Leftypol bea tea eff ohh
Why do all of these retarded nerds wear bow ties?
Bow ties are actually parasites that suck the life out of stupid people.
Because buisness owners only make rational and success creating decisions that is why 100% off all small buisnesses succeed and noone ever goes bankrupt.
Yes but capitalism works sometimes.
Capitalism mostly "works" by redefining "working." Its once a decade failures are just unavoidable "recessions."
How do you determine prices in socialism.
Marxist Real Competition > imperfect competition aka "market fantasy"
now get out and read something above basic economic level scrub..
Exactly, how an economic system that is naturally unstable and "wave-like" is worshiped as the greatest possible option is actual insanity.
austrians are literally so retarded that they aren't even useful to neoliberals
What is Marxist real competition and how are prices determined in socialism.
The workers vote for the prices they want.
Is that Mises?
Lefties get nervous about Austrians getting along with the Frankfurt school decades ago,
ppl like Rudolf Hilferding
Everyone or just the workers in one particular workplace?
The calculation problem only exists for a retarded USSR-style state-owned planned market economy.
The problem doesn't exist for market socialism or for a genuine market economy where exchange has been abolished.
*Genuine planned economy.
Maybe I need more sleep.
wow damn bowtie btfo thg gommies
I will go with the Lange model of market socialism with central planning boardCPB imposes two rules on the managers of production to determine both the optimum combination of factors and the optimum scale of output. As regards the choice of the optimum combination of factors, the rule imposes the choice which minimizes the average cost, the combination being effected in such proportion as to equalize the marginal productivity of the amount of each factor which is worth a unit of money. As regards output, a second rule determines its scale by making marginal cost equal to the price of the product. In this way the prices of factors and products are given (as in a competitive market). In the case of consumers' goods and services of labor, they are determined (freely) on a market, in all other cases they are fixed by the CPB. Thus the process of determination of equilibrium prices in a socialist economy is "quite analogous to that in a competitive market." It follows that "a substitution of planning for the functions of the market is quite possible and workable."
It is Marxian and Ricardoian reading of competition in capitalism AS the study of capitalism itself as a production method.No perfect or imperfect competition that fell in the trap of reading competition from the theory of idealized neoliberalism general equilibrium.
+there is no price determinism in neoclassical.. even Walras "who was a socialist" had the market Auctioneer..
That is called Participatory economics it has no market econ with in it… a Council communist theory.
I think they are like to LARP as bureaucrats.
"yeah daddy Mises, now could you talk a bit about praxeology ?"