Ungoverned communities and ghost towns

Why hasn't anyone set up a commune in the various ungoverned communities out there? Slab City is one I am aware of that is still around and iirc it already has a population of several hundred squatters. It has things like a free library you could fill with leftist literature and it has a few bunkers. It's in the middle of a hot dry desert though. That 3D house printer thing is too pricey but I think making a dome home using an inflation method is totally possible to accomplish in a cost affordable way. If you want to look at it there are a couple documentaries on it and a few people that live there that have youtube accounts that document life there.

Or what about taking over a ghost town? Some arent even broken down, like those various ones in China. Fantastic abandoned infrastructure.

but what if we cant get internets

looks like hidden valley from new vegas

They have internet but if you say it would be cut off well in theory what could be done is doing like what the abandoned google project of internet through weather balloons, another easier option is internet through radio towers.

How hard would it be to do? I don't know shit about this particular thing

Where I live there is an ISP that uses radio towers so it's already a thing. I dont know how to do it myself though.

Actually on second thought you could just use Wimax to distribute it to people and just use a tower to get it to the area.

let's do it. I'll help build/repair infrastructure (including interwebs).

How do they respond?

Where though? I doubt anyone here would be going to China.

Some Christian communist user wanted to set something like this up about two months ago or thereabouts. Could we try and do this like a program where we set up communes in a few places, so anons on different continents can participate?

how do you plan to get money for:

building materials

consumables like food and water and fuel and medication

durable equipment like internet stuff, air conditioners, electrical switchgear and cables

If anyone is wondering why I brought up the dome home. It uses a lot less building materials and could be entirely made of concrete which you in theory could make yourself. Only other building material that you could consider self sustainable would be bamboo since it grows so fast.

Self made. What cant be made could be crowd funded.

Grow crops, rain water collectors, biofuel. Nutritional and herbal medicine and scavenge pharmaceutical medication that is that is thrown out for going past expiration even though it doesnt actually expire but that is illegal so that is up to who wants to risk that but otherwise have to pay for it.

Aside from LAN unfortunately you have to pay for some parts required to hook up to the net no way around that. DIY geothermal AC. You might be able to scavenge for switchgear and cables at dumps but that would be illegal so youd have to get it before people throw out electronics.

Truly the worst feels.

all of these require lots of nontrivial equipment to even begin doing

as does this

you'll need hella money and equipment to begin with to even be able to come close to anything close to self-sufficiency

Elder Lyons did nothing wrong.

Oh, I do agree.
I would love a sovereign, stratocratic BoS state.

It is the reason why backing Hardin is the only good choice in New Vegas.
It is also why I back the BoS in Fo4 and why the Mid-Western BoS are my favorite chapter.

dude dont samefag

Just accept that there are a few Technocrats floating around the board now.

A large part of that being due to my own ideological propagation efforts I'm sure.

The reasons why ghost towns are ghost towns in the first place is because there isn't any industry or natural resources to build a thriving economy around, like those mining towns that fall apart after the mines dry up.

Even if you did set up a community in an abandoned area it would be very difficult to sustain it without lots of outside help. The infrastructure might still be there from the previous inhabitants but you still need the tools, materials, and manpower to fix and maintain it.

Your best bet is probably trying to set up some basic factory to make and sell some stuff surrounding communities need. I've seen an Israeli Kibbutz that was able to support themselves just making zippers.

It's a damn shame when someone doesn't do the Institute questline long enough to figure out they were actually the good guys, and decides to side with the Nazis instead.

It's okay though, you can do another playthrough to fix your dreadful mistake.

Slab Citys pretty great. Ive also been to Snaggy Mountain is north carolina outside of Asheville, check it out if possible. Much smaller but water is easier to come by and you dont need to worry as much about getting stabbed by your neighbor or beheaded by cartels

Not always. You seem to not be familiar with China's ghost towns. They formed from excess of capitalistic production being too enthusiastic and the people never came to these brand spanking new cities to begin with. They just built way too much.

Cartels go through Slab City?

While they are certainly not the worst faction in the game.
They have to be just about the most ineffectual when it comes to things external to their own little bubble.

I fail to see how the BoS are anything like the Nazis (apart from a few uniform elements).
They are the only faction in the game that posses both the ability and ideological prerogative to help the people of the commonwealth.
They really have only four draw-backs:
1) Not annexing strategically important areas of Boston (apart from the airport).
2) Not taking what technology from the Institute they can (such as teleportation) before blowing the place up.
3) Not allowing me to hang the leadership of the railroad (plus Garvey) from the Prydwen.
4) Not allowing me to get Tuvok's hat without killing him.

Setting up a factory would require a lot of resources to start. Perhaps it'd be better to start a farm and grow food and cash crops, as well as raise livestock? We could use experimental farming techniques to make marginal land productive.

It's kind of gimicky so it might gain enough money from crowd funding or some people in certain businesses that want involved might donate stuff. Another way of getting food is what freegans do if you dont know what that is yo could look that up, it's kinda gross at first thought but sometimes you can find good safe food people throw out or would throw out.

Yeah, if the land can take it otherwise a sort of biosphere would need to be made.

No they dont operate in the place itself but theyre all around it and the border patrol uses their presence as an excuse to fuck with people in Slab City. Mostly joking about that, but getting on the wrong side of actual residents is very dangerous (albiet usually hard to do as theyre overall good or at least self concerned and suspicious) and the real problem is always water and heat. I made some friends there, came back a month later and one of the guys had died of heatstroke. He was 24 and just overslept with a hangover and 115 degree heat killed him.

Wow that's horrible. even if we cant figure how to make it into a self sustainable commune it would be nice to figure out how to help people there find ways to keep cool

Its a difficult situation because the people living there are willing to put up with the harsh environment because it keeps gentrification and appropriation away and they value their privacy and self sufficiency above everything else. Easy access to clean water and protection from heat would make the place much more livable but could also remove the reason people chose to live there at all.


Do they have a water tower? I imagine it wouldnt be too complicated to make one.

Diamond City doesn't have a "real government?" Patrolling the Commonwealth keeping people safe while more or less leaving them alone is pretty good governance compared to the present alternatives.
Is super mutants are going to be roaming around the surface, it's a good idea to understand what they are.
The technology to mass-produce synthetic human beings from scratch isn't cybernetic research?
Sure, if you completely ignore their advances in agricultural and medical technology that they actually implement on the surface.

That by itself makes the BoS utter shit. Just goes to show that they don't care about preserving technology as much as they care about being bloodthirsty militants.
W-what's wrong with Garvey?

You'd need some sort of farm with livestock for food anyway but I think you'd have a hard time trying to grow cash crops in a place like Slab City.

If I lived closer wcould have got my dad out there to help. He is a retired soil scientist.

Aren't you suppose to be getting ready for burning man?

Nope all the water comes from a dirty canal about a half mile away in the desert, kek

Not worth it

Communes need to be established where people live and work, not in the middle of inhospitable deserts

I'd be down for a hacker squat or something in that vein.

Better than being a LARPing armchair leftist. If you remove yourself from the system you no longer become a source of income for capitalists. It also sets an example of showing certain leftist policies work if it goes right.

Yeah but not like there is many good options for that. At most someone could do a small town that lacks proper police presence.

A what? This sounds like an exercise

A squat for hackers. Tons of DIY and technology. Really just a permanent illegal hackerspace.

I imagine that would do better on an old oil rig or something

yeah until you want to eat something

You bring supplies in by boat….or fishing…. or cannibalism

Fishing isn't really sustainable for 100% of food and how will you pay for stuff from land without being entangled in the economy?


I'm down.

I know an easier idea which would probably get more attention. Angry Cat user presents it in another thread:

Also look at:

Yeah that helps with PR but no escape from a shitty system. However, Freemasons cook pancakes for people and do charity but people still think theyre in an evil NWO.

Because you would actually have to work to survive.

i'd rather work (and do something that is useful for me and others and that i am demonstrably good at (like maintaining or building out some water/sewage or electrical or HVAC infrastructure)) to survive with others than do the humiliating nonsense of trying to sell myself to some awful employer who'll find some excuse to reject me in the job interview because i'm a trans autist.

What's the problem then? Jews have their kibutz societies working like that for a long time. All you need is a decent chunk of land. Or a ghost town.

It won't happen for the same reason it didn't for the last centjry though.

Ideology: the post.
Come back when you're 18. I won't make arguments because it would feel like explaining quantum physics to a child.

Look up Mike Oehler's 50$ and up underground house.
Digging takes 6 months. With scrap wood it's fucking cheap.

Wouldnt that flood?

If there's floods regularly in your area, yes.
If you fucked up the roof, yes.
Otherwise, no.

Maybe someone should distribute his book around in ungoverned areas that people live in

Are you actually implying I'd ever want to live with any of you fucks?

…theres Gary Indiana???
not enough people live there to complain about squatting or building/renovations with no permits

This sounds like some hipster porky shit.

I hear it's filled with poor people, military veterans, ageing hippies and people that just want away from society. I wouldnt call that hipster.