Does Bill Maher have communist potential?

Does Bill Maher have communist potential?

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No. He's literally an anticommunist.

Bill Maher is more unsalvageable than Rush Limbaugh

he's literally /ourguy


no bill maher is a liberal. pro-hillary shill. he thinks socialism is retarded

He's literally the bottom of the barrel, a paid walking talking DNC shillbot.

He has sex with Ann Coulter on purpose and enjoys it. What do you think?


none of that is true

40 years too late
Radical centre now

Bill is centrist as fuck. He did an entire segment on his show about how socialism is evil.


Tucker Carlson has more communist potential. Not even memeing.
Bill Maher is an arch liberal (by modern standards).
Really he's a conservative who doesn't seem to be aware he's a an ugly middle aged freak

Someone redpill me on how he's wrong about Muslim's. I genuinely want to be corrected.

oh dear, it's retarded.




Islam is not a uniquely shitty religion. The mid-east was not a uniquely shitty region until vey recently.
For example muslim ottoman empire was the first place in antiquity to extend property and divorce rights to women.
Middle east became reactionary shithold as a result of the fall of the ottoman empire after WWI. Colonialist fallout turned the region poor and angry. - natural resource wealth extracted under duress.

When the mid east started to establish secular governments overthrew them in order to preserve western hegemony over oil resources. For example iran's democracy elected a socialist - Mohhamud Mossadeq - who promised to nationalize the ango-iranian oil company (now BP) so Dwight Eisenhower overthrew the democratic government and instituted theocratic monarchy under the Shah, etc.

The "muslims are subhuman" meme is literally bourgie ideology designed to protect the USD by fostering support for US hegemony over oil-bearing nations.

I would too, Coulter is a cougar

I meant to say > Secular governments *we* (western powers) overthrew them

What about ISIS though? They're unlikely to be converted to leftism and pose a threat to leftist movements in that region, among other things.

She's a literal skeleton. Shit taste, kid.

you are now aware why america covertly supports them

The real success of ISIS has its ground not relatively well not because of religious causes, but because they have been less shit than the Assad's reign in the regions they own. Eastern Syria has been massively neglected, it's no surprise that a radical movement managed to gain popularity there.

Fuck you


Bill's extremely rational. dude can sling logic and cold hard facts on demand, he's like Sam Harris in a way. I wish people in the left could listen to them more. I'm a leftist, but not a regressive leftist, big difference here

He's an openly Zionist, neo-liberal, war hawk jew on the payroll of the DNC establishment.

Dude she's just wearing a human costume. I don't know what's really inside there, but it definitely isn't a cougar.

He's Jewish and essentially neocon. So, yes.

110 lbs of daddy issues. I am so in. You ever fuck an anorexic bitch that can shamelessly justify anything? Hell cats, I tells ya. Hell cats.

I've never met anyone that couldn't shamelessly justify anything; but to each their own - enjoy your bone.


is this satire?

Was Mike Pence molested as a child? Is that why he's so religious-right?

No, he's actually from the future.

He's about as idpol as they come. Hating religious or racial groups is still idpol.

He's as socialist as burnt toast.

I'm glad that Holla Forums is carrying on the tradition with our daily infighting.

Religion is not a conscious choice for 95% of the planet. It's an extension of culture and little more. Going to church or getting circumcised or wearing a hijab doesn't "make sense," but neither does cutting your hair a certain way or wearing polka dots. All of that stuff just is the way it is. Most faithful are not active ideologues.

Do some religions have problems? Maybe even more than other ones? Yeah. I think circumcision and burqas should be banned. But for atheists to hone in on faith as the primary cause of war and oppression and yadda yadda is just asinine. I don't respect atheists because they don't have their priorities straight.

Are you retarded?

ISIS doesn't even follow their own religious rules, so it stands to reason they're doing this because of some other reason, and would do so even if they were non-muslim.

Yes, yes it is.

False, it has been in a state religious based violent conquest for over a millenium. In comparison with Buddhism, Hinduism, Pagan religions, hell, even Christianity and its violent history, Islam is uniquely dangerous to non-Islams living in regions near Islamic countries. They're all bad, Islam is worse.

Comrade Jeb is more likely than Comrade Maher.

Not a counterargument.

Indonesia is such a brutal theocracy amitite? Pakistan more like christiangenocideistan haha xD

Countries bordering islamic nations like india or israel have orders of magnitude more anti-muslim violence than pro-muslim. But your perception of islamic nations is based in a cherry-picking of deliberately destabilized oil-bearing nations, driven home by porky-owned media. Islam is a shitty religion, but please dont fool yourself into thinking that it is the problem in the middle east.

This is the most hilarious thing I've ever read

Also the cringiest

There's no escape from it, it's like europe in 1200.


He's literally a coastal elite liberal

Congratulations you found one or two Islamic countries in the world that don't throw a woman in jail for not wearing a hijab. By the way, homosexuality is punished by 14 years in prison in both Indonesia and Malaysia, but keep grasping onto the one or two exceptions to try to excuse the very clear examples we have all over the world where Islam is practiced.

And Pakistan is like a hell on earth, why would you even bring it up? Even Pakis will tell you it's an awful place.

Not the only problem, but certainly a fundamental brutal problem for anybody unfortunate enough to live under the rules and regulations stipulated in the Koran and subsequent Hadiths.

and gays/athiests/non-christians were killed/burned on the stake in christian countries and they never developed secular movements after intense power struggles, right?
Muslims can and do develop secular societies. but it's hard when imperialist countries fuck you up for trying to nationalize oil or compete with OPEC (see: iraq)
