Post your favorite gommie flags
I'll start with this beauty
Post your favorite gommie flags
I'll start with this beauty
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Is this the only good commie flag? Everything else posted ITT is shit.
As shit as the country is, North Korea has a nice flag
Their anthem is pretty great too.
Fuck nationalism tbh.
True, that's why these flags represent internationalism.
best flag coming in
people aren't inspired by armchairs so we mix it up a bit, sorry if that triggers you
no thank you
are you the retarded ancap that posts under that flag
Anarchism is close to communism
shit taste y'all
Why am I not surprised?
How do you do that?
easily the best
1. Copy a picture
2. Hoover your mouse over the [Select/drop/paste files here] field
4. Post away!
No. Fuck the UK.
Everything in this thread is shit
the official flag of Luxemburgism