Where did the whole Humans vs Orcs meme come from?

Where did the whole Humans vs Orcs meme come from?

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the first time humans encountered blacks

Some pol'ster tried to explain his racism through the analogy of orcs vs humans


it's not a very good meme. 'orcs' have been criticsed as being thin racial analogues to real life people in almost all generic fantasy since lotr, lotr excepted.

Kek didn't know Holla Forums could be this autistic.


orcs in much of generic fantasy represent savagery and barbarism that reflects the typical westerners idea of the 3rd world. this is not autism, the generic label and archetype of orc comes from racism, not the other way around.


The irony of portraying the orcs as "savages" is that the original orcs from LotR were more technologically advanced than every other race in middle earth, with only the dwarves even beginning to compete (and even then, the dwarves hadn't properly industrialized like the orcs had).


Say what you will about orcs, at least they built a civilization and are capable of eating without receiving foreign aid every single year.

Orcs are the good guys in lotr, but history is written by the winners. The Last Ringbearer tells the story from Sauron's side: sendspace.com/file/90t0sc
Basically: priests want to maintain their power. For that they must crush Mordor, which is taking a more scientific approach to the world. Sauron is just an enlightened king, and the ring is propaganda made by Gandalf.

Heck, someone actually wrote a version of the Silmarillion where Morgoth is the good guy.

So when's people look in the mirror?

Sauron did nothing wrong.


Kek, I get Sauron but Morgoth just wanted to fucking murder everbody

It's such an apt description all I have to look at how much this board obsesses over it for proof. Really seems to have struck a nerve.

If there was no such thing as contrarianism, Holla Forums would have nothing to say.

Were you the down syndrome retard that originally said it?

I thought it was a macguffin distraction devised by Mordor but Gandalf turned it into a propaganda deal.

I don't find it "offensive". I find it retarded.
That Holla Forumstard wrote that thinking the spook was going to work in his favor but it made him look even dumber. Laughing at retards is fun.

lurk more

No. Read the Silmarillion.
Orcs, Sauron & anyone of his nation/kingdom is a fucking fascist, it's a nation of slavery you're the dominated or the master.

Orcs were the technologically advanced but in the same way as Capitalism doom baby industrialism. Orcs have porky mentalities that they must dominate each other to have underling orcs as their property.

In Middle-Earth is really simple, good vs evil. shit. They're good Fantasy books but the genre says it. Fantasy. It's not really a metaphor for anything there are a few here and there but it is simple: Gaianism vs anti-eco Industrialism.

also the Holla Forumstard humans vs orcs mindset is not based on tolkien's shit. It's more based on dumbass alliance vs horde WoW shit people that believe in "blood enemies" are spooked as fuck


If Tolkien wasn't thoroughly spooked by Catholicism, I bet he'd have liked Bookchin.

The ring is an artifact of almost irresistible power, that binds together saurons evil and corrupts the hearts of men and elf alike, actually.

yea he is that kind of dude. I can see him as an EcoAnarchist.

Not really man. You know how after the results of the recent US election came in, the triggered liberal tumblrinas started saying shit like "We can't let him divide us. Gryffindors, use your courage. Slytherins, use your blah blah blah". And you know how when they make political comics they feel the need to reference their favorite pop culture stuff (a wild manarchist appears!)? Thats what the humans vs orcs thing makes you guys look like to us.

I think it makes you guys look underage tbh. Like if someone introduce the Velvet Undergroud and you started passing it around as some hot new music.

God, I don't know which is worse.


That's because Tolkien was a reactionary whose ideal was the peaceful, petite-bourgeois English countryside, and he therefore portrayed modern technology as the tool of Evil. It doesn't line up particularly well with the Fascist-Futurist fetishization of modernity and technology wrapped in the aesthetic of tradition.

Yeah, if you believe the elvish propaganda. I bet you smoke shire leaf and drink unfiltered water, too. Do you believe that nonsense about the towers also? Eagles can't melt steel beams retard. WAKE UP.

These. Tolkein would have liked communalism a lot

Was Thrall a third worldist?

Thrall subverted the orcish revolution to set up a military dictatorship with himself as "Warchief for life"

I thought it was funny that they kept trying to portray Thrall as this enlightened "Green Jesus" character, but when you look at the political system he set up, he basically made himself an absolute despot. The Horde doesn't even have proper succession laws, it's just whoever the current Warchief says it is.

No one is offended by it but everyone thinks its hilarious

Garrosh is Anti-Imperialist.

Yeah, it's terrible. He also did nothing to put any sort of structural limits on the authority of the Warchief in place, or provide proper institutions through which society could be ruled rather than by decree. And instead of settling the Orcs somewhere fertile where they could get by without being raiders and warriors, like Feralas, he settles them in the middle of a fucking desert and then expects them to settle down as a peaceful people. Fucking idiot.

When you think about it, Thrall actually made the Horde even more autocratic and dictatorial than it was under the influence of the demons. In the Old Horde, the Warchief was a sort of primus inter pares, a chieftain of one of the clans who had been given certain powers but who still had to keep the majority of the chieftains of the clans on his side to be able to rule effectively. Doomhammer's Horde was sufficiently decentralized in this manner that Gul'dan and Cho'gall were able to effectively betray him at the drop of a hat, and the sons of Blackhand were able to form their own anti-Doomhammer clan in the form of the Blacktooth Grin.
By the time Thrall has been in power for some time, the clan has essentially disappeared. Some of the old iconography is around and all that, but there are no longer influential clan chieftains on the same level as before. The Orcs are simply "the Horde" now and everyone answers directly to Thrall, who has become a sort of absolute dictator. Only the leaders of other races still have some autonomy, and even then they are clearly expected to heed Thrall's commands. Meanwhile, he jealously guards the muh privilege of clan status only for his own Frostwolf Clan which gets to continue its semi-independent existence only because he happens to be its Chieftain himself. Meanwhile, the the entire Orcish race has been subsumed into one faceless power structure with no room for internal dissent or cultural expression, and no one who could possibly represent the interests of individual groups before the central command of Thrall.

It's almost like they had to dumb down the politics of the world so it would fit into a pissbaby MMORPG format.

Which basically set the stage for insane despots like Garrosh ruling with absolute authority. It's like the Bismarck keeping the absolute authority of the king in the constitution of Germany so he could fuck around with Parliament, only for Wilhelm II to shit all over his carefully constructed empire.

Warcraft is deep as fuck.

Look beyond your ideology, user.

I think part of an enduring mistake in the post-WoW story in warcraft is its too heavily reliant on faction leaders and large characters like dragons they should have had more street level charachters we see on a regular basis and more underlings of the big guys and save the lore charachters for big events. The world became so static so quick that it was hard to muster any drama or intrigue in it anyone would give a shit about.