I'm reading Marx and Engels and I'm just not getting where in the fuck these people think trannie children rights, public gay sex parades and the blatant targeting and exclusion of white dudes (progressive stack?) comes from. This is fucking everyone who calls themselves a leftist now. I gotta be real, I find homosexuality and transgenderism disgusting and objectively destructive to ones ability to be a worker and produce to their ability. The Soviets or any other regime didn't put up with that shit much less celebrate and endorse it. Why are people waving communist flags and celebrating bourgeois behavior like homosexuality while shrieking at poor working class whites to kill themselves? I want off this ride.
How the fuck did this happen?
Other urls found in this thread:
The new left did all of that.
Homosexuality and transexualism are both products of the structure of the brain and therefore fall within a materialist and therefore marxist interpretation.
Homosexuality is not bourgious, I know plenty of poor faggots.
Germany was planned to be part of the revolution, but we were betrayed. Everything from then on is a result of that, and we could never recover from it.
Socialism is for the doomed man.
Negros being more violent and dumber falls in line materialism as well.
Whatever dude. I have a visceral disgust reaction to the sight of two dudes making out.
Then so does racial tribalism and homophobia. Or did the capitalists make people engage in tribal skirmishes 10,000 years ago too?
Why is homosexuality destructive to being a worker?
clearly, SJWs have a visceral disgust of white people and nuclear families, how are you different from then again?
You're so above it all maaaaaaaaaaaaaan.
I know, it's pretty crazy, it's this hippy new thing I came up with called 'live and let live'.
Too bad it doesn't work out eh? Neither side is going to do that. And I'm not going to live like a pack of bonobos. If I can't be a leftist because of that then I guess sieg heil or some shit.
Ok, then return to the cesspool from whence you came
Being riddled with AIDS takes its toll I hear.
Idpol strawmanning.
Clearly incorrect, go to a local LGBT meetup. There will be white people. More white gays in the US than any other ethnicity… duh…
You are objectively incorrect in your assessment. If anything, us all posting on a Taiwanese recipe sharing board is more degenerate and damaging to our collective societies than homosexuality ever will be.
Irrelevant to modern era.
The lower classes uniting under a communist flag? Where but here, dood? Nowhere. That's where.
Op needs a good injection of Max Stirner
literally a personal problem, if you're really like that that's your own issue
Now we never have to stop working, comrade.
Lenin did.
The Soviets initially did, but realized they couldn't ban religion AND ignore the staunch moral identities held by the Russian populace and developed by the Orthodox church. It was favors.
There's a difference between bourgeois liberal idpol and recreational "leftism" and being an objectively opressed out group. you're just a confused reactionary
Is being spooked the new autism
So don't, faggot. Do what you want. Sleep with who you want, just don't be a spooked faggot.
That and the millions of dead people that needed replacing. The Soviets would have been happy to kill all those people on principle if they could replace them
I'm sorry to inform you OP, but you're as brain damaged as SJWs.
wew, a lot to unpack here
that's called envy my friend
the New Left movements in the 1960s, or, "dude what if we tried to do a revolution with radical gays and minorities and eschewed class struggle lmao"
it doesn't allow for its disgust for it either. ideally nobody gets to decide what is right or wrong outside of direct material power and consequence, and that is where fear homosexuality arises
It is taught through religion, and felt through adulthood.
It has no material basis neither positive or negative. It simply, is.
And its not likely to stop, so making "just ignore it if you don't like it if its not hurting anyone" part of the overall plan seems pretty reasonable.
The commies of old you speak of no longer exist OP. I was where you're at several years ago and I just couldn't fucking stand the people you inevitably hang around if you try to hang out with other leftists. The college campus is a fucking tumor. I read Marx, Lenin, Engels etc. before I went to college. Mind you I did an enlistment in the military before I went to college because I was actually, you know, fucking poor and needed the GI Bill to pay for it unlike every other little rich faggot who called himself a communist I'd ever met in my life. So yeah, I was a bit older than the other college cunts and the sort of people who clung to these ideas really made me take another look at them. You know what else happened? Having fat, unwashed, blue haired hambeasts with metal sticking out of their faces shriek "fascist" at me for being white, clean shaven and short haired made me curious enough to pick up a book by an actual fascist. That was 10 years ago. Now I'm all over nazi podcasts.
But anyway fuck my blog post. My point is this board is no different than the faggots at revleft, tumblr or any other campus leftist group you'll find. Every fucking time. We're still in your discord btw faggots lol.
Who do faggots get so angry when people don't consider two males kissing a beautiful expression of male love but a disgusting display of sodomy?
I have a right to consider your acts disgusting, so I not?
you have the right to stfu bitch
Who cares?
1. No it doesn't
2. The point of communism is to WORK LESS.
Marx warned about this.
Guess which one gave you AIDS.
Why do you focus on it being grotesque? It is just what it is. Two dudes kissing.
You're not going to stop it so why focus on it. A better question would be, why do you even have the energy to care and get angry about it
I know you hate when anyone brings this up, but there's a reason types like you are a little suspicious
normally nobody really cares about this sort of thing but you take it out of your day to emotionally invest in the topic whenever its brought up, and that sounds like you've given it some deep thought whether you like it or not.
Every. Single. Time.
Fuck the discord. It was made for and filled with r/socialism rejects. (Everyone on there deserves to be doxed)
How does this even follow? Marx is mostly economic theory. SJW are cancer. You can support one while opposing the other.
this thread
I've never set foot in a church and was raised by liberal parents who ranted about homophobic rednecks constantly. I still have a natural disgust reaction to two dudes sucking face.
You can think of it as gross when I kiss my boyfriend all you want. Start harassing me about it and I'll break your jaw.
I am not focused on it, OP just brought it up and I share his opinion, furthermore it is not "just kissing" it is two males kissing therefore repulsive.
stop watching so many men kiss, faggot
No, you're just a racist moron. Take your pseudo-science bullshit elsewhere.
Well with that attitude maybe. If humanity is to progress, we will inevitably move towards a socialist system.
This whole fucking thread. Christ.
Who cares if someone thinks being gay is gross, there are only two genders and race exists?
Stop demanding everyone not be grossed out about it.
Do you really think that the entirety of the planet can unite under one global commune?
Marx invested in the civil war and ending slavery and saw reconstructionism in the south as a permanent necessity. His views on the topic are mixed, he loathed the American South, even saw the potential of Texas as an independent nation to even move to. So a wikipedia article snippet isn't really a great grasp of the topic, this woman was ejected because of reasons other than just "muh feminism".
Because women's rights were a topic in radical worker's unions since the 19th century, as was support of anti racism, and anything trying to cover that is hilariously blatant revision of history
Sex is repulsive? News to me. I don't think about it when I think about people I see on the street usually. Maybe you need some self control.
It's "academic folklore". Most of the information lay people have about damn near every subject is wrong. The current climate of sjws are being called "marxists" by dunning-krugerites who's defense when you point out that they don't know what they're talking is "marx said everyone should be equal so it's an extrapolation on that". They literally don't know what they're talking about. This is one of those rare occasions where the word literally and its' use hyperbolically have the same impact. Most people have absolutely no clue what they're talking about and just regurgitate they heard from the next idiot.
Sargon of Akkad had some video petitioning universities(not a specific one mind you, yeah he seriously did this) to suspend "social justice courses" on the grounds that "you have to teach marxism, I understand, but you can't ONLY teach marxism". What a fucking moron.
Another example, which Noam Chomsky pointed out, is the saying "Invisible Hand". It's essentially an argument against neo-liberalism and has absolutely nothing the fuck to do with free markets yet it gets thrown around by every cato institute loving "libertarian" as gospel truth. It's also complete "academic folklore" to assume that Adam Smith and most of the other classical liberal economists would be in support of modern capitalists. David Ricardo and John Stuart Mill both agreed that those who worked in the mills should own them. Adam Smith praised the specialization of labor but also vehemently opposed the division of labor. He claimed that state intervention would be necessary to prevent such a thing as it would turn a man into something as stupid and ignorant and humanly possible. Willhelm Von Humboldt too had some rather anti-capitalist feelings. When it comes to work he felt that we may love what a man creates but if it is under duress we must hate what he is i.e. a slave.
They were also many classically liberal thinkers who were in direct opposition to wage slavery.
tl;dr people make shit up and dumb people just regurgitate what they hear to make themselves sound smart
He warned against idpol, not necessarily in all concepts idpol (claimed to) support. Lest we forget, Woodhull was a porky.
That's idpol in it on itself
There's a difference between "We need feminism in order to be able to fully implement socialism" and "muh idpol, muh cisshits, muh manspreading/splaining/whatever".
One gives you Rojava. The other gives you pussy hats and transgender bathrooms.
I guess you envy nazis then right?
Why global, what would that even mean.
The neighbour lives in another country?
None of which was why Woodhill was ejected, so the comparison is misleading. Some of you need to pick up a book and finish history because not a lot of you seem to know the history of this movement from beginning to now.
Also seeing as you probably aren't even near where the Kurds are, don't force yourself into their ranks, they speak for themselves.
So you acknowledge that you can't put people of all different races, cultures and religions into a commune and expect it not to explode in conflict.
Oh so countries exist now.
I actually used to feel the same way when I was young. But then I grew the fuck out of it. There are many more important things going on to concern yourself with.
No one's ordering you to make out with dudes, though.
We are at the least violent along racial lines we've been in a very long time this last 17 years. I think that's a pretty big accomplishment don't you?
just TRY to explain this logic. make any attempt, i implore you. repulsion is purely a subjective experience and you're presenting your experience as universal. the repulsion is probably a reflection of your own homosexual fantasies that face you when you experience them in the other
The majority of people don't wish to exploit others, nor be exploited themselves. So it's more than plausible & definitely not far fetched.
stop talking like metal gear character and actually learn some fucking biology jesus christ. The brain responds to more than just genetics, it isn't an impenetrable well of data that isn't impacted by the environment around it
It's a constantly updating chemical computer made of flesh, an organ that can be healthy or unhealthy like any other. From stress, from ingestion of chemicals, to development, puberty, hormones
Saying genetics is the cause of everything is the greatest revealing you have so little to talk on the subject of the brain you might as well pass for a GED
Oh give it time.
That's what you've said for the last century, and that's what you've basically delivered on. We've only grown more cooperative now that communication has increased connection between individual
Economic class however, is a different matter entirely.
No, the genetic base which can influence certain traits, etc, is individual. You're judging an entire "race". If you want to actually look with nuance, it's the question of nature vs. nurture. Most people understand that both can play a role in shaping someone.
If you believe this bullshit & that it should be governed upon, I hope you enjoy working for your Asian masters.
You are anything but sane, user.
I said "genetic basis" you fucking retard. Obviously there are modifiers to behavioral predispositions, but your genetic makeup is what dictates the substrate of your personality, and race, being a real thing based on genetic clustering due to divergent evolution of populations, creates distinct trends in behavioral predispositions and cognitive function within populations.
Race is real and influences behavior and cognition.
Transgenderism is merely the product of environmental toxins and liberal brainwashing.
Yeah, it's no coincidence that every preacher or person who vehemently attacks homosexuality constantly subsequently has their homosexual life exposed shortly after.
Says the limp waisted faggot.
I don't know what it was about what you said that pissed me off, but I got the image of an effeminate skinny twins who clearly can barely lift his own weight saying he would knock out a much bigger dude. I don't know why but shit like that always pissed me off, clearly weak people acting like they can hold their own or some shit reminds me of the disgusting bitches I had to put up with in high school. You know those spoiled brats who never did shit in their life and yet will talk to someone who does construction for a living and tell them how they will destroy them in a fight. That's how I feel when I read that and I now just have to tell you how much I want to firing squad your ass just for that.
"Humans are such easy prey" t.Twingo
Then tell me, why was she ejected, if not for being porky subversive that wanted to move the movement away from socialism and towards petty bourgeois nationalist idpol squabbles?
Have you ever bothered to study jineology or the principles of the feminist movement in Rojava? It's history and how it differs from what passes for "feminism" in the west?
Oh look, it's one of those typical liberal idpol strategies to shut people up.
You implied more than you said, learn to argue correctly before trying to correct someone for going to the logical conclusion of what you're actually saying.
Your understanding of how the mind works is simply that we're automotons, that is not how the mind works.
We still, as of now, do not fully grasp all the intracies of it.
But what we do know, is it is not a preprogrammed vessel for a series of tasks that everyone can commit, its shaped just like an animals, by stress or otherwise. Individuals can be subject to change.
The 20th century was especially bloody. I don't think we'll see that level of mass war soon. But racial tensions in Europe and the U.S. are at a boiling point. The only reason its not popping off is the massive police and military power of the U.S. military and the total monopoly of weapons that police have in the EU. You can't really claim two people are getting along because a 3rd party has a gun on both of them telling them to work harder.
Words on the internet do not equate reality. The boiling point was when segregation ended
this is a wet fart
Jesus Christ, >>>Holla Forums
That is some serious projection there, my dude.
You guys are obsessed with "manliness", cucks & big brown dick. You are a special breed, I tell ya hwat.
That better be satire.
Lmao, it just occurred to me that I read this post wrong. Still, it really makes you think when these guys are always exposed later…
These dubs are getting checked right here and now in the name of Kek, also
Again, you are so fucking stupid you ignored everything I said, which pre-refuted everything you just wrote.
You apply your strawmen to try ato deflect from the fact that race is a biological reality. You ignore logically sound, scientifically valid concepts embodied in phrases like "genetic clustering due to divergent evolution of populations" and instead allow you dysfunctional brain to reset back to the default rhetoric your bourgeois libshit idpol intersectionalt professors installed in your pathetic 8k of EEPROM.
You're worthless and belong in gulag.
That's more or less why she was ejected but none of which relates to how worker's rights and women's rights have overlapped over the past century and over
It's a complicated history anyone being honest or knowledgeable knows about. However you're one or the other.
Liberal feminism is liberal feminism, and I have heard of it. Heard of Vietnam? We have a complicated relationship with maternity and feminity too.
The fact is the Kurds are responding to a cultural problem that uniquely faces what I am unqualified to comment on as are you.
Women in the Middle East in the conflict face something you cannot fathom.
I'm not telling you to stop speaking of the Kurds, but to stop speaking for them.
Do you even know what is a fucking commune? Most of the time they are direct democratic institutions, and even if they aren't, the name still implies that they are not a freaking worldwide organization, but a relatively small community.
If you really think that people are so fucking insensitive that they must be divided along the lines of every fucking identity you can imagine, than you should start taking pills imediately.
No, it didn't. You haven't even cracked open the wikipedia article on the DSM, you have no WHO cited sources, you are clearly an imbicile with a community college level understanding to be generous, a discovery magazine if worse, of the brain and I want you to stop talking about it. Because it's my expertise.
Please die.
I've gotten like trips twice and dubs once in this thread. It's a slow board you aren't communicating to your imaginary friend through dice roll shit flinging.
I meant to put a comma between trips twice, and dubs once in this thread.
Two different things. I never thought dubs posting would get unironic but we're here now I suppose.
Bitch you have no expertise you didn't even finish med school yet. Fuck off.
You're going to suffer dearly for stealing my 3rd dub sequence with your stupid ass post, leftanon. I pity you the future that awaits you.
LOL. Oh fuck, I love this place. This is why we are winning, because retards like yourself think that cascually gesturing towards 🍀🍀🍀physchology🍀🍀🍀 manuals and the fukcing WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (lol) proves that race doesn't exist and that you're totes sane for pretending that you're a woman.
Thank you Kek for your blessings.
If you are this obsessed with your shitty pseudo-science, than I think you should start submitting to your jewish/asian overlords who are genetically superior to you.
If you don't want this outcome, than I suggest you that you should just fucking accept that people with different backgrounds tend to be different than just move on.
1488 2 88
Future for white children confirmed, Heil Hitler confirmed, too.
These leftists will bow before us in shame when the scientific reality of racial supremacy becomes manifest.
Hello, user. This is a board that prefers actual conversation rather than memeing at each other. It would be great if you would lurk more before posting on a board constantly, in which you are new.
k thanx :3
I'm sure you'd be berating others who brought their autism to a board you favor.
I'm in a university
You are a NEET who watched through the wormhole with morgan freeman once and decided that's settled it I have graduated to debate academics on their respective fields, because I honest to god think biology is a hard science
The internet is the only safe place to vent these feelings in most cases. And if you'll remember, the south was integrated at gun point by the fucking military as well.
Bitch you have no expertise, going to a university is no big deal in western countries, maybe it is in Vietnam where everybody is a rice farmer idk
You don't even know the difference between psychology and psychiatry go do yourself a favor and join up with scientology, plenty of nutters with similar opinions and cult like attitudes
Then why aren't you in one
Choke on a turd.
You're not proving him wrong.
Good stuff, Hooch.
Orcs and elves and humans and dwarves
one in strength two in mana
buddy i'm not taking your race science mumbo jumbo seriously till you provide your credentials from race science and applied astrology university.
The internet is full of retards. Myself probably included. Of course it's easier to be racist when you're not right in front of someone of that race. If you truly think this, then you're just the other side of the idpol coin.
I finished my masters degree a long time ago, either way you're being silly for claiming expertise. Maybe you should go back to Vietnam where having an undergrad degree entitles you to teach illiterates in the hills and be hailed as an infallible Confucian master.
Am I proving someone who trusts in popular science's publication of soft science's extravagances regurgitated by high school drop outs with too much time on their hands right, as well?
I sincerely doubt it. The most he could cite is from fucking wikipedia.
What pray tell? Are you the same Kraut who said he graduated from 'The Chemical University" or another failson
Do you know what FST distance is?
Have you read about SNP clustering?
What do they mean for the categorization of human populations?
Protip: you don't know, and you'll never know, because you're fucking stupid.
Why yes I do know what skimming ncbi is like user : >
post your sources. i promise no one will laugh
Hey whatever happened to Darwinian Anthropology? How are humans exempt from the laws of nature such as natural selection, environmental evolutionary pressures etc? How is it scientific that populations in different hemispheres separated for 10s of thousands of years are carbon copies of each other?
Science adapted, and so did taxonomy, and so did biology.
Whatever happened to public education in America our youth doesn't understand that science is a revising machine?
I'll eat my hat. I don't even own a hat
If that's actually true, then it's damn sad that someone educated would spew this nonsense.
How much time in MS Paint did you spend on this?
Not an argument, faggot.
I asked you three very simple questions. They weren't rhetorical. If you had even a passing familiarity, you would have been able to respond accordingly with ease, and if you were familiar with those concepts enough that you could educate me how they don't prove that race is a biological reality and that there is a genetic basis for behavior and cognitive ability, then you would have done so.
But you don't, and you can't, because like all leftists, you're a worthless shit-for-brains who doesn't actually understand anything beyond what you're told you should understand.
We're not liberals, user.
And no one is saying genetics plays no role in someone. Only that it's much more nuanced an issue. Nature vs. nurture is an enduring question for a reason. Both can influence.
Genetic distance values due to genetic structure, etc
It has little to do to impact on what I'm currently explaining you don't have the proper background on. That is, how chemicals and stresses of actual life impact an individual mind
You must understand as someone seemingly so associated to genetics, at least to skim some blog of some sort, that other factors go into how life reproduces than just genetics. Trends exist, but so does environmental data.
Metal in the water Lead, asbesots,crop dusting, we've seen how chemicals can alter the mind not to long ago on humans actually. Presently.
In fact it feels like I'm speaking to someone who could benefit from a lawsuit right now
But then why are there so many jewish scientists and rich people? Oh wait, I forgot that everything is a jewish conpiracy.
Well, I'm pretty sure that you don't think that the same can be said about blacks (otherwise they should have come closer to the first world's level of development according to your logic ). Are blacks confirmed for being the ultimate masterrace (it seems that Autism Level isn't that important to you)? You should at least on a certain level appreciate the fact that they haven't started soulessly copying the first world.
That reason is called anti-empiricism inherent to bourgeois pseudo-Marxist academia. Nurture can modify genetic predispositions, not override them. You can take a genius like Theodore Kaczynski and turn him into a lunatic with social conditioning a la MKULTRA, but you can't take a nigger off the street and nurture it into a Ted Kaczynski level genius with a healthy meal, a non-absentee father, and gud educayshun.
We'll just be gracious and pass over the fact that you know literally nothing about actual genetics research or terminology.
Yes, there are environmental factors. See the response above for a primer on how that doesn't fucking matter when discussing the intrinsic genetic predispositions of behavior and cognition among evolutionarily divergent populations.
Also just to make this topical again: all trannies and gays are neurologically damaged and mentally ill and need to be incarcerated for the hygiene of society.
WOW, that wasn't hard at all!
You're right it's not my field so I'm hesitant to touch on it, unlike you, who appears very interested in either pretending to understand psychiatry (confusing it with psychology, a mistake high school students make), or actually has a degree and in…something I suppose and is a complete quack
That's not how the brain works at all. Chemicals effect how an organism behaves while the layout remains more or less the same and the enviornment dictates response, with time and growth.
You really fail to appreciate how complicated and fragile the mind is, economic conditions can effect behavior.
It is not a preprogrammed machine, anyone who suggests that even psychology, let alone neurology, is this fucking simple, learned everything they know about the brain from discovery magazine.
You are taking advantage of such a complex topic with a simple answer and appearing the victor.
There are complexities to life you cannot begin to fathom lest worry you yourself appear victim of their vices.
The hilarity is that you purposefully overcomplicated the argument because you can't address the elegant and logically consistent truth I've presented directly in front of you. This makes you feel like you're high minded and intelligent, and paying homage to the vast complexities of nature and all the fabulous diversity of the human experience.
In the end, you're just a fucking ignoramus who speaks so far beyond their knowledge and experience that it's embarrassing by proxy. The worst part is, you're just another ubiquitous example of what the left IS. Self-aggrandizing, self-fellating, self-righteous, willfully ignorant imbeciles.
Also, nice reddit spacing you worthless /r/socialism cuckbrained faggot.
There is nothing to overcomplicate about how the neural world functions. It is a vast topic that cannot be summed up as "genetics dun did everything"
It builds a plan that can react to stress in an enormous amount of ways themselves independent of the body and dependent on the associated stresses in order to adapt itself. True these also are genetic, but again, the mind if a fragile thing that is not particularly special than any other organ, it just happens to control cognition.
Now, if we really want to discuss if we can segregate on biological traits, why don't we segregate the men from harming themselves and others, and use them as sperm banks like cattle shall we
It's the only way to be sure
I'll reddit space all I please. It's nice to see those .edu sources.
LOL, wow, great phraseology there, dumbass.
No, it really isn't you fucking idiot. Prior to computational analysis and THGP it was "vast" because there was nothing unifying all of the disparate research across fields, but not anymore. You'd know that if you had even an iota of comprehension of anything we're discussing, which, you don't.
Nice strawman, dipshit.
It builds a plan that can react to stress in an enormous amount of ways themselves independent of the body and dependent on the associated stresses in order to adapt itself.
That's a really good effort at saying "I don't know what the fuck I'm actually saying, but I think this sounds good."
You know your comrades here are going to begin thinking this little exchange is just a false flag to make Holla Forums look fucking retarded (even though everyone already knew that)…
…even MORE retarded, I suppose.
I'm here to treat people who pretend to have degrees on the internet, not on the specifics of genetics bud. My speciality is emergency medicine.
If you want to talk fallacies and go down that wagon then you shouldn't end a fallacious accusation with a falacy.
Or is that being as neurotic and redundant as you're used to being
No, it's an actual medical fact. Stress and chemicals impact how someone develops, as does genetics lay out the principles of which the game can be played. This depends entirely on the adaptation of the individual on the environment, and no organ is more bound to be subject to impact than another in this process in life.
The brain is not a fate sealed box of code, it is actually built well for adaptation but unwell to stress in comparison to other animals, if you want to talk veterinary.
Your fatalistic understanding of a topic isn't surprising, you're all alike in thinking you can discuss on genetics what others discuss on chemicals, you know nothing of the subject than you accuse me of knowing genetics
Good Lord, what did mommy do to you?
This post is nothing but word vomit. You can't try to present yourself as scientific & non biased when using such rhetoric.
That's bullshit, btw & a very Western way of thinking. In Asia for example, they don't really ascribe to the idea of "natural born talents", but that you can achieve things if you just study or practice hard enough. i.e. environment. You're letting your hatred for others cloud your judgement.
One or two I suppose
You could just filter me I don't care
That's a really bourgeois Western way of thinking, you fucking libdem garbage. For one, and only because I'm wasting more time on this than I need to just to make you look like the worthless shithead you are, Confucianism is literally a philosophy based on the idea that one should live in accordance to the natural proclivities that one is predisposed to by birth, both in social station and in physical and mental ability.
This is actually more like the Prussian Virtues, you fucking idiot.
Asiatic philosophies are generally based on some degree of Dharmic principles, that you're born into a certain set of circumstances for a particular reason and it's your duty to live in accordance to those initial conditions.
You fucking idiot.
I mean that's a really bourgeois Western way of thinking ABOUT how "the Asians" think.
As in, you're some shitheaded pseudo-intellectual retard speaking up for the Asians because you think it's going to make you sound cultured.
Surprise, asshole; You're actually debating someone who knows what they're talking about, not one of your other retarded classmates who is likewise ignorant and willing to nod respectfully at you when you say some stupid ass shit like you just said.
Are you serious? Asia is a big continent as well, there are many different schools of thought. But they're definitely known for their discipline.
For the second time, I'm not a liberal.
So asshurt.
You're arguing against nature having a large role in one's development & are engaging in only black-and-white logic. Clearly I'm not the idiot, here.
No dumbass, I'm arguing the fact that A. genetics are what determine your potential, and B. that race is real and not all genomes are created equal.
Also C. you're fucking stupid.
I live in Asia, you mung. My in-laws are Asian.
No, it was me trying to have an actual conversation with you, using it as an example for the environment aspect of development.
I bet no one wants to be around you with such a shitty attitude. That's an amazing amount of projection you've got going on here.
You're going to be retarded forever.
No u
To assert that Asians don't value studying & self-improvement is just hilarious.
So you're some western betacuck faggot with yellow fever living abroad. Yeah, totally not bourgeois trash.
No they don't you fucking spaz. Unironically kill yourself, we've debunked you stormfags on this subject again and again.
Then explain to me you fucking dumb faggot how I'm less likely to be killed in Madagascar than I am in Canada?
Explain to me how I'm less likely to be killed in Botswana than I am in Australia or Brazil.
You stormfags claim to be redpilled, but you unironically get your evidence from bullshit information, outdated infographs, and research funded by fascist organisations.
You get BTFO when ever you come into leftypol whenever you discuss race, and then choose to neglect it, either because it's jewish or its liberal.
Though this doesn't surprise me considering you racist faggots have low Autism Levels.
If blacks were pre-disposed for failure, how come the dropout rate for school is decreasing for black students?
If blacks were so incapable of civilisation explain these sources
What's even more pathetic is how fucking illiterate you are. The minnesota test itself was inconclusive yet you base it for the entirity of your arguments.
If blacks were truly incapable, explain to me how poor white kids get out competed academically in Britain by poor black kids.
You stormfags are so fucking pathetic and wilfully ignorant and feel the need to justify your hatred and spite that it honestly makes me laugh.
No, try a poor working class white, country girl who married an Indian.
If it's one thing that me & Holla Forums have in common it's our shared love for brown dick :^)
Nigger, literally every goddamned one of your so called "African civilizations" were either founded by Caucasoids (pre-dynastic and early-dynastic Lower Egypt), gifted to you by Arab conquerors (Mali, Aksum) and propped up by the slave trade, or nothing more than mudhuts and famines (everything else). The only exception is Ethiopia, which impressively reached the social level of the late neolithic/early bronze age sometime around the Reconquista period in Europe, all thanks to their Caucasoid admixture from Middle Eastern geneflow into the Horn of Africa during the early late broze period of Mesopotamia/Arabian Peninsula as they spread out in trade as far as the Indian subcontinent and China.
Negroids never invented the wheel. THE WHEEL.
I'm not even going to get into psychometrics with you because you're such a retarded nigger or nigger apologist I'm sure the response is "dats white science made by da white man! dem tests be biased yo!"
Lol, you married an Indian and don't know shit about the Dharma. You're pathetic and bourgeois, and I 100% guarantee your hubby is a bourgeois Brahmin lightskin too, you fucking liberal SWJ trash.
I like how that other user provided facts and statistics and a reasonable argument while you can only bring up the wheel.
Whoops, it's almost like techtrees are based IRL.
srs fam? see
I have to agree with OP, to some degree. But what can I do? I just have certain prejudices, and they influence my actions, some way or another. I try my best to net let that happen, but if I had to allow a gay parade or not, I believe I would say no, in the same way I wouldn't say "yes" to a hetrosexual parade, and their pride of being heterosexual.
People in this thread are asking "Who cares?", but all I ask myself is why people want me to "accept" them? It's that totally irrelevant? I mean, I know that I don't like most people when I meet them anyway, but if someone is nice to be, I can like them and be friends on a personal level. If someone is flamboyant, I'll have much greater difficulties (I'm not saying it's impossible), if I want it or not.
I don't know if this is even homophobic, but that's what I wanted to say.