Let's say a revolution happens in some country, everything is going well but then a problem emerges: said country is rather small and therefore not capable of spreading the revolution as it would get fucked by its neighbours after a month. What should the leaders of said country do, both from political and economic perspective?
Let's say a revolution happens in some country...
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They should not have started a revolution in a peripheral shithole in the first place
global revolution my friend
1. Hope its an island
2. Get nukes somehow, quick
3. Ally yourself with other singletons in geopolitics, such as Iran or North Korea, despite their ideology. You need allies and they take any they can, so should you.
never change leftcoms
Nobody ever wants to accept "life sucks just deal with it" as an answer
Socialism in one country, ie. salvage whatever gains you can for the population making it a social democracy at the barrel of a gun and try to wait capitalism out while praying the US doesn't look your way.
Also try to get nukes and become allies with other 'rogue states'.
Truly we have transcended irony.
i shiggity
What is she doing?
Lenin faced the same problem after Russia turned out to be the only country in Europe where the Revolution actually succeeded and they were left all alone in a feudal shithole. His "solution" (which was never implemented because he had a stroke and died rather quickly after the end of revolution) was essentially to put the whole socialism thing on the backburner. Achieving an overturn of the whole world economic system in one nation was impossible, especially in one as poorly equipped as Russia.
As such, he simply advocated a dual program of instituting a sort of cooperative capitalism which would get people working together towards the common good within the confines of the current system, with all workers in Russia being reorganized into coops and communal farms. This would be accompanied by a 'cultural revolution' which would improve Russia's backwards culture into something more rational and proletarian-minded, driven by programs of universal education and literacy, so that its people would be ready to move on to greater things later on and develop a cooperative spirit unlike bourgeois individualism. He even warned against promising the people socialism, arguing that "as long as our countryside lacks the material basis for communism, it will be, I should say, harmful, in fact, I should say, fatal for communism to do so." Essentially, he wished to hold down the fort and establish a sort of worker-controlled capitalism until future revolutions broke out elsewhere which Russia might be able to aid and thereby acquire allies in the struggle against capitalism and imperialism.
Small correction there mate. Russia is gigantic.
Let's face it, the United States, as far removed from socialism as it seems, has to be turned if socialist revolution and reform in the rest of the world is to be successful.
Try to stabilize international relations, institute muh coops-based system and argue with the worshippers of a pastafaggot on the internet in my spare time.
This is true, and that definitely helped it survive the immediate capitalist intervention. But also remember that Russia was a very primitive place surrounded by more powerful capitalist foes. The immediate situation after the civil war was still rather miserable and precarious, akin to the one described in the OP.
It's gigantic but also for all intents and purposes you can pretty much pretend half of it doesn't exist rendering it merely "very big"
is she getting railed from behind?
maybe yes, maybe no
It's not up to a country to spread the revolution. It is the role of the communist party. And the party is international. The party must fulfill its role (spread the revolution) even if it means a temporary set-back (losing control over some territory after getting "fucked" by its surrounding bourgeois states).
Attempt Socialism in one country (if it's a third world shit whole though that's not gonna work out) and try and hold out long enough for revolution the spread.
Fight Fascism as well.
oops left my shitposting flag on.
For the time being they should find a way to export their ideology through another useful product and make themselves too useful to be stomped out by larger countries. Switzerland it for the time being, but with a vision towards a socialist future. They should worry about internal development first and foremost but they should also be the first to aid poverty stricken countries even if the aid is small. Try to be seen as too nice of a country to be hated. In today's world you should also have a high online presence as well explaining to people in the first world what your country is about can/bring them. This will make it harder for 1st world militaries to justify crushing you. I think Rojava should do more in this regard in multiple languages to get people outside of western colleges and niche groups to care about their struggle.
f-fuck you
It won't even work in a first world country. Why do you people refuse to understand communism
I think a DotP and some level of Socialism could be maintained in a developed country, but it all depends really.
Lenin was a market socialist basically is what you're saying. I think that would have worked a lot better, why did he have to die?
Rojava has pretty great propaganda tbh, they get a ton of good media coverage. Though I do wonder how much this has to do with their partnership with the US.
Denpa onna to seishun otoko
Enough with this meme!
The US at least needs to have another civil war before we can think about revolutionary shenanigans.
They'll fail obviously? Revolution will see many failures before it sees success.
If anything, it needs to be distracted with some wmd-grade acceleration. UK as well. It has worked alongside US in de-democratizing in places such as Iran and Nicaragua to quell democratic socialism.
There needs to be a war on American soil. It's been so long that the entire west would go apeshit and might focus on that shitstain long enough for socialism to be developed elsewhere and socialist states to be united.
^ Forgot obligatory sanic going fast
Not as a matter of principle, but based on his last writings it would seem that he believed such a thing would be the most rational course for a socialist nation to take in a capitalist world.