How is the Nazbol party different from Nazi's?
Nazbols unironically believe da joos are synonymous with the bourgeois
how would you even argue otherwise
at least 65% are bourgie
But I don't want my dad to die. He has some spooked beliefs but he's genuinely a good guy at heart.
even if that were true it wouldn't mean shit. And? What are you gonna do? Kill them all? Why should innocent people suffer for what they haven't done? By your logic, whites are the problem because all the countries that exploit third worlders and developed capitalism are "white" countries.
Careful, user. If the nazbols catch you posting stuff like that they'll send you to the extermination gulag for being a half-bourgeois mischling.
I always thought the hating jews thing was ironic, and that in actuality they were just hyper-nationalist commies.
well tankies do say that
The Jews benefit the most from the current capitalist order how is this even questionable?
And even they don't think white people as a whole are to blame, they just think that revolution can't happen in the first world until it happens in the third. Leftists don't care about your race, just class.
wait don't white males benefit the most under capitalism? 🤔
i like how you kvetchers always resort to genocidal fantasies
suddenly the bourgeois are innocent… ok
If they are not synonymous why are so many of them jews, why do the non-jew bourgeois cater to jewish interest and israel so much and why do they go to great efforts to change their names and hide their true identities?
not all jews ar bourgeoisie
White men so great under basically any system.
Jews are white, irregardless of what Holla Forums thinks.
Your qualifications are useless uselesss useless! D:
Stop strawmanning. It's not 'the jews', mendacity is an attribute common to all merchant peoples, pretty much all Anglos, gay men, Arabs and some Jews, not all jews, but most of them anyhow. They are born atlanticists, compelled to serve the Antichrist. The people of the mainland, Eurasians, children of Hyperborea, are the most proletarian race amongst men. You don't have to be 'white' to be Eurasian, there are Eurasians amongst all races of men.
I'm talking like gulf arabs, Levantine arabs are bros
I still have a hard time believing anyone on here unironically believes in Nazbol.
tfw out doing nazbol with the gang
one is a real party the other is a __meme___
Russia's political scene has long been nothing but an outrageous parade of memes, they were light years ahead of america in that sense
If I were running the revolution, user, I would allow your father mercy and offer him to join the leftist front, if only for the sake of you, our fellow comrade. If he truly is a good person, he'll recognize that our struggle is for the greater good of the proletariat… basically, the untainted majority of humanity. His circumstances in the revolution would probably jolt him into becoming un-spooked rather quickly, I'd assume.
I mean yeah but there are black Jewish people and other brown Jewish people
T-Thanks user ;-;
This. People need to stop treating Jews as an ethic group. If you wanna get technical, my fathers ancestry goes back to the Ukraine.
Atlanticist lies and disinfo. White 'jews' are actually Khazar Imposters, Afrikans are the true heirs of the 12 tribes of Israel. Nazbol–Black Hebrew Israelite Nation Solidarity Forever!
Didn't that show have an episode with anti communist propaganda?
Semites and Indo Europeans are two separate subraces
Anytime, my dear comrade. We're all in this together.
Did it? well doesn't matter, I just wanna fuck jenny.
you're a transhumanist, aren't you?
If it means i'd get to fuck a robot then it might.
race is a spook
How responsible is Vladislav Surkov for this?
Jews aren't white dumbfuck they're literally their own race. should have expected this level of education from a worthless commie LARPer
I bet you also believe taxonomy is a spook
eh nazbols aren't as big corporate whores as the NSDAP
i wanna fuck that robot
man, why are they taking so long with the mass production of robogirls
Heinlein promised sexy robots by 2000
fucking lairs
all of them
if I remember correctly, I saw somewhere that either this year or next year actual sexbots that repond to touch will be available for 1200 pounds. So obviously we should seize the means of production.
Nazbols believe in Nationalism. They're of course spooked.
t. brown Jew
really scratches the noggin
Those are linguistic maps. Not ethnic maps.
"Kill them all"
You realize we won't even kill all the porkies, just the ones that put resistance. Taking the means of production from them in and of itself takes the one thing that makes them porkies.
Yes it did.
Micky Mouse is Lenin.
did they really use that image, hammer and sickle and all?
To be fair isn't mlaatr just one big parody of cartoons from the 50s
Last I checked there were quite a bit of anti-communist cartoons made during that era so it could just be a parody