How do we stop him?
How do we stop him?
From doing what?
Why stop it?
Holla Forumsing up the joint.
>>>Holla Forums
Good question comrade. We need to vote Democrat and stand firm behind the DNC, even when we don't agree, to protect the sovereignty of our NATION from the fascist communist dictator Putin.
Why would we stop Comrade Putin and his fight against imperialism in Ukraine,Which BTW he didn't send Novorossiya tanks, they found em. His assistance with Comrade Assad in Syria is where we must stand with him, especially against the Zionist petty-booj neo-liberal colony Rojava
SAA never confronted Rojava you retard tankie-strawmen
I like Putin better than Trump.
Putin was KGB, thats badass as fuck.
Can't believe he hacked democracy.
Putin was cool in his youth, I like him.
Just not everything he does.
wat? assad is a disgusting porky cunt
Nice try pol
the only thing that can stop a bad tankie is a good tankie
assad sitting with brezhnev means nothing except that they were opposed to saudi arabia and israel.
they behaved like porky royalty.
Ask /USSR/
Why should we stop one flavor of capitalism over the other? We are communists, I thought.
COD4 Style civil war.
What side would Putin be on? Loyalists right.
Weren't the Ultra-Nationalists against the current Russian Government (Putin) in that game.
WTF is this even supposed to mean?
Tankie logic, not even once.
he's a Nazbol playing four-dimensional chess to reinstate the USSR
From doing what? Russia is a troll state. It's puzzling to me why the American establishment cares so much about Russia but does little against China aside from complain about islands in the South China Sea or muh currency manipulation. All Russia does is engage in provocative military actions in places it views as its rightful clay, and then threaten to nuke anyone who pushes back.
Hollow point oughta do it.
There are almost no current national leaders today who shouldn't be bumped off, but I'd say a lot of them take priority over Putin. He at least provides some counterforce, however minimal, for the USA.
What does this mean in practice? How has Putin in any way meaningfully resisted the US' foreign policy? And what good results has the proletariat of any nation received from this?
Putin's Russia is the vanguard of resistance to Anlgo-ZioJewish global capitalism. Also he praises Stalin so he's actually a Communist.
t. "tankies" who are actually just Russian nationalists
I didn't say he was any good by himself, just that he's one of the things keeping an increasingly unhinged America from running (even more) roughshod. His imperialism slightly detracts from America's.
This is what peak anti-fascism looks like, you may not like, but it does.
How has he done this in the past 17 years?
How and to what effect?
Keeping Moldavia from joining Romania and now Ukraine from joining NATO, keeping America from turning Syria into another Libya.
This just reaffirms my belief that the Soviets better attire then the Nazis.
They really did. I never understood why people keep saying "Nazis sure had some nice fashion sense at least".
How has Transnistria stopped Moldova from joining Romania? Chances are that's going to happen in the next decade or two anyway. And how does that aid American imperialism?
Ukraine wasn't on-track to join NATO and its talks and treaties with the EU have been entirely non-committal. Even if Ukraine does end up joining NATO, that's not exactly much help to American foreign policy.
This one is technically correct, but equally as meaningless as the previous two.
Gotta be in complete control of your territory if you want to do something with it.
Removes buffer zone between NATO and Russia.
And now the chance is smaller. And it would be a victory for American foreign policy, because again, it would put a NATO border in contact with a Russian border.
Are you even stopping to consider your statements or are you just being contrarian? If their involvement in Syria was meaningless, then why the fuck would they be doing it in the first place?
Oh yeah, he also pushed the shit in of that one Georgian puppet regime.
Alright, my turn to ask something: why the fuck are you faggots all up in my ass and even assumed I'm a fucking tankie? All I did was say that his imperialism is running in the opposite direction of America's, unlike most everyone else's, which is in tandem with America's, meaning there's plenty of Porkies which would have more priority than Putin. And you're treating me like I posted selfies of me sucking Putin's dick.
Now either make an actual point or fuck off.
Dunno, that guy is playing the long games.
Let's hope he sees the merit of a socialist Rojava/Kurdistan
That's conjecture. Transnistria has never been a blocking point in the issue of Romanian reunification.
I'll ask again: how does that aid American imperialism? American imperialism isn't a spooky, abstract force that gains +5 resources from one of its antiquated alliances having a land border with Russia.
If their involvement was of any major geopolitical significance, then why the fuck would they just roll over and let the conflict happen? Why didn't they intervene significantly early on? Why didn't they put substantial boots on the ground, or have Al-Assad killed?
Because Syria is already another Libya. And the US has virtually nothing to gain from someone other than Al-Assad being on top.
Why the fuck am I arguing with someone who doesn't know Saakashvili? Needless to say, the war with Georgia with equally as inconsequential as all your other examples.
It's because your position is fucking retarded as hell and "enemy of my enemy" is 6 year old logic. You don't fight imperialism by supporting imperialism.
I just ripped you to shreds, son. Now fuck off.
Actually, Russian imperialism IS the way to fight American imperialism.
Imperialism is Capitalism in decay. Adding national adjectives is to the very least something Lenin didn't like at all. You might as well want to read his shortish imperialism book attacking both German and Russian social chauvinists accusing the other side of a particularily evill imperialism.
Laktionov (pic related) worked as a mason and drawer aside from teaching painting. There were no professional artists and sportsmen in the USSR because it's a hobby.
I thought they both looked pretty good