What makes evolution so difficult for the right to comprehend?
What makes evolution so difficult for the right to comprehend?
Liberals aren't much better for evolution, there are a lot terrified of evolved plants and vaccines for no good reason.
Oh neat OMGs backwards has a filter I didn't know about, based mods know their science.
fundamentally, it comes from a mis-translation of Charles Darwin's work when it came to the continental philosophers, who saw evolution incorrectly, and based large amounts of their philosophy on that incorrect understanding.
I suggest you watch this video, about how Nietzsche's philosophy was inspired by an mis-understanding of evolution.
Nietzsche is the patron saint of edgelords anyway
It is my impression that the race-denying left has the biggest problem with evolution. They reject the reality that human subspecies have evolved disparate cognitive capacities and make up pseudo-scientific muh privilege and oppression theories to explain away biological differences. Evolution created us all equal!
So much this
did you ever read Niietzsche ?
Funny I don't remember evolution playing a role in whites descending from the heavens.
Cite this shit
Wouldn't be saying it if I didn't
yeah, he's a fucking loser who contracted syphilis from a prostitute lmao
To answer your question, you have to look to the Enlightenment. Prior to the Enlightenment, people were engaged in literal readings of the bible, and also believed in a concepts such as what was called "fixity of being" (i.e. that things did not change, and had always been the way they were), as well as a "great chain of being" (i.e. that the world was ordered in a hierarchical chain of being with god and the monarchs at the top).
It was only with the Enlightenment that we began to understand things such as evolution. Reactionaries, generally, continue to oppose it in favour of the mythopoesis of literal readings of the bible (sometimes, anyway), as well as embracing purely Being rather than the reality of Becoming, in the philosophical sense.
Social construct.
This retard following the other retard.
Those people used to live like savages and completely isolated no more than 50 years ago, they haven't had exposure to culture and education, that's why they are so under developed, it has absolutely nothing to do with race.
even gorillas and chimpanzees can up their Autism Level scores.
it's the material conditions are to blame for their under development.
why are you so prejudiced against them? why not get yourselves involved and helping people like Abos get educated?
Why do you have to defend it so vehemently? What is it about evolution and Atheism that has status quo liberals and leftists buttblasted into full debate me mode?
Most right wing people actually dislike status quo dogma, doesn't mean they don't understand it they think they aren't being told the whole truth which then leads them into hours of YouTube research into alternative explanations
Which Right? The racist right likes it because it confirms their racial theories. The religious right hates it because it undermines Christianity.
All northern agricultural populations have evolved exceptional intelligence. Failure for an agriculturist to plan for winter means certain death, this resulted in strong evolutionary selection for planning ability and general intelligence. A north/south I.Q. cline exists in Europe and Asia.
I bet you faggots haven't even picked up a biology book since high school.
The racist right hates it too, they fail to see that ideas evolve with time as well. If it were up to them science and philosophy would be banned because nothing is better than an imaginary time located approximately somewhere in the past.
My concern with GMOs is not the technology but how it is used and, more importantly, who is using it. If you trust porky not to cut corners in safety testing then you're a naive fool.
Genetic engineering will be immensely useful for our species, just like nuclear fission/fusion, but the capitalist class will always find a way to use good technologies to do evil things.
That said, GMOs are far from the biggest concern in the western diet. You're much more likely to die due to the sugar industry than Monsanto.
It really perturbs me how popular anti vax ideas are on both the right and left. It's why I probably couldn't vote for the Greens if I was a US citizen.
Have you ever looked at the "IQ vs race" charts you love to post? Even the oldest and most biased show a huge overlap between races. There are almost certainly hundreds of millions of blacks who are smarter than you.
Dank infographs bro, if only you posted any fucking sources,
our perception of reality is a social construct.
See, had you worded it a bit better I wouldn't have had to post a silly reaction image
I'm just a fucking spic with broken english I do my best but some times I get miss interpreted.
You are absolutely right anons! That's why you should allow the jews to rule you. Afterall, they have the highest eyeque.
Gassing of all the non-jews when? Humanity needs a fucking purge.
If you're going to fall for that you might as well just fall for the "jews are neurotic inbreds" meme. End your racism, it's not healthy.
if Autism Level doesn't matter then why are there no great black civilizations and why do blacks cause more crime, poverty, and damage the more the are concentrated in any area?
if Autism Level matters, why were non-whites the first to have civilizations?
their socities were shit tier
Lmao, I guess living in caves was much better
so what is Chinese, Persians, and Indians can make decent civilizations. They still don't rival the accomplishments of the white civilization and sub-Saharan Africans still have nothing.
You know that muslims were close to conquering Europe, right?
Also, read Guns, Germs and Steel.
that's like asking a cripple to sprint
Millions? Certainly not. A few? Possible.
But he spent years saying how being a fucking obnoxious edgelord is a bad thing, so obviously you havent
Because plant domestication is easier in warm climates with long growing seasons. Also, Europeans are likely the only remaining descendants of the near-easterners who first developed agriculture.
Orange on the chart represents neolithic first-farmer ancestry. Blue, the indigenous European hunter-gatherers. Green is Aryan steppe nomad.
Never change Holla Forums
Why does the white mean peak at around 107? Not a good chart.
Every branch of life evolved specific and unique traits to better adapt to their environments. Except humans they're magical creatures that are all equal in every regard.
t. leftist
Every branch of life evolved specific and unique traits to better adapt to their environments. Except whites they're magical creatures that are all the best in every regard
t. nazi
And yet every other quote and teaching is about how being an obnoxious edgelord is desireable
Nice strawman, faggot
Not an argument.
If you actually had any concerns for ethics you'd be vegan.
I actually do believe that there is no ethical argument for eating meat, but also understand that I'm not an ethical being.
If I were dictator I would force everyone, even myself to be vegan because I believe in an ethical society.
The right are the only ones who apply evolution to humanity, recognizing that other races are less developed than others, while the left categorically denies that other races are just as well developed as the others and that one an animal stands on two legs they are all equal.
History's smartest man was ethnically Jewish, after all.
What's the last time you've taken a course in biology? Do you own any biology books?
Just the fact the you say races less "developed", as if evolution is a linear progression suggest you don't know much about evolution.
We need to revive him fam
Nice spook
That's not Stirner
Humans are a very genetically close species, probably because of a near extinction event in our close past
"my group just happened to evolve all the best mental traits while the other group evolved all the bad ones" isn't based in science, it's wishful thinking
They are afraid of change.
Sure, you have a four digit Autism Level, right?
And yet here we are, a single set of closely related populations from Western Eurasia dominate the heights of every cognitive endeavor, possess the most aesthetically pleasing physical features, have created the most just and egalitarian societies on the planet and retain the collective capacity to exterminate all other races from the planet and become the sole heirs of Earth, but choose not to do so as a consequence of self-imposed moral limitations.
Is this a likely evolutionary outcome? Probably not, but here we are. Do we now choose to voluntarily go extinct in order to make the evolutionary losers feel better about themselves or do we embrace our role as the most advanced form of life which has evolved on this planet and consciously impose our order on the universe?
these amounts of ideology should not be possible
real authoritative
Reality doesn't speak for itself, that shouldn't silence us however.
Safety isn't what should trouble you, it is that farmers have to buy new seeds every year. This was true of hybrid seeds as well, but there was more competition there then there is now with transgenic seeds.
Western Europe has only been prominent for the last 500 years of civilization. A pretty short timespan in the grand scheme of human history . And its unlikely that it will ever return to its dominate position, even if you kick out all the blacks, browns, jews, gays, atheists and put women back in the kitchen.
Their is no proof that he contracted syphilis. And yea ,he was lonely in his life but that does not mean he was a loser
Here's the source for the first pic since the poster was a huge faggot. I'm not bothering with the rest.
When did another race supersede Europeans in cognitive and cultural output?
Why don't some producers sell seeds of plants that do reproduce at a much higher price?
And now they've outlived their empires, a tale of the past that no longer sings to the tunes of today.
They were never more than a mob of shitty brown people sitting on a valuable trade route. An intellectual non-entity.
Literal subhuman barbarians who lived in tents.
What about them? China has zero intellectual or cultural output, they just make cheap shit for export so that white elites can avoid having to pay decent wages to white workers. If white countries instituted nationalist economic policies, China would descend back into the bronze age.
I wish I had taken a screenshot, but I remember reading a stormfront thread about this very issue. The consensus was that while other races may have a higher Autism Level*, they were skinny nerds with math tricks. Sure africans might be able to run really fast, but they are dumb brutes. White people are the perfect combination of brains and brawn.
and by smarter they claimed it was only an illusion, just good at memorizing facts but not "true" intellect, which of course is never really defined but just accepted only whites have it
color me surprised
They don't want to alienate their religious support base.
You are reading it wrong. The element is listed above the flag. Polonium is French, as Pierre Currie did all of the actual work. Tellurium is Romanian, for the German mineralogist Franz-Joseph Müller who was likely born in what is today Romania. Also, nice digits.
Controlled the Balkans and the Arabic world, which was a lot more civilized and progressive than Europe for most of the time Islam existed there as the dominant religion.
Created the largest contigous empire ever and kicked everyone's ass. Isn't it you guys who say "might is right"?
Outcompete everyone else you know, might is right so you can't complain. Oh wait
Literally "they are better than us, but feels > reals".
Those nationalist policies would drastically increase the price of consumer goods, thus wages would be decreased and workhours increased pretty radically.