Didn't he basically prove the Bolsheviks right about himself...

Didn't he basically prove the Bolsheviks right about himself? Was he basically just an anticommunist socdem / dumb smashie sympathizer?

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Is there really any independent source for that claim? Seems to be the sort of thing they'd make up to make him seem more like the anti-communist firebrand everyone seems to believe he is anyway.

Not really, tuberculosis is known to have mental impacts that are still poorly understood, when he did most of the things he is criticised for he was dying


I mean, snitching is pretty shitty and inexcusable. But honestly, if I fought in a civil war for the revolution, and I personally saw the revolution destroyed by Stalinists, I would harbour a pretty bit grudge against Stalinist counter-revolutionaries.

Big I mean


How much evidence is there that the USSR caused the defeat of the anarchists?

Literally nothing wrong with snitching on Red Fascists.

The war was probably lost from the beginning, but the Stalinists certainly didn't help anything.

If only that sniper was a better shot and took off his fucking head.

He snitched on all kinds of socialists not just tankies. Orwell was 100% classcucked.

Why would he snitch on regular socialists when he was one? He was snitching on people involved with the Communist Party, which not surprisingly was heavily connected to the USSR.


EXREME cucking

Literally read the list ^. There's even an anarchist on it.

You deserve to get purged if you use this meme. You are scum saying that the people who sacrificed their lives to stop fascism were somehow fascists themselves, just because they had a fucking hierarchy.

Actually, pretty sure the Red Army literally helped them at some points. And LMAO at "Stalinists," yeah, I'm sure every single Bolshevik was a hardcore "Stalinist."

The bolsheviks were dumb lol

this could not possibly be fake, nor does faking it benefit the people with the power to do so :^)

The revolution was already fucked before the Soviets turn tail

For all anarchists like to felate the Spanish civil war they don't really seem to understand it very well…

There's no evidence that Orwell was sectarian, considering he just joined the first organization in the Revolution that took him and he had anarchist sympathies.

Someone with "anarchist leanings", but they're all people connected or sympathizing with the USSR.

No, the people who sacrificed their lives were conscripts motivated by nationalism and forced to fight after their ruler's deal with the Fascists fell through; they weren't fascists, but their rulers were. It's not about the hierarchy, it's how the USSR was similar enough to Fascists to be called Fascists.
And later betrayed them.
They all took orders from the USSR, i.e. Uncle Joe, meaning they were Stalinists in action if not in name.

Ah yes, an irrelevant meme instead of actual evidence

Stalin ordered his communists to sabotage the democratic militias and communities of the anarchists. Fuck Stalin and anyone who likes him, you're all traitorous imperialist backstabbers. For you, what's most important is not socialism and freedom, but instituting the legitimacy of the party via the state. In this sense, you aren't terribly different from fascists.

If you don't explain how, they'll never learn :^)

Could you explain how? It seems to me that the whole Red Army "stab in the back" in Spain was actually their attempt to get the army more organized, since they saw it failing. Is this correct?

Literally every single thing here is a disgusting lie and a slander. Kill yourself you scumfuck liberal.

Oh it's the "socialism is actually imperialism" meme. Such amazing analysis.

Well, it is. Integrational imperialism, not segregationist one.


According to Orwell in Homage to Catalonia, the Soviets and their proxies in Spain basically became liberals so as to not drive moderates towards the fascists. You had the Anarchists demanding everything be collectivized and """communists""" telling them not to. He also described how the revolutionary and proletarian atmosphere and structures persisted in Anarchist controlled areas for the duration of the war, whereas communist controlled areas basically were the same as before the war started, vanilla bougie republics.

Basically the Soviet proxies cucked themselves to please the libs and when the Anarchists and even the Trots called them out on it they cracked down on them.

Normally I loath sectarianism, but tankies seriously need to neck themselves. The Soviet Union was pretty quickly after its formation not genuinely socialist by any stretch of the imagination.