Porky is shitting his pants.
"Socialism’s Rising Popularity Threatens America’s Future "
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We had this thread like 5 times now.
Making threads based on what some random journalist thinks is Holla Forums-tier.
1917 American edition!
Many americans have forgot the lessons of being scared shitless by capitalist propaganda for 40 something years.
Kultural Marx strikes again.
Holy shit the ideology going on in the comment section is beyond fucking pure.
Burgers equate socialism with raising taxes 20% on the rich and maybe single payer healthcare as a radical proposal. Don't read too much into it.
It still indicates an ideological shift
Reminder that uncle Karl thought that America was one of the few countries that could go gommie without a full revolution.
Left-com paradise when?
that would be democratic state-socialism
Jesus the right wing morons in the comment sections with "why don't you move to Sweden" and incoherent ramblings about "freedom", "God" and "liberty".
These people deserve the Gulag.
bedwetting neocons make my dick hard
I'm literally shaking…
The National Review is a right wing rag.
Fake news.
repressive tolerance!
*pearl clutching intensifies*
Even beyond that 90% of university effort is whoring for Alumni Donations aka sucking porky cock directly rather than sucking government cock while the government is sucking porky cock
What will go away?
Retarded right-wing conspiracy theories? I'm afraid nothing can be done about that.
The contradiction between capitalism controlling everything and doing everything in it's power to stop socialism while simultaneously teaching socialism in it's university system.
Hahahah the media is just realizing that. Slow as fuck.
Socialist economics in American universities are almost unheard, neoliberal economics are treated as hard science.
Moving the goalposts. The same can be said for the patriarchy or white supremacy theories.
In what sense? The extreme unpopularity of schools like Marxism mean it is no longer a threat to the status quo, so letting a tiny handful of professors teach it lets them pretend to be neutral and fair.
This is where conspiratards end, the point at which holes in their conspiracies become part of the conspiracy itself.
Wait a fucking moment, do real conservative people actually believe in the Cultural Marxism meme? Not just Holla Forumstards?
t. cultural Marxist
Imagine if they knew what we really wanted in a revolution…
I wish the university socialism meme was true. I have met only liberals and ancaps.
I love pork chops.
Do tell, ebin cultural marxism man
These are the type of people who think a minimum wage is socialism. There's really nothing for us here.
They did a poll and it showed that four in ten Americans prefer socialism.
But Americans don't know their terminology - even this article doesn't. It implies socialism and communism are different ideologies.
Americans just hijack a word and use it over and over and over, and through their cultural dominance globally, the word eventually becomes a synonym for that. Best example: "Liberal".
The fact that they're so receptive to what was once a dirty word is a good sign IMO
To be honest, I don't see how people can support the welfare state, but not worker control of the means of production.
Yes, absolutely. The main thing that they have in common with identity liberals is that they both think Marxism is equivalent to atheism, gay rights, Anti-Racism (tm), and feminism.
This is more than fine
I get uneasy feelings like this a lot
Yeah it's a shift towards even more oppression of the workers
No need to worry, comrade. When it happens, it'll be cathartic, like a great weight has been taken off our shoulders and that we finally have purpose.
They just want to be Sweden.