Browse Holla Forums for giggles

TL;DR it's a series of actions to be taken in order to successfully carry out a revolution or coup. It is obviously made from the point of view of a Nazi-like takeover, but it seems to be broad enough to be adapted to leftism.
How do we fix it to use it for ourselves?

Other urls found in this thread:

We don't you blanquist faggot.

No one has any lesson to take from LARPing tankies.

There is nothing to fix. A revolution is always executed this way, wheter it be left or right wing.

I mean, the concrete actions.

I got nothing tbh

Build bunkers, that's a good trick


They call out Holla Forums for its rulecuckery, and they proceed to accuse them of being Jews or shills or something.
They have this one thread called "defeating the economic Jew", and I have seen several other posts going against Capitalism and praising """"Socialism"""".

Just checked their board and saw this post. Like pottery.

Will Holla Forums ever be wrong?


1. People are fed up, already happened
2. Put people up against the establishment through memes
3. Paint communism as good and the state as bad
4. Infiltrate into public institutions and sabotage means to discredit communism, while discrediting the institutions themselves
5. Infiltrate higher ranks of foreign powers to serve your own goals, such as establishing parties with the same goal in other countries
6. Start recruiting hardcore protesters and activists
7. Get a foothold in labour unions, student organisations and other kinds of organisations. This helps you agitate further while allowing you to block the enemy during a revolution by strike, sabotage etc.
8. Become the cultural marxism meme and have commies everywhere, slowly hammering communism into everything possible
9. Establish organised groups. IE red army, brownshirts, big movements
10. Expand these
11. Crank it up to 11 and put people in a mindset of rebellion, constantly ready and on edge
12. Strikes, riots, disorders against the government. Show the people they are incapable
13. Increase the last part, demonstrate YOU CAN provide the people with safety, while the government cannot
14. Wear down the will of the state apparatus, such as consistent riots with no improvement for the footsoldiers and no gain.
15. More violence
16. Bombings, attacks, fires, gorilla warfare
17. Shits going down nigga, storm the fucking palace.

here u go


Any maoists here? Can people's war be digitally protracted like this?

Holla Forums bullied all our Maoist and Trots away.

We need to fit in the sparrow genocide and backyard steel furnaces in somewhere.

So Holla Forumsacks are unconsciously discovering Trotskyism? It's like they're carrying out the neocon conversion process in reverse.

I don't remember there ever being more than one maoist on Holla Forums tbh.

Revolution is good and all but dual power is the superior option for the 21st century.

Honestly that chart is mostly fine if we are to consider the Leninist model of organization, in which these actions are carried out by the organized sectors of the working class (i.e. not by a reduced group of specialists, which is the definition of "blanquism"). The only problem might be that they priorize military/police infiltration (step 4) before recruiting among the working class (step 7), which seems to be precisely how they are currently operating in the US (with white supremacists among the police and all), using positions of relative power to promote ideas that are functional to the current capitalist order. In our case we should do the opposite: since the ideas of socialist revolution are contrary to the current order, and since we understand the working class as the one truly revolutionary class, we should first and foremost agitate and recruit there, aiming to forge a mass organization. Military/police/govt. infiltration should be considered for much later and serve mostly an instrumental purpose.

Y'all should read about what really is the Leninist model of organization, rather than parrot the anarchist/porky caricatures of it (particularly the "authoritarianism" meme):

Currently most of us should be doing steps 1-3, while progressing to step 4 (currently all riots etc. only happen in an sporadical basis). Step 7 is also something that any revolutionary organization should be doing constantly. Steps up to 10 should happen on time of general crisis, and steps 11 onward will pretty much happen on the moment where revolution is a possibility (i.e. when the objective and subjective conditions for socialist revolution are satisfied: the current order is delegitimized enough, our mass fronts are large enough and have the means for armed resistance, etc.)

Dual power is a pre-condition for revolution you dip

what could possibly go wrong?

If any LEA is reading this thread, i'm not in anyway part of this shit and as a law abiding citizen i disastrous completely

youre telling me were only at step 2? fuck man, we need to step it up, want to be alive for that last step.

tbh Holla Forums has become Trump fanboy base, who is strongly pro-zionist.
it does go against the original Holla Forumsack views.

and tbh, there have been and still are pro Trump Zionists shilling.
they're not even subtile about it either.

Yup, we better step it up.

Just wait for Stalin dude

If LE want to get you they'll just use blood hound and find your bunker that way.


Noob here, what is dual power?

It is becoming the effective supplier of public services. Its like setting up a state within a state, wherein people depend more on your new group and organisation than on the "legitimate" state.

So, like the CNT in the years before the Spanish revolution, or the Soviets during the great Imperialist war or the Portland Anarchists rebuilding the road?


W-why aren't we doing that right now, user-chan? Left wing work squads when?

Because we are ~800 ish people on a chan spread accross the world, with many people not knowing comrades in real life. We dont have the numbers to do such a thing.

I mean we as in the Left, not as Holla Forums.
also we're way more than 800, the counting method of Holla Forums is shit:

Because I live in a socdem country so there isnt any left to speak of.

It should totally be possible in places like the USA, but here in northwestern eurostan there isnt much i can do at the moment.

This is very important