Leftypol got any alternatives to /v. 4chan v is console war shit poster central and 8 /v is pretty much pol with them whining about women, ugly women or niggers in video games. Used to find decent stuff on fan games but I'm getting tired of digging through all that bs.
Alternatives to /v
Other urls found in this thread:
try Holla Forums
How about trying not to play video games and start studying theory?
sauce OP?
Sorry no, Holla Forums was taken over by the Far-Right.
You can post here if you want?
w-what if you want to play video games so you can apply theory to criticism?
this is your containment board
What's with all the blatant butt threads
Not that I'm complaining but this is skirting the line
I'd love to skirt that line
/svidya/ was a good alternative for a couple years. We can have it again if people would actually try to take a chance and try to build something again.
/vg/ in cuckchan and pick video games that you like.
Doubt it would work, would just get spammed to death by reactionary retards
I kid you not a thread about EA devolved into yet more autistic screeching about TEH EBIL JOOZ
Video games are bourgeois
I do appreciate that Holla Forums interacts mostly with history and literature boards, while Holla Forums interacts mostly with a board for discussing toys. It says a lot.
Proof that Holla Forums are bizarro SJWs.
Because if they picked up a book it would shatter their delusions :^)
Hillary Craig.
Last of us 2 trailer for months preaching about the blatant hatred of white men. Solidified that /v is pol now.
Holla Forums is Holla Forums talking about games. Anything you disagree with is
A: Jewish
B: leftypol
C: shilling
D: some combination thereof
4chan /vg/
forgot to take off shitposting flag
it's shit, it's always been shit and will never be not shit
By infiltrating Holla Forums and taking it over
I keep saying that we should make a cyclical thread for all the off topic bullshit that rolls in here, shit like vidya, e celebs, fetishes, movies and music