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Once more, with Mornin'


dag dag



What is best password manager?


the e5-1650 does

whats up


I don't use one :3


Being at friends, just chilling.

Sounds chill

O-Oh.. How do you store your 500 character passwords?



How's ikti?




Doing program stuff!

I thought about using one but I'm not good with computer. What are you using?

this tbqh

Dude, you just salty because I am an overall better creature than you. You are still a tomato.... trying to ketchup.

are you dissing my games you little shit



I am actually typing

sc2 is shit
fb games are shit

get better taste

...Having fun?



Grim, stop being hippocrates

None at all! :D

Good ole' programming, lol.

But you're 1337 k0der.

I've been using KeePass for a year but people keep saying Dashlane is better so I want a h4ck3r's opinion

He's going to become Watch Dogs irl but not black and no gay yo-yo.

i spent 80 hours this week playing league

Unpaid tedious work outside of my comfort zone.

I don't trust any of em so I considered writing my own and syncing an encrypted thing on DropBox or Drive but that'd mean I'd need to write a Linux program and an Android app alongside and that's too much work.


Then why do

You are loco.
The definition of shit

Mhm, I just want it to be offline so I don't get lastpass'd.

hey now. that's not very nice.

it's very insulting to shit to compare it to loco.

hey cupcake remember that time you weren't good at crossdressing

Tee hee

that is an ongoing trend.

loco post nudes

To validate my existence through third-party approval!

Aren't there a bunch of free open source offline pass keepers?

Then that's your 'pay'

/validates u

Wonder who would win a gay off between loco and cupcake?

grim do you know a thing or two about fast programs

That doesn't bring cash to my account though!


Remember when Cupcake did a thing?

Pepperidge Farm remembers


I have no idea

Will you be as sad as THIS cat?

all the time

He's already way sadder.

Good point

ur moms a good point

I wish j could be happy

Only smiles to your heart, which is what truly counts.

so do I. j is a hell of a guy.

Who is mister j?

Eware of mr f

mista f


none of them are faceboob games

I'll see if I can find anything this week.

Cold hard cash!


Y-You too

Burdo brainu

Evening, weirdos

Stop dying, IntelliSense...



my past self left a hot and spicy mcchicken for me in the fridge.

you're one to talk

You're the one posting a derpy birdgirl!

prove it


now put something up your ass


You're proving it right now!

Says carrot boy.


Oh shit, past you sounds like a bro

I donno what that means

eh, I dunno.

rarely. usually he's a fucking dick.



Think back like 5 years

tree girl is cute, at least

yeah, that was a thing

Look, he's obviously trying to make it up to you

shame she's only in one episode. and only really cute like that for like 1 minute.

gonna take a hell of a lot more than one spicy mcchicken to do that.

Pretty weird if you ask me.

I mean, she is cute for most of it
just not flat till the end

You've won this round

I'm surprised you even remember that

is it supposed to hurt

I'm sure if you pressure him you can get him to give you a actualjob~

Bird girl > tree girl

she's not really cute when she's a rampaging tree monster.

also explain to me this carrot thing.

boy howdy that sure was funny yessiree

literally no one would try to debate this.


I would

I never forget anything.

literally no one who's opinion matters*

I did you a funny

Don't sweat it, just get past self to get you alcohol.

she has big boobies!

That is impressive!

and tree girl > bird girl

I am already drunk

exactly my point.

second reply goes to cato


then you're wrong!

Everything I do is impressive.

See? Your past self is on his A game tonight.

I wish my past self would try to get me drunk. Fucking killjoy.

I'm never wrong about anything.

my past self isn't what got me drunk that's my present self you dumdum.

about 70% of it

about 70% of the time

plus 30%

Dont you get me started on timey-wimey bullshit Cup. Present you is you right now, already drunk

Past you gave you the alcohol and made present you drunk

Trust me on this

past me only starts applying like, 24 hours ago. or at least like 12-18. anything in the last couple hours is just present me.

Yes, you are wrong 100% of the time!

says you

Then name a time I've been wrong.

Surly you can think of AT LEAST one in the last 6 years.

No matter how recent the past you was, it's still the past you.

You can't just make up rules to take responsibility for your own drunkenness, it's obviously the work of the past you, working independently of present you!

but I like being drunk. I'll happily take responsibility for getting in this state.

Oh yeah?

Well that's fine I was getting tired of that schtick anywho


I win again.

The Gengar nerfs though.

See, cute!!

that one time then when you said the thing!



Aren't Gengar's only real nerfs the general Mega rework?

you're making zero sense.


Reward the future you with a treat now.


gross. no.

They're referring to the fact that its ability changed from Levitate to Cursed Body

Wow, future you's gonna think you're a dick.

You're really okay with that?
I'll totes tell on you to him

He doesn't have levitate anymore

see above

I'd rather be immune

I was clearly right about this thing and nothing can make me thing otherwise

Literally just switch in a flying type like Celesteela

I am making the most amount of sense!

well that's good, I can still make you think otherwise


that's how it's supposed to be. he upset the natural order with that kind gesture earlier.

damn. that's a bummer. but I mean, why run gengar if you aren't using him as a mega anyway so...


I was talking about how Mega status officially "changes" before the current turn, rather than after.

Sucks for you.

Might as well just sweep them with UB cheese.

explain to me what this means.

You must now find your past self and kill yourself

How do they justify gengar not being able to levitate?

if only.

That only really helps it, though. It gets its better stats and trapping ability now

Also I just picked the first flying type I thought of, Celesteela is just popular atm. Skarmory works as another steel/flying non-UB

I could just call cuppers cute, and then things will get good

4 out of my 6 pokemon are ghost types.


I dunno


says you

I dunno he can clearly fly in the shows


Don't worry time travel will be real

One day

Hes fat

ur fat

Before, the status and ability changes to pokemon in mega evolution happened at some point during the turn, I'm not absolutely sure when.

Now they happen at the top of the turn, around the animation.

This means that pokemon whose megas affect their speed will have their turn order affected.
Banette will lose prankster before its status.

I actually never committed to memory what Gengar's mega adjustment was.

no u

Same as most megas, higher offensive stats and better ability

saying blatantly false things won't get anything good

nightmare is not reliable. sleep as a general strategy isn't a good one.

it honestly doesn't seem likely

seems like for most pokemon this is a buff rather than a nerf, honestly.


yeah, and all the earlier evolutions should be able to levitate

I donno, it works almost all the time

Apparently it's enough of a noticeable effect that people felt the need to talk about it.

Losing Prankster before its turn though.
That's gotta sting for Banette.

If I look at you meanly and then land it though.

The early ones still have it

That won't stop me from dreaming

On a lighter note I'm gonna start going to a gym tomorrow

Mega Metagross is now just flat out busted

It's not like Mega Banette was ever useful anyway, unfortunately

that's my point, losing it is weird

gotta start a petition because they're ruining your immersion

finna get some pork belly up in HEYA

A lot of megas kinda underperformed really.

Bedrill's going to get to use its stupid adjustment now.

For one turn.

I mean his new thing isn't bad but he pretty much always dies when hit by something.

isn't he immune to physical attacks?
like fighting stuff

Normal and Fighting type attacks.



so things are still ok, just not ideal

Too bad at this point we can't use Mega Beedrill because it's not in Sun/Moon :(

Mega Diancie got buffed a huge amount too, also unavailable

I think I found a shiny gastrodon randomly but its hard to tell.

Only proof that Tsareena is a shitter.

I mean.
Once bank is unlocked then they're both available.

Unless you use the 2017 VGC download ruleset.

It comes in 2 colors, remember

Not true, you can't trade items through Pokebank and there's no way to get the mega stones in Sun/Moon at this point

East sea or West sea and what colour?

Not Diancie, but I thought I saw Beedrill's at the battle tree.

Its the green one buts it looks like it has a light blue chest

They have it, but it's not available to players. Fucking stupid

Guess I was mistaken.
Serves me for skimming the list so hard.

Yeah, that's not shiny.

Are the yellow lines more orange?

Also, did it sparkle on battle entry?

Meant the shop list.

Oooohhh. I haven't done Battle Tree yet, last thing I did was catch a bunch of Synchronize Abras and get UBs with good natures

Modest Celesteela is secret OP ;)

...I know its in different colors

I can't tell with the colors and I wasn't paying attention when I found it



They aren't that hard to get anymore anyways

WTB more APM
This isn't even fair

I really want him to go away

But you win anyway.

test possssssssst
is Holla Forums kill?



Because I utilize meme magic. But in ZvZ where my meme magic doesn't work or in long games I'm sure to lose.

Pretend to be someone better than destiny



Suks 2 b u

literally never had this issue on 4chan :^)

He's a lot better than me tho
According to the MMR stuff I think I'm gonna place in plat, which is disappointing because I keep winning these placements.

I'm on Chrome and it works for me soooo.....

but there are way better foreigners out there

a foreigner won a big korean tournament recently

yeah well that much is obvious. for some reason it isn't working for me and a couple other people from here along with a lot of people from other boards
it's totally because of that one thing though

Huh. According to wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/Battle.net_Leagues#League_MMR_Ranges KR is in the shitter. I guess the average player in KR is worse, with a much higher ceiling.

They just lose more because the average player is stronger

like when you compare the bronze and silver mmrs

If I'm not mistaken in my understanding, the way I read that is that fewer people play in KR, their floor is higher, and their ceiling is lower (excluding GM). They also seem to be more weighted towards lower divisions.



that would make sense

I was thinking that if you have about a 60% winrate at the top, then you will probably be negative in MMR because you tend to loose more than you win at that point.

60% winrate should be a pretty dramatic increase in MMR at all levels.


You tend to play a lot of people significantly lower than you when you are at the top, so you lose quite a bit for each loss

Even at 15 for a win and 20 for a loss, which is pretty dramatic, you're looking at an average of +1 MMR/game.

not nude enough

I thought it was closer to 10 to 20, but I haven't checked the math in a while

If you were playing that kind of game I'd imagine like Solar laddering and such, and I think he'd have a much higher winrate.

Quick googles show that the top 10 GMs usually have ~80% winrate. So with 10/-20 that's an average of .4 MMR/game.

top 10 GMs are exceptional, bottom 100 is where you should be looking

and it would be more accurate to filter to last 100 games

Don't think that information is available. Still, MMR systems should get you to the proper ranking given enough games played. That is their purpose.

well yeah, I think of it as an mmr sink and possibly one of the other reasons why KR is below the other servers.

do i need sleep?


I got on a scale today and weighed 141 pounds :3
I was thinking I'd be a;ot heavier after thanksgiving


Thank christ i get internet tomorrow.

I got the F and S down now I just need to get the E down before I die of starvation.

is the qr box broken for anyone else?

you were missed

It's gone on my PC, some people on /operate/ have had the same problem.
No resolution to it yet.

well fook, well anyway how are you sd?

A bit tired and drinking.
Screw mobile posting though, bye.

Ive been posting off and on though...


not as much though

Eh. Mostly out of dissinterest.

no seriously I hate terran wtf

Did you get to the elite A.I.?

blizz pls


I get to the last hard one

and then lose and it drops me back 2-3 hard AIs

According to TL this is diamond MMR
I feel bad if I'm gonna play silvers, hopefully it'll actually use MMR not rank tho

terran requires like so little micro to make units right? so the AI can use its apm-cap or whatever on micromanaging or other stuff


Also how the fuck does a gold player have 230APM
Like what the actual fuck

Terran is the most micro heavy race

I mean when making units they can just spam a huge queue and go micro the actual combat right

oh my god shut up

Just play Terran.

You shouldn't have the resources floating/wasted in ques normally. But their armies in general have the least a-click capability, with things like stimming correctly, loading into medivacs, widows/tanks and splitting being very micro intensive comparatively. Everyone's macro will take a hit during fights/harass, but terran requires more micro to perform well in a lot of fights.

that is like telling somebody to play yasuo or leesin

That is stupid. Play Riven instead.

did some nugg break quick reply


rip everything

Mine still works.

is it dying?

mine works again

mine now too

Has been for ages.


I won't have internet on my computer for a week maybe.

You should fix that

kyle her pc is too shit so ill probably refund it

I'll try.

Wait, are ghouls made of gas?!

Ghouls are like - rotten people.

I had a lady try and sell me a double sided vibrator today.

she told me you stick in your ass and then stick it in your friends ass and then violently touch butts.

not if they're like ghosty ghouls

And I don't believe you!

they rob graves and feed on dead bodies.

Ghostly Ghouls are rotten people with a spectre buff.

So is a sublimed ghoul in the process of subliming?



It's just a vague term meaning various forms of undead.
There's not like a set definition for it, especially with the modern rise of abusing the fuck out of undead tropes, series, and whatever.

You'd have to ask moogie


I was specifically poking at mugs

But is a sublimed ghoul completely gas yet?

sublimation into the sublimed plane of existance leaving the known dimensions of space time behind to take up residence in several higher dimensions

Oh. You're talking about his name.
Fuck if I know.

But I want to use the chemistry definition!

I just think it's kinda funny

thats so boring

To be honest I never looked at what his name was.

I think it was ghost before ghoul.
Could be wrong, though.

So any idea why 8ch decided to not let a lot of us post?


someone was fucking with the code

Because someone pushed him out of his wheelchair.

Nonsense coding

but turning straight from a solid to a gas is cool

But it is a happy smiley face reaching for a heart

That would actually make sense


not as cool


And thats about as far as I got.

I never felt the need to look at it since its pretty easy to know who i'm walking with.

where the FUCK is everyone on disc

Battle when?

I dont battle

no wars
only love

I'll battle you

Just don't be sad when you lose

Destroy Ian for me.

Well I haven't even beaten that game yet.

I should probably at least beat the game first.

You will still lose

this is true


This is not one of those times where he has a chance

I am very good at Pokemon

my statement still stands

are u gonna shiny hunt or nah


do you think venom drench is good ?

My muk has it and toxic

I have like 96 of those berries so I might as well.

Shiny Weavile doesn't look very cool though.

It really is not

Also how the fuck do i make my pikachu wear a hat ?

I KNOW it can be done.

This isn't one of those things you say proudly.

Neither is "I am a worthless cripple"

And yet you EXUDE it

you're a pokenerd
there is 0 point

thats pretty sick
shiny eevee is ffFRICKEN silver

and shiny rockruff is blue

so ye

this nigga got a female after 2 males

the dedication

I can probably outrun your fatass. I still run like 2-3 miles a day.

Yeah Ban you don't want it

Well you could at least pretend you cared

I would love to try that, I have plenty of stamina


That was not the image I selected, phone

I don't think I want any shiny pokemon.

Good idea

Truly trying on those legs to even move your mass.

My Meganium disapproves, Grim

I do not weigh that much, dude.

clean your fucking screen

I thought you were like 190-200ish.


I am sub 140 dude, where the fuck did you get that lmao

How the fuck do I weigh more than you?
I'm 145ish.



You're not fucking 140

Ur getting fat then lmayao




I didn't say gamer underaged boy, Darwin.

Just as flat with that weight. Show us your tits.








Ashes pikachu used final flash.


I would like this


i was asleep and now i'm not


I mess up when it really matters over and over I suck diks

but do you mess up at sucking dicks?

itis not on my list of stuff that mattress


ty, ty
how are uou been

thank god for qr

why is no one around
did they disappear
are they ghosts

Because death.


so sleepi

i see
well that's a shame

It happens to the best of us.

Fairly decent.
Boring family shit for the holidays.

i guess i don't deserve death then...

Maybe you're too good for that.

i'm not good i'm a failure who needs to die

me too thanks

Hello Eisen.

hello happy holidays

Maybe that's what you think, but other people disagree.

other people still think 'm a failure

I don't think so.

yeah thye do
they're jsut greedy and don't want me to die
thye know i'am a fialure

But that's wrong.

nopt i'm a failre at everyitnhing i do
no successes just failures
i'm bad at everythign, including dying
so no one worryies about me

You're typing full Revynese now.

I think you're a kind person, and only that matters to me

no i'm not fuckyuo

beingk kind does't make me money
unless you want to adotp

It doesn't do that, but it does help on multiple occasions to be compassionate.

Go to bed.

i'm fake caompashinotate
i ahte peropole fakdsl;ajkfl;ajskfoaejiogfdajfioz;djivz;jfklda;fjoafjdao;fjidaos;fjidaos;fjiadso;fjidaso;fja
bute really fuck peoprle

;youre'n ot m y real dad

It's time to stop.
Go to bed.

Deep down you really must care though.
You should get some sleep Revy, please?

i hate ;you tooo




Someone play a fuckaround game with me

We are playing ARAM.


Let's roll.

Bee movie beems are great


sc though.
fuck league

Struggle snuggle

Anyone home~?


ohayou goshujinsama~

Do I finish you right away or retreat after my display of dominance?


finish immediately.

I would know if you had not deleted me.

I will add you again to play, then remove you after.
It is paramount to my privacy and cool image to do this.

I just throw my entire army into the enemy army/base and hope for the best

usually the best is not enough

You do not have a cool image.


Mass queens are fun.

how do you becme cool

By being the kid with the anime knowledge.

i run like they do in naruto is that cool

I do too.


how to wake up?

eurobeat and coke

I killed -something- :3


i have neither of those
will manson and sweet tea suffice?

shove your dick in it

Killed what?
I got that pro-genji skin from playing 15 matches of HotS with friends.

That's problematic.

doit fgt



You don't

It reminds me very much of Summer Wars movie.


but if i dont wake up how can i compel myself to give a fuck about my coursework deadline today?


Do it in bed

don't finish

A bunch of drones and maybe one or two queens before I got royally raped by the other 20 or so..

I don't have the genji skin, I have no friends.

not gonna happen

i desire money


I'm the coolest.

Have you seen it Luka?

Ah well, not really all that familiar with SC.
I guess I could play them with you.


pretend its nothing, fuzzers are shit anyway

Don't get dragged into this it's hell.
Eh, I mean that would be nice but if you only played them for the skin you don't have to bother.
I guess I could get subtle or jack but both of them are pretty to get to do anything with lately.

I probably won't, at most I was good at CoH and C&C games in the RTS genre.
I don't have that much to do during most days, so I guess I could play those.
I played 17 matches of HotS today.


Are you actually having fun?

I do not know, it says I need to play 2 more matches against it for it to calculate my skill.

I played Generals and I always liked to play China and make a million battlemasters and a bunch of overlords with gattlings and gattling tanks and spam nukes

I don't really know, I'm pretty good at Raynor and Stitches though.

Spam nuke cannons and hackers, win instantly.

Alright,. I'll hit you up when I'm around, gotta now though, see you later.

Not if you don't try.

Alright, sleep well.

yeah... both.

China ez resource management ez win

I hated GLA and USA because you needed to do effort to get resources.

I want my Anne Pro

Summer Wars and the music video?

Well, on GLA you needed to spam the suicide fellows, besides angry mobs ftw, and on USA you just needed to spam the bazooka guys and fill chinooka helicopters with them for easy win.


Ah, well then.

Oh I never tried using the chinook for anything but moving dozers to build more command centres

Also same with GLA.

It's the easy way for victory as they destroy armored units with ease.

Cheap and logical, I should try it [whenever].

Comanches so expensive.

*snuggles boredly*

It's like spamming StuGs and pioneers in CoH 1, cheap and easy way to win.

Everything alright Luka?


Never played CoH.

I want to be Japanese.

no you dont

What's wrong?

One of those games that you had to be into during it's days of glory.

people stopped playing video games with me and logged off


I self identify as japanese, it's awful.

It's Monday tomorrow. Everyone has to sleep so they can wake up.

Maybe you should get some sleep..?


But JDM shit and dorifto.

colby has work tommorw or not?
Nezumi ban is still online client (not afk) but also not doing anything :|

and i'm just sittign here wondering what's up.

I used to be a CoD scrub.

Watashi wa very nihonjin desu uguu

b-but i've got plenty of rest not too long ago...

should i really be sleeping too much?


Colbs works in insurance, I'm sure he has work tomorrow. Ban might just be trying to wind down before he goes to sleep. I know I don't play video games for hours before I fall asleep, it just winds you up.

When did you wake up today? If you could fall asleep it might be for the best.

It's still expensive as fuck. I really wanted to get a nice drift car while here, but I'm just getting a superbike instead. So fucking expensive either way I go.

Maybe one day I'll have an Rx-7 or a Supra

I used to be a ~5 k/d CoD4 scrub.

Are you certain?
Well, if it's still very early there, you could always sleep some more.

Aiming with a controller is stupid and shouldn't be done.

tbh are not the russians invading from the wrong side going through new york isnot the other side shorter

uh... i can't remember... but i still feel going to bed now is still a couple hours too early since i'm not feeling any tiredness at all.

i'm feeling too anxious right now... antsy.

I guess that can't be helped, huh

Just get a second hand banger AE86 that's seen some guardrails, or a cheap 180SX or some Sil80 from a deliquent-turned-salaryman.

Doyou speak Japanese yet?

That's p gud, I always sucked if I remember correctly.

I was really thinking about a cheap 180SX, I see a good bunch of them around. Sexy things.

Gotta wait for some more cash to roll in though.
I don't, I can speak very little. Can kinda read it. Know like 100 kanji decently well now.

yeah but what are they gonna do to the west coast
also i think they would need most of their forces on their western side anyway to protect themselves from all our butthurt allies
plus who is crazy enough to attack russia from the eastern side, shits cold as fuck yo

Maybe you should lay down for a while then?

I spent a few too many hundred hours in the games.

Nice taste. Too little of em here sadly. Also I don't think places like Spa or Zandvoort let you have a go like Ebisu or Gunsai. Europe has meh car culture.

Do you manage? Japanese seem rather xenophobic to me.

i didn't eat anything too satisfying either... so i'm filled with a little emtpyness.

show me something to make me happy please.

i think i can... if i see cute things or kewl scifi stuff or magical things...

make my imagination happy please.

lmao 5-54

I haven't had too much trouble yet. They seem kind in Tokyo.

Only if you sleep a bit more.

Why do so many people have over 100 deaths?

this is not normal

aha ;;

i need it.

Sometimes, though they are rarely rude to your face.

I have nothing of the sort, as I've been doing nothing but homework and reading depressing mangas about suicide and abandonment all day.

Tell me the manga's or what they are about please!

new knowledge sates me~

It was Black Ops on the 360 and the other team worked together, kept having those helicopters and stuff.

I wanna move in senpai

That's fantastic actually compared to here!

What are you, some sort of weebaboo?

The 360 is probably full of nothing but hackers.

Then sleep.

woah... RIP
i knew it was scary... but

I don't know if I should laugh at Luka or feel bad for him at this point.

give me exciting things to make me dream happy pls...

im not a boy

I don't know what would make a good theme.

Yes hello my name is Akira and I am unable to translate my surname.

Nah we sucked and it was hilarious.

The first one was Koe no Katachi, which is about a boy who bullies a deaf girl until she transfers out of school. Five years later he's trying to tie up loose ends before he kills himself because his life has gone to absolute hell. He sells everything he owns, quits his job, and even apologized to her on his last day. But when she actually forgives him almost immediately he finds himself wanting to live. It was a story that I put on the same level as Onani Master Kurosawa. It deeply moved me.

The other was The Friendly Winter, a manhwa about a 19 year old girl with a growth disorder who looks like a small child that was abandoned by her mother when she was 9. She meets a 17 year old boy with a mental development disorder who is essentially a child at heart and the story is about their similar issues of abandonment. Also touching, if slightly less so than the first.

I do not accept that statement, but my terminal autism requires me to inform you that 'him/he/his' is gender neutral.


Yeah yeah, you get the credit for it. I looked it up out of curiosity cause of you.

pronoun (objective)
refers to a male person or animal: they needed him, she baked him a cake, not him again!

im glad

I just wanna lewd some japanese cuties tbh

Get a drift car and drift around some elementary schools.


Keep reading

How is fiction capable of making me want to be a better person?

I... I would prefer legal aged cuties

sci fi?
exotic worlds?
smarty pants stuff about uh... mysterys and subterfudge and umm... psychology of stuff and stuff... something 'deep' ?

Sorry to butt in, but out of curiosity what is your appearance, ethnicity-wise?

by playing on human capacity for empathy

Everything you say makes me wanna break your face.

I don't think it's uncommon. If anything, you can romanticize fiction in a way where it's easier to feel that way.

Isn't the age of consent like 12 or something anyway?

High school!

post him in a dress being flustered.

That of an average white male

I'm not saying if she's 12 I'm 12, but
I'd prefer an older girl. At least 18.

I mean, it says at least three different times on that page that it can and is used as a neuter pronoun.

It makes an edgy boy like me quite sad when I let stuff like this affect me in the way it can.

I don't really know, it's all up to your imagination.

Eye color? Not that it helps if you can't speak the language, but as a blue-eyed white male I couldn't peel the girls off of me when I went to Korea. Again, doesn't help when you can't even talk to them, but as far as getting attention it was more than I wanted.

Pick up some girls by drifting on mountain roads.

That's how it works right? Initial D taught me.

I read what it said.

I just can't wait for people to stop playing StarCraft with you so can fuck off to where ever you crawled out of.

I think being able to feel things from a story enriches the experience. A story that doesn't make you feel something typically makes less of an impact I think.

Green. I had plenty of girls (and guys) all over me in Korea. As long as you're white and someone attractive (and especially muscular) it's way too easy.

I plan to by speeding down mountain roads on my VFR

dont be embarrassed, it's okay for boys to cry

dictionary.com is made and maintained by privileged old middle class white men

I'll might fuck off around finals time, but I might not.
You're helping me stay here to be honest, I come mainly to watch petty internet drama.

Huh. I guess Japan doesn't play by the same rules. But yeah, in Korea I was not prepared for that level of attention.



oh right that old manga, i remember reading that way back when all of us used to be on 4chan.
it's a good one aint it.

i'm glad you are finding meaning in it. it's worth while and evocative~

Hmm... T.F.W. sounds like it would be a heartfelt read. :)
maybe i'll read that when i wake up~
woah! lots!

at least you are into those kinds of deeply moving things.

Where do I go for progressive definitions made by trans minorities?

Urban dictionary?

Don't fall off! Bikes scare me.

new thread

I might*

You should hurry up with that because pretty might everything you say is gonna trigger an negative response from me.

I wish I could bully you more but I don't know you enough to do anything meaningful.

I dunno if it's the same in Japan yet. Haven't been here long enough.

Nothing scary about them! Vroom go fast

Oh god. I finally have internet again.
Life is good.