Trump voter here but desu I regret voting for him every single fucking day.
Trump failures so far
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He cucked you guys big time haha
comrade kanye will beat them both in 2020
He might have cucked you hard but Hillary and the Dems cucked us even harder (by failing hard and delivering TRUMP).
I love how they're not even proposing single-player healthcare. Like this would be a perfect time to actually propose a better alternative but NO THEY ARE PINDICKED CUCKOLDS. REEEEEE :(
Will you provide us quality asshurt for the next eight years ?
There actually was a single payer healthcare proposal. It got fired off to the house indian affairs committee to be killed.
How many levels of Holla Forumsintelpro are we on right now?
like maybe 5 or 6 my dude
Have you seen his diet? He's going to have a heart attack.
you are like a little cuck
watch this
both hillary and trump suck
you lost all credibility after this, kill yourself Holla Forums
put in a little more effort next time Holla Forums
This is clearly satire you idiots stop calling him a liberal he is mocking them.
for trump supporter here, it's going to be hilarious watching this guy crash and burn, bu seriously we can't let him get to those nuclear codes
how did china cuck him?
2% approval rating?? what are you talking about?
last i check hillary won by 3 mill in popular vote?
1. learn to sage
2. learn to report
it'll be either bumplocked or just deleted. there isn't even any controversion about this being a waste of a thread.
Is it bad that I want to get a MAGA hat now just to remind Trumptards like OP that they played a role in one of the most spectacular, humiliating, disappointing failures in recent history?
They still love him. Get off twitter.
give him credit, at least he's trying