Finnish muncipalital elections
Benis :DDD
are you the user who is running for city council?
how are you in the polls? do you even have polls?
There are no polls on basis of candidates and their support but there are both national and municipal polls.
Nationally the party has support of around 9-12% and on city that I`m running for there is a support of 1.5-2%(if we look at last elections) It is still likely that one out of our four candidates will pass.
But I`m a member of Vänsterförbundet comrade.
t. Alberto Barbosa
The opposition:
>municipal elections
Are these elections important
Not before the greens and lefties get completely Bookchinized.
most meme elections in the world
what city comrade? If you're in Helsinki I can vote for you so you get more than 2 votes
it's not #moccamaster
Terve Raimo
Because that's totally achievable without altering the system that gives so much power to capital in the first place. Good idealism.
Jävla östsvenskar
Finnish people are the real untermenschen tbh
Vote better this time!
Finnish ancom!? jumalauta
red pill me on the finns party
Muh migrants and EU, nuff said
are they real or is this a joke
what the fuck is wrong with finnish politicians
Are you the guy that was obsessed with pic related?
Who is this semen demon
I want him to impale my rectum.
Realer than ever. This is the Finnish equivalent of Holla Forums.
Finnish names are really cute
fuck, I haven't heard this song in years
Finland needs to get rid of the savage hordes.
Too late man, they're the majority now. Their language is official, they control the government, they control all of the country except for the very north.
Now that's what I'd call savage
'Tubettaja' means youtuber btw
Aarno is my Husband
kys tho
They just put them up on the election board around the city.
feels good man
The dead eyes of someone who knows their future is hopeless and bleak
Why'd you cover the name tho, Joona?
Planning on using this on ylilauta too.
I still don't understand covering the name.
It's easily available already
Most ppl can`t be bothered to check so far.
Ok. Still, why wouldn't you want them to know your name? You're literally running for office.
like my new facebook page facebook.com
What's the text in the yellow box say?
'Good social and health services for everybody.'
I think it's just one of the party slogans, not his specifically.
Isn't the black one the most far right one?
Why are Finns such memelords?
aren't you worried Holla Forums will dox you and find out all sort of embarrassing shit you did online?
that could seriously hurt your position, but then again I don't know how Finns are
Shave that beard communist need to look as proper as possible.
First they have black Mannerheim and now black Hitler? What is it with Finns turning historical personalities into niggers?
Seriously, clean yourself up. I mean yeah, having to change something about yourself just to get votes isn't always great, but coming off as being well kept usually gives off a better impression to most people.
Can somebody give me a quick rundown on Finnish politics?
Yeah. This goes for everyone. If you plan on representing leftism please don't be a literal neck beard.
That first pic might actually lend some creedence to the good old hummans versus orggs :DDDD meme argument.
imagine autism
that's what finns are like
I'm highjacking this thread to ask other Finns - what are the socialist parties like in this country? I'm thinking of getting involved in politics. At the moment I'm planning to join the Left Alliance.
Why are FInns so autistic? You just look at pictures of them and you can feel the autism. Every Finn I've interacted with on the Internet has been autistic.
Finland is a fictional country fabricated by the Japanese state to give them access to exclusive fishing territory, thus establishing economic dominance over surrounding Asian countries.
Finnish culture has many aspects that are associated with autism, the famous Finnish author Jari Tervo designated Finns as a "semi-autistic tribe of people". This is also my explanation why Finns are overrepresented in anonymous image board culture.
Isn't this the Laakupipu guy (if I'm spelling that right,) the guy who starts acting like a cracked addict after smoking a licorice pipe?
yes. In Finland Lakupiippu is also know as kiberis bibres as in here:
I REALLY shiggy diggy.
I saw that post on [bad website] too.
You're more than welcome to suggest other party political options. As far as I know, the other options are the neoliberal succdems, tankie/stalinist com party, trot party or the maoist party - hence only the Left Alliance is anywhere near the real world, even if the trots are ideologically closer to me. What I'm looking for is some insider knowledge of the parties mentioned.