing I watched.

The anime is good though.




i wonder if theyre are any cute boys doing that pose

that's gay you fuck

ur a gay fuck

thats so fucking gay

Cyber me.


please excuse my brain damage


this makes me nervous because i fucking love vagina but i'm dating a man

ok *puts it in*


aren't you a cum dumpster

not for you im not

Well, then you aren't the most gayest fuck.

kinda wanna see ikt do that post tbh





i hope not




itsn ever enough

"The instant invite is invalid or has expired."


I'd put you on my shelf



why are there no visual studio alternatives



Death Stream to Canada is on, who wants to join mic?

Scratch that, making Sims 3 stream



nobody is getting paid to make one?

I'm like, over twice the level of the things I'm fighting.

But they all have death and it's starting to get annoying.

the fish have health?

I'm not fishing anymore, I'm doing quests and hunts and seeing if I can find any dungeons to clear.

to what end?

So when I get to the end of the game, everything's already done.

way to plan ahead

The current story quest's level is 29.
My party's level is 50.

I might be more than a bit ahead of the game.

that can be fun

What game are you playing?


In it's own way, I suppose.

Final Fantasy XV

I want to cuddle the white vulpix

Post something, quickly


Is it a bit unfair to use the entire magical arsenal of your ancestors in a sparring match?

Just so we're clear, when I'm using Armiger, I basically have an infinite hit combo, and teleporting/blocking/dodging doesn't cost mp.



Something is not right with her panties

She has a dick.
Don't judge.

I have a lot of art of her that was drawn shortly after her design was revealed, there is indeed a few imperfections.

Nothing wrong with dicks tho.


I have no idea who she is^^

my life is a mess

My exams are a mess

don't do exams

Then my life turns into a mess

my ACW is a pain in the arse and im tired

shut up darwing ;;

Yeah shut up Darwin

The latest ship moe blob.


Neru I bought a kanelsnurrer yesterday and I ate it today and it got kinda stale ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Oh, I don't watch any anime at all so I wouldn't know


There is a KC anime but it's not very good, it's a crappy browser game with tons of cute designs, which in turn generate tons of fan art and dojins.

this game is hard

Yeah, got sad.
Not as sad as my previous League game though.

I can dig that. I'm terribly picky with my doujins tho

That is no excuse to lose that awfully.

I think I broke the boss.
He fell like this at, like, 80% health.

don't worry i'm back


(that was not the one I lost though)

Be still my heart.

From the look of that screenshot, it appears that it was a close one.

Looks like it was a good ol' fashioned base race.

The quest that made me fight that boss was level 45.

There's a hunt for that boss that's level 58.

Do you think there's a stat difference, or is it just the game being silly, and I'll get the 16.5k gil when I accept that hunt?

My soul is quivering~♪

I enjoy listening to The Weeknd

How gay am I?

fucking finally

you had sex with a man. Music tastes are irrelevant at that point.

I'm sure.

Every time Loco posts I think hes Luka for half a second.


sticking your dick inside a very attractive male isn't as gay as listening to mainstream pop/r&b



Crippling disappointment


Doesn't this make you feel all groovy?
Gives me that nostalgic feeling of when you're walking into a club while rolling or coked out and the music hits you like a truck

Admitting a male is attractive isn't gay, and therefore isn't gayer than listening to mainstream rap or r&b.

Fucking a male, regardless of attractiveness, is gayer than listening to either.

Trying to rationalize it is even gayer than that, though.


That's not to say I'm not basically the gayest one here in Cupcake's absence.

Because you are tranny scum

And Im supposed to believe the 24 year old motherfucker who is autistic and only plays pokemon?

it was pretty weird

the one I lost was because I overestimated how strong phoenexies was against mutalisks

If i say ur gay ur gay

No, that is not why you lost.

We get it, scoots, you only ever have one insult, and aren't creative enough to be able to come up with more.

Just stop posting.

I was in mental health courses.

aaa really

was it because I had no other army

Mental Health, and Sociology.
Also a course about interviewing, which is not quite what you're thinking.

I was also in physics courses until the last time I was in college, as well as advanced mathematics.

Like, there are more reasons to consider what I say than to ignore it.

Dirty. Tranny. Scum.

Dunce class

Scoots, I was of the understanding that you were a learned individual.
Why are you so eager to display otherwise?

You took all those classes and you're still socially retarded

what's the difference between being in mental health courses and watching a load of fucking psych videos on youtube

unless you have a degree it doesn't mean anything

Basically, only thickies take sociology. Dumbass

Where do i get my unibrow degree like rin?



That's a nice thing to do, even if not many cut it for you, the ones that do are worthy of many reads.


rin firing back with some really powerful comebacks here folks its like the trenches of ww1 just bombshells dropping everywhere

Sociology is for those thick as shit middle class kids who still have to go to college and be a legacy.
Too thick to learn proper subjects






Loco, there's no reason for me to bother.
You guys won't listen anyway, and it's the fucking internet.

"Shit nigger, just saw that poet laureate nobel prize dude... he majored in sociology" said no one ever

✨ ✨
✨ ✨
✨ ✨
✨ ✨

Y-y-y-you wont l-l-listen

✨ ✨
✨ ✨

Rin just shut up already

The best way to shut us up is to stop posting

We can't make fun of you if you aren't posting

Come on, use your head for once

You know, Rin.
You tend to bitch about other people being riled up over internet shit, but you don't tend to react to people with grace either.

Stop rin 2016

Soto, you're retarded if you think that has ever actually made things stop.

Allow me to reiterate, it's the internet.

If you want to see me apply any sense of social grace, come to Canada, and have a conversation with me.
Or, like.
Take the time to try to get to know me.

Id sooner practice kissing with a loaded shotgun

"I was only pretending to be retarded."

Plus I don't really have an interest in you as a person so I will take you at face value as that seems to be how you want us to see you.


More like RINtarded


Pretty much.
That's about how much give to most of you anyway.

You're just making yourself look more retarded by not shutting up

Like even Squash agrees

Poor, tortured tranny scum

Off to work again.

You just kind of come off as childish in most conversations.

I'd rather keep our interactions brief and straightforward. If you won't act with some kind of genuine nature then no reason to bother.

Perfectly fair.

Is that what it is?

Does that mean I'm more mature than Rin?

It isn't hard, Soto.


But you're older tho

Shouldn't you at least try?

Why bother when online?

Cause it unconciously becomes a habit

Hasn't happened yet.

You don't realize it has happened until it's too late lol

tfw you learn high templars do not basic attack

Thanks for the concern. I think?


USPS guy decides to write "receptacle blocked" and not even fucking appear on my street tonight

lazy fucking pieces of shit



my season high was 3417






I woke up early and had breakfast but again felt not going to school. guess i'll play LoL again even if I don't play it.



@ Grim

Now I gotta wait fucking 12 hours before I can evolve it.


Post Cyan instead

i wish i could but i can't access my external

The more I look at that leg the weirder it looks.

What happened with it?

What happened?

This is awful news

I feel like there is something wrong with this sentence, but i can't seem to point it


sssh, not so loud. They'll notice, they'll kill me! Come with me to that dark alley.

Grammatically? I could say that felt and school should be interchanged to get a less awkward sentence. Should have the capital letter G for 'guess' and add 'actually' between don't play. Also add 'often' to the last sentence.

Or do you mean something different?


Welcome back.. Stranger

no idea just stopped working

Also hi mananananananaka.

Nono, not grammatically, never grammatically.

it's uhh

It's about the game you're going to play even though you dont play it!

Come on, i'm just trying to talk to you ;-;

I'm happy to hold you in my arms again, Erin.

Come with me, we are going around the town.


Thank you, stranger from the internet.

so much for hiding behind hidden flag,
Hiya Light,
seriously, you play league now?

You should make a new folder for her then.

i'll be so pissed if i can't get them back this time

I'll join you in any alley you want!
How've you been?

Yup. But I just played for around 2-3 hours a few weeks ago while waiting for my download to finish. Only played against bots tho so it was pretty easy. Only got killed because greedy.

maybe later

You don't have an online storage why exactly?

I do i just don't put the incomplete ones on there

Even that one behind building C which dark, smelly and people went missing whenever they walk through it?
i'm fine, rain gets me wet everyday

I'll take that deal.

Did you feel it? did you feel that you're the best when you killed the bot, were you proud of you when you land a difficult shot?

can i start chanting the spell now?

Should update like every month.

If you want to take me down that alley and make me go missing, I'll trust you!

Sounds hot good.
Have you been up to much, love?

good ^^

maybe make a separate one for the incompletes


Meh. Not really. I'll probably play again this afternoon since i'm being truant and all. It felt like I was just playing old Dota against bots.

It fits you nicely.

How's your location been these days. Have heard some things in the news.

What if i'm responsible for those missing people, and they're being used for various malicious inhuman things.

just the usual home, office, school deal, I thought I should visit the thread!

Do you play on Garena Philippines server? so, you're going to play again i think it's safe to start chanting it now



our city got hit by really small earthquake, epicenter was about 80 miles south of Java. But it was enough for people to run outside the house since it was going for a while.

Got some good laughs with neighbors.


what makes you say that?

Hm hm.

Lead the way, Monica!

I dunno, maybe its just because I think Cyan is a qt

Hover car or old timey car?

so you think I'm a qt? :3

Yup. What does ONE OF US mean? I play point blank more tho. The one that I was downloading that time was a patch to point blank. And i'm on the lookout for a good and new MMORPG

D-...do you have a hover car?!

No comment

tell me tell me

I didn't say anything and I won't say anything.

One of us
it's like, i'm a part of something bad, then you are doing something that we usually do, and that makes you a part of something bad.

I'm on Indonesian server, I wonder if i can visit you there without having to make a new account.

please dont go there

Well, it's the very first generation of hover car, you cannot set the altitude and even a small speed bump will scrape the under side of the car and ruin the gyroscope, making it uncontrollable.

But that's where the fun begins. we can never guess where will the car take us!

why not

You wouldn't do that! I trust you!

Well, fair enough.
Can't pretend I'm not doing the usual.
Well, my usual anyway.

Let me guess, new 3DS and pokemon moon?

Its funner this way.

Sun Actually!
And i beat it, and FFXV also came out, so most of my free time the past few days has been there.

well you're gayer this way

I'd strip her "powers" off

lol point blank was one of the only games I played back in college so i'm pretty familiar with it most of the time. I just play it to pass time when I'm being truant. Can you even get an account for Garena Philippines even if you're in indonesia?

What the heck. Sign me up!

Ah, I never knew you're more of a Sun person!

FFXV? the one that you roam a blazing hot desert wearing a thick leather jacket and jeans?

Hey I never said I wasn't.

I gotta go now
bye bye

She will do anything to stop you, even if it means to cut your head off!

Everyone who plays that game here are children in game center so that game has bad image in my mind.

I dont even know, I assumed I can go to any server as long as it is owned by garena since they use single sign on account for all their games.

There's no seatbelt so you'll have to hang on to something!


someone is gonna get head from this!

It astounds me how apt that actually is.

Except it's not all desert, only Leide is.
Duscae is more wooded forest and marshland.

I'll be on my way, I'll see you guys someday!

But not the good kind!

Is it true that the first boss takes 3 days to defeat?
just leave the answer i'll see it when i get back!

one of us gets the good kind! take care manaka!

What about some rioting and stuff?

Same here. Mostly high school students. It justs gives me the nostalgia I had back when I was playing FPS games with my HS friends.

Isn't there an international server for garena?

I am much further than the first boss, and the game hasn't been out long enough for that to be true.

Unless you meant in-game days, then I dunno.

Have a good one, Mananka!

wow manaka didnt even say hi

i tried to make a new thread three times but it keeps getting to 100 and never posting

just have a sleep

or timeshift your ds

ill say hi















i'm never making a thread again lol it double posts every time