Capitalism is when private individuals own the means of production (ie. factories, offices, workplaces).
Socialism is when the workers democratically own the means of production.
Being a Muslim, I somewhat share the same opinion. However, that doesn't mean you or I should enforce our beliefs on others. If people don't subscribe to your views on sexuality, what's the point in trying to get them to follow? Live and let live, as long as no one is being harmed.
It's also important to remember that both you and your fellow gay worker are both being utterly cucked by the capitalist elites of society. You are both being exploited. Hateful right-wing pundits on Fox News (that make 6-figure salaries, mind you) use gay people (and racial minorities) as scapegoats to distract from the real enemy: the capitalists.
It's important to understand why people immigrate to America. It's not because they're interested in the cuisine or culture, or anything else. It's not because they seek to spread drugs, or rape, or kill, like the fool Donald Trump claims. If you ask any immigrant why they come to this country (my parents, for example), nearly 100% of them all have the same answer: for a better life economically. And why is it that America is the wealthiest nation in the world? It's because of capitalism and imperialism.
Capitalism is inherently prone to crisis and instability (see. 2008, Great Depression, etc.), as well as a falling rate of profit. This means capitalism is doomed to fail, and needs a way to keep itself floating. This is where imperialism comes in. The American government charges into countries (Iraq is one of the most well-known examples in recent history), in order to take resources and maintain its own economy. It also interferes in foreign countries' politics, in order to maintain its control all across the globe. This is why refugees from Muslim countries, migrants from Latin American countries, etc. all come to America. Because America has bombed and destabilized their homelands, and they must now come to where they can secure the most wealth for their families and children. If you want less immigration, then you should support an international end to capitalism.
I really suggest you watch this interview:
It's of a professor named Dr. Richard Wolff, who is Marxist. He gives very good, simple explanations about the system we live in, and explains the many issues that flow from it. Please watch it, with an open mind.