gobble love thread
pls love gobble.... her name is Veppi
Gobble love thread
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who gave you permission to op
wow that is very rude i am a big girl i gave myself permission
get fucked moogs you shithead
Moogs, I gave her my OP privileges last week.
how do i data classifiers?
Dave Chappelle 2020
It's no problem.
'sn't as if I ever use them these days.
I don't wanna do this
pls lov gobble
Only if Charlie Murphy is VP and Rick James is Secretary of Funk.
Haha. Hackers.
I don't need a daddy because daddy gov fucks me enough.
Jumping is the only way to stop the pain.
This can work fam
what with?
with their crippling depression
Why can't I have fun with anything other than STR builds?
How to structure my program settings.
dex builds are cancer, quality builds are tryhard
ini or json
Seems about right.
I might just be doomed to only ever use E Knight and Zwi my whole life.
but greathammers are where the fun is at
I was considering using one, but the one I want needs faith and I am tired of mixed builds.
play dark souls 2 again, and make a 99 str char with powerstanced smelter hammers
Stuck between this:
times 50
times 50
Second is what I have now though simplified for a lots of things, first is what Assetto Corsa has.
Also I don't want to make a setup application alongside ;_;
use underscores, use specific names, dont abbreviate unless its stupid long
If it was easy it would not be worth doing.
No that's not the problem
ugh never mind
I dislike revisiting old games in a franchise like that because I'll have to get use to various things again.
Maybe after I get tired of DS3 I'll just replay the others.
[WHEELCONTROLS]Toggle = 17ToggleDevice = 0ToggleH = 6ToggleHDevice = 0ShiftUp = 4ShiftUpDevice = 0ShiftDown = 5ShiftDownDevice = 0
[Toggle]Button = 17Device = 0[ToggleH]Button = 6Device = 0[ShiftUp]Button = 4Device = 0[ShiftDown]Button = 5Device = 0
This is whaddimean
I'm easy but i'm worth doing tbh
did you see me in pantyhose
george liked it alots
i didnt post the dildo up his ass i wanted
Loco is easy and not worjth doing
who art thou
whichever more clearly expressed what it is you want to do
prove it
Lillie fan art just killed any desire I had to masturbate this month.
Thank you, Lillie, for protecting my innocence.
oh, thankies
JustWork = true
dont we all
hey nezi
It's not even hard it's just more busywork.
im literally editing spreadsheets right now
I'd sooner end it all and have a go at becoming a racing driver :^)
I did knot.
how are you today?
if someone offered me a programming job atm id give serious thought to dropping out for it
though my FYP prof told me my CV was shit today, so thats unlikely ;_;
i accidentally tyhe sound
Eh I'd prefer finishing education and getting the job whenever with good papers.
oh hi mark
i just want fucking out tbh
You're my favorite customer.
okay bye
School comfy tho
how are you?
Rolled 1 (1d10)Mostly just using this to roll for race and skills.
this school is boring the everloving fuck out of me
im pretty eh myself, got spreadsheet work to do that i honestly cant be fucked with, but need to do if i want to pass my degree
Rolled 603 (1d1000)
Skills 1
Rolled 310 (1d1000)
Skills 2
how are you handling your degree, subtle?
Overall quite good, I just have a couple modules that I'd rather be done with right now
Always feels worse when there are deadlines stacking up, like the 2 I have this week
uni eh
i'm jealous of your working brain
Rolled 780 (1d1000)Altmer,
Sneak, Alteration, Destruction
Twohanded, Restoration, Sneak [Duplicate]
Duplicate is going to change to enchanting.
... this'll be interesting. Hmm.
good luck
Fuck, I should have taken illusion instead.
That's the one that has all the sneak magic, isn't it?
But what kind of sneaky mage uses a two-handed weapon, and Alteration, Destruction, Restoration and Enchanting?
Yew thingyer bedderin me? Donyew judge meh!
Hey wait I wasn't ready aaaaaaaach!
am now dead
Howdy howdy.
i like the feeling of doing things with my time, i dont like doing spreadsheet work with my time
it only looks like its working, half the time its only mostly working, most of the other time it isnt working much at all
hows work, sleep, and stuff?
At least spreadsheet work is something you know you can do, there's no feeling of 'unknown ahead' where you're not sure about stuff
can i keep your body for hugs
like i know your family will want to bury you but we can put a mannequin or some bags of sand in the coffin for that right
It's good! Be proud of it
im not sure about a bunch of shit, but id sooner learn how to by doing it than do this tedious bullshit
a good chunk of the time i feel mentally retarded
well I was gonna quit over an issue I had but everything is good now
sleep is a little better
health problem (the fixable one) is getting better now
sounds like things are getting a little better in general?
how do you feel?
still been pretty down but if things keep getting better I should too i guess
feeling kinda sick today so not going to class .-.
I have that, it looks like she has something worse going on
Redneck speak. Hi!
Well, I want to be cremated. Maybe you can stuff my ashes in a pillow with my face on it?
Are you following me? That was a private phone call!
Too much time with her upper half hanging over the side of the bed so her throat opens up.
i can put your ashes in a beanbag and smush it against my face
-hugs gently-
sabrina! >.>
Imagine how others feel!
Get a breathable bag. You don't want your face to get stuck to it on a hot day!
Bears are the rightful rulers of this world. It was only a matter of time before they rose up.
maybe i do
Hi, how do you do?
they already have.
stop being mean, hmmph
I enjoyed Lucky Star.
But I don't know how to be anything else!
Bleh. Getting into the swing of being back at work after almost a week off. Kill...me...
Wild man.
Praise Recuva
wouldnt it be nice if i suffocated on your ashes
can i really want anything else from life?
Can I choke you?
There's lots you could want! Lots!
Lots, damn it!
Scoo' whaaaaa'?
nah i think i just wanna suffocate on sabeenbag
I'm gonna choke you with my big fat dick scoots
Coffee and tacos?
Threatening me with a good time
those quads are threatening me for a good time
Only 99999 more posts until Squash has to buy someone a pizza.
the numbers dont lie, andsquash is buying peeba>?
Are you the creator of Hi and Lois? Because you are making me laugh.
I'm the Queen of Mean and you know it!
bye dear, I have to leave
play nice...
Smash my brains in please?
I have wasted today.
Sorbet i am so tired. so much work. I can't even think of anything funny to say. so I have to be lazy and give you eric andre.
Take care, sweetheart!
I'mma smash it with a brick! But after you tell me why you feel you wasted the day.
That was hot.
that lady sure seemed to think so
honestly i'd probably look like that in the same situation
I wanted to do a few things and then ended up just playing videogames.
Do it.
Be the hero the threads deserve.
Why the FUCK
anything bad?
i imagine they feel largely the same
im hardly anything special
Give up compsci.
Become a traveling gypsy.
You're special *patpaptppatpaptaptp*
More like don't get involved in anything for Microsoft.
I wonder when cyberpunk technogypsies will become a thing, like those people living outside of technological advances, kind of like the Amish but less beards and Jesus.
Never, we're all gonna go Matrix.
I was thinking the people that refuse to get cybernetics/advancements or are just too poor for it so they live like gypsies and pariahs of society.
Chip IDing is mandatory and we're gonna end up in a 1984-esque dystopia without the romance.
I have an std::array I use in multiple places. I need to get another value paired with each element. Do I go std::array or two std::arrays?
qt help
I can see either Japan or Sweden falling first to that.
Then the UK and mainland Europe. Or Canada.
Why not the US. p sure we're strict on privacy and shit. except the uk.
Oy you little shit
The US is really weird about the illusion of privacy.
They give up so much privacy to corporate entities because there's some sort of marginal benefit. There'd be no benefit for direct governmental monitoring so it would be seen as too much even though the NSA already hoards data and information to begin with. They're also so horribly understaffed to sort through what's there so it's never really detrimental and doesn't even stop "the terrorists". They just...hoard it.
It's always nice to read about how precisely they can trace back unencrypted phone calls, texts and mails back and forth between terrorist and then a politics dude calls for a ban of encryption for more data hoarding and wiretapping.
do i want to loop using ints or a stl iterator
The NSA is incredibly incompetent and ineffectual so it's generally why no one seems to bother with it.
If it was capable of actually doing anything routinely or large scale, then the issue would be more forced.
As it stands, they're just a mix of illusions of safety and discretion/privacy. It does nothing and prevents nothing and just hoards information that it then does nothing with, only ever to release it to other agencies after something happens and it's useless by that point.
Oh well I'll notice when I get blown up by an allahu akbar because of an incompetent government or end up in a concentration camp/work camp/internment camp because of another Hitler.
Don't be a racist.
Remember how Final Fantasy XV isn't out yet?
IRA and RAF were plenty of years ago
What about Westboro, Aryan Brotherhood, the entire state of Israel, etc?
These don't affect me.
one of my friends got one of these with the metal gear game before it came out
how do?
The Jews picking fights with the sandniggers is what's forcing them into your country.
"One of these"?
Day One Edition before the game releases?
i am nothing special
depends, will those arrays be modified?
Why does Lillie dress like a retarded 8 year old that's ready for school pictures?
It's US-funded anti-establishment militia turned against their feeding hands who do this. We got the Arabian Spring batch a while ago. Once IS is driven away, US doesn't honor their promises with the current anti-local-government rebels, those will probably turn on Europe again and bomb things again. Think of examples like the Kurds getting fucked over because the US wants to keep Erdogan a friend. Repead ad infinum. Good thing Assad wasn't overthrown or you we'd had another Iraq/Al-Qaida problem.
Heck, Israel is the least of the problems there, they're just exterminating Palestines and those are under control so much they can't fart without an Israeli execution squad murdering a village because a suspected chemical attack.
Amazon at least will usually ship games a day or two before release, so that they'll arrive day of.
I live so fucking close to a shipping center, that I get same day shipping when I pay for standard shipping.
Not when she's a trainer !!!
that's pretty radical
enjoy your game
y sigh
That also accurately describes the situation in Latin America.
We have no problems with despots and dictators, we just want ones that will bow to our financial interests.
Because his blankpost was ignored again.
Arrays will be written to by a settings reader and accessed with the same index enum-to-ints used for reading into them.
Changing it would require adding .first or something behind each original access thing, adding like I'm doing now would require not much more work than a pair. Less, probably. I haven't gotten around accessing yet.
I've got 25 more values to do this with and they all need to be done manually ;_;
blankposts are hard to catch
he should try straight up linking someone
maybe even asking them how their day is going
what happened to him now
I think me and Squash had this exact same conversation yesterday or the day before.
I thankfully cannot understand it.
It's telling me to wait half an hour but I don't mind because there's an open combat thing that's pretty rad.
just jealous i guess
and bored.
not much going on...
just sitting here waiting for... anything.
Juan doesn't strap a bomb on them and explode in busy places though. It's not even comparable as the last time it happened was forever ago.
who are you jealous of, eh?
wait half hour?
what, for multiplayer or someshit?
so sad
There's really nothing to be jealous of.
Normal people who don't live beside a shipping center will get the game sometime tomorrow.
Actually, it's still midday there, so people in your area might get it sometime today if they're assholes like me.
"Install time remaining: 15 mins"
The Juans keep committed war crimes and/or constant human rights violations to their own peoples all the same.
Latin American terrorists are just druglords powerful enough to challenge other druglords or the governments themselves.
people got stuff i dont got
Then get a job.
Feels awful doesn't it?
You should use that feeling to get up off of your butt and find something to do that will get you some money to get that stuff
but it runs off of a disc doesn't it?
so confus
Probably not.
Everything I've played on my PS4 just is a full install to the console and plays off the hard drive.
Shut up grim, leave luka alone.
But they don't bomb Americans and aren't classified terrorists tho.
anyway shower and crying
I don't have a picture of Lillie shrugging yet, so pretend that this image of Jeanne Alter is lillieShrug.jpg
It's usually more a half/three-quarter install, I've noticed.
Because most PS4 games I have refuse to run without a disc.
what the shit
so if you have a library of games you need a huge HDD to play them
even if you own the discs
sony come on
give it 2-24h
easy to say huh.
*shrugs* don't worry about it.
anyways, what even is that webm?
That's just a validation thing usually.
Check the size of the game after it's installed.
It's usually the full game plus updates saved to it.
Good morning.
it's been that way since 360 and ps3 allowed you to install parts of the disks to the built in HDD years ago.
send me your resume and ill help you write a cover letter
literally took 2 seconds to google
the webm is of Rachel Riley who likes to wear form fitting dresses on a BBC gameshow
It's a load time thing. You can kind of tell of some games if it's full installed or reading from a disc. The Xbox One is more noticeable because its vents are fucking hot as hell if it's using the disc.
The PS4 has like this kind of whiny sounding noise if it's using the disc drive constantly and you've been playing a while.
Actually, that's probably right, and would make a lot of sense.
don't talk about rachel like that
Channel 4 actually.
it's kinda okay for a froz piz a bit too much skin for my liking but still... the rustico's have such a wayyy better crust than anything else i've ever had.
I can't wait for the day when consoles are a thing of the past
maybe set a "controller only" mode/queue for multiplayer so it's balanced
I dont ever buy froz pizza anymore
just so bad
It also saves space on updates if everything is just saved to begin with and it overwrites whatever is there rather than just amending the unchanging content of the disc.
he's such an energetic man
pity reply
BBC does not equal ALL of British television.
At least i enjoy them.
so are we doing the resume thing or nah?
I'd prefer to be able to help you
Yeah, now that I think about it, it is a fair course of action.
Consoles are a convenience thing and a more unified base. They'll never disappear completely but just perpetually changing markets like they have.
For whatever drawbacks they have, console manufacturers and publishers themselves throw metric shitloads of money at game development so it's still a net benefit to even the PC crowd.
did grim and luka break up?
get back together
Oh well. I guess I can be a filthy normy.
Don't worry about it.
how are you screencapping a ps4?
It's probably the JRPG "cinematic first playthrough" shit. They want you to pay attention to the "story" and not "grind your tits off for endgame content at first.
if the customerbase wisens up, the producers should and will follow
shame on humans for being lazy/stupid
nobody replied to you
so I did
I have a capture card.
This is old news.
How do you think I was screencapping World of Final Fantasy?
Being a JRPG whore, I can say that's not it.
Way too many, FF included, let you set it to the "Fuck my ass, Fam" difficulty from start, or ones like Tales of let you unlock it super easily.
(Like, 20 battles on Hard usually unlocks Chaos.)
I would like some semblance of space, you know.
I eat ass
Grim is just mad that he isnt a cute lesbian and as a result can NEVER date luka
It's not really a matter of "wising up".
Consoles aren't really that profitable for Sony or Microsoft. They're just fuckhuge companies that can finance it to begin with. So the net result is more money into game development. That's always going to be a plus for everyone.
I remember quite a few 360 and original DS JRPGs that were that way.
You had to beat the game completely on the easy/regular mode to unlock the harder difficulty that usually was the only way to get max tier equipment.
it's news to me!
i dunno..., how?
capture...card? tell me more about your fancy expensive rich person 'capture card'
are you a "let's player? "
lonely too :(
That's understandable
just trying to help
this tbh
if all that money went into just the raw processing power and software to use that power, imagine where we'd be now
instead of the whole console pc split
pls do not abuse my image
it is a nice image
Subtle asked me if I would give him a rimjob and I said of course
how nice of you
also Samus Aran eats hairy butts
Samus aran? more like Shameful Iran
wish she would eat mine
He called me a good dog and gave me 10 good boy points
Most games I play have it an option by default, but usually discourage it, or have stupid things like the enemies are all level 104238094570312865139841 at the start of the game to effectively force you to have beaten the game before.
It's a card in my computer that I plug systems into and use to "capture" the input, which I then output to my monitor because I'm a filthy scrub who doesn't have a splitter setup.
I am not a let's player, but I do have the hardware.
If I had the internet, I'd be streaming FFXV tomorrow.
you got screenshots?
you are bad people
But that's kind of the thing, the void from Sony and Microsoft won't really be filled by anyone else since that isn't hugely profitable. Sony and Microsoft like their brand involving games because the money spent makes itself back but more that it just keeps their name out. So if both of them pulled out of the market, funding for major developers would lessen substantially. AAA games don't really cost anything to port between the three this generation but makes them a lot of money to do so. Others are paid even more to not port them for exclusivity's sake. From a sheer funding standpoint, consoles are a good thing for the industry since no entity really exists to throw that money around in the PC market. Steam and GOG just rely on hard sales and don't really pay developers or publishers for anything.
I don't really want a reply from you.
These plat strats. So rigged.
I would never
Yeah, it's way more common in any game that employs NG+ than ones that don't. But I think more games have NG+ than don't at this point.
i know.
it's just not what i need.
anyways... i'm fine.
...sigh if only we had better things to talk about. I don't know what though, so don't ask me, i don't know all the answers.
nigga that was an arch wizard strat
In going to have to trust you in this one, mate.
what is your internet like over there?
you could become a FFXV twitch streamer :)
oh... so your computer just randomly has soem kinda card that lets you... uh... plug you console video out, into your pc?
😂😂😂 enjoy facebook game memes
AFAIK the architectures of consoles are significantly diff from your every day PC CPU architectures because the consoles have a combined gpu and cpu called an APU, so you have to re-code from the bottom up
Microsoft might have it better because they use a common developing base for their games due to the whole PC market
still it takes a ton more effort and cost
why can't they just keep their brand and licenses?
okay luka
Poor fidel
suck on it.
no u
My internet is just a tad better than Goldfish's.
And it isn't randomly!
I put it in there myself!
But yes, that's what the capture card does.
Btw, Grim, I feel like you should make an avatar folder of that guy just censoring pokeporn.
He's basically the best character.
The relative cost for doing that (since it's not a new game, just optimizing what's already there) is a small fraction of the amount they'll get from sales. Even 50,000 of sales on a single console is $3,000,000, substantially more than how little was required to do so.
There can't really be an "Xbox" or "PlayStation" brand without the consoles themselves. It would just be former PlayStation/Xbox exclusives and that wouldn't really have any meaning to it.
Dishonored 2 wasn't developed by Bethesda but it's still considered a "Bethesda game" because it was published by ZeniMax and to increase the brand awareness of Bethesda themselves. The same can't really apply to console manufacturers because their brand wouldn't even be involved at any stage of development, funding, or publishing.
Digital signals are so much easier for capture cards. I remember the pain of trying to set up an analog one in the early 2000s and it was not worth it.
*sips on my vanilla chai cashew almond shake*
show me pls~
why did you get it how did you get it.
assuming an average profit of $16 per game, that's not even a million
videogames for the ps4/xbone cost $3-$10m to produce
I'm sure the brand can still exist as they are the mother company and then branching out to studios like Santa Monica. Licenses will be exclusive but it does allow a lot more freedom, just on whoever bids for the highest contract, enables to produce higher quality content tbh
how much did that cost you?
Grim write my cover letter for me.
not much.
Samus is pretty legit trap
what if samus was a girl?
He is a girl.
The actual cost of the physically making and shipping a physical game isn't that much. The rights to be published on either console isn't that much and is usually based more of % of sale than flat costs. Like 70% of all sales are digital anyways. Publishers themselves are more who eat the costs of financing games than the studios themselves. They're not made and then shopped around between publishers. Developers go to publishers for contracts to even fund the development. You can hate "consolization" of games but it's still the bread and butter for financing what even gets made.
Dykish dickgirls are real girls, too, bigot.
but what if zelda was a girl
What if Grim wasn't a furry?
someone post the webm of zelda as a girl spanking her booty and doing a little dance
Zelda is best game man
It should not build
Dude. Do you even play any of these games?
girl zelda would be hot
yeah i did
now did i think they were
A. amazing
B. shit
Oh. I don't know you enough to assume. You like a quash and squash loves Nintendo. So a
then you can suck on my amazing cock till you choke
but no i dont care for nintendo
what about zelda with a horse dick?
I thought you would have. I used to. But not anymore
Why is futa even a thing?
ur moms a futa
why are traps still a thing?
so closet fags like you and i can feel less gay
cause it's all about you
gender dysphoria is made up
Everything's made up.
Then wouldn't they not be my mother?
Traps are gay, Guero.
It's time to accept that.
oh god
you're right
that "oh god you're right" applies to both of these posts
Shh~ It's okay I still love you.
I love me, too.
You seem upset.
It's better than self-loathing or apathy.
Oh, god, thats nnnnnnnnnn right
Not really.
Futa is just one of those things that makes no sense as to why it even exists. Like pretty much everything /d/ related.
Who does that??
Could a futa give birth to a clone of itself if it somehow fucked itself?
no you fucking idiot did you even go to school
That's how Chuck Norris was born.
Everyone here, I believe.
Of course it doesn't make sense but that doesn't prevent it from being a good boner bait.
Well that's stupid.
no :(
Don't you even have moments of it?
Not anymore. I've been living above that lately. It's not worth it.
cool thanks loco
i'll file this right into "shit that will never matter" with your art and your entire bloodline
if scoot lold that means my meme was good
Fair enough.
I don't remember choosing that image.
I'm really surprised you don't have this saved as Lenko.jpg or something similar
That was a a tasty meme
ur meme is tasty, daddy
It's not a bad thing or anything.
Glad you're over it.
That's pretty funny.
Don't worry i'm here.
i miss aoi
And now I'm here, solely to irk you.
Just talk about how good you are at StarCraft.
I'm real bad though
I'm taking over.
Everyone here is bronze/silver at every game ever so it's not like the bar is set high.
I'm Diamond in every game I play.
By the way.
The car is an important enough gameplay mechanic that you have to take care of it, and can upgrade it. :^)
Im a level 56 sc2 plat paladin
Should I end you now or take my time toying with you?
heh....just like my animes....
It can even run out of gas.
Kinda reminds me of the fish from call of duty ghost.
i guess you'll be my Aoi now~
Important gameplay mechanics, ammirite?
Louis theroux tho
no homo though
Is it really annoying ?
I just got the car back, so I don't know.
Let me crash it a few times, and run out of gas, and we'll see how I feel.
Wasn't Aoi the one whose mother hired friends and babysitters for him even though he was in his late 20s?
uh huh
IT honestly sounds like something that gets in the way of the actual game.
show me more of her~
I mean.
It's a JRPG.
So the game gets in the way of the game.
I only play JRPGs that cater to fur folk like myself.
I honestly can't think of a single jrpg I've played but I know I have before.
The picture of her getting choked didn't bother you ?
So Pokemon?
you want it to?~
Suekoden or however the fuck you spell that shit.
I actually only play Pokemon because my brother keeps buying me the games.
Are you into choking people ?
Who isn't these days?
I didn't even know this was a thing until just now.
Looks kind of like FFT.
are you?
Good point.
I mean I would rather shove my fingers in someones mouth and stuff but choking is okay too.
It's whole thing is it has a billion characters to play in your party, but most are generic as fuck and hardly note worthy.
all your doin is getting your hands slimey?
Not really but sure.
Choke me daddy
Why does she look like she's coming down from a coke binge?
Boku no Googling it seemed to turn up a few stuff about it.
Looks kind of neat in that way that it's utterly forgettable but has a rabid fanbase.
One thing is, you have to make spells, and you're limited by how many flasks you have.
So it's really best to just hold on to all your elemental energy until you max out, then use it all at once.
Because she don't mind, she don't mind, she don't mind.
I wouldn't know
What is it you desire today?
From the few I've played it is pretty forgettable.
The main characters are generally shallow and annoying as hell. The story is typical with little of interest.
The mechanics and roster of back characters were the only thing I could get into with it.
Also a griffon named Fubar.
I mean.
Unless you use magic a lot.
But there's no reason to give it to the party, and it does friendly fire splash if you aim it wrong.
Not that I really care about nuking my entire party.
Anyway I'm back to work.
Home in like, 3 and a half hours.
Apparently it's "lie" not "mind".
Fuck you, Clapton, and your more famous terrible songs.
Why the griffin?
I have to leave to pick my sister up in 10 minutes.
What artist is this again?
Help me out here man, I just woke up
Wanna sniff some boogar sugar and not feel your face?
Do I wanna go do coke with some random people ?
Not~♪ Really~♪
Let me in, what's up?
That guy sucks tho
a-are you triggered yet?
It makes you really sociable
trust me
Let you in what ?
on the details.
Clapton is a great guitarist but some of his catalog is trash. Unlistenable even.
I love it when Prompto snaps a shot right as I come out of a warp strike.
Of what ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Good speed!
This one's a really neat one.
what you are going to do
and what was your sis up to
ect ect
random tid bits from your life
God speed*
She doesn't have a car so I pick her up from work and school.
see you here later :)
I would fuck Ban's sister
youd probably fuck ban soto
Who wouldn't fuck Daddy?
Isn't that because your Desu's?
You'd fuck me, though, right Nebby Subtoe?
Would you let me :3
i want the red head and the teacher lady
Ignore the fact that she was freaking out there.
Errr I need more descriptions
Not so calm when the lewd is turned onto you..
I mean.
You weren't wrong.
That you get flustered?
I got silver in my tkd competition btw ^^
Bless you
sigh... if only you were much brighter.
I'm not even watching anything right now beginning with T
Damn, he's calling people retarded now.
You mean it's not even out yet? just a simple trailer?
I'm actually fairly easy to fluster, honestly.
And if you catch my off guard ever so perfectly, you'll way more than fluster me.
Was it hard?
I think I found my new wall paper.
Lol... you don't even pay attention to your own emil feild :3
What is it?
Who the fuck pays attention to email fields when they're just facerolling?
Noctis just after finishing a warp strike.
Would unexpected lewd or unexpected complements work better?
When I lost in the final it was really hard, yeah, I think there's still some cartilage broken in my nose
Oh ._. Yeah I'm not bright sorry.
There's only a trailer, you're right
*rolls on ur face*
I don't actually know who that is
why pay attention to facerolling when you can pay attention to facesitting
I think they work equally well.
Someone managed to break me by kissing me on the cheek in public while we were dating, back in highschool.
The player character in FFXV.
your adorable~
But now you know. Thanks for the sauce too.
Once been watching a playground if x. What a shitty mc.
I still have no money because I keep changing the car's paint job.
Watching a let's play of x*
You mean Tidus?
When I was driving in the game earlier, someone tried to pass me.
So I did what any sensible driver would do, and tried to push him off the fucking road.
God, assholes these days think they own the road, ammirite?
Best FF MC is BUTZ.
Yes, that loser
Also, my Radio is set to Battle with the Four Fiend right now. Lol.
That is SO cute
Cute >~
By the way, I hope your nose heals well.
Thanks, I'll properly see how it is in a week
I hope FFXV lives up to your hype ^^
I've been so excited for so long that it doesn't even have to anymore.
It just has to exist, and I'll love it.
lets all go to the lobby
what lobby?
the one that snackbars us all
Only if we're lobbying for you to be happy.
tell me more... about this snack bar?~
this is not a thing saly
Maybe it should be.
it explodes and erases trouble
judging from last night I'm thinking it shouldn't
What should I name my Totodile?
I found him in a spooky secret cave.
What troubles you?
Steve Irwin
...y-you're alive~
I highly disagree.
I'm not who you think I am.
But... you use those pictures...
Pictures the one you're thinking of never used.
too much
yee but you don't know that thing
she's used them plenty... in the past.
yeah... mayb not those particular ones from manga and uh that particular funky styling of that hair....
....but still.
She never posted as Smith.
Now let it go.
These two are playing in the water.
Look how old they are.
Relationship Goals.
what can you do?
let what go?
Who are you really?
what happened last night
That's a hat, not grey hair.
This idea of yours.
I'm me, naturally.
hopefully experience all out nuclear war
Judging by how you're evading, I feel like you don't want to talk about it?
What is my idea?
hey nerd!!!!!!!!! ur a nerd!!!!!!!!!
That this person you believe will be back anytime soon.
too rash...
Love you too.
that wasn't my idea, but if you insist. i'll just have to imagine you hold them back.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
not in thread, it's pretty bad and I don't want to be reminded of it by everyone from now on
that I am
You do!
Msg me it in discord? :c
i wanna hear....
I think you have me on steam if you want my input.
Doubtful. I haven't had a real conversation with them for over two months now.
you seem to have a bad enough time you shouldn't listen to my problems too
thanks rin
There's nothing to thank me for.
not even small talk?
i find that surprising. or have they severed all the way you could contact them?
No no no... i'm open and accepting. i've heard a many in the past. being a shoulder for you to lean on is one of my few kindnesses i have to offer.
also i just got a 88$ import fee from fedex lol after they delivered the package
She texted me wishing me a happy Thanksgiving, and I reciprocated the message. But made no real attempt to continue dialog.
"The package"?
Big floppy rubber donguses?
Well at least there is that.
She thinks about you then.
Evident enough.
are you that uh... robot guy uh... wrapped all up in bandages and glowing parts and gears and stuff?
Hmm~ hmm~ hmm~
I post as Nox occasionally, yes.
no, it was a present. qq
isn't it normal to?
what is this?
tricky towers
I don't really know.
I don't like having people thank me, though. Least of all for things that everyone should do.
oh so it's you! ♥
*hugs tight*
I said that already.
what else do you do besides drink?
that leaves a lot of gaps in time.
Not really. I save such time for sleep.
a graphics card umu
share with me... more details of the far a few things that go on in between... the less clear and blunt things, not so easily described.
so that i may get more insight... let me in.
do you avoid me getting close for a reason?